The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Crazy People Are Dangerous Update: Deborah Frisch Reported in Custody

Posted on | September 5, 2018 | 1 Comment

We are awaiting complete details on her arrest — and a new mugshot — but I just sent out the following email:

Date: Wednesday, 5 Sep 2018 8:04 pm
From: Robert McCain
To: [32 Addresses Redacted]
To whom it may concern:
It has been two weeks since last I took notice of Deborah Ellen Frisch, Ph.D. (see “Nutty as Squirrel Farts: The Escalating Madness of Ex-Professor Deborah Frisch,” Aug. 22) and in that time, she has repeatedly harassed me via email and other online communications. Today, she CC’d me on 16 separate emails, including the last (10:36 a.m. ET) on which all of you were also CC’d.
Today, it was reported that Dr. Frisch was arrested in California, on a warrant for a felony intimidation charge, and is reportedly being held in Las Colinas Detention and Reentry Facility in San Diego County. Given the behavior that has resulted in this latest warrant, we may reasonably expect that authorities will keep Dr. Frisch in custody at least until her sentencing hearing in Weld County, Colorado, scheduled for next month. If this is indeed the case, it is likely to be many months — perhaps even years — before Dr. Frisch is next at liberty to bombard her various chosen targets with hateful obscenity-strewn messages. You are all witnesses to how seriously deranged she is, and how unlikely it is that she will ever be able to live peaceably in society. Let us hope that the courts will do the right thing, and put her away for a long, long time.
Robert Stacy McCain

Remember: Crazy People Are Dangerous.


Democrats Planned (and Paid for) Hearing Protests: The Noise of Democracy™

Posted on | September 5, 2018 | 1 Comment

Capitol Police arrest a Democrat protester at Tuesday’s hearing.

If the American people want anarchy, they know which party to vote for:

Judge Brett Kavanaugh on Tuesday vowed to be a “a neutral and impartial arbiter” if confirmed to the Supreme Court, after a chaotic first day of hearings on Capitol Hill amid political theatrics and protests from Democrats. . . .
[P]rotests from Democratic lawmakers and demonstrators delayed the formal start of proceedings by more than an hour. Within moments of Tuesday’s confirmation hearing kickoff, top Democrats tried to sideline the session with a rapid-fire string of objections concerning access to the nominee’s records.
The spectacle underscored the political nature of the confirmation hearings, coming two months before the midterms and as some senators gear up for a possible 2020 presidential run against President Trump. Several of those senators led the charge Tuesday in objecting to Kavanaugh.
When Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley first tried to deliver opening remarks, Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris raised objections to the committee just receiving a batch of 42,000 documents relating to the nominee’s work with past administrations.
“We cannot possibly move forward,” Harris, a potential 2020 Democratic presidential contender, said.
Grassley told her she was “out of order,” but other Democrats chimed in to back up Harris, including Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., who moved to adjourn.
This prompted applause from some in the audience, and touched off protests and shouting. Then, after New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker added his voice complaining of a “rush,” Grassley countered: “I think you are taking advantage of my decency and my integrity.”
The chaos led Republican Sen. John Cornyn to remark, “This is the first confirmation hearing subject to mob rule.” The Texas senator suggested Democrats would be “held in contempt of court” if they behaved that way in a court of law.
More than an hour and 15 minutes after the hearing began, Grassley moved past Democratic attempts to delay and finally delivered his opening statement, over the sustained shouts of protesters who were being escorted out of the room.
“Judge Kavanaugh is one of the most qualified nominees — if not the most qualified nominee — I have seen,” Grassley said.
The disruptions continued as lawmakers attempted to make opening statements. There were 63 interruptions before the break for lunch.
Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch struggled to deliver his prepared remarks, as protesters audibly shouted over him.
“I think we ought to have this loudmouth removed,” a frustrated Hatch said. “We shouldn’t have to put up with this kind of stuff.”
Grassley acknowledged it was one of the most unruly openings of any Supreme Court hearing, saying “this is something I’ve never gone through before in 15 Supreme Court nominations.”
The Capitol Police said they arrested 70 people on Tuesday.
Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin defended the outbursts.
“What we’ve heard is the noise of democracy,” Durbin said. “This is what happens in a free country when people can stand up and speak and not be jailed, imprisoned, tortured or killed because of it.”

The Noise of Democracy™ — excellent campaign slogan! Go for it!


More from The Daily Signal: “Fox News’ Shannon Bream reported that Kavanaugh’s daughters were escorted out of the hearing room as the interruptions continued.” Imagine that — Democrats turned a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing into such a frightening experience that it was not safe for children.

As was confirmed during the hearings, Democrats planned these disruptions during a conference call over Labor Day weekend led by Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and, furthermore, witnesses saw people being paid to stand in line to enter the hearings. In other words, Democrats spent money to make sure dozens of hecklers got into the Senate hearing room to stage these planned disruptions during the proceedings. This was thuggery — a hired mob using protests as a terroristic intimidation tactic. This is not “democracy,” it’s an invitation to chaos.


Rule 5 Tuesday: Happy Birthday, Mitzi!

Posted on | September 5, 2018 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Mitzi Gaynor was an actress best known for her roles in There’s No Business Like Show Business and South Pacific; most of her movie roles in the 1950s showcased her singing and dancing skills, and she went on to become a popular performer in Las Vegas and at nightclubs in the U.S. and Canada. In the late 60s and 1970s, she did a number of TV specials on NBC and CBS. Here she is in a Bob Mackie costume from one of her Las Vegas shows.

Mitzi showing off some of her assets.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #363, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism brings us Rule Five Chinese Shenanigans Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL’s thundering herd this week includes fake Jewish “immigrant” Julia Salazar, “[U] Can’t Touch This”, Lana Turner, Monkey Business, Lobster RIP, Media Whore Avenatti Takes On The Federalist‘s Catherine Court, Ariana Grande, Abbie Cornish, and Dina Shihabi.

A View From The Beach brings us Sierra Skye, What the Heck Was She Thinking?, It Was a Waste, But This is Just Nuts, Tennis Pro Penalized for on Court Strip Tease, #HerToo vs. #HerToo, Politician Confronted With Burning Man Past, “Los Ageless”, 867-5309 Jenny and Chicks Wear Underwear to Work.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Rebecca Van Cleave, his Vintage Babe is Anita Morris, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Zoe Duchesne. At Dustbury, it’s Shania Twain and Zendaya.

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious links!

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In The Mailbox: 09.04.18

Posted on | September 4, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule Five Tuesday will be along a little later tonight. Hope you enjoyed Labor Day!

357 Magnum: Segregation Of the Sexes Comes To Sweden
EBL: Kavanaugh Catastrophe
Twitchy: Amy Siskind Called Out For Peddling 4chan White Supremacy Signal Nonsense, Walks It Back But Still Has Complaints
Louder With Crowder: Media’s McCain Reversal! Featuring Raz0rfist & Dennis Prager

Adam Piggott: How To Quell Your Inner Racist, also, Surrendering Our Male Spaces
American Power: Twitter Struggles To Police Bad Actors, also, Emily Chang, Brotopia
American Thinker: Mueller, Comey, & The Deep State Rescue Of Sandy Berger, also, Weissman Fake Dossier Knowledge Should Shut Mueller Down
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday! also, Travel Totty
BattleSwarm: Village Voice Shuts Down, also, Waco Biker Trial Update
CDR Salamander: Well, That Sets A Marker Down, also, The Hard History Of The Baltic Republics – Latvia Wakes Up
Da Tech Guy: Removing The Reasons, also, Censored!
Don Surber: Red Hen Lays Egg, Joins Trump Schadenfreude List, also, Civility On Saturday, Organized Heckling Today
Dustbury: Burglar Seeks Free Tools, also, Strange Search-Engine Queries
First Street Journal: A@Hole TV At Its Best
The Geller Report: Linda Sarsour Leads Hate Mob At Kavanaugh Hearing, also, Italian Police Commissioner Attacked By Migrants In His Own Home
Hogewash: Not A Typo, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
JustOneMinute: The Ohr-Steele Breakfast Struck A Nerve, also, Planting The Flag
Legal Insurrection:  Say It Ain’t So, Joe, also, Former Senator Jon Kyl to Succeed John McCain
The PanAm Post: US Labor Group Backs Lula Presidential Bid Despite Corruption Conviction, also, Grub First, Then Ethics
Power Line: Corporate Suicide Watch, Nike Edition, also, Blogging The Kavanaugh Hearing
Shark Tank: Mueller Trying To Kill Off Roger Stone
Shot In The Dark: Fauxcahontas
STUMP: Memory Monday – August 1918, also, Taxing Tuesday – Election Year Impact Of Tax Bill?
The Political Hat: Outlawing Un-Woke Psychological Therapies, also, AP Exam Reclaims A Quarter Of A Millenium To Fight Western Civilization
This Ain’t Hell: Buzz Aldrin Slams First Man Movie, also, Last Living Member Of Joe Foss’ “Flying Circus” Remembers Guadalcanal
Victory Girls: Beards Are Now Racist, also, Kerry Throws Obama Under The Bus Over Syria
Volokh Conspiracy: Judge Willett Questions Qualified Immunity, also, Why The American Establishment Has Lost Credibility
Weasel Zippers: Kavanaugh’s Young Daughters Have To Be Escorted From Hearing Thanks To Shrieking Protesters, also, Texas Doctors Say They Saw Paid Protesters On Line To Enter Hearings
Megan McArdle: Why The New Yorker‘s Concerns About Normalizing Steve Bannon Miss The Point
Mark Steyn: Keeping Your Head When All About You Are Losing Theirs, also, Rush To Judge

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Trump Derangement Syndrome

Posted on | September 4, 2018 | Comments Off on Trump Derangement Syndrome


Democrats are turning the confirmation hearings for Judge Kavanaugh into a circus. They don’t have the votes to block him from the Supreme Court, and they know it, so they attempted to obstruct the confirmation hearing with motions to adjourned (which they knew would be overruled) as a means of suggesting that there is something illegitimate about the process. Meanwhile, left-wing protesters (including Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour) keep getting themselves arrested for disruptive outbursts, and the obvious question is: Why?

This is all a staged theatrical show, a propaganda spectacle aimed at the MSNBC-viewing extreme-left grassroots base of the Democrat Party intended to mobilize voters for the midterm elections. As Liz Shields says: “Brett Kavanaugh, the president’s selection to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, is facing confirmation hearings this week. There’s really no way to stop him from getting confirmed, but the left will do as much collateral damage as possible.”

They’ve gone mad with Trump Derangement Syndrome, reminding me of what Melissa MacKenzie said about a certain recent unpleasantness: “It’s so strange to make Donald Trump the center of one’s orbit when you hate him. Why? Why give him that power?” They can’t help it.


‘The Truth About Who Kills Women’

Posted on | September 4, 2018 | 1 Comment


It is probably unwise for a feminist to employ the word “truth,” which may provoke someone familiar with the relevant facts:

Jessica Valenti is a feminist and a liar, but I repeat myself. A couple of weeks ago, Valenti invited scrutiny of her truthfulness by responding to the murder of a young woman in Iowa. On Aug. 22, the White House issued this statement on Twitter: “For 34 days, investigators searched for 20-year-old Mollie Tibbetts. Yesterday, an illegal alien, now charged with first-degree murder, led police to the cornfield where her body was found. The Tibbetts family has been permanently separated. They are not alone.” That message included a brief video of parents whose children were also killed by illegal aliens.
Ms. Valenti, a columnist for the Guardian and author of several feminist books, responded with an obscenity, calling the White House message “f—king disgraceful,” and then added this remarkable statement: “The deadliest demographic for American women isn’t immigrants — it’s husbands & boyfriends. But the truth about who kills women in this country isn’t politically useful for the White House.”
Well, since Ms. Valenti has invited an examination of the demographics of murder, let us ask: Who is killing whom in America?
It so happens that I’ve previously researched this question, and can say with certainty that Ms. Valenti’s insinuation — that the typical American woman is in danger of being murdered by her boyfriend or husband — is absolutely false. . . .

Read the rest of my latest column at The American Spectator.


‘Mattress Girl’ Is Now Mattress ‘They’? The Queer Feminism of Emma Sulkowicz

Posted on | September 3, 2018 | 1 Comment

One of the things about choosing feminism as a subject matter is that you never run out of craziness to write about. No one could ever hope to provide the final, complete, definitive account of how crazy feminists are; the supply of evidence is infinite, and grows larger every day.

A curse befalls anyone who undertakes to chronicle this craziness. You’re confronted daily with new tales of feminist insanity, and if you told every story, you’d never be able to write about anything else. So I’ve learned to filter out many of these cases, to prevent myself from being sucked into the whirling vortex of “gender” lunacy by every new example that emerges from this bottomless abyss of chaotic madness.


Damn you, “Mattress Girl,” for refusing to recognize when your 15 minutes of fame had expired! What the actual f–k is this?

Back in 2014, Emma Sulkowicz was a senior undergraduate student at Columbia University studying the visual arts. Having long-struggled against the university’s Title IX policies that failed to hold accountable the man Sulkowicz accused of rape, they decide on “Mattress Performance” as a thesis project — an endurance piece of sorts that would involve Sulkowicz carrying a 50-pound mattress across campus for the entire academic year until graduation. (Disclosure: Emma and I were in the same year at Columbia and were acquaintances during our time at school.)
Almost immediately, Sulkowicz became a central figure in a nationwide fight to reform lax university guidelines that often failed to adequately investigate cases of sexual misconduct. Reactions in the media were fierce: journalists on one end of the spectrum referred to the young artist with glowing respect, while the other end vilified Sulkowicz as a dishonest “Mattress Girl.”
But Emma Sulkowicz is not a “Mattress Girl.” They aren’t even a girl.
Despite the many articles and Wikipedia pages that refer to Sulkowicz as a woman, they actually identify as gender non-conforming and use the pronouns they/them. The omission — or dare I say the erasure — of Sulkowicz’s queer identity indicates the public’s continued unwillingness to reckon with the notion that queer people can be victims of sexual violence. . . .

Let me catch my breath here. Calm down. Try to resist the temptation to shift to CAPS-LOCK MODE AND SHOUT OBSCENITIES!

OK, hang on . . . Yes, I can handle this. It’s gonna be all right.

This unwelcome reminder of Emma Sulkowicz’s existence was provided by her Columbia University classmate Zachary Small who, if I were forced to guess, I’d say is probably a male, although you never can be sure with Ivy League kids these days. Zachary also goes by “they/them” pronouns. This has become the hallmark of hipster elites who feel they are entitled to impose their Gender Theory nonsense on the rest of us.

So now, unable to endure their relative obscurity, these two genderqueer hipster alumni of Columbia  ($80,826 a year, including room and board) have joined forces to remind us of Mattress Girl’s existence. We all had hoped we could forget the name Emma Sulkowicz, that the memory of her attention-whoring stunt would fade away, but the narcissistic sociopath insists on forcing us to remember her (or “them,” as we’d be forced to call her/“them,” if she/“they” had her/“their” way).


Excuse me for the caps-lock obscenities. I’m trying hard to maintain a calm and reasonable demeanor, but it’s not easy. And if I’m going to be forced to pay attention Emma Sulkowicz, I’m going to do my best to make sure that she regrets this attempt to return to the spotlight.

Emma Sulkowicz is a liar. And she is also crazy.

There are three of kinds of people in the world:

  1. People who hate Emma Sulkowicz;
  2. People who have never heard of Emma Sulkowicz;
  3. Fools.

Insofar as anyone is aware of Emma Sulkowicz’s existence, they should hate her for being a liar, who engaged in a libelous publicity stunt intended to call attention to her false accusation of rape against a fellow student, Paul Nungesser. Every investigation of Sulkowicz’s claims exonerated Nungesser, and yet her vindictive crusade to defame her ex-boyfriend was given lavish and laudatory coverage in the media. Why? Because the media were at the time engaged in a carefully organized propaganda campaign, intended to boost feminism as a “mainstream” concern, in order to help Hillary Clinton become president.

Let me quote a July 2017 news item from the Columbia Spectator:

Columbia and Paul Nungesser, CC ’15, have agreed to settle a lawsuit that he filed against the University in 2015.
Nungesser was at the center of a gender-based misconduct investigation after Emma Sulkowicz, CC ’15, accused him of assault in 2012. He was later found not guilty by a University investigation.
Sulkowicz protested that finding in her senior art thesis, “Mattress Performance (Carry That Weight),” in which she carried a mattress with her at all times in a critique of the University’s decision not to discipline Nungesser. . . .
Nungesser’s suit charged that the University failed to protect him from — and even encouraged — sustained protest by Sulkowicz, which Nungesser initially argued was a violation of Title IX.
The University announced that it had settled the suit . . . in a conciliatory statement released Thursday.
The statement reaffirmed that Columbia’s investigation had found Nungesser not responsible and expressed regret that his time after the investigation was “very difficult for him and not what Columbia would want any of its students to experience.”
The statement also said the University will reform its gender based misconduct policies to make sure all students, “accuser and accused, including those like Paul who are found not responsible,” are treated with “respect.”

After Hillary lost, everybody forgot about the campus “rape culture” hysteria that the media had helped feminists and Democrats to manufacture in the years leading up to the 2016 election. Contrary to what feminists claimed, there was not an “epidemic” of sexual assault on campus and it was not true that 1-in-5 female students were rape victims. These fictitious claims were part of an anti-male propaganda campaign intended to help elect Hillary, and Paul Nungesser became collateral damage in this War Against Men. Although he had been cleared by the university’s investigation — he produced text messages that showed Sulkowicz was a willing participant in their hook-ups — she decided to revive these discredited accusations as her senior thesis, a project for which she received academic credit from this Ivy League university, and which earned her a seat at the 2015 State of the Union address as the guest of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.). Imagine what this must have been like for Nungesser, watching powerful figures in politics, in media, and at his own university celebrating Sulikowicz as a symbol of heroic courage when, in fact, she was just a LYING SPOILED ROTTEN RICH BITCH WHO COULDN’T GET OVER BEING DUMPED.

Forgive me for that outburst. Sometimes I lose control.

The point I’m trying to make is that Emma Sulkowicz is a well-known type — the upper-class girl who goes off to college and expects to receive the kind of deferential treatment she has gotten throughout the entirety of her over-privileged young life. She became fixated on Paul Nungesser, a handsome and athletic student, as the object of her desire, and he was willing to be “friends with benefits” with Sulkowicz. They hooked up a few times, and then he moved on. This rejection caused the rich girl (who had hoped for a romantic commitment from Nungesser) to decide she was a victim, and she made up the rape accusation as a means of revenge.

This is why I say Sulkowicz deserves to be hated by anyone who knows who she is. There are too many innocent people in the world suffering from real hardship for anyone to extend sympathy to someone like Emma Sulkowicz, a vindictive liar who tried to destroy an ex-boyfriend just because she couldn’t cope with being a “pump-and-dump.”

Let me hasten to add that Paul Nungesser was a fool ever to get involved with Emma Sulkowicz. Any wise person would avoid associating with her type, but young men are often unwise in such matters. It would be a misfortune for any man to encounter Sulkowicz at any time, but it was Nungesser’s singular misfortune to encounter her on a university campus in an age when feminism has empowered crazy lying bitches like her.

Did I mention she’s crazy? She’s an Ivy League feminist, so you can take it for granted that she’s a few fries short of a Happy Meal, but Sulkowicz is even crazier than you might expect. Let’s quote from the transcript of her former classmate’s podcast interview with her:

[Zachary Small]: While listeners might remember you for “Mattress Performance,” what they likely don’t know about you is that you identify as a queer person and use the pronouns they/them. For the public, if the concept of a female victim of sexual violence was already controversial, then the notion that the drama surrounding your endurance piece occurred around a queer person of color was simply “too much” to digest. How has the erasure of your queer identity in the media profiles affected you?
[Emma Sulkowicz]: Another victim of my attacker identifies as transfeminine. I remember when they were going through their sexual assault hearings that one of my rapist’s defenses was, “I’m not gay, I would never sexually assault this man.” It completely obliterated the victim’s gender identity and denied any queerness on the attacker’s part. But of course, he had assaulted multiple gender non-conforming people. I see this as his way of expressing his own violent queer sexuality.
Being the victim of assault helped me realize that I was gender non-conforming. I think it’s important to talk about the slippage of [identifying as] in-between. On one level, identifying as “they” is gendered, but it is also ontological. For me, I became aware of my gender fluidity through the experience of receiving The New York Times with my photo on the front cover. This was an object dropped on my doorstep every morning of my childhood. I always saw the characters on its cover as flat or unreal. Seeing myself turned into an object in that way helped recontextualize all the time I had been physically turned into an object through sexual assault, and all the times that men had seen me as nothing more than a fleshlight, a sex doll, or a means-to-an-end. “They” evokes my slippage between man and woman, but it also evokes the way that I see the slippage between human and object. Sometimes that feeling of being objectified happens through acts of violence. “They” is about reclaiming that feeling and turning it into something powerful and politically important. . . .
Society has a lot of difficult believing that queer people can be victims, but it also cannot believe that queer people can be assailants. This is something so important to me because one of my attacker’s defenses at Columbia was that he could have never attacked a genderqueer person because he wasn’t gay — whatever the f–k that means. There is a societal resistance to believing that two things can happen simultaneously.

This is insane. Not content merely to reiterate her libelous accusations against her ex-boyfriend Nungesser (“my attacker . . . my rapist”), she now accuses him of homosexuality, asserting that he “assaulted multiple gender non-conforming people . . . expressing his own violent queer sexuality.” Beyond adding this defamatory accusation to her obsessive quest for revenge, Sulkowicz also deploys Third Wave gender theory to interpret her experience of “being objectified.” (This is feminism as paranoia: “That man looked at me! Help! I’ve been objectified! I’m a victim of the heteropatriarchal male gaze!”)

Let me make something clear here: If you ever encounter someone who insists on using the pronoun “they,” get as far away from them as possible, as quickly as you can. Although it’s probably best to avoid drawing their attention by sprinting in the opposite direction, don’t delay your exit as soon as they identify themselves as genderqueer. Err on the side of caution in such cases; don’t make the mistake of imagining you can safely navigate the hazards of Third Wave craziness. That’s what happened to Paul Nungesser, who committed the error of thinking it was possible to have sex with the kind of girl who attends an $80,826-a-year “elite” university. Wake up! This is the 21st century! The Ivy League Is Depraved and Decadent. The campus of Columbia University is crawling with genderqueer feminists who are so crazy they don’t even know whether they’re female or not. No man with any regard for his own personal safety would ever speak to a girl on the Columbia campus.

Emma Sulkowicz’s 15 minutes have expired, but her disgrace is eternal.


Played for a Chump

Posted on | September 3, 2018 | Comments Off on Played for a Chump

Life is a team sport, and teamwork requires loyalty. You’re never going to win if your teammates aren’t committed enough to put aside their selfish interests and focus on achieving victory for the team. Often, the worst things that happen to people are not caused by the malice of their enemies, but rather because they are betrayed by disloyal “friends.” This is why conservatives so loathed “Every Liberal’s Favorite Republican,” whose vanity and ambition made him an untrustworthy teammate.

You could ask Maxim Anokhin about the pain of betrayal:

A Russian man has sued an IVF clinic after his wife admitted that she had swapped his sperm for her lover’s during treatment.
Maxim Anokhin only found that his one-year-old son was not his biological child when their relationship turned sour and his wife admitted to the swap.
Yana Anokhina, 38, had reportedly told the clinic she wanted the man she loved to be the father, but had let her husband pay for the treatment and kept him in the dark for the child’s first year.
Mr Anokhin successfully sued the Moscow clinic which allowed the swap and was awarded £4,600 in compensation for his moral and financial damages.
‘I trusted my wife,’ he said. ‘I believed her and trusted her, 100 per cent.’ . . .
The court found that he had paid for the IVF treatment and had provided his sperm believing that he would be the father of the baby.
Ms Anokhina has not spoken about the swap but reports say she wanted the father of her baby to be the man she loved — not her husband.
But for a year Mr Anokhin believed the child to be his and ‘loved and supported’ the boy, called Timofey.
Later the couple split and are now both in new relationships, the court was told. Mr Anokhin said his wife revealed the truth to him when they broke up. . . .
‘Allegedly, she wanted to give birth to a child by a man with whom she was in love, and her husband was the one who paid the costs.’
DNA tests proved that Mr Anokhin was not the father prompting him to sue Kulakov Medical Centre which provided the IVF treatment.

This kind of selfish and dishonest behavior by women is what inspires misogyny, in the same way that male misbehavior inspires feminism.

It was Rational Male author Rollo Tomassi who called my attention to this story, and he’s interpreting it through the Alpha-male/Beta-male discourse of evolutionary psychology that is lingua franca of the Red Pill “manosphere.” As much as I dislike this framework of discussing sexual behavior, a case like this is evidence that cannot easily be ignored. While the circumstances in this Russian cases are unusual, it reflects a known pattern of behavior by unscrupulous women, who will take shameless advantage of so-called “Beta males,” exploiting them financially while betraying them in pursuit of more desirable “Alpha males.”

Why do men put themselves at the mercy of such women? Desperation and naïvete, mainly, and an appetite for flattery. To quote Johnny Rivers, “A pretty face can hide an evil mind,” but some men simply can’t get past the superficial level to assess a woman’s character objectively. If a man has a good income and is willing to spend it on a woman without considering the value-added terms of the deal, he puts himself at risk of becoming the kind of sucker who never deserves an even break.

Sometimes, it helps to remind ourselves why Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy. The “star-crossed lovers” pursued love without the counsel and approval of their elders. A young person’s idea of “love” is typically a bundle of nonsense, assembled from novels, pop music, TV shows and movies, and many parents have forfeited their rightful role as tutors and supervisors of their offspring in the courtship process. Too often, parents embrace a sort of fatalistic attitude toward their children’s dating lives, assuming that there is nothing they can do to prevent their offspring from suffering broken hearts (or inflicting them, as the case may be).

Grant that sometimes kids will rebel and run wild, but in most cases, young people desire to please their parents and make them proud, in terms of their choice of mates. Therefore, responsible parents should not hesitate to voice their own preferences, both general and specific, about who their children date. “Stay away from weirdos” is the kind of general advice I’ve offered my kids. The so-called “alternative” look (bizarre hairstyles, piercings, etc.) may just be harmless fashion trends, but on the other hand, there’s Chanty Binx. Could you imagine the parental mortification if their son hooked up with that aposematic SJW?

In an Age of Decadence, the availability of “safe” choices is decreasing, and finding a sane, normal partner can be difficult for young people in a society full of broken minds and damaged personalities. God forbid any of my children should ever make themselves such a fool as Maxim Anokhin has done. His was an avoidable error; certainly, once he discovered how his ex-wife had cuckolded him, Anokhin must have gone through his memory and recognized the warning signs. There is seldom such a case where any fool goes roaring toward disaster without ignoring the obvious flashing yellow lights and clanging bells.

“Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in no other.”


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