The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

2012 Candidates Not Named ‘Herman’

It’s kinda been all-Herman, all-the-time here lately, so let me update you on what’s going on with the non-Hermans: Democrats are running attack ads against Mitt Romney in South Carolina. Exactly why Democrats would be monkeying around in a GOP primary is an interesting question. (Hat-tip: Ann Althouse.) America braces for the onset of T-Paw Fever: Tim […]

Herman Cain Wins 2012 Presidential Forum in Manchester, New Hampshire

Of course, that’s not the headline you’ll see in the biased liberal media reports about the Americans for Prosperity forum last night. No, no — they’re all about Mitt Romneycare and Tim Cap-and-Trade Pawlenty. But make no mistake about it: Herman Cain won. Steve Foley at Citizens for Cain passes along this item from a major New […]

‘This Is Why We Do What We Do’

Join the online grassroots army at Citizens for Cain.

TODAY: Herman Cain in New Hampshire

He’s one of the headliners at the Americans for Prosperity Tax Day Tea Party at the state capitol in Concord. Then it’s off to Florida where he’ll speak this evening (6:30 p.m. ) at a Tea Party rally in Orlando featuring Marco Rubio. Join the online grassroots army at Citizens for Cain.

Judd Gregg Succumbs to Palinphobia

In a column for The Hill, the former New Hampshire senator surveys the 2012 GOP presidential primary field and confronts his dread fear that You-Know-Who might win the nomination: Because the nominating process has become so dominated by primary elections, with the vast majority of the delegates chosen by direct vote, it is entirely possible […]

Gawker Misspells ‘New Hamshire’ [sic] in Article Slamming Bachmann as Ignorant

Minnesota Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann is an accomplished woman — a former federal tax attorney, mother of five, longtime conservative activist — but evidently not a specialist in colonial history or New England geography. Speaking at an event Saturday in Manchester, N.H., Bachmann misplaced the “Shot Heard ‘Round the World,” producing much guffawing from liberals. […]

Herman Cain Tops Santorum, Christie, Daniels, Pence, Huckabee in N.H.

OK, that’s not the headline on the Politico story, but the order of finish in the New Hampshire GOP straw poll was lots more interesting than the news that Mitt Romney beat Ron Paul: Romney won with 35 percent, beating second-place finisher Ron Paul by 24 points in the WMUR-ABC News straw poll of members […]

Sour Grapes for Mid-Term Losers

Victory has many fathers, but defeat is an orphan, they say. Another difference is that only defeat requires a scapegoat: “The Tea Party movement really is quite a bit different than the old Republican conservative movement,” [Delaware loser Mike] Castle said. “They’re more than willing to take out Republicans, call us Republicans in name only, […]

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