The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 07.25.17

Posted on | July 25, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.25.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Professor Weinstein To Sue Evergreen State College For $3.8 Million
Twitchy: Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’ IT Guy Arrested At Dulles, Charged With Bank Fraud
Louder With Crowder: California Imam Rants About Annihilating Jews

Adam Piggott: Innovate Or Perish
American Power: Identity Politics, Equality, And Marxism (VIDEO), also, Ashley McGuire, Sex Scandal
American Thinker: Fire Mueller
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Kid Rock News
BattleSwarm: Islamic State Affiliated Groups And Their Current Status
BLACKFIVE: K.J. Howe, The Freedom Broker
Bring The HEAT: The British 24-Hour Operational Ration Pack, Part II, Part III
Da Tech Guy: Vox Channels Wondermark, also, Why KPFA Cancelled The Dawkins Appearance
Don Surber: The Left Never Liked The Boy Scouts
Dustbury: One Might Almost Say, “Like A Boss”
The Geller Report: Muslim Student Groups In US Celebrate Slaughter Of Israeli Family
Hogewash: Well, That Was Quick, also, Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Dem Rep Gutierrez – We’re Going To Eliminate The Major Criminal In The White House
Joe For America: FBI Finds The Hard Drives Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Was Looking For – SMASHED
JustOneMinute: Jared Kushner Denies Everything, also, Waiting For The Plan
Power Line: Court Attempts To Block Election Integrity Panel From Doing Its Job, also, Trump And The Boy Scouts
Shark Tank: Charlie Crist Flexes His Political Fundraising Muscle
Shot In The Dark: She’ll Never Get Reservations At The Local Vegan Restaurant Again
STUMP: Mortality Monday – Suicide, The Absolute Numbers
The Jawa Report: Twitter Willing To Discuss Providing Services To The Taliban – In Private, also, Feel Good Video Of The Day (Watch Your Head Edition)
The Political Hat: California And The Outing Of Thought Criminals
This Ain’t Hell: Valor Thief Jan Spann Resigns From School Board, also, Iwo Jima Vet Howard Banks Attacked
Weasel Zippers: Massachusetts Teachers Union Not Backing Bill Nixing Student/Teacher Sex, also, Flashback – Democratic Delegates Boo The Boy Scouts Of America
Mark Steyn: Old Turks, Young French, And A Singular Ray

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Tranny SJW Claims Science Does Not Prove That the Penis Is a Male Organ

Posted on | July 25, 2017 | 1 Comment


Zachary Antolak, a/k/a “Zinnia Jones,” a/k/a “Satana Kennedy,” a/k/a “Lauren McNamara” is a person familiar to regular readers here. An atheist transgender activist and Internet pornographer, Antolak/“Jones” has tattooed himself/“herself” with a symbol used on the cover of Anton LaVey’s Satanic Bible modified with transgender symbols.

The bizarre semantics by which Antolak/“Jones” claims that the penis is not “male genitals” is a perfect example of the lunatic ideology of the transgender cult. As I noted in the case of Eyrne Daymont a/k/a “Aryn Maitland,” crazy is a pre-existing condition. When confronted by the rhetoric of transgender activists, we must recognize that we are dealing with seriously disturbed people. Their efforts to distort language, to change the meanings of words, and to force the rest of to accept their revised definitions, represent a dishonest attempt to obtain validation by compelling others to ratify their delusions.

As the feminist site 4th Wave Now points out, “gender dysphoria occurs with troubling frequency in concert with a range of other mental disturbances, including personality disorders, depression, anxiety, and autism.” In other words, people who are confused about their gender identity are often confused about a lot of other things.

Part of what’s going on here is a consequence of decades of schools promoting “self-esteem,” where every child gets a participation trophy, and everyone has a right to believe they’re awesome. This nonsense doesn’t equip young people for adult life, where there are winners and losers, and where the vast majority of people must struggle along without any praise, encouragement or recognition for their efforts. Having never learned to endure hardship with stoic dignity (which is what all children should be taught), the young misfits full of “self-esteem” become convinced that the world has somehow cheated them of the praise to which the Special Snowflakes believe they are entitled. This cognitive dissonance is the psychological root of the antinomian rage among Social Justice Warriors (SJWs), who wish to destroy all existing laws, institutions and social norms which they condemn as oppressive forces of “capitalist imperialist white supremacist cisheteronormative patriarchy,” to quote the University of Southern California’s Vanessa Diaz.

“Social justice” has become an argument that lunatics must be allowed to run the asylum, because sanity is a prejudicial concept that discriminates against kooks and wackos. This is why we find Zachary Antolak/“Zinnia Jones” on the Internet asserting that it is unscientific to describe the penis as a male sexual organ, and expecting this bizarre assertion to be taken seriously. But let’s not forget “Satana Kennedy.”


Here again self-esteem ideology intersects with the SJW mentality in the form of toxic narcissism. Zachary/“Zinnia” insists that everything he/“she” does is off-limits to criticism, including his/“her” Internet pornography career as “Satana Kennedy.” This sordid activity has earned Zachary/“Zinnia”/“Satana” the sobriquet “Queen of the Horse Dildos.” Like prostitution, pornography is inherently shameful. Everyone who watches pornography is as complicit in this perverse degradation as those who profit from its production. While the Supreme Court has maintained that pornography is protected by the First Amendment (a claim that would surely shock the 18th-century Americans who authored and ratified that amendment), the fact that it is legal doesn’t mean pornography isn’t also wrong. The same is true of abortion, and yet pro-abortion advocates (e.g., Lindy West) have sought to “de-stigmatize” abortion in the same way that the advocates of pornography have sought to de-stigmatize their own depraved practices.

Using the phrase “sex work” to describe his/“her” activity as an online exhibitionist, Zachary/“Zinnia”/“Satana” seeks to normalize what is inarguably abnormal behavior. If publicly degrading yourself for the onanistic pleasure of an audience of perverts is a “neat job,” and if those engaged in this activity are “seriously amazing people,” then anyone who criticizes the “trans porn community” is just a hateful bigot — such is the implied argument of Zachary/“Zinnia”/“Satana.”

This is a crude sort of rhetorical jiu-jitsu, common to “social justice” discourse. SJWs attempt to transfer moral shame from the participants in shameful behavior (abortion, pornography, drug abuse, etc.) to their opponents who criticize such behavior. By the logic of SJWs, it is not criminals who deserve condemnation; instead, their rage is directed against the police who apprehend criminals. By the same logical inversion of values, we should not admire those who succeed in business, but rather we should hate “the rich” as exploiters, and demand the destruction of capitalism itself as a system of oppression. This jiu-jitsu reversal is how SJWs justified the Black Lives Matter movement, which sparked riots and assassinations of police. Similarly, SJW logic apparently led college philosophy instructor Eric Clanton to believe he was justified in committing aggravated assault against Trump supporters.

By this upside-down-and-backward method of rhetoric, SJWs strive to prohibit disagreement, categorizing opposition as “hate” and depicting themselves as victims of unjust prejudice. “If you want to control what people think, you must first control what they are allowed to say.” The totalitarian suppression of free speech is a logical consequence of the social justice worldview. If transgender pornographers are “amazing people,” anyone who criticizes Zachary/“Zinnia”/“Satana” must obviously be a bad person. You are a hater, and therefore you no longer have a right to express your own beliefs and opinions. In fact, according to SJWs like Zachary/“Zinnia”/“Satana,” normal people don’t even have a right to their own sexual preferences.


Here we arrive at the real bottom line of the LGBT agenda. Once disapproval is prohibited as “hate,” then the demand for “equality” makes participation mandatory. Anyone who refuses to engage in homosexual activity — which is what Zachary/“Zinnia”/“Satana” demands — is subject to the accusation of being “exclusionary.” For a man to declare his unwillingness to having sex with a carnival freak show like Zinnia Jones is “misplaced and inappropriate.” and heterosexual men must “try to work through” this aversion.

What Zinnia Jones is saying here is what the LGBT movement actually believes: Heterosexuality is wrong. Gay radicals demand sexual access to 100% of the population, and anyone who objects to this agenda — anyone who refuses to participate in gay sex — will be condemned as a bigot. As crazy as this may seem, it is an entirely logical conclusion if you accept the SJW premise that “discrimination” and “prejudice” against gay people are unjust forms of systemic oppression.

Once you allow the lunatics to run the asylum, you have to play by their rules. Under the new rules, if Zachary wants to call himself “Zinnia” and insists that his penis is not a male organ, any expression of disagreement with his/her assertions will be prohibited as hate speech.

Ernst Rohm could not be reached for comment.



In The Mailbox: 07.24.17

Posted on | July 24, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First Street Journal: Democrats Support Raising Taxes, So Let’s Raise Taxes On Democrats!
EBL: National Tequila Day
Twitchy: Confirmed – There’s No Joy Reid Parody Account For A Reason
Louder With Crowder: Oregon Parents With Low IQs Have Children Seized By State

Adam Piggott: The Female Orgasm Is Submissive
American Power: Far-Left Democrats Attempt “Better Deal” Rebranding, also, Walter Lord, The Miracle Of Dunkirk (Just $1.51 for Kindle!)
American Thinker: To Sink Trump Is To Sink Ordinary Americans
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BattleSwarm: Girls und Panzer
BLACKFIVE: Cynthia Eden, Before The Dawn
Bring The HEAT: Controversy Surrounding Nolan’s Dunkirk
Da Tech Guy: The Prosecution Rests, also, Report From Louisiana – Pokemon Go Is Still A Thing
Don Surber: Yes, NYT Is A Failing Newspaper, And Not Just Financially, also, Democrats Have a Message For Voters – That’s The Problem
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, Thou Shalt Not Derp
The Geller Report: After Officer Noor Murders Woman, Muslim Council Member Demands “Changes That I Expect” From New Police Chief
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day, also, Celebratory Announcement
Jammie Wearing Fools: Bombshell – Vox Geniuses Realize Calling People Racist Isn’t Working
Joe For America: Texas Human Trafficking Case – Seven Dead In Semi At Walmart
JustOneMinute: Where’s The Love In Cleveland?, also, The New Media Order Will Be Joke Free
Power Line: Bringing Literature To The Masses DiBlasio Style, also, Ouch! “Twin Cities Police Easily Startled”
Shark Tank: Florida’s “Commissioner Of Dirty Jobs” Is Up For Grabs
Shot In The Dark: Deep Thoughts From Minneapolis’ Next Mayor
STUMP: MEPs On The Rocks – Furniture Workers Pension Allowed To Cut Retiree Benefits
The Jawa Report: We Now Turn Over Jawa Report To This Muslim, also, Anons Stomp Snuff-O-Gram
The Political Hat: Pippi Longstocking, Thought Criminal
This Ain’t Hell: You Don’t Believe Liberals Want To Take Your Guns?, also, Cassandra Koscak Sentenced For Ripping Off Vets
Weasel Zippers: Officer Noor Only Had Seven Months’ Training After Being Fast-Tracked Through Cadet Program, also, Planned Parenthood’s New Guidelines Say Genitals Don’t Determine Gender
Megan McArdle: Obamacare’s Big Win? It Helps Some People Be A Little Less Poor
Mark Steyn: Keeping His Hand In, also, Country Matters

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Patterico Vindicated: Judge Rules Against Brett Kimberlin’s Failed Federal Suit

Posted on | July 24, 2017 | 1 Comment

Nearly four years after Brett Kimberlin sued Patrick Frey, myself and numerous other defendants (including Michelle Malkin, and Red State) in a bogus federal RICO suit, the case has finally concluded with Judge George Hazel granting Frey summary judgment.

There was no factual basis for this suit we had dubbed Kimberlin v. the Universe, et al., and the Pro Se Pipsqueak’s main claims were dismissed in March 2015, but Judge Hazel allowed Kimberlin’s case to proceed to discovery in regard to his claim that Frey had wrongfully acted “under color of law” as a county employee in California. A key component of Judge Hazel’s final ruling was that Patrick Frey sincerely believed that the July 2011 SWATting incident which sent to an armed police squad to his house was related to Kimberlin’s months-long campaign of retaliation against Frey because of what Frey had written about Kimberlin’s criminal history of bombing, perjury, drug dealing, etc.:

“Kimberlin has failed to submit evidence, rather than his own strongly held convictions, that Frey’s actions were motivated by an improper, retaliatory purpose, rather than [Frey’s] desire to spur law enforcement to investigate a crime of which [Frey] was the victim.”

Keep in mind that I was targeted by a SWATting in 2013, which eventually resulted in the perpetrator being sent to federal prison. SWATting is a very dangerous form of criminal harassment, and law enforcement was never able to solve the SWATting of Frey, who has extensively explain the reasons he suspected this crime was connected to Kimberlin. Given what is known about Kimberlin and his associates, and other aspects of the case which Frey has explained, certainly this suspicion was reasonable, even though the actual perpetrators of the SWATting were never apprehended. The fact that I was also the target of a SWATting, as were Mike Stack in New Jersey and Aaron Worthing in Virginia at different times, could be viewed as part of a pattern of criminal harassment. Let any intelligent person investigate the facts for themselves, and draw their own conclusions.

Go to Patterico’s blog and congratulate him on his success. First Amendment freedom has won, and the Speedway Bomber has lost.

It’s a great day to be an American!


Early Morning Rule 5 Monday

Posted on | July 24, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Body clock’s been thoroughly disarranged by a sleep study last night, so I figure I’ll take care of this before I nod off for the day. If I can. This week’s appetizer by Edward D’Ancona looks like she’s ready for bed, but not for sleep.
As usual, most of the following links are to pictures generally considered NSFW. The management is not responsible for the consequences of you being dumb and clicking on those links in the wrong time or place.

Ready for bed?

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns, followed by Goodstuff celebrating National Hot Dog Day with “the wienerlicious Yvonne Strahovski” and Animal Magnetism with Rule 5 Economic Infringement Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

Outstanding in her field as usual, EBL presents Blade Runner 2049 with Ana de Armas, Jodie Whittaker, Queenie Rosita Law, National Hot Dog Day Rule 5, What Would Joan Jett Do?, Lunar Advertising, Space 1999 Rule 5, and ComicCon 2017.

A View From The Beach has The Other HilaryFish Pic Friday – BonitoThursday TanlinesCan Coal Ash Save the Bay?Thanks for the Tips!Dr. What?I Guess There’s a Scientist for EverythingTrouble for the “Out of Africa” Hypothesis? (cavegirl content), But Will He Rise to Walk Again? – RIP George Romero, and “Oleo Strut”

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Katharine McPhee, his Vintage Babe is Brenda Marshall, Sex in Advertising is covered by Guess, and in extra innings, Women of PETA LIII! At Dustbury, it’s Yuja Wang and Caroline Trentini.

Thanks to everyone for all the luscious linkagery!

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Palm Beach Götterdämmerung

Posted on | July 23, 2017 | Comments Off on Palm Beach Götterdämmerung


Stephen Jean-Louis, 19, called himself the “Party God” of Palm Beach County, Florida, where he was known to throw wild parties at mansions. How a teenager could get access to multimillion-dollar homes was explained in an article last month by the Palm Beach Post:

When Alfred and Jan Malley leave town for the summer, they count on their property manager to keep watch of their $9.87 million house — located in the Estate Section of Palm Beach known for its large mansions.
One day this past May, the manager had his family over. Then his children told their friends about the house. And they told their friends. They spread flyers on social media advertising a “Palm Beach Island Pool Banger Mansion Party — Wet and Wild Edition.”
Unbeknownst to the Malleys, their home became the latest out-of-control blowout in Palm Beach County. . . .
At the Malley family’s Palm Beach mansion — five bedrooms, 7.5 baths on Clarendon Avenue with a pool and beach access — a video of the party circulating on the Internet documents drug use. The video shows women in bikini tops drinking alcohol straight from the bottle and men opening beer cans by smashing them on their heads and then chugging. . . .
The group that marketed the Palm Beach mansion party also promoted the “Palmghanistan” mansion party in Boynton Beach in June, according to social media accounts.
The owner of the Boynton waterfront home was in Germany and had the property rented through the HomeAway website. He believed an author was vacationing in the home with his family. Instead, about 500 people took over the home in the small cul-de-sac of Northeast 15th Place on the Intracoastal Waterway.
Women were allowed in free and men paid $5 before 10 p.m. and $10, after.
That party was broken up by police after only 90 minutes, but the organizers had their cash.
“The parties happen maybe once a month,” said one of the party organizers known as StephToTrill.
StephToTrill, who did not want his full name used in this story, said each party he’s involved in has two “party gods,” a DJ and a person who secures the home. He said he is one of the “party gods.”

Unfortunately for Stephen Jean-Louis, a/k/a “StephToTrill,” police say he was engaged in more than one kind of illegal enterprise:

Stephen Jean-Louis, who also goes by the name StephToTrill, robbed a city hair stylist of approximately $2,700 at gunpoint on June 23, according to a Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office report.
According to the report, the stylist worked on Jean-Louis’ hair for nearly five hours, adding dreadlock extensions. When she asked him to pay, however, he pointed a gun at her and demanded the $800 inside the cash register, the $400 that was on top of her purse and the $1,500 that was inside of her purse.
Jean-Louis fled the salon and the salon owner contacted authorities the next day because she feared retaliation, she told deputies. Jean-Louis was arrested Sunday and booked into the Palm Beach County Jail on charges of robbery with a firearm, aggravated assault with a firearm, carrying a concealed firearm and committing a felony while possessing a firearm.
Judge Caroline Shepherd [June 26] ordered Jean-Louis be held without bail on the robbery charge.

Matters have now gone from bad to worse for the erstwhile “Party God”:

A 19-year-old known for throwing mansion parties around Palm Beach County is accused of recording three teens having sex at one of those parties, according to a sheriff’s office report.
Stephen Jean-Louis, of suburban West Palm Beach, was arrested on July 15 and faces charges of transmitting child pornography, sexual cyberharrassment of another person and other associated charges. Jean-Louis was already in jail without bail for a June 25 arrest. . . .
On June 20, investigators say Jean-Louis advertised a party at 7282 Via Luria in the Isola Bella community, west of Florida’s Turnpike just south of Hypoluxo Road. . . .
On that Tuesday evening, a 16-year-old girl, 16-year-old boy and a 19-year-old man were having sex in one of the five bedrooms of the two-story home. . . .
Investigators said while the three were having sex, Jean-Louis stood by recording their actions and posting it on his Snapchat account. At the end of the video, Jean-Louis, who goes by “Party God” and “StephToTrill,” flips the camera around to show himself smiling behind a pair of white sunglasses, according to the report.

Robbery and child pornography charges, in addition to the firearms charges, should be enough to put Jean-Louis away for a few years. A quick trip from Palm Beach mansions to “the big house” in Starke.

(Hat-tip: Kirby McCain on Twitter.)


FMJRA 2.0: Diamonds & Rust

Posted on | July 22, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Rule 5 Sunday: Fast Cars & Fast Women
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

FMJRA 2.0: Modern Love
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

Those ‘Turbo’ Thingies

Stacy’s Cousin’s Medical Jingle

In The Mailbox: 7.17.17
A View From The Beach

Feminism’s Excuse Factory: Nikki Yovino, Title IX and False Rape Accusations
The Pirate’s Cove

In The Mailbox: 07.18.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 07.19.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 07.20.17
Proof Positive

Crazy Is a Pre-Existing Condition
Eternity Matters

In The Mailbox: 07.21.17
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1.  EBL (11)
  2.  (tied) A View From The Beach and Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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In The Mailbox: 07.21.17

Posted on | July 21, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.21.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Sean Spicer Resigns…I Am Sad
Twitchy: Mark Hamill Surpasses Jar Jar Binks Level of Douchebaggery With Hot Take On Stacy’s Crazy Cousin John
Louder With Crowder: Toronto Man Tells City To Shove It, Builds Park Stairs (Estimated At $65K) For $550
According To Hoyt: Your Way
Monster Hunter Nation: Interview With Hollywood In Toto
Vox Popoli: The Glorious Youth

Adam Piggott: The Great Australian Immigration Betrayal
American Power: Why The Media’s War On President Trump Is Doomed To Fail, also, James Jones, From Here To Eternity
American Thinker: Paul Krugman Explains Obamacare
Animal Magnetism: Rule Five Economic Infringement Saturday
BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm For July 21
Bring The HEAT: A-7D/E Corsair II
Da Tech Guy: Be Careful What You Sign, also, President Trump’s First Six Months Of #MAGA
Don Surber: Start Chick-Fil-Gay, Then
Dustbury: Don’t Shake This Off
The Geller Report: MPD Chief Says Officer Noor “Very Suited To Be On The Street”, also, MPD Chief Harteau Resigns While Noor Remains On Force
Hogewash: Blognet, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Joe For America: Teacher Calls Kids Racist, Kids Retaliate By Decorating Room
JustOneMinute: Trump Unchained, also, A Bracer From Victor Davis Hanson
Power Line: HUD To Reinterpret AFFH When They Should Rescind It, also, Trump Fights Back Against Mueller
Shark Tank: Tim Canova Says No To PAC Donations But Accepts Them Anyway
Shot In The Dark: Four Out Of Five Maoists Agree The Great Leap Forward Was In Fact A Great Leap Forward
The Jawa Report: Where’s Dr. Rusty? Unholy Matrimony Edition, also, Ministry Of Irony – Facebook Bans Moderate Muslim Imam For Islamophobia
The Political Hat: White (Milk) Supremacy
This Ain’t Hell: Friday Morning Feelgood Stories, also, “Unnamed Officials” Tell CNN Fitzgerald Collision Was Navy’s Fault
Weasel Zippers: State Department Blames Israel For Terrorism, also, California School Chancellor Wants to Abolish Algebra, Claims It’s A Civil Rights Issue
Megan McArdle: When a Restaurant Is Simply Perfect, Not Novel
Mark Steyn: Diversity And Disintegration

The International Lord of Hate Proclaims Book Bomb!The LawDog Files
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