The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 05.25.17

Posted on | May 25, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Reminder: there will be no In The Mailbox tomorrow, and probably not one on Memorial Day either.

EBL: Fake News Whores And Manchester Blood Libel
Twitchy: Horrific New Planned Parenthood Footage Released – Most Damning Yet
Louder With Crowder: Ami Horowitz Exposes How Liberal Concept Of “White Privilege” Is Stupid And Racist

Adam Piggott: Podcast #49 – The Collaborator Episode
American Power: Katie Hopkins On Manchester Terror Attack
American Thinker: Did Brennan Collude With Foreign Spies To Help Hillary?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Quadranscentennial News
BattleSwarm: Debbie Wasserman-Schultz As Good At Cybersecurity As Running The DNC
BLACKFIVE: Peter Eisner, MacArthur’s Spies
Da Tech Guy: JD Rucker – For Real Change, Make Local Elections A Top Priority
Don Surber: Trump Unites The Three Abrahamic Religions Against Terrorism
Dustbury: 1313 Nope Street
Fred On Everything: Notes Of A Reformed News Weasel – Questioning The Vacuity
The Geller Report: Manchester Police Now Have Seven Muslims In Custody In Connection With Pop Concert Bombing
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: CBS News “Bombshell” – Improving Economy Leads To More Traffic Deaths, Or Something
Joe For America: Key Figure In House Democrat Security Breach Flees Country
JustOneMinute: Fire Michael Flynn!
Power Line: Brits Outraged By U.S. Intelligence Leaks
Shark Tank: Last Call! Governor Scott Vetoes “Whiskey & Wheaties” Liquor Bill
Shot In The Dark: Lie First, Lie Always – The Media Are The Gun Grabbers’ Stenographers
STUMP: Connecticut Finances – Running Out Of Other Peoples’ Money, Looking For Cuts
The Jawa Report: Manchester Attack A Colossal Failure To Act On Intelligence Tips, also, For Over 40 Years
The Political Hat: Indigenous Science Isn’t
This Ain’t Hell: VA Planning To Cut Veterans’ Disability Payments
War Is Boring: After Bailing Out Assad, Russian Military Faces A Syrian Quagmire
Weasel Zippers: Trump Pledges Leakers Will Be Prosecuted “To Fullest Extent Of The Law”, also, “Fight For $15” Leader Claims He’s Not Paid To Protest – Actually Collects Six Figures From Union
Megan McArdle: A $2000 Dishwasher Will Never Impress Me
Mark Steyn: Republicans And Rainbows, also, Monitoring And Madness

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In The Mailbox: 05.24.17

Posted on | May 24, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.24.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First Street Journal: It Takes A Chinese Student To Teach The Snowflakes About Freedom Of Speeah
BattleSwarm: Philippine City Invaded By Islamic State Fighters
EBL: Pope Francis Meets With President Trump
Michelle Malkin: The Forgotten Slaughters Of The Innocents
Twitchy: Drama Queen George Takei Loses It Over This Pic Of Melania And Ivanka Trump
Louder With Crowder: Douchebag DiBlasio To March In Parade Honoring Terrorist

Adam Piggott: The Sheer Terror Of Falling Refrigerators
American Power: Kara Del Toro Wants To Bring Sexy Back To Carl’s Jr. Burger Ads
American Thinker: Strong Enough
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BLACKFIVE: Robert O’Neill, The Operator
Bring The HEAT: Coulson Group Buys Former Southwest Jets To Make First-Ever Boeing 737 Firefighting Tankers
Da Tech Guy: Fausta – PR Parade Sponsors Refuse To Honor Unrepentant Terrorist
Don Surber: Household Income Highest Since 2002 Thanks To President Trump
Dustbury: More Dots To Connect
The Geller Report: Father, Three Family Members Of Manchester Jihadi Bomber Arrested; “Was Aware Of All Details”, “Planned Own Terror Attack”
Hogewash: Quote Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Obama’s NSA Secretly Conducted Illegal Searches On Americans For Years
Joe For America: Netanyahu Says This About United States After Trump’s Saudi Trip
Power Line: Trump’s Budget Assumes Reasonable GDP Growth, Liberals Go Ballistic
Shark Tank: Regalado Runs For Congress, But Can She Replace Ros-Lehtinen?
Shot In The Dark: When, Not If…
STUMP: Geeking Out – How Dependable Are Lottery Revenues? And Government Data Sources?
The Jawa Report: Flashback – When Al Qaeda’s Emir In UK Was Arrested In Manchester
The Political Hat: Progressives’ Hypocritical Hydra
This Ain’t Hell: Snopes Asks TAH about Sheriff Clarke’s “Stolen Valor”
War Is Boring: Is Trump’s Bigger Fleet Dead In The Water?
Weasel Zippers: CNN Suggests Manchester Bombing Was “Right Wing False Flag Terror Plot”, also, Wasserman-Schultz Threatened Police Chief For Gathering Evidence On Her IT Staffer’s Alleged Crimes
Mark Steyn: An Orwellian Inversion Of Language

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Transgender Professor in South Carolina Attacks Feminists as ‘Cockroaches’

Posted on | May 24, 2017 | 3 Comments


Until a few years ago, Professor Rachel McKinnon was a Canadian, and was also a male. Rhys McKinnon attended the University of Victoria in British Columbia, where he got a bachelor’s degree in philosophy in 2005. Sometime thereafter, Rhys McKinnon decided he was a “she,” so that by the time he/“she” received his/“her” Ph.D. at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, the name on the diploma was “Rachel Veronica McKinnon.”

Well, when in Canada, do as the Canadians do, I suppose, but somehow Professor McKinnon got hired to teach . . . in South Carolina???

The College of Charleston is a taxpayer-supported public institution whose president is Glenn McConnell, a former Republican state senator.

Do taxpayers in South Carolina know what’s being done with their money? Do they know that this professor at the College of Charleston used Mother’s Day as an occasion to label parents as “abusive” if they aren’t “supportive” of sex-changes for their children?


“A word to the kids — the trans kids whose parents maybe don’t support them as much as we would hope. Unfortunately, this is too common. I want to give you some hope, though. I want you to know that it’s OK to walk away from unsupportive or disrespectful or even abusive parents, and I want to give you hope that you can find what we call your ‘glitter family,’ your ‘queer family.’ We are out there, and the relationships that we make in our glitter families are just as real, just as meaningful as our blood families. Also, you can reach out to me. You can email me. You can call me. We can Skype. I’m happy to talk, if you need someone to talk to.”

Permit me to say, as a parent of six children, that if a demented freak like Rachel McKinnon ever tried to talk to any of my kids — “You can call me. We can Skype.” — I would not hesitate to call the police. Yet here is this weirdo on YouTube inviting “trans kids” to contact him/“her” for “support” as a member of the “glitter queer family,” and doing this as a professor on the payroll of a state college in South Carolina.


As might be expected, Professor McKinnon’s “glitter queer family” recruitment video sparked controversy. However, it wasn’t South Carolina Republicans who complained, but rather feminists.

MtoF tells trans kids to dump moms
on Mother’s Day and join the “glitter-queer”
family of adult trans activists

That was the headline at Gender Trender, a feminist website that is opposed to transgender activism. These “gender critical” feminists consider transgender ideology to be anti-woman, and also dangerous to children. In the Gender Critical Reddit forum, one contributor commented on Professor McKinnon’s video:

So…this is just grooming. It’s not necessarily sexual (although Jesus, it couldn’t seem creepier if he tried) but grooming is grooming.
And sexual abuse of young trans people is rampant. . . .
So even if this specific man isn’t a child predator he is encouraging children to make themselves even more vulnerable to abuse by isolating them from friends and family, telling them to hide their online activity, and explaining that their parents just don’t understand how smart and mature and ready they are to make decisions about their bodies.
There is nothing new about this. We know that adults trying to lure children from their families are bad actors. This is disgusting and creepy and wrong.

The long-running dispute between feminists and transgender activists has made headlines (see “What Is a Woman?” in the New Yorker, Aug. 4, 2014), and transgender activists invented the label “TERF” — trans-exclusive radical feminist — to stigmatize their opponents. Predictably, when Professor McKinnon’s Mother’s Day video elicited online criticism, he/“she” responded by demonizing his/“her” critics: “TERFs are like cockroaches: they’re brave and active until you turn the lights on. They run pretty quickly when you shine the light on them.”

However, it is not feminists who have refused to engage in discussion on this issue. Instead, transgender activists have sought to silence their critics, prohibiting disagreement as “hate speech,” and preventing opponents of transgender ideology from speaking on campus. Feminists have refused to back down. At a Heritage Foundation panel discussion earlier this year, Mary Lou Singleton, a member of the radical Women’s Liberation Front, said opposition to transgenderism “has become ‘forbidden discourse’ on the left”:

She said her nurse practitioner practice was hit with a boycott because she refused to use the preferred pronouns of an alleged serial rapist who abused children. . . .
“The medical transitioning of children is gay conversion therapy on steroids — literally.”

All of this would be merely an argument between private individuals, were it not for the fact that Professor McKinnon is on the payroll of a state college in South Carolina, where it seems unlikely that taxpayers know what kind of weird ideas are being promoted at their expense.

If you are a citizen of South Carolina, you have a right to speak out about the kind of “education” being provided at your expense, and I sincerely doubt that officials in South Carolina will be eager to defend Professor McKinnon’s “glitter queer family” recruitment video. My suggestion to readers is that that they share this article as widely as possible with their family and friends. Send it by email, or share it on Facebook or Twitter. Surely there must be sane people in South Carolina who appreciate how insulting it is to parents that state officials have hired this Canadian freak to teach their young people that “the relationships that we make in our glitter families are just as real, just as meaningful as our blood families.”

Professor McKinnon claims his/“her” critics are “propagandists” whom he/“she” does not need to debate, but “merely expose their claims to the sunlight.” Can Professor McKinnon’s “glitter queer family” recruitment withstand exposure to sunlight? We shall see.

UPDATE: Someone has done a YouTube clip highlighting Professor McKinnon’s use of child imagery in his/“her” recruitment video:


Remember: South Carolina taxpayers provide Professor McKinnon’s salary. This is therefore an official, state-endorsed ideology.


In The Mailbox: 05.23.17

Posted on | May 23, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.23.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

BattleSwarm: 22 Dead In Manchester Jihad Attack
EBL: Roger Moore RIP
Twitchy: Cosmo Highlights Muslim Taxi Driver Who Gave Free Rides Home From Terror Site. Just One Problem.
Louder With Crowder: ISIS Claims Credit for Manchester Attack While Leftists Worry About Islamophobia

Adam Piggott: Stop Relying On Your Fake Disabilities, Morons
American Power: Max Boot, The Perpetually Unhappy Camper
American Thinker: Philly Figures It Out – White Racism Causes Black Crime
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Broke Californey News
BLACKFIVE: Mark Sullivan, Beneath A Scarlet Sky
Bring The HEAT: And Now, Manchester
Da Tech Guy: Christopher Harper – Media Myths And Vietnam
Don Surber: CNN’s Imaginary “Ivanka Fund”
Dustbury: Let’s Not Call Her “Catgirl”
The Geller Report: Manchester Bombing Suspect Identified As Muslim “Known Wolf” Salman Abedi
Hogewash: LOLsuit VIII News, also, Prevarication Du Jour
Jammie Wearing Fools: Citing “Privacy” Concerns, Twitter Didn’t Flag Pro-ISIS Tweet Four Hours Prior To Manchester Attack
Joe For America: Alabama Lawmakers Pass Measure To Protect Confederate Memorials
JustOneMinute: Tough Week For China
Power Line: CNN’s Political Hit Job On Sheriff Clarke
Shark Tank: Trump Denounces Suicide Attack In England
Shot In The Dark: In Case There Was Any Doubt…
STUMP: Mortality Monday – All About Traffic Deaths, also, Around The Pension-O-Sphere – California, Chicago, And Valuation!
The Jawa Report: A Jawa Prayer, also, Attention Twitter Luser AmetAme96547292
The Political Hat: U.S. Senate – No Dogs Or White People Allowed, also, Europe’s Magical Migrant Fairy
This Ain’t Hell: Is Trump Correct In Calling The Media Biased? Survey Says…, also, Average NCO, Stealing Valor, And The GI Film Festival
War Is Boring: Despair And Broken Bodies – The Real Cost Of Trump’s Saudi Arms Deal
Weasel Zippers: White House Has Reportedly Identified Three Leakers, also, CBS Contributor Mocks Manchester Bombing – “The Last Time I Was At An Ariana Grande Concert, I Almost Died”
Megan McArdle: Rule Of Law Actually Applies To Democrats, Too
Mark Steyn: The Unchanging Of The Guard, also, “Dangerous Woman” Meets Dangerous Man

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ISLAMIC TERROR: Salman Abedi Identified as Manchester Suicide Bomber

Posted on | May 23, 2017 | 2 Comments

The London Telegraph reports:

The suicide bomber who killed 22 people and injured dozens more at the Manchester Arena has been named as 22-year-old Salman Abedi.
Born in Manchester in 1994, the second youngest of four children his parents were Libyan refugees who came to the UK to escape the Gaddafi regime.
His parents were both born in Libya but appear to have emigrated to London before moving to the Fallowfield area of south Manchester where they have lived for at least ten years.
They had three sons in total and a daughter, who is now 18-years-old.
Abedi grew up in the Whalley Range area, just yards from the local girl’s high school, which hit the headlines in 2015 when twins and grade A pupils, Zahra and Salma Halane, who were both aspiring medical students, left their homes and moved to [ISIS] controlled Syria.

(Via Memeorandum.)

UPDATE: The BBC reports:

Twenty-two people, including an eight-year-old girl, were killed and 59 injured when a suicide bomber attacked concertgoers at Manchester Arena.
A man set off a bomb in the foyer at 22:33 BST on Monday, at the end of a concert by Ariana Grande. . . .
Three victims have been named so far, the latest being 28-year-old John Atkinson from Bury, Greater Manchester.
Eight-year-old Saffie Rose Roussos was a pupil at Tarleton Primary School, in Lancashire.
Her head teacher, Chris Upton, said she had been “simply a beautiful little girl in every aspect of the word” and was “loved by everyone”.
Student Georgina Callander, believed to have been 18, has also been named as among the dead.
She had been studying health and social care at Runshaw College in Leyland, Lancashire.

UPDATE II: The London Daily Mail reports:

Neighbours of British-born Manchester suicide bomber Salman Abedi have revealed the Manchester United fan’s ‘strange behaviour’ in the weeks before he slaughtered 22 people.
The 22-year-old Manchester-born attacker was heard ‘chanting Islamic prayers loudly in the street’ outside his home in the south of the city. . . .
ISIS this morning claimed responsibility and threatened further attacks, saying ‘one of the caliphate’s soldiers placed bombs within a gathering of the Crusaders’.
Police are trying to determine whether Abedi, a Manchester United fan who appears to have been radicalised within the last couple of years, acted alone or was part of a wider terror cell. . . .
One neighbour claimed they heard Abedi chanting Islamic prayers at the home just weeks before the concert hall atrocity. . . .
Lina Ahmed, 21, told MailOnline: ‘They are a Libyan family and they have been acting strangely.
‘A couple of months ago he [Salman] was chanting the first kalma [Islamic prayer] really loudly in the street. He was chanting in Arabic.
‘He was saying ‘There is only one God and the prophet Mohammed is his messenger’.’

PREVIOUSLY: TERROR ATTACK: Children Among 22 Dead in Suicide Bombing at U.K. Concert


Baptists Should Support The Gospel, Not Mosques. Period. Full Stop. EOF.

Posted on | May 23, 2017 | Comments Off on Baptists Should Support The Gospel, Not Mosques. Period. Full Stop. EOF.

by Smitty

Another day, another dubious proposition: Why Baptists Should Support Muslims’ Right to Build Mosques.

Had the occasion this morning to overhear people trying to puzzle out what all the fuss surrounding the Wailing Wall, in the news due to President Trump’s visit. The Old Testament is essential to understanding the Middle East, even if it’s more a source of talking points than inspiration for the regional leadership. I offered the group a quick sketch, then felt awkward for having “outed myself as a Bible geek”. But it helps bring home the point: Baptists, as such, are focused on the Word.

Mohammed, Islam, et cetera, are of a tangential, comparative-religion interest (at best) in a Baptist context. When you follow “the Way, the Truth, and the Light”, all other considerations are pure Sweet Brown. Baptists, in the spiritual sense of what it means to follow Christ, shouldn’t spare a moment for any alternatives not captured in the New Testament.

On a less reactionary note, there is the Bill of Rights. Because we really don’t want a theocracy (Jesus having personally given politics the Full Sherman Plus), we expect our leaders to have a confession of some sort, but not preach it on the stump, much less force anyone to toe a line about baptism, the Lord’s Supper, etc. We have an intellectual (i.e. not spiritual) set of restraints on the Federal Government that apply well individually, too. We can evangelize non-verbally through positive acts, and verbally when the time is right.

As an American, I am free to avoid caring about groups of people building on private property, whether or not I join in the activity. If it’s a Mosque, so be it. Just so long as local zoning details are attended to. For a casual study of Islam as a religion, as a Baptist, the whole thing appears incoherent, and I pray that the Holy Spirit touch the hearts of Muslims everywhere and liberate them.

The hypocrisy of those who criticize interfaith alliances for common purposes, like the alliance in the New Jersey mosque case, is that while they accuse such coalitions of putting politics before God, their underlying motive is to use the government to bolster and secure the faith of their choice. In reality, they are dishonoring the Baptist tradition of religious liberty established by those before them.

There is no hypocrisy in supporting the Truth to the exclusion of the alternatives. There is vast concern that these various interfaith coalitions are nothing but a distraction from the Great Commission. Let us all compare our local church to the letters to the seven churches in Asia at the opening of The Revelation, and adjust accordingly. Are we tomcatting around on our first love? I’ll fall short of judging.

Again: make a Bill of Rights argument, not a religious one. I can’t follow Cline, as a Baptist. Faith and politics are orthogonal. Faith is of the Spirit; politics is just a pile of rotting flesh. Cline conflates the two at his peril.

TERROR ATTACK: Children Among 22 Dead in Suicide Bombing at U.K. Concert

Posted on | May 22, 2017 | 2 Comments


Four hours after a bomb blast ripped through the crowd at an Arianna Grande concert in Manchester, England, 19 people are reportedly dead and at least 50 injured. Police still have not speculated on a motive, but the pop singer attracts a very young female audience, and there are reports that children as young as 6 may be among the victims.

UPDATE: The death toll in the Manchester bombing has risen to 22, with 59 injured. Children are among the victims of the attack.

UPDATE II: ISIS has claimed responsibility for Monday’s bombing, and police in Manchester have reportedly arrested a 23-year-old man in connection with the attack.

UPDATE III: Police in Manchester have identified the suicide bomber as Salman Abedi, the 22-year-old son of Libyan immigrants.


In The Mailbox: 05.22.17

Posted on | May 22, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.22.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Some administrivia: I’ll be in Baltimore over the Memorial Day Weekend, nominally to attend Balticon but actually to hang out with friends*. There will most likely be no In The Mailbox post on Friday, but there will be an FMJRA, and Rule 5 Sunday. Next Monday, of course, is Memorial Day, so no linkagery, but I may post on Tuesday while waiting for a flight back to Las Vegas. Thanks for your support and continued readership.

BattleSwarm: Texas Vs. California Update
EBL: Armed Muslim Brothers Arrested In Minnesota, Media Mostly Ignores It
Twitchy: Katie Pavlich Dismantles “Republican” Ana Navarro And Her BS Tweet About Ivanka
Louder With Crowder: After Fan Pushback, Last Man Standing May Not Stay Canceled

Adam Piggott: The Truth Of The Alt-Right
American Power: Idiot Leftist Trying To Save The Internet
American Thinker: The Real Constitutional Crisis Is The Appointment Of Special Counsel Mueller
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
BLACKFIVE: Walt Gragg, The Red Line
Bring The HEAT: World of Warships – Hits And Cits
Da Tech Guy: John Ruberry – The Great American Pension Swindle
Don Surber: Mike Cernovich Fixes Trump’s Media Problems
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, Word Salad With No Dressing
The Geller Report: Lawyer Argues Female Genital Mutilation Is An Islamic Religious Right
Hogewash: Leadership On Impeachment
Jammie Wearing Fools: “Resistance” Leader Now Begging Trump For Help
Joe For America: Clock Boy And Family Lose In Court Again
JustOneMinute: Get Rid Of Those Rear View Mirrors
Power Line: Who Are The Craziest Democrats Of All?
Shark Tank: Another First For President Trump
Shot In The Dark: Some Culture I May Just Appropriate
STUMP: Stupid Pension Tricks – Let’s Use Lottery Money!
The Jawa Report: Dearest Recep Tayyip Erdogan – GFY, also, Dueling Jew Haters
The Political Hat: The Sin Of Animus
This Ain’t Hell: Jefferson Taylor, Blue Falcon, also, 2LT Richard Collins Murdered
War Is Boring: Saudi Arabia Can’t Win Its Own Battles
Weasel Zippers: Fauxcahontas Challenged By Real Indian To Prove She Has Indian Ancestry, also, Over 500 Illegal Alien Sex Offenders Released In 2015 After Nations Of Origin Refuse To Take Them Back
Megan McArdle: What A Conservative Sees From Inside Trump’s Washington
Mark Steyn: When Judges Legislate And Legislators Judge, also, “The Real Enemy”

*Because the programming schedule is full of SJW suck and fail.

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