The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

BREAKING: Arizona Republican Lawmaker Hospitalized After Attack

Evidently he surprised a burglar: Police in Casa Grande say an Arizona legislator was sent to the hospital after being beaten and knocked unconscious. Mike Keck of the Casa Grande Police Department says Rep. Frank Pratt was found by his wife about 8 p.m. Saturday at his business, Pratt Pools in Casa Grande. Keck says […]

Go, Rocket Girl, Go! New TV Ad for Republican Ruth McClung in Arizona

She’s looking like a winner here: UPDATE: They’re having another “McClung Miracle” money-bomb Monday, and check out this new ad: RUTH McCLUNG for U.S. CONGRESS

A Hate Hoax in Arizona?

Let’s wait for law enforcement to investigate this incident, but I’ll bet dollars to donuts that no Republican is responsible: The FBI is investigating a toxic substance found inside a package that was sent to the office of Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva, a spokesman for the congressman said. Staffers checking mail in the congressman’s Tucson, Arizona, […]

‘We’ve Got Grijalva Scared to Death’

This video was recorded nine days ago, when everybody’s favorite rocket scientist, Ruth McClung, was just beginning her surge in Arizona’s 7th District: If Grijalva was scared to death before, he’s positively mortified since Sarah Palin endorsed Ruth yesterday. Today I got this e-mail from Democracy for America, the “progressive” group founded by Howard Dean: Robert […]

Sarah Palin Endorses McKinney (GA-12), McClung (AZ-7), Benishek (MI-1), More

There are nine candidates on Mama Grizzly’s latest list of endorsed candidates, but these three caught my eye: We can count on Ray McKinney to be a strong, independent voice for Georgia’s 12th Congressional District.  As Ray says, “If you like the way things are going now, vote for the other guy.” Ray’s opponent has skipped over […]

Republican Pulls Ahead in New AZ-7 Poll: Ruth McClung 39%, Raul Grijalva 37%

Following up on yesterday’s post — and another early this morning at The American Spectator — here is the latest poll of Arizona’s 7th District: New Poll Shows Democrat Grijalva Faces Tough Re-Elect Republican Challenger Ruth McClung Within Striking Distance PHOENIX, AZ – A recent survey conducted by Phoenix-based Summit Consulting Group, Inc. shows four-term […]

HOLY COW! Republican AZ-7 Challenger McClung Now in ‘Dead Heat’ with Grijalva

BOSTON — Just got back from Sean Bielat headquarters, where one volunteer said she’s starting to sense a “Scott Brown feeling” about the campaign against Barney Frank. Logged onto my e-mail and saw a tip to a Politico article about a race on the other side of the country: Add Rep. Raul Grijalva to the growing […]

TwitterGate Update: Neal Rauhauser Switches Account to ‘Protected’ Status

After my first post about TwitterGate, many of the “Beandogs” in Democratic campaign consultant Neal Rauhauser’s network were laughing as if it were all a big joke. Yesterday, I came back with a second post that connected the dots a bit more clearly — and highlighted Rauhauser’s status as a Daily Kos contributor. In the […]

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