The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Herman Cain on Janeane Garofalo: ‘I Wanted to Send Her a Thank You Note’

Left-wing actress Janeane Garofalo told Keith Olberman last week that she thinks someone in the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy — she named Karl Rove, Grover Norquist and the Koch brothers as likely suspects — must be secretly paying Herman Cain to run for president. At the opening of Cain’s new campaign headquarters in Manchester, N.H., Da […]

Herman Cain: ‘Still in It to Win It’

Herman Cain speaks Aug. 13 at the Ames Straw Poll Herman Cain is “still in it to win it,” his Republican presidential campaign told supporters in a fundraising e-mail highlighting the Atlanta businessman’s speech last week at the Iowa Straw Poll in Ames. Describing Cain as “a real leader” with “proven results,” the e-mail sent Saturday (see […]

Herman Cain ‘Common Sense Solutions’ Bus Tour Heads to New Hampshire Friday

While the incumbent is running around the Midwest blaming the Tea Party for unemployment, Herman Cain gets ready to head to the Granite State and talk about how jobs are really created. Here’s the press release from the Cain campaign: Cain Announces New Hampshire Stops of “Common Sense Solutions” Bus Tour (Stockbridge, GA)- Republican presidential […]

The CNN Debate: Tokyo Survived

Having declared that the debate in Manchester, N.H., would result in Herman Cain stomping the other candidates “like Godzilla stomped Tokyo,” I’m now prepared to admit that the result was not quite so one-sided. However, I don’t get CNN at the house — some glitch in the cable service limits my choices to Fox and MSNBC […]

Dave Weigel Interviews the Guy Who’s Going to Win the Big Debate Tonight

In New Hampshire: At the end of a short press scrum here, Herman Cain got a question he’s always asked semi-nervously: So, uh, how’s it going out there for a black Republican candidate? Go back and read my 2007 interview with Herman Cain: He’s been dealing with questions like this for years, and isn’t going […]

Herman Cain Scheduled to Win Another GOP Debate Tonight in Manchester, N.H.

He started out the campaign as “Herman Who?” but has more recently described himself as “the black guy who keeps winning stuff.” Before last month’s debate in Greenville, S.C., my headline was: Herman Cain Set to Win S.C. Debate And when the post-debate Frank Luntz focus group showed that, indeed, Cain had scored a big […]

Herman Cain Hits the Big Time

Kate Zernike features Cain in the New York Times: MANCHESTER, N.H. — Michele Bachmann was campaigning just north of here, the Sarah Palin tour was rumored to be arriving soon, and Mitt Romney was on his way to announce his entry into the presidential race. Yet here was another voter swooning for Herman Cain. “I […]

Everybody’s Talking 2012

Instapundit had an uncharacteristically long post about the 2012 Republican presidential field, my favorite reaction being Professor Stephen Clark’s remark: “Rove and Krauthammer amuse me with their response to Herman Cain. Since when has it become self-evident that a man with the professional accomplishments of Herman Cain is unfit to hold the office of President […]

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