Quiverin’ And Quakin’ And Quaverin’ At Quayle
by Smitty Drug cartels in Mexico vs. tax cartels in DC? Gateway Pundit (h/t) calls it the most honest ad of this political season. You mileage may vary. Equating DC and Mexican drug gangs may be good, solid, hyper-pragmatic politics, but AZ’s Senator McCain and Quayle’s own family have helped staunch the Progressive tide how, […]
Boy Quayle, Republican Party Animal?
TheDirty.com says the Arizona congressional candidate wrote for the site under the porn-star name “Brock Landers” and adds: We met in Tahoe at a CBS celebrity golf tournament where we partied until 6 AM. How could you forget the crazy hooker? Here’s video of a local TV news report on the story: Quayle at first denied to […]
Calling Vernon Parker ‘Boy’? Quayle’s Smear Machine Backfires in AZ-3
A dozen candidates are seeking the Republican nomination to replace retiring Rep. John Shadegg in Arizona’s 3rd District, and regular readers know I’m 100% for Vernon Parker. In March, our good friend Barbara Espinosa introduced me to the mayor of Paradise Valley, whose impressive resume is highlighted by the fact that he got his start in politics with the legendary Lee […]
VIDEO: John McCain Admits What Everybody Always Knew: He’s a Liar
A genuinely devastating ad from the Hayworth campaign that even Ace of Spades admits is kinda awesome: What did Crazy Cousin John admit lying about? The Confederate flag. That’s something that no one should tolerate, no matter how you feel about the Confederacy.
Michelle Malkin: ‘I Stand by My Endorsement of J.D. Hayworth’
KFYI-550 AM via Sonoran Alliance: Here’s video of J.D. debating that useless RINO last month: Arizona Republican U.S. Senate Debate – Phoenix from JD Hayworth for U.S. Senate on Vimeo. J.D. HAYWORTH for U.S. SENATE
9th Circuit Court Of Appeals (Hello, S.F!) Denies Gov. Brewer
by Smitty (via Malkin) There just isn’t any way to avoid politicizing justice on this one. Bolton looked a tool for granting the injunction, the 9th Circuit looks a full-on toolbox. One hopes, for the sake of everyone, that the scofflaws take a break from scoffing at the law until after the election. It isn’t […]
Arizona Fed Judge’s Critics ‘Expressed Their Displeasure in a Perverted Way’
The people aren’t happy with Judge Susan Bolton: Authorities say a federal judge in Phoenix has been getting some threats since her ruling on Arizona’s controversial immigration law. David Gonzales, the U.S. Marshal for Arizona, says U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton has received thousands of phone calls and e-mails since her preliminary injunction Wednesday that […]
Predictably, Judge Blocks Common-Sense Law Favored by 70% of Arizona Voters
Did anyone expect otherwise? A federal judge has blocked one of the most controversial sections of a tough Arizona immigration law, granting a preliminary injunction Wednesday that prevents police from questioning people about their immigration status. That provision required police to “make a reasonable attempt to determine the immigration status of a person stopped, detained […]
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