Lena Dunham, Sandra Fluke, Joy McCann
One of them’s got an HBO series called Girls and has been called “The Voice of Her Generation,” because . . . I dunno, because magazine editors need angles for feature stories. Anyway, 26-year-old Lena Dunham says (perhaps unintentionally) revealing things in interviews: If you notice my mincey language, it’s just that I’m still shedding the […]
No, Whoopi, Rosen Said Precisely What She Was To Say
by Smitty Thanks, Whoopi. I’ve personally never failed to value my mother’s decades of commitment to the vocation of raising well-adjusted children: On the other hand, rolling over for Hilary Rosen shows a lack of critical thinking. #OccupyResoluteDesk and his lackeys have reached the point where they are guilty until proven innocent, in my mind. […]
The Science Is Settled!
According to the latest scientific study, homophobes are secretly gay! Therefore, Fred Phelps is Andrew Sullivan’s dream date, or something. For many years, I’ve been working on a scientific study to confirm my hypothesis that some lesbians — the really hot ones — are in fact secretly bisexual and eager to have me join them for a threesome.
Call Me a Cynic
My initial reaction to this story was “Book Deal, Movie Rights,” and I’m sure the Hollywood agents are begging her to sign: A Texas newspaper has fired staff reporter Sarah Tressler after she was exposed — by a competing paper, natch — as a stripper. Tressler, who has a bachelor’s and master’s degree, worked as […]
Shocking Republican Sex Scandals!
According to a new scientific study, Republicans hate new scientific studies, but it is a scientific fact that Republican women have vaginas, and evidence suggests they know how to use ’em. That’s right: Research indicates that the vagina functions as part of what scientists refer to as the “reproductive system” and that certain activities involving the vagina […]
Bizarre NFL Sex Scandal
Authorities in Kentucky say a teenager has been cruelly victimized by the 26-year-old captain of the Cincinnati Bengals cheerleading squad. UPDATE: Thanks to Pagan Temple in the comments for calling attention to this potentially relevant angle about the alleged perpetrator: “Sarah Jones gained national attention in 2009 when she sued online gossip site TheDirty.com and […]
From Twitchy: Best. Sex. Scandal. Evah!
Folks, I am seriously enjoying Twitchy, the new Twitter-based news site that Michelle Malkin has created. But they need to work on their headlines, because this one is waaaay too understated: PM Belden Namah accused in casino sex scandal, gambling Back in the day, I’d have demanded a re-write from the copy desk, because this […]
Pornographic Politics: Did the Daily Caller ‘Pull a Media Matters’ on Rick Santorum? UPDATE: Romney and Gingrich Both Made January Pledge to Fight Porn
Today I noticed a thread at Memeorandum aggregating commentary on an article by Daily Caller associate editor Steven Nelson: ‘Vigorous’ Santorum crackdown may catch Internet porn viewers with pants down I sort of shrugged that off, and then I saw this Tweet by Jedediah Bila: Didn’t tweet about this today, but if it’s accurate, I […]
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