The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 08.13.18

Posted on | August 13, 2018 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Extended ambient electronic mixes for studying, reading, or just chilling at Conelcast.

EBL: So When Did DNC Co-Chair Keith Ellison Stop Beating His Girlfriend?
Twitchy: Fox News-Obsessed Brian Stelter Gets Antifa Reality Check From Caleb Hull
Louder With Crowder: Rowan Atkinson Stands Up For Free Speech, Defends Boris Johnson’s Burka Joke

Adam Piggott: The Sunday Lifting Thread – Your Routine, also, “‘People Are Bad. People Are Evil.’ I Don’t Buy It.”
American Power: New Focus On Denaturalization, also, We Need More Masculinity
American Thinker:  Where Do We Get Such Losers?
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Dallas’ Democratic Mayor Pro Tem Pleads Guilty To Bribery, Resigns, also, Antifa Continues Assault String
CDR Salamander: Ethics, Professionalism, Education, & The Military Profession On Midrats
Da Tech Guy: On Loyalty, also, I Declare August 16 “Point At The MSM And Laugh” Day
Don Surber: We Must Defend Alex Jones, also, Antifa Is The Future Of The Democrats
Dustbury: The Colosseum Of Clutter, also, Strange Search Engine Queries
The Geller Report: Britain Suffers 15 Acid Attacks A Week, Mostly In London, also, Antifa Calls For Removal Of President Trump, Overthrow Of Government
Hogewash: NGC 2108, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
JustOneMinute: Now Breaking From…Minnesota?
Legal Insurrection: Phrase Of The Week – Perjury Trap, also, Stalking Brett Kavanaugh
The PanAm Post: Colombian President Santos’ Final Days In Office, Troubling Economic Legacy
Power Line: FBI Fires Peter Strzok, also, Why Normal Americans Hate The “Elites”
Shark Tank: Senator Rubio Wants Everglades Protection To Be Guaranteed, also, Election Supervisor Says There’s No Evidence Of Russians Breaching Voter Systems
Shot In The Dark: About Those Crickets
STUMP: Memory Monday – Last Week of June 1918
The Political Hat: Tech Overlords Of Silicon Valley – Gay Frogs & The Silencing Of Dissent
This Ain’t Hell: Three More Return, also, Personal Submarine Simulator 2.5
Victory Girls: Media Ignores Fact That Police, NBC Reporter Were Attacked By Antifa At Charlottesville
Volokh Conspiracy: Overturning Chevron Wouldn’t Gut The Administative State – But It Would Strengthen The Rule Of Law
Weasel Zippers: Judge Releases Defendants In Muslim Compound Case After Claims Of Racism, Islamophobia, also, CNN Calls Violent Antifa Radicals “Anti-Hate” Protestors
Megan McArdle: “Medicare For All”, The New “Repeal & Replace”
Mark Steyn: The Totalitarian Stupidity Of Social Media, also, The Surrender Of The Public Square

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The Lesbian NYU Professor Who Sexually Harassed Her Gay Male Student

Posted on | August 13, 2018 | 1 Comment

She’s in her 60s. She could plead senility, I guess:

The case seems like a familiar story turned on its head: Avital Ronell, a world-renowned female professor of German and Comparative Literature at New York University, was found responsible for sexually harassing a male former graduate student, Nimrod Reitman.
An 11-month Title IX investigation found Professor Ronell, described by a colleague as “one of the very few philosopher-stars of this world,” responsible for sexual harassment, both physical and verbal, to the extent that her behavior was “sufficiently pervasive to alter the terms and conditions of Mr. Reitman’s learning environment.” The university has suspended Professor Ronell for the coming academic year.
In the Title IX final report, excerpts of which were obtained by The New York Times, Mr. Reitman said that she had sexually harassed him for three years, and shared dozens of emails in which she referred to him as “my most adored one,” “Sweet cuddly Baby,” “cock-er spaniel,” and “my astounding and beautiful Nimrod.” . . .
Mr. Reitman, who is now 34 and is a visiting fellow at Harvard, says that Professor Ronell kissed and touched him repeatedly, slept in his bed with him, required him to lie in her bed, held his hand, texted, emailed and called him constantly, and refused to work with him if he did not reciprocate. Mr. Reitman is gay and is now married to a man; Professor Ronell is a lesbian. . . .
Two years after graduating from N.Y.U. with a Ph.D., Mr. Reitman filed a Title IX complaint against his former adviser, alleging sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking and retaliation. In May, the university found Professor Ronell responsible for sexual harassment and cleared her of the other allegations. . . .
The problems began, according to Mr. Reitman, in the spring of 2012, before he officially started school. Professor Ronell invited him to stay with her in Paris for a few days. The day he arrived, she asked him to read poetry to her in her bedroom while she took an afternoon nap, he said.
“That was already a red flag to me,” said Mr. Reitman. “But I also thought, O.K., you’re here. Better not make a scene.”
Then, he said, she pulled him into her bed.
“She put my hands onto her breasts, and was pressing herself — her buttocks — onto my crotch,” he said. “She was kissing me, kissing my hands, kissing my torso.” That evening, a similar scene played out again, he said. . . .
When he got to New York, the behavior continued, he said, when after Hurricane Sandy in October 2012, Professor Ronell showed up at his apartment because her power had gone out. He said that, despite his objections, she convinced him that they could both sleep in his bed together. Once there, she groped and kissed him each night for nearly a week, he said. . . .
Diane Davis, chair of the department of rhetoric at the University of Texas-Austin, who also signed the letter to the university supporting Professor Ronell, said she and her colleagues were particularly disturbed that, as they saw it, Mr. Reitman was using Title IX, a feminist tool, to take down a feminist.
“I am of course very supportive of what Title IX and the #MeToo movement are trying to do, of their efforts to confront and to prevent abuses, for which they also seek some sort of justice,” Professor Davis wrote in an email. “But it’s for that very reason that it’s so disappointing when this incredible energy for justice is twisted and turned against itself, which is what many of us believe is happening in this case.”

My victim-blaming standards are consistent. If a sorority girl doesn’t want to get gang-raped by frat boys, she shouldn’t get passed-out drunk at the frat party. If a gay student doesn’t want to be groped by elderly lesbian professors, he should stay away from New York University.

Maybe the safest thing is just never go to college. Everybody on campus nowadays claims to be a victim of something. It’s not safe.


Just Some Headlines

Posted on | August 13, 2018 | Comments Off on Just Some Headlines

Those are just a few of today’s headlines from the stack at the Drudge Report. Because I’ve spent the past 36 hours working on a long and complicated post about Third Wave feminism, I felt a need to get some content up for y’all to talk about while I keep slaving away.


Rule 5 Sunday: Guess Who’s Having A Baby?

Posted on | August 12, 2018 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Point woman in the war against heroin chic Kate Upton scored major points recently: not only is she expecting a child with Most Fortunate Man In America Justin Verlander, but lingerie maker Yamamay has signed her to promote their new collection, “The Perfect Fit”, which is intended to “adapt to the real body of the woman.” Take that, Vogue. Here’s a shot of Mrs. Verlander modeling some of the lingerie in question.

Not even showing yet.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, The 90 Miles Mystery Box Episode #342, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism addresses the unfortunate shortage of gingers with the Saturday Asian Invasion, and on a related topic offers Rule Five Field-Dressing Whales Friday.

EBL’s herd this week includes Sophia Magdalena Scholl, Alligator Love, Manual Transmission Rule 5, Lucky Lips (Asha Bhosle), and Lucky Lips (Ruth Brown), International Cat Day, Aerosmith Groupies, National S’Mores Day, Ilhan Omar, Emily Jendrisak, and Nichelle Nichols.

A View From The Beach has A Brilliant Choice For Rule 5 Saturday – Lilí Brillanti, What’s Up With ASMFC?, This Came Billed as the World’s Worst Video, Evangeline Ain’t Gonna Strip on Abrams’ Farm No MoreActress Tests Value in Market, Russia, Russia, Russiagate!, Women Get the Blues Over Red Meat, Maryland Crab Meat Fraught with Fraud, How the Post-WWII Cloth Shortage Gave Us the Bikini and  Sunday Booty Call

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Charlbi Dean Kriek, his Vintage Babe is Elga Andersen, and Sex in Advertising is covered by Guess. At Dustbury, it’s Merrin Dungey and Marilyn vos Savant.

Thanks to everyone for the luscious linkagery!

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FMJRA 2.0: Fair Warning

Posted on | August 12, 2018 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule Five Sunday: Summer Event Silliness
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

FMJRA 2.0: Space Age Love Affair
The Pirate’s Cove
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach

Yes, Twitter Is Biased. Next Question?

Woman-Hating @UKLabour Party Not Sure If They Also Hate Jews Enough

Russia! Russia! Russia!
A View From The Beach

In The Mailbox: 08.06.18
Proof Positive

Dear Parents: American Schools Are Controlled by Democrats Who Hate You

In The Mailbox: 08.07.18
357 Magnum
Proof Positive

Dear @Alyssa_Milano: Perhaps Try Reducing Your Media Kool-Aid Intake

In The Mailbox: 08.08.18
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Email to a Lawyer Regarding Deranged Ex-Professor Deborah Frisch, Ph.D.

Crazy People Are Dangerous: Democrat Shoots Man After Facebook Quarrel
357 Magnum

I’m Pretty Sure That InfoWars And Gab Aren’t Signs Of A Crackdown

Democrat Texas Congressional Candidate Colin Allred Is Anti-White Hate-Monger

In The Mailbox: 08.09.18
357 Magnum
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Ode To Overlingering

Democrats: The Party of Hate
357 Magnum
Pushing Rubber Downhill

Democrats Nominate Pro-Abortion Lesbian Feminist for Congress in Texas

In The Mailbox: 08.10.18
Proof Positive
A View From The Beach

The Party of Hate (Continued)

Further Correspondence Regarding Deranged Ex-Professor Deborah Frisch

Crazy People Are Dangerous

Top linkers for the week ending August 10:

  1.  EBL (20)
  2.  (tied) A View From The Beach and Proof Positive (6)
  3.  357 Magnum (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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How @CNN and Other #FakeNews Media Are Now Working to Silence Dissent

Posted on | August 11, 2018 | 2 Comments


Headline at Ace of Spades HQ:

Journalists or Activists? CNN,
Which Admitted They Were Responsible
for Getting Alex Jones Deplatformed from
YouTube, Apple, and FaceBook, Now Admits
It’s Also Pressuring Twitter to Deplatform Him

This is shameful. When I was working for The Washington Times, we did not seek to prevent the distribution of The Washington Post, nor during my years as a correspondent for The American Spectator have we ever sought to silence any competing publication. Yet CNN and other so-called “mainstream” media operations are now actively engaged in a smear campaign intended to “de-platform” alternative voices online.

It is now considered de rigueur to stipulate, before protesting against such social-media bans, that one does not like the banned person or agree with everything he says or does. People did this when Twitter suspended my @rsmccain account, which annoyed me to no end, because Twitter never even bothered to specify what had precipitated this banishment. I’d been on Twitter for seven years and had tens of thousands of followers, none of whom saw anything in my TL that would justify this suspension. Yet when I got banned, several journalists who wrote about this incident felt the need to describe me as “controversial” or whatever in the process of lamenting this evidence that commissars of the Thought Police had obtained hegemonic authority at Twitter.

Why? Isn’t it obvious that these journalists wanted to convey the idea that I must be a special case, “controversial” in some way that made me different from other accounts which had not been banned?

The fact of the matter was (a) that I was simply more effective than some others in calling attention to obstreperous leftists on Twitter, and (b) that I had made influential enemies as a result of this.

Keep in mind that I was hate-listed by the SPLC long before it became routine for them to traffic in such dangerous libel. Circa 1999, the SPLC decided that “neo-Confederates” were a menace and, because I had then just recently been hired by The Washington Times, my name got mentioned in their account due to my previous association with the League of South. Now, it is a mistake to get down in tall grass discussing all the so-called “evidence” involved in the kind of smear campaigns the Left pursues against its chosen enemies. However, after more than a decade of being an independent blogger, don’t you think that if I were a “white supremacist” (as the SPLC has called me), that I would have published something that would suffice as proof of this?

Nothing of the kind ever happened, however, and when Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs tried to revive this “white supremacist” nonsense in September 2009, he made himself an object of ridicule and has long since departed into irrelevant obscurity: “Charles Who?”

Vindicating myself in l’affaire de LGF had the effect of making me a target for the Left during the Tea Party era leading up to the 2010 election, in large measure because leftists are incapable of admitting when they’re wrong. If the SPLC has called me a “white supremacist,” the leftist believes, I must be a very bad person, and this belief becomes the premise for further “investigation” of my allegedly hateful opinions.

So I was continually monitored by the Left all during the many ensuing years, as I ping-ponged around the country doing campaign-trail coverage and occasionally engaging in conflicts with personalities like Neal Rauhauser, Brett Kimberlin and Barrett Brown. Some readers may recall, for example, how the Kate Hunt case in 2013 involved covering the swarm of #FreeKate lunatics who thought there ought to be a lesbian loophole in Florida’s age-of-consent laws, so that she could get a free pass for diddling a 14-year-old. When you cover stories like that in Gonzo mode, you may acquire particularly obnoxious and persistent enemies.


All of this is by way of offering the most likely explanation of why, in February 2016, my @rsmccain Twitter account was permanently suspended for “participating in targeted abuse,” even though no one could say (a) who was “targeted”; (b) what kind of “abuse” they had suffered; or (c) how I was “participating” in this harmful activity.

Having accumulated many enemies, who on prior occasions had called on others to “block and report” my account, there was probably quite a large file of complaints about me at Twitter by the time someone — Anita Sarkeesian, perhaps — reported one of my tweets as “abuse.”

When my banishment made headlines in February 2016, various writers (including conservative journalists I consider friends) felt obligated to describe me as “controversial” or to otherwise indicate that, somehow, in some sense, I might have done something to deserve my fate. And this is why I deplore the habit of people who, in opposing the suppression of someone like Alex Jones, feel an obligation to characterize him in a negative way, as if he is a special case in some way substantially different from those who are not (yet) de-platformed.

Is Alex Jones more “racist” than, say, Jordan Peterson or Charles Murray? Is Alex Jones a “conspiracy theorist” in a way that, say, Jim Hoft or Pamela Geller are not? Is Alex Jones more “controversial” than, say, Glenn Reynolds or Rush Limbaugh? Do you see my point here?

There are many reasons I should include disclaimers to “distance” myself, as they say, from Alex Jones. He was a 9/11 “Truther” back in the day, and personally I have a hard time forgiving him for siccing a mob of his supporters on Michelle Malkin at the 2008 DNC in Denver. Yet this is not why Alex Jones is being de-platformed now. Rather, CNN and others on the Left are seeking to silence Alex Jones because he has been effective in calling attention to various facts that the Left desperately seeks to conceal from the general public. Please go read the entirely of the Ace of Spades post about this and ask yourself: “Who’s next?”

(Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)

P.S.: Click here to buy that “Fake News: Enemies of the People” T-shirt.

UPDATE: Welcome, Instapundit readers! Please remember that the Five Most Important Words in the English Language are:



Crazy People Are Dangerous

Posted on | August 11, 2018 | 1 Comment

How many times do I have to repeat this?

A “suicidal” airline mechanic stole an empty Horizon Air turboprop plane, took off from Sea-Tac International Airport and was chased by military jets before crashing into a small island in the Puget Sound on Friday night, officials said.
Preliminary information suggests the crash occurred because the 29-year-old mechanic was “doing stunts in air or lack of flying skills,” the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department said.
Ed Troyer, a spokesman for the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department, said on Twitter the man was suicidal and there was no connection to terrorism.
Video showed the Horizon Air Q400 doing large loops and other dangerous maneuvers as the sun set. There were no passengers aboard.
Witnesses reported seeing the plane being chased by military aircraft before it crashed on Ketron Island, southwest of Tacoma, Washington. Troyer said F-15 aircraft scrambled out of Portland, Oregon, and were in the air “within a few minutes” and the pilots kept “people on the ground safe.”
The sheriff’s department said they were working to conduct a background investigation on the Pierce County resident, whose name was not immediately released. Horizon said the mechanic was an employee of the airline and that the aircraft was stolen about 8 p.m..
Pierce County Sheriff Paul Pastor said the man “did something foolish and may well have paid with his life.”
The man could be heard on audio recordings telling air traffic controllers that he is “just a broken guy.”
An air traffic controller called the man “Rich,” and tried to convince the man to land the airplane.
“There is a runway just off to your right side in about a mile,” the controller says, reffering to an airfield at Joint Base Lewis-McChord.
“Oh man. Those guys will rough me up if I try and land there,” the man responded, lateer adding “This is probably jail time for life, huh?”
Later the man said: “I’ve got a lot of people that care about me. It’s going to disappoint them to hear that I did this…Just a broken guy, got a few screws loose, I guess.”

We don’t yet have an identity for “Rich,” and so it’s impossible to know why he was suicidal. Maybe he had been watching too much CNN lately, which is enough to inspire existential despair. Some days, I watch CNN (so you don’t have to) and it’s profoundly depressing, but I’m a journalist with over 30 years in the business, whereas other people may not be able to cope with hour after hour of Russia! Russia! Russia!

Crazy People Are Dangerous.


Further Correspondence Regarding Deranged Ex-Professor Deborah Frisch

Posted on | August 11, 2018 | 1 Comment

Deborah Ellen Frisch, Ph.D., after her Jan. 5 arrest in Bend, Oregon.

Effective written communication requires attention to details of spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar. These orthographic details may seem insignificant, and are something we often take for granted until we encounter writing full of obvious errors. People who write badly create a negative impression of themselves, and so we must choose our words carefully when conducting important correspondence:

Date: Thursday, 11 Aug 2018 8:24 am
From: Robert McCain
To: [15 Addresses Redacted]
CC: Jeff Goldstein

To whom it may concern:
Deborah Ellen Frisch, I am informed, is free on bond pending an October sentencing hearing in Weld County, Colorado, after previously pleading guilty to felony charges. She has sent me no fewer than 18 emails during the past 48 hours. She falsely accuses me of crimes against her, as a result of my reporting about her continued online harassment of myself and others (see “Email to a Lawyer Regarding Deranged Ex-Professor Deborah Frisch, Ph.D.,” Aug. 8, 2018). You are receiving this email because you were among more than a dozen people she has CC’d on these messages, by which she has endeavored to defame and further harass me.
Among those CC’d in Dr. Frisch’s torrent of obscenity-filled emails was Ryan Chun, a prosecutor in Weld County whom she has previously made the target of racial slurs. Similarly, she has called me an “IRISH CATHOLIC FAGGOT” (all caps in original) although I am neither Catholic nor homosexual. In another email, she described me as the “lover” of Jeff Goldstein (CC’d), the blogger she has been harassing since 2006. It should go without saying that this is also merely another of Dr. Frisch’s deranged insults.
It is my understanding that Dr. Frisch’s defense attorney has requested that he be removed from her case, and that she has been scheduled for a hearing later this month (Aug. 31) to change conditions of her bond. While I have no direct knowledge of the purpose for this hearing, it seems reasonable to suspect the court will order Dr. Frisch to discontinue her pattern of online harassment aimed at Weld County officials and others.
Anyone reading Dr. Frisch’s lunatic email diatribes, full of obscene insults and orthographic errors, must be disturbed to think that a former university professor who holds a Ph.D. in psychology could have deteriorated to such a level of crudity and incoherence. Some of those she has CC’d on these messages may become concerned that Dr. Frisch’s condition has reached the point that she is now a danger to herself and others. It has been suggested to me, by acquaintances who have professional experience dealing with the criminally insane, that Dr. Frisch exhibits symptoms of a chronic degenerative neurological condition, from which she is unlikely to recover. While I am merely a journalist, unqualified to provide a professional assessment of her mental health, I think anyone concerned for Dr. Frisch’s well-being should consider her recent irrational behavior symptomatic, perhaps necessitating a period of supervision and psychiatric evaluation in an institutional setting.
Robert Stacy McCain

Gonna file this one under Neutral Objective Journalism.



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