The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 07.12.17

Posted on | July 12, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Proof Positive: Raiders Of The Lost Credibility
EBL: Joe Scarborough Drops A “Major Bombshell”
Michelle Malkin: The Crisis In America’s Crime Labs
Twitchy: DeRay McKesson Has Stunning Realization About Planet of The Apes And His Trademark Blue Vest
Louder With Crowder: NYPD Commissioner At Slain Policewoman’s Funeral – “Why Is There No Outrage?”

Adam Piggott: Representatives Of The People?
American Power: Keystone Kops Collusion, also, S.L.A. Marshall, World War I
American Thinker: When Ted Kennedy’s Russian Pal Wanted To Kill The Pope
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BattleSwarm: Carlos Uresti’s Fraud Trial – Turn Down For Watt?
BLACKFIVE: Linda Castillo, Down A Dark Road
Da Tech Guy: (Baldilocks) Recon – Enemy Advancing
Don Surber: If CNN Can’t Take It, Don’t Dish It Out
Dustbury: Their Eyes Are Up There
The Geller Report: Muslim Mother Who Defenestrated Newborn Gets Probation – Just Probation
Hogewash: A Canadian And A Hockey Stick, also, While This Has Appeared In The Online Docket…
Jammie Wearing Fools: Former DNC Hack Who Slipped CNN Debate Questions To Hillary Signed To Write Hacks
Joe For America: Libs Block Diplomat’s Car, Discover Diplomats Operate Under Different Rules
JustOneMinute: Trump Resurrection!
Power Line: A Russia Collusion Story Worth Pursuing, also, Stop The Democrats’ Obstruction!
Shark Tank: Bruno Barreiro Raises $176K In Five Weeks
Shot In The Dark: Lie First, Lie Always – They Think You’re Stupid
STUMP: Illinois Financial Disaster – Even More Reactions To The Budget
The Jawa Report: Bad To Worse – Daesh Commander Captured By Tahrir Al-Sham, also, Sandcrawler PSA – Nevada Totally Out Of Herb
The Political Hat: Kill ‘Em All – From The Suffering Terminally Ill To Whoever
This Ain’t Hell: SFC Ikaika Kang – Terrorist In The Ranks, also, Former Guardsman Charged In OK Bombing
Weasel Zippers: Sen. McCain Called For Questioning In Trump Dossier Lawsuit, also, Liberal Legal Scholar Scoffs At Claims That Donald Trump Jr. Guilty Of Treason or Any Illegality
Mark Steyn: On The Receiving End Of The Hockey Stick

Summer Digital Deals
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Feminist Denounces Ivanka Trump as a Symbol of ‘Patriarchal’ Authority

Posted on | July 12, 2017 | Comments Off on Feminist Denounces Ivanka Trump as a Symbol of ‘Patriarchal’ Authority


No matter how “empowered” a woman may be, she will never be accepted by feminists if she is a Republican:

MSNBC contributor Joan Walsh appeared on MSNBC Live on Sunday and attacked Ivanka Trump for not only briefly sitting in for her father at a G20 summit meeting, but for wearing a “girlie” dress while doing so.
The author of the book, “What’s the Matter with White People?”, believes that Ivanka’s “ornamental” dress was symbolic of “patriarchal, authoritarian societies” where daughters are “property.” . . .
“Right. With big bows on her sleeve. I mean, I don’t mean to sound sexist — it can be dangerous to comment on what women wear — but the fact that she sat in for her father in a dress that was so incredibly ornamental was such a contradiction in terms”, Walsh said. “And I think that what we see is that in patriarchal, authoritarian societies, daughters have great value — they are property. And the message that she is sending about her own value, about her place in the White House, and about the place of women in this administration, I think, are really frightening.” . . .
“That’s not a dress that’s made for work. That’s not a dress that’s made to go out in the world and make a difference. That is a dress that is designed to show off your girlieness, and, you know, God bless her, show it off, but don’t then tell us that you’re crusading for an equal place for women at the table because you’re not.”

Unless you hate Republicans, feminists don’t want you in their club.


The Third Law of SJW: VidCon 2017 and Anita Sarkeesian’s Paranoid Projection

Posted on | July 12, 2017 | 1 Comment


Anita Sarkeesian (@femfreq on Twitter) is a feminist who made herself notorious by her attempts to destroy the videogame industry with dubious charges of sexism, and who has since made a career of victimhood, claiming to be a target of criminal harassment.

Who is “harassing” whom? The reality is that Sarkeesian and her “social justice warrior” (SJW) allies are engaged in a dishonest effort to silence their critics. In February 2016, Twitter named Sarkeesian to its “Trust and Safety Council”; two weeks later, I was banned from Twitter.

Not surprisingly, Sarkeesian claimed that suspicions about her role in the totalitarian suppression of online dissent were “a manifestation of misogyny, borne out of a deep distrust and hatred of women.” This was disingenuous, as I wrote at the time:

What Ms. Sarkeesian failed to do, of course, was to explain why she is so hated in particular (Answer: Because she lies) or whether the suspension of my account was prompted by a complaint from her or one of her allies.

To this day, Twitter has never offered any specific justification for suspending my @rsmccain account, and this is a textbook lesson in what feminists do: Fabricate accusations, deny the accused a fair opportunity to respond, and pretend that the outcome is “social justice.”


Carl Benjamin is an erudite Englishman who has frequently criticized Ms. Sarkeesian on his popular YouTube channel “Sargon of Akkad,” which has more than 600,000 subscribers. At last month’s VidCon 2017 in Los Angeles, Benjamin and some of his colleagues attended a panel at which Ms. Sarkeesian was speaking. This caused her to freak completely out:

Feminist media critic Anita Sarkeesian is facing a barrage of criticism since her unprovoked outburst at popular YouTuber Carl “Sargon of Akkad” Benjamin at Vidcon 2017 [June 22].
The feminist berated Benjamin before an audience, calling him a “garbage human” for criticizing her work on YouTube. Since then, Sarkeesian has been claiming victimhood — describing Benjamin’s presence at her panel as an act of intimidation in a blog post, and in an interview on Polygon where she called for the creation of a blacklist for those who “harass” her.

Merely being in the same room with someone who disagrees with her is enough to cause Anita Sarkeesian to claim she is a victim of “intimidation,” and to declare her critics guilty of wrongdoing:

They will no doubt plead innocent and act shocked at what they characterize as the outrageousness of such allegations. This, too, is part of their strategy: gaslighting, acting in a way intended to encourage me and their other targets to doubt ourselves and to wonder if all of this isn’t just in our heads. But to anyone who examines their patterns of behavior with clear eyes, the intentions of their actions are undeniably apparent.

This is feminism’s kafkatrapping tactic — once accused of “misogyny,” the targeted enemy can do nothing to disprove the accusation, and everything the enemy says or does is interpreted as proof of guilt. The feminist can never acknowledge that her critics may be motivated by good faith. To disagree with Ms. Sarkeesian is to be guilty of “hatred of women.” A persistent (and successful) critic like Carl Benjamin cannot even be permitted to attend forums like VidCon without being accused of wrongfully attempting to “intimidate” Ms. Sarkeesian.

Ms. Sarkeesian’s June 26 column about this incident is an extraordinary example of feminist propaganda tactics, especially her conclusion:

Now, [Benjamin] and his followers are acting as if me publicly calling him a “garbage human” is the equivalent to what he has done to me. In truth, he and his followers cannot begin to imagine what it is to have to constantly beg for and fight for your basic humanity in a culture that fundamentally refuses to acknowledge it. He cannot imagine what it is to spend years and years being the target of floods of harassment and hate, and then to still go out there and keep fighting. The companion of his who made that apology video I referenced earlier also tweeted that women are “powerful” enough to “deal with things like workplace harassment to rape.” As if power is in accepting a culture in which women are second-class citizens, in which misogyny and workplace harassment and rape are the norm. F–k that. I’ll never settle for that. You’re damn right I’m powerful. After everything I’ve been put through by Carl and other men just like him, I’m still powerful enough to go out there and try to change it.

Notice the two highlighted passages — Ms. Sarkeesian’s claim that she, and all other women, live “in a culture that fundamentally refuses to acknowledge” their humanity,” in which all woman are “second-class citizens,” and “harassment and rape are the norm.” This assertion, that women are victims of universal oppression, is the essential feminist doctrine which I have called The Patriarchal Thesis:

[W]hen your worldview begins with the assumption that normal human life is a system of injustice in which all women (collectively) are victimized by all men (collectively), then it is possible to justify almost anything you do as part of your effort to overthrow this oppressive system. Smash Patriarchy!
The Patriarchal Thesis absolves feminists of any obligation to meet the ordinary requirements of intelligent discourse. Logic is unnecessary and, as for facts, they are (a) whatever feminists say they are or (b) irrelevant if they do not confirm the Patriarchal Thesis.

Many people assume that this style of feminist discourse is a recent development, that so-called “Third Wave” feminists are less logical and more intolerant than their predecessors. However, Ms. Sarkeesian’s claims are merely a restatement of assertions made nearly 50 years ago by the leading spokeswomen for the radical feminist movement.

“Women are an oppressed class. Our oppression is total, affecting every facet of our lives. . . .
“We identify the agents of our oppression as men. . . . All men receive economic, sexual, and psychological benefits from male supremacy. All men have oppressed women.”

Redstockings, “Manifesto,” 1969

Feminist doctrine rests upon this claim of women’s universal oppression, and its obverse claim of the universal guilt of men as perpetrators and beneficiaries of an unjust system of “male supremacy,” otherwise known as patriarchy. This is a formula for paranoia, with males as the demonized scapegoat whose oppressive power justifies the feminist’s constant vigilance against the patriarchal menace.

In comments to the left-wing anti-#GamerGate site Polygon, Sarkeesian accused her critics who attended VidCon of using “the power they have under patriarchy to try to keep women in their place, to try to intimidate or silence women who dare to speak out and assert their humanity and their right to exist as full human beings in these spaces. . . . This is harassment, pure and simple, with the goal of trying to scare and silence women who speak out against sexism in our culture.”

Again, who is trying to “silence” whom? Sarkeesian has sought to “no-platform” her critics, to blacklist and exclude from the videogame industry anyone who opposes her agenda of cultural Marxism, and to classify as sexist “harassment” all public criticism of her work.

Here, it may be helpful to observe how Ms. Sarkeesian’s behavior perfectly conforms to Vox Day’s “Three Laws of SJW”:

  1. SJWs always lie.
  2. SJWs always double down.
  3. SJWs always project.

Anita Sarkeesian’s attack on Carl Benjamin illustrates all three of these laws, especially the third. It was she, and not Benjamin, who engaged in harassment at VidCon 2017, and in doing so, it was Ms. Sarkeesian, not the man she insulted as a “garbage human” from the VidCon 2017 stage, who was seeking to “intimidate and silence” others.

In 2014, when my friend Beth Haper encouraged me to talk to Adam Baldwin about #GamerGate, Adam urged me to cover it. More than a controversy about the videogame industry, he assured me, #GamerGate was deeply connected to the larger cultural issues that had been our late friend Andrew Breitbart’s obsession. “Andrew would have loved this story,” Baldwin told me, and after I began digging into #GamerGate, I realized how true this was, and why “mainstream” conservative journalists were wrong to ignore this story as either irrelevant to politics or too complex to understand. Also, I realized one reason many conservatives were unwilling to take #GamerGate seriously was that they were hesitant to get involved with what seemed to be an uncouth mob of obscure (and often anonymous) personalities whose political loyalties were unclear. But to quote Andrew Breitbart: WAR!

“In war, your allies are whoever is fighting your enemies, and the motives of your allies matter far less than their skill in battle. Say what you will about #GamerGate, they are skilled and determined fighters.”
Robert Stacy McCain, July 2015

That line got quoted by Vox Day on page 99 of his bestselling book, SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police, and if you haven’t read it yet, you really need to buy it now. As the controversy over VidCon shows, the issues raised by #GamerGate continue to remain highly relevant to the larger culture war in our society. And the paranoid projection at the heart of Anita Sarkeesian’s claims of “harassment” is essential to understanding how the Social Justice Warriors operate.

Victimhood is the raison d’être of their movement, the sine qua non of their ideology. Claiming to be oppressed by pervasive misogyny (from Greek roots, the word means literally, “hatred of women”), feminists like Anita Sarkeesian view everything through this prism of victimhood. Therefore, according to feminists, anyone who disputes their claims or criticizes their arguments is on the side of the patriarchal oppressor.

The warped worldview of identity politics produces a paranoid hostility toward those perceived as enemies. Carl Benjamin and his friends are not even allowed to attend a conference without being accused by Anita Sarkeesian of “harassment” and “intimidation.” What she is demanding, in effect, is the unilateral authority to banish anyone she dislikes, all the while insisting that they are attempting to “silence” her.

At his Sargon of Akkad channel, Carl Benjamin has an hour-long video entitled, “What Happened at #VidConUS 2017?”


That video already has more than 800,000 views, which is about 30 times as many people as reportedly attended the conference. Benjamin points out that the organizers of VidCon are, by their own admission, ignorant of what Benjamin and his fellow anti-SJW video producers actually do on their channels. In other words, anti-SJW content creators serve a thriving community online, but because the VidCon organizers are all progressives, sheltered within a cocoon of ideological conformity, they can’t be bothered to pay attention to those who disagree with them. Therefore, it would never occur to them to invite Carl Benjamin (or any other YouTube creator who is not a leftist) to be a panelist at VidCon.

Hello, “epistemic closure.”

VidCon has become a one-sided partisan political operation, from which dissenting voices are deliberately excluded and where, evidently, those who don’t toe the party line are not welcome to attend. A conservative attending VidCon is like a Jew at a Hezbollah rally, basically.

So when Anita Sarkeesian has a meltdown onstage and begins shouting insults at audience members, the VidCon organizers are unable to make the obvious conclusion: Anita Sarkeesian is the problem.

She is emotionally disturbed and morally corrupt, a dishonest fanatic who has spent years cashing in on her persecution complex by convincing gullible liberals that the greatest threat to women in the 21st century is people saying mean things in YouTube comments. She refuses to debate her critics, and instead seeks to silence opponents by labeling them “misogynists,” accusing them of “harassment,” and thereby justifying their exclusion — “no-platforming.” By similar methods, universities have excluded conservatives from employment on the faculty, thus turning campuses into left-wing indoctrination centers where dissent from the progressive ideology is effectively prohibited.

Having obtained hegemonic authority within academia, the Left now seeks to extend its Thought Police regime throughout society, banishing opposition by labeling dissenting opinions as “hate speech.” Anyone who thinks the VidCon controversy was silly or trivial is not paying attention to the evidence that our society is steadily drifting toward totalitarianism, as the Left destroys freedom and calls the result “social justice.”



In The Mailbox: 07.11.17

Posted on | July 11, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 07.11.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: #CowAppreciationDay – Free Chicken At Chick-Fil-A Today!
Twitchy: #CowAppreciationDay Doesn’t Go Well For Certain “Nasty Women”
Louder With Crowder: Teen Vogue Publishes How-To Guide On Anal Sex – For Teenagers

Adam Piggott: An Essential Red Pill Message
American Power: Young Japanese People Not Having Sex, also, David Fromkin, Europe’s Last Summer
American Thinker: Had Hillary Clinton Won The Election…
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Hidden Compartment News
BattleSwarm: Texas v. California Update
Bring The HEAT: Marine Corps C-130 Tanker Crashes In Mississippi, 16 Dead
Da Tech Guy: (Christopher Harper) The News “Business”
Don Surber: Grifter Chelsea Takes A Vacation
Dustbury: Few Trophies
The Geller Report: Muslim Migrants Dig “Tiger Pits” For French Police
Hogewash: Legal LULZ Du Jour, also, Coffee Is Good For You
Jammie Wearing Fools: ISIS Finally Admits Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Is Dead
Joe For America: “Female Predator” Trying To Shake Down Fox Host Admits She Was Just A Hooker
JustOneMinute: American Heroes, or, Roll Tide!
Power Line: Of Course The West Is Superior. Any Questions?, also, Trump Jr. Releases E-mails – They Support His Account
Shark Tank: Fant Says AG Is Tasked To Enforce State Immigration Laws
Shot In The Dark: The Slip That Reveals
The Jawa Report: Said Shrink, I Wanna Jihad, also, Anti-Semitism The Glue That Holds Jihadis Together
The Political Hat: In Venezuela, A Cornered Animal
This Ain’t Hell: Mad Dog Gets Some Mad Money, also, First “Marines United” Court Martial Conviction
Weasel Zippers: Letterman Says “Figure Out A Way” To Remove Trump From Office, also, NYPD Turn Their Backs On Mayor DiBlasio At Funeral For Slain Officer
Mark Steyn: Civilizational Self-Loathers And Jackpot Jihadis

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Indian Country and Other Not-So-Happy Endings

Posted on | July 11, 2017 | Comments Off on Indian Country and Other Not-So-Happy Endings

— by Wombat-socho

The last time I had the energy to do a book post, it was during a slack time of tax season, and since then things have been busy, seldom in a good way. For one thing, I lost my Kindle somewhere along the way back from Balticon, and I was also rear-ended down by the MGM back in April, which kept me from working for two weeks, and that put me behind the financial curve. Things are starting to get better, though, and I’ve been picking up a few books here and there besides the freebies from Amazon’s Kindle Prime Lending Library.

I want to talk about Kurt Schlichter’s Indian Country first. This is, of course, the prequel to his smash hit People’s Republic, and as he explains in the foreword, the events of last fall threw a monkey-wrench into his future history, written as it was in a setting Twenty Minutes Into The Future. So there are some minor tweaks. We start with Kelly Turnbull on active duty in Iraq, whacking terrorists with his comrades in the Iraqi police; afterward, he’s called in for a meeting where he’s sounded out about an unspecified role for an unnamed agency as the United States is on the verge of splitting up. Later, while he’s cooling his heels as commander of a basic training company in Oklahoma, he gets tasked to go into the People’s Republic and do the job he was originally trained to do – free the country folk of southern Indiana from oppression. It’s not supposed to be a combat mission, but the progressive leaders of The People’s Republic don’t know when to leave well enough alone…It’s a good read, and I recommend it.

Not quite along the same lines is the Frank Herbert classic Dune, which won the Hugo for Best Novel back in the 1960s when that actually meant something. This is essentially a coming-of-age novel that revolves around Paul Atreides, Duke of Arrakis after his father’s betrayal and assassination. Arrakis is a desert world, and the sole source of the spice so desperately needed by the Spacing Guild’s navigators, but Arrakis has secrets the brutal Harkonnen family never discovered during the years they held it in fief, and the tale of Paul learning those secrets has aged rather well. Dune’s sequels, Dune Messiah and Children Of Dune, were decent brain candy but nowhere near as great as the original.

Hans Schantz’ A Rambling Wreck is the sequel to The Hidden Truth, in which a young man comes across a global conspiracy that’s subverted science, rewritten history, and corrupted society – and lives to fight another day. A Rambling Wreck is what happens on that other day, as our hero makes his way to Georgia Tech to gain the knowledge he needs to fight more effectively and survive. I’m only partway through it, but so far it’s a good read.

Al Moe’s Vegas And The Mob: Forty Years Of Frenzy is a popular history of the Mafia’s involvement with the casino business here in Sin City, which didn’t start with Bugsy Siegel’s acquisition of the Flamingo right after the war. The book is written in a loose, conversational style and occasionally veers off on marginally-relevant tangents like the casinos in Reno and Tahoe (the latter mostly notable for Frank Sinatra’s involvement), the death of Marilyn Monroe, and the madness of Howard Hughes – which may have been more methodical than anyone thought, as his arrival at the Desert Inn began the decline of the Mob’s stranglehold on the casinos. Worth reading if you’re interested in the history of organized crime and/or Las Vegas; available through the Kindle Prime Lending Library.

In The Mailbox: 07.10.17

Posted on | July 10, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: Warning – Consuming Raw or Undercooked Walrus Can Increase Your Chance of Foodborne Illness
Twitchy: Journo Learns New Word At Trump Press Briefing – Only One Problem
Louder With Crowder: Trump Fires 500 From VA, Hires 200 More

Adam Piggott: My Initial Dutch Observations
American Power: California Democrats Plunge Into Civil War, also, Max Hastings, Catastrophe 1914
American Thinker: Trump Grinds The G20, The Bureaucratic Underground, And CNN Into Hamburger, also, America’s Long March Toward A Secular Socialist Democracy
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday!
BattleSwarm: Go Home TABC, You’re Drunk (On Power), also, Judge Rejects UT Professors’ Suit Against Campus Carry Law
Bring The HEAT: Meltdown
Da Tech Guy: (Baldilocks) If You Love Me, Prove It – Die, also, (John Ruberry) Illinois False Budget Fix
Don Surber: Ivanka Raises $325 For Women, CNN Makes It A Fake Scandal, also, Politico Discovers “The Most Republican Part Of The Bible”
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, A Headline For A Summer’s Eve
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Je Suis Brigitte – Bardot’s Shock Interview On Islam, also, Massive Anti-Erdogan March In Turkey
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Fun With Gunpowder
Jammie Wearing Fools: Wounded La. Police Officer Sues #BLM Clowns For Inciting Violence
Joe For America: Thug Couple Who Beat Restaurant Owner And Teenage Daughter Over Cold Chicken Caught!, also, George Lopez Leveled By Hispanic Cop After Suggesting We Deport The Police
JustOneMinute: Paging The Special Counsel!, also, How Can We Miss A Guy Who Never Left?
Power Line: It’s True, Liberals Hate Western Civilization, also, The New York Times Is In Trouble
Shark Tank: Championing American Prosperity And Exceptionalism
Shot In The Dark: They Must Be Losing Their Minds Waiting On That “Tsunami” Of “Right Wing Violence”
The Jawa Report: Stop Blinking!, also, Victory In Mosul?
The Political Hat: The Queen Of Diamonds And The Fundamental Inversion Of Base & Superstructure
This Ain’t Hell: Restraining & Peace Orders For Dummies, also, Dane Powell Sentenced For Inauguration Day Rioting
Weasel Zippers: Oregon Poised To Decriminalize Coke, Heroin, And Meth, also, Free Abortions For Everyone Including Illegals!
Megan McArdle: The Dark Side To Macron’s Bright Idea In France
Mark Steyn: To Die For, also, Lutey Tunes

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Rule 5 Sunday: (Snap-On) Tool Time

Posted on | July 9, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

One thing lost to our culture thanks to “progressive” political correctness is the custom of tool & other companies providing calendars for garages and other workplaces – calendars featuring pin-up pics of young ladies who were sometimes using the products being advertised and sometimes not. This week’s appetizer harks back to those calendars, with a model done up in rockabilly pinup style and holding a Snap-On Tools dial torque wrench.

As usual, many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW. The management is absolutely not responsible for any consequences arising from your failure to click the links at appropriate times or places.

Think she might help you…loosen up a bit?

Goodstuff leads off this week with a twofer: Celebrating America’s Birthday and “enterprising exhibitionist” Tyra Banks, followed by Ninety Miles From Tyranny with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. We also heard from Animal Magnetism with Rule Five Sex Robot Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon.

EBL checks in with Maria Bartiromo, Happy 4th Of July!, Belated Bikini Birthday Rule 5, National Fried Chicken Day, World Chocolate Day, Choose Life, and Trump In Poland.

A View From The Beach offers As If Africa Doesn’t Have Enough Problems AlreadyMexicans Attempt to Enforce Immigration Law on BunniesKono Kicks Five-0 AssToo Big, Impossible!Reason #5597 That Trump Was ElectedReason #5597 That Trump Was ElectedWhy Not Flopper Stopper?Way to Pick ‘Em! and Good Morning!

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Thalia Sodi, his Vintage Babe is Linda Cristal, and Sex in Advertising features Bikinis, Boats, and Burgers. At Dustbury, it’s Ekaterina Lisina and Mariah Carey.

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FMJRA 2.0: Mental Door

Posted on | July 8, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Late Night With Rule 5 Monday: All-American Catgirl
Animal Magnetism
Ninety Miles From Tyranny
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

Feminist ‘Success’ (Or, Never Bet Against the Gods of the Copybook Headings)
Living In Anglo-America
Welcome To My Playpen

FMJRA 2.0: Painkiller
The Pirate’s Cove
A View From The Beach

Rape Culture: ‘Teach Her a Lesson’
Living In Anglo-America
Ugly Mind Babies

In The Mailbox: 07.03.17
Proof Positive

#RollTide: ’Bama Wins Everything!

CNN: The Most Trusted Name in Harassment, Extortion and Doxxing

In The Mailbox: 07.05.17
A View From The Beach
Proof Positive

In The Mailbox: 07.06.17
Proof Positive

‘Graphic Images’: Police Say HIV-Positive School Aide Raped at Least Seven Boys

In The Mailbox: 07.07.17
Proof Positive

Top linkers this week:

  1. EBL (9)
  2. Proof Positive (5)

Thanks to everyone for all the linkagery!

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