The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

I Hope That Mass. Voters Give Elizabeth Warren The Martha Coakley Treatment

by Smitty This is a great ad, worthy of reflection by all Americans: via The Corner

A Chick-Fil-A Gun? Pluck Poultry Pistols!

by Smitty The Mayor of Boston is firm in his devotion to protecting Beantown from the ravages of Christianist hate-mongers: Mayor Thomas M. Menino is vowing to block Chick-fil-A from bringing its Southern-fried fast-food empire to Boston — possibly to a popular tourist spot just steps from the Freedom Trail — after the family-owned firm’s […]

Elizabeth Warren’s Iron Maiden Tribute Band Is A Huge Hit

by Sissypuss the Blog Kitty FITCHBURG, MASSACHUSETTS Art and politics have just had another one of their strange collisions. Friday night Pseudajawea rocked Partner’s Pub, and Strolling Drone correspondent Sissypuss was there to take in the show. The entire set was filled with excitement, as the Democrat candidate for U.S. Senate flexed considerable heavy metal […]

Elizabeth Warren Inspired Ken Kesey #WorldsMostInterestingCandidate

by Smitty A look at her family photo album might give you that impression there with the Ratched look: This blog continues its relentless quest to help Elizabeth overcome her shrinking violet reputation, and buff up her public profile with further claims as outlandish as her grasping after Cherokee heritage to enhance her employability in […]

Liz Warren Stopped A VC Platoon With A Ka-Bar #WorldsMostInterestingCandidate

by Smitty She’s 1/32 Cherokee, sort of. She flips houses with her bare hands. [The rest adapted from here] She’s fluent in all languages, especially Liberalese. She tips an astonishing 100%, but not to conservatives. Once while sailing around the world, she discovered a short cut. When sailing the wind is always at her back. […]

Little Joe In Big Trouble?

by Smitty It’s not over until it’s over, but the fact that the Boston Herald is even floating this kind of question would seem to indicate that Sean Beilat is putting the polling hurt on Joe Kennedy: The marquee name isn’t doing much better for Joe K. than the faux Native American heritage is for […]

Blog Favorite Sean Bielat Rocking MA-4

by Smitty Stacy forwarded this tidbit about Tea Party favorite Sean Bielat: Another important milestone was reached on April 11th, when the campaign officially collected enough petition signatures to qualify Sean for the ballot. Sean personally submitted the signatures to the Elections Division at the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s offices in Boston yesterday, almost two […]

BREAKING: Elizabeth Warren 3.1% Saintly Victim, 96.8% Evil Oppressor UPDATED: Her 1/32nd Legacy of Shame UPDATED: Her Confederate Heritage?

Quick, give this lady a casino license: Desperately scrambling to validate Democrat Elizabeth Warren’s Native American heritage amid questions about whether she used her minority status to further her career, the Harvard Law professor’s campaign last night finally came up with what they claim is a Cherokee connection — her great-great-great-grandmother. “She would be 1?32nd […]

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