The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#CPAC2018: Fighting for Freedom

Posted on | February 24, 2018 | Comments Off on #CPAC2018: Fighting for Freedom


There was an epic moment here at CPAC when Dana Loesch called out the “legacy media” for their coverage of the Parkland massacre:

National Rifle Association spokeswoman Dana Loesch said Thursday that members of the media “love mass shootings” because it provides high ratings.
“Many in legacy media love mass shootings. You guys love it,” Loesch said when addressing a crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland. “I’m not saying that you love the tragedy, but I am saying that you love the ratings. Crying white mothers are ratings gold to you and many in the legacy media.” . . .
“There are thousands of grieving black mothers in Chicago every weekend and you don’t see town halls for them, do you? Where’s the CNN town hall for Chicago? Where’s the CNN town hall for sanctuary cities?” Loesch said. “… If it bleeds it leads, but it has to be the right people from the right communities at the right time.”
Loesch said that much of the conversation in the wake of last week’s shooting has centered around the need to ban assault rifles, but said often times when mass shootings occur, law enforcement including the FBI misses red flags that would’ve prevented the gunmen involved from purchasing firearms.
“We will not be gaslighted into thinking that we’re responsible for a tragedy that we had nothing to do with,” Loesch said of the NRA. “It is not our job to follow up on red flags. It is not our job to make sure that states are reporting to the background check system. It is not our job. A failure of law enforcement is not a failure of the law. It is a failure of enforcement.”

Watch it on video (beginning at 1:55):


Seven years ago, in Tampa, Florida, Dana explained to me the tattoo on her arm — Ephesians 6:12-13 — and she fights with the “whole armour.”

In the past 24 hours, the hashtag #TweetYourNRAMembership went viral on Twitter, and I decided to pay $40 and join the NRA, which is the nation’s oldest civil rights organization.

Meanwhile, on another front, my friend and former co-defendant John Hoge and I have decided to start a podcast — The Other Podcast, we’re calling it — and we make our debut tonight at 7 p.m. ET.



Broward Rhymes With Something

Posted on | February 24, 2018 | 1 Comment

by Smitty

A little rhyming repartee with JoahnOfArgghh. Twitter ain’t dead; it’s just restin’.

“Doctored annual arrest percent” alludes to this thread.

Chris Cassone: “Who Among Us”

Posted on | February 24, 2018 | Comments Off on Chris Cassone: “Who Among Us”

by Smitty

Old blog buddy Chris Cassone came to mind while breaking fast with Stacy McCain this morning at CPAC. It’s been almost a decade since we first had him play at an event at the Army & Navy Club that we hosted. Chris is coming out with some new stuff Real Soon Now, and this video promises much greatness to follow:

Late Night With In The Mailbox: 02.23.18

Posted on | February 24, 2018 | Comments Off on Late Night With In The Mailbox: 02.23.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First Street Journal: The Left And Freedom Of Speech
EBL: Coward of The County?
Twitchy: Conservatives Tell @BrowardSheriff Exactly What They Think With New Hashtag
Louder With Crowder: Experts Now Comparing San Francisco To “Slums Of Developing Countries”
The Federalist: 13 Ways Public Schools Incubate Mental Instability In Kids (h/t NeoWayland)
According To Hoyt: No Feet Sally And The Denial Of Humanity
Monster Hunter Nation: Back From LTUE
Vox Popoli: David Hogg, Media Star

Adam Piggott: Friday Hawt Chicks & Links – The Curse of Modern Management Edition
American Power: David Horowitz, The Left In The Universities, also, “Ratings Gold” – Dana Loesch Slams Media Exploitation Of Mass Shootings
American Thinker: The Contemptible American Left
Animal Magnetism: Best Headline Of The Day, also, Rule Five “Reasonable Restrictions” Friday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For February 23
CDR Salamander: Fullbore Friday
Da Tech Guy: The Silence Of The Bloggers, also, Justin Trudeau Dresses up For Bride And Prejudice
Don Surber: Trump Revives Coal
Dustbury: The Model For All That Followed
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Merkel Walks Out Of Bundestag after AfD Leader Blasts Her Immigration Policies, also, Emails Expose Terror-Tied CAIR’s Ongoing Influence In San Diego Schools
Hogewash: A Deplorable Mind, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: Pelosi Desperate As Democrats Face Significant 2018 Losses
JustOneMinute: Imminent Strange New Respect For The Donald?
Legal Insurrection: Enterprise Car Rental Cancels NRA Discounts Under Pressure From Left-Wing Gun Grabbers, also, Parkland Shooter Tips The FBI Ignored
Power Line: A Guide To Weapons For The Uninformed, also, The Confucius Institutes – China’s Vehicle For Ideological Warfare In America
Shark Tank: CNN Accused Of Feeding Scripted Questions at Town Hall
Shot In The Dark: So Let’s Get This Straight
STUMP: Around The Pension-O-Sphere – Let’s Divest From Guns, New Interpretation of Pension Spiking, And More!
The Political Hat: The Hellhole Of Tumblr Creeps Into The Real World
This Ain’t Hell: 73rd Anniversary Of Mount Suribachi Flag Raising, also, Failures
Victory Girls: My Liberal Friends Are F***ing Idiots
Weasel Zippers: US Islamic Group Launches Pro-Hijab Billboard Campaign, also, Not Just One But Four Broward County Deputies Waited Outside School As Kids Died
Megan McArdle: You Can’t Have Denmark Without Danes
Mark Steyn: The Decline of Social Trust

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Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Posted on | February 24, 2018 | Comments Off on Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty

Swings the heavy door shut, turns the key a final time.
Mother’s illness has been a second womb. The lengthy second gestation is done. She’d been ancient; he, merely old, wife taken by cancer decades ago, only son taken by war, siblings estranged.
Hand lets go of the brass key. He feels liberated. Weight dropping off.
There’s a brew pub on the corner. His tongue almost jumps out of his mouth at the thought of the sweet ale washing away the bitter pain of emotion with the crisp bitterness of hops.
He hasn’t had a beer in what? Decades.

via Darleen

#CPAC2018: Legion of the Banned

Posted on | February 22, 2018 | 1 Comment

Pete Da Tech Guy displays a copy of his book.

Arrived here about 3 p.m., and I’ll be crashing in Da Tech Guy‘s room for the next three days. His book Hail Mary is available via Amazon, if you want to help support his work. As for me, I’m due at 5 p.m. at Cadillac Ranch for an invitation-only happy hour with Google “manifesto” author James Damore, a chance at last to meet my fellow Thought Criminal.


In The Mailbox: 02.22.18

Posted on | February 22, 2018 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 02.22.18

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Suspended By Medium
Twitchy: Ted Lieu Admits He’s Straight-Up Lying About Guns And Says He Won’t Stop
Louder With Crowder: Dear Celebrities Demanding We “Do Something” About Guns – YOU FIRST
Mises Wire: Security Works At Disney, But Can’t Work In A Public School? (h/t Neo Wayland)

Adam Piggott: Spread The Word
American Power: Dana Loesch At CNN’s Town Hall
American Thinker: What Constitutes Treason?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Gun Ban News
BattleSwarm: Gun-Grabbing Democrats Get High On Their Own Supply Again
CDR Salamander: Diversity Thursday, also, Not Quite The Morocco Crisis
Da Tech Guy: Dinesh D’Souza, The Big Lie, also, Voices At CPAC 2018 – Vicki From Minnesota
Don Surber: We’ve Had Gun Control For 50 Years
Dustbury: Have We Got A Brazilian For You
Fausta: MS-13 In The News This Week
Fred On Everything: Kids, Then & Now
The Geller Report: Three African Migrants Arrested For Cannibalism In Paris, also, Acid Placed In Stroller Burns French Rabbi’s Baby
Hogewash: Stacy McCain GULAGed Again, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Joe For America: John Cusack Calls Republican Party A “Death Cult”
Legal Insurrection: CNN Harasses Woman Whose Pro-Trump Facebook Group Was Targeted By Russian Trolls, also, PA Legislators Seek SCOTUS Stay Of New Congressional District Map
Michelle Malkin: Do Not Let The Children Lead
Power Line: Remembering The Indispensable Man, also, Amy Wax Looks Back
Shark Tank: President Trump Meets With Parkland Shooting Survivors
Shot In The Dark: All The News That’s Fit To Manufacture
STUMP: Dirty Divestment & Clean Investment Follies
The Jawa Report: Jawa Olympics Coverage, also, RIP Billy Graham
The Political Hat: Fundamental Transformation – English-Free Pledge Of Allegiance, De-Westernized Western Civilization, Non-Swedish Swedish Heritage
This Ain’t Hell: Don’t Lecture Me, also, Attention On Deck! Listen Up!
Victory Girls: Hateful Teen Vogue Columnist Tells Billy Graham To Burn In Hell
Weasel Zippers: Billy Graham’s Last Post, also, Flynn Case Judge Orders Exculpatory Evidence Turned Over To Flynn’s Lawyers
Mark Steyn: The State Submits

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Suspended by @Medium: Another Platform Is Banishing Conservatives

Posted on | February 22, 2018 | 3 Comments

On Feb. 14, I received this email from

We are writing to notify you that your account is in violation of our rules, and your profile and posts will no longer be publicly available on Medium.

Medium exists to share and discuss ideas. We don’t tolerate harassment, which includes:

— Bullying, threatening, or shaming someone, or posting things likely to encourage others to do so
— Posting copies of private communications between private individuals without the explicit consent of all parties to the communication
–Doxing, which includes not only private or obscure personal information but also the aggregation of publicly available information to target, shame, blackmail, harass, intimidate, threaten, or endanger
— Using Medium features like responses, private notes, mentions, follows, story requests, or writer requests in a way intended to annoy or harass someone
— Posting intimate or explicit images taken or posted without the subject’s express consent

Related conduct
We do not allow posts or accounts that engage in on-platform, off-platform, or cross-platform campaigns of targeting, harassment, hate speech, violence, or disinformation. We may consider off-platform actions in assessing a Medium account, and restrict access or availability to that account.

Your work will remain accessible to you while signed in, and may be exported at any time by following the instructions here, but will appear as unavailable to others.
Your Medium membership, if you have one, will be cancelled and any remaining funds you may have prepaid will be returned to you.
Medium Trust & Safety

There was nothing in this email to describe how anything I had done had specifically violated these rules. So I sent them an email inquiring what content had caused this suspension, and what I might do to get my account reinstated. No answer. So I emailed again, and again. Nothing.

Yesterday, however, it was reported that had also suspended the accounts of Mike Cernovich, Jack Posobiec, and Laura Loomer — all figures identified as “alt-right” — and it may therefore be surmised that, like Twitter and Facebook, has begun to effectively prohibit conservatives from using their platform.

I first began writing at in June 2016. Some friends of mine had occasionally used for long-form writing, and I saw the advantages of the platform in technological terms. Several of my posts there reached a readership of more than 10,000, and I appreciated this, even though I derived no direct revenue from it.

Mike Cernovich has announced his intention to sue for violating his “civil rights,” and I wish him success in that endeavor, although it has always been my personal policy never to sue anyone. Lawsuits are a headache that I strive to avoid, and while I have been forced to defend myself in court — and won — being a plaintiff just isn’t something that appeals to me. Reporting on bias in the media becomes problematic if you are suing the people you’re reporting about.

And that’s what this is — another media bias story. The days of the Internet as an unrestrained Wild West frontier for the dissemination of information are coming to an end, as we see emerging online the same liberal bias that has warped newspapers, magazines and TV news into an Orwellian exercise in propaganda and disinformation. Companies like Google, Twitter and Facebook are suppressing facts and commentary that contradict the Cult of Social Justice that prevails inside the “progressive” echo chamber of the university-educated elite.

Although this silencing of dissent has harmed me personally and professionally, I keep in mind that this is not about me. Nobody other than my family and friends really cares what happens to me and, while I consider regular readers here as my friends, what would happen if this blog got taken offline? For a few days or a few weeks, perhaps, there might be some attention paid to my suppression, but “out of sight, out of mind” as they say — almost no one now mentions how my @rsmccain account was banished from Twitter two years ago.

Those of us who are banished are like Bukharin or Trotsky during the era of Stalinism, airbrushed out of the old photos and excluded from the history books, becoming “unpersons,” as it were. We dwell in a sort of an online gulag, occasionally mentioned in samizdat publications which the hegemonic powers have been unable to suppress — yet.

When announced its new rules Feb. 7, the claim was that this was to “strengthen our community,” while the evidence indicates this was merely a pretext for banishing dissent from the site. is a Democrat Party propaganda operation, and therefore must purge anyone who disrupts this partisan and ideological conformity.

Do not be deceived about what is happening here. It is not a paranoid “conspiracy theory” to describe the self-evident facts, even if the ideological enforcers defend these purges by libelously accusing the suppressed of “harassment,” “abuse,” “hate,” etc. After their candidate was defeated in 2016, the Democrats decided that the reason for their loss was that their opponents had been too successful in online activism. Consequently, a crackdown on conservative voices was organized in Internet firms as a way to tilt the playing field online, much as CNN and other so-called “mainstream” news operations tilt the playing field.

What does history teach us about the consequences of this kind of suppression? I’m sure the geniuses running “Trust & Safety” operations at these companies haven’t studied those lessons very carefully.

“Truth is great and will prevail,” as Thomas Jefferson said, but the eventual triumph of the truth can be long delayed by oppressors, as was the case in the former Soviet Union, a regime of lies which took more than 70 years to collapse from its own inherent contradictions.

Like I keep saying, people need to wake the hell up.



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