The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Turks vs. Kurds in D.C.

Posted on | May 17, 2017 | Comments Off on Turks vs. Kurds in D.C.

Some people just don’t understand this “democracy” thing works:

Nine people were hurt and two arrests were made during an altercation at the Turkish ambassador’s residence in the US capital during a visit by Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
According to witnesses, a brawl erupted when Erdogan’s security detail attacked protesters carrying the flag of the Kurdish PYD party outside the residence. A local NBC television affiliate reported Erdo?an was inside the building at the time. . . .
“All of the sudden they just ran towards us,” Yazidi Kurd demonstrator Lucy Usoyan told ABC, adding that she was attacked by a pro-Erdo?an supporter.
“Someone was beating me in the head nonstop, and I thought, ‘Okay, I’m on the ground already, what is the purpose to beat me?’”
The altercation came the same day that Erdogan met Donald Trump at the White House. The State Department declined to comment.
Earlier Trump and Erdogan had stood side by side at the White House and promised to strengthen strained ties despite the Turkish leader’s stern warning about Washington’s arming of a Kurdish militia. . . .

(Via Drudge.) As much as I’d enjoy seeing some old-fashioned skull-cracking police brutality against certain protest groups in this country, I recognize that a free society must tolerate dissent, even by filthy subversive scum like your typical MSNBC viewer.

Am I pro-Kurd or anti-Kurd? I don’t know enough about the Kurds to take sides in this dispute, and just because some Kurds got beat up by Turkish bodyguards doesn’t mean that the Kurds are better than Turks. On the other hand, whenever one side of any political conflict resorts to violence, we naturally assume that they are the bad guys, which means the Turks are villains, right? However, as Edmund Burke observed, “Kings will be tyrants from policy when subjects are rebels from principle.” That is to say, maybe the Kurds are just a bunch of grumbling malcontents who, if they ever achieved national independence, would turn Kurdistan into a cesspool of misery and despair, like Detroit.

Anyway, my point here is neither to condemn the Turks nor praise the Kurds, but merely to say that if it were accepted in diplomatic protocol to start cracking skulls every time a bunch of protesters showed up outside your embassy, the Marines who guard U.S. embassies would be beating the crap out of protesters on a daily basis all over the world. There’s always some wacko America-haters turning out to wave signs and chant slogans in front of a U.S. embassy, and we just have to tolerate it, because we’re America. By contrast, the Turks aren’t accustomed to sign-waving wackos outside their embassies, so they sent a few of those Kurdish malcontents to the hospital. If only we could find a way to encourage MSNBC viewers to protest outside Turkish embassies . . .


In The Mailbox: 05.17.17

Posted on | May 17, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.17.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

First Street Journal: Attorney General Sessions Wastes The Taxpayers’ Dollar
BattleSwarm: Summarizing The Stupidity Of That WaPo Shared Intel Story
EBL: Shocking Fashion Trend?
Michelle Malkin: Who Has Absolute Health Care Moral Authority?
Twitchy: @SeanSpicier’s Parody Memo Reels In Even More Lefties
Louder With Crowder: Why Today’s Progressives Are The Real Extremists

Adam Piggott: You Don’t Punish Conservatives By Voting For Your Political Enemies
American Power: Intelligence Leaks Wound America
American Thinker: Our Constitutional Crisis Has Nothing To Do With James Comey
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
Bring The HEAT: Thirty Years Ago – The USS Stark
Da Tech Guy: Baldilocks – View From The Peasantry
Don Surber: Today In Fake News (A Lengthy Post)
Dustbury: Justify My Ride
The Geller Report: “Pro-Erdogan” Jihadis Beat Women As They Savagely Attack Protesters In Washington DC
Hogewash: Team Kimberlin Post Of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: The Media Might Have Revealed More Intel Than Trump
Joe For America: LGBT Curriculum, Gender-Neutral Uniforms Adopted In 120 UK Schools
Power Line: NY Times Claims Trump Asked Comey To Stop Flynn Investigation
Shark Tank: House Bill Empowers State & Local LE To Enforce Immigration Law
Shot In The Dark: Unpacking The Invisible NPR Tote Bag
STUMP: Multiemployer Pension Plans – The Politicking
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – Racist Muslima Hates Crackers And That’s OK, also, Islamic State Of Losers Versus Killdozer!
The Political Hat: In Sweden, Pooping In The Street Isn’t Illegal, But Complaining About It’s A Hate Crime, also, Queering The Shirt, Unqueered
This Ain’t Hell: Traitor, Spy Manning Freed
War Is Boring: The Hazards Of Military Worship
Weasel Zippers: Obama Ordered Intel Community To Share Sensitive Info With Cuba, also, Yale Dean Loves Diversity Except For “White Trash”
Mark Steyn: A Proliferation Of Perimeters, also, Full Throttle On The Hamster Wheel

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Emergency Memo to the Trump White House: You Need to Hire Bill Sammon

Posted on | May 17, 2017 | Comments Off on Emergency Memo to the Trump White House: You Need to Hire Bill Sammon


One of the stupidest habits of the media is playing courtier to politicians, acting as if the people who run the country are in need of advice from journalists. I try to refrain from this. Today I will make an exception, because the situation at the White House — e.g., “Right pushes Trump to make staff, press changes” — has reached a point where (a) something drastic needs to happen pretty damned quick, and (b) my personal knowledge and experience qualify me to offer a useful suggestion:


The Fox News executive is exactly the right guy with the right skills to fix the Trump administration’s press operation. It doesn’t matter what his job title would be — just invent something like “senior communications adviser” or whatever — but Sammon’s the guy Trump needs now.

“Superstretch,” as President Bush dubbed the 6-foot-7 Sammon when he was chief White House correspondent for The Washington Times, is a guy who worked his way up in the news business. He has not merely survived for two decades in the D.C. media shark tank, but flourished. He is capable of remaining calm amid chaos, and has a hide as thick as a rhinoceros. During the years when Fox News was infiltrated by a “mole” who kept leaking internal staff memoranda to hostile media, Sammon was demonized by the Left (a “Right-Wing Ideologue,” according to Media Matters) but to no effect. Why? Because he does his job well, and is respected by his colleagues.

Certainly, there are likely to be differences of opinion between Bill Sammon and President Trump. In January 2016, Team Trump pointed out that Sammon’s daughter was working for Marco Rubio’s campaign, which didn’t surprise me at all. Sammon is a devout Catholic, and it makes perfect sense that his daughter would sympathize with the leading Catholic candidate in the GOP presidential field. Furthermore, I would suggest, Sammon is a well-mannered Midwesterner, an Ohio native who is probably averse to the rude New York-style aggressiveness that Trump brought to Republican politics. Yet he and Trump have one crucial thing in common: They’re about winning. Trust me on this one, friends.

Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon should invite Bill Sammon for beers to talk it over. Would the big guy be willing to become the man at the podium in the White House press room? I don’t know. Bill’s been content to work behind-the-scenes at Fox News in recent years, and maybe he wouldn’t relish becoming the media “face” of the Trump administration. On the other hand, say to him two words: Tony Snow.

Bill Sammon remembers Tony Snow, a former Washington Times columnist who became White House press secretary for President Bush. Like Sammon, Tony Snow was a Midwesterner, raised in the suburbs of Cincinnati. Tony was arguably the nicest guy ever to be White House press secretary, respected by everybody, and that’s the goal to which I would hope Bill Sammon might aspire if he were hired by Trump.

Let anyone in a position to advise the White House ask around about Bill, and consider the advantages that would be involved in having him on the team. Did you know, for example, that his former colleague Joe Curl is now assistant editor at The Drudge Report? Yeah, and how many other influential journalists in D.C. might owe Bill a few favors?

Many advantages could be gained by putting Bill Sammon in charge of White House media strategy, and let me add this: Bill is an adult. He is not one of the immature narcissists who so plague contemporary media and politics. He is about taking care of his family. My suggestion to Team Trump in negotiating to bring Bill Sammon on board is to assure him that if he will stay on the team through the 2020 campaign — serving as a loyal soldier in the Trump army, as it were — he will thereafter never have cause to worry about his family’s financial security. C’mon, what’s the point of being a billionaire, if you can’t make that kind of offer?

If the problems at the White House can be fixed by making changes in their media operation, Bill Sammon is the guy for that job.

Now, having broken my rule against offering advice to politicians, I will return to my regular job of snarking at feminists. Probably my advice to the White House will be ignored. On the off chance they do heed my counsel, however, I don’t expect to get any credit, because that would be a new Trump scandal in its own right. The SPLC and Little Green Footballs would have a conniption. But let’s just wait and see . . .


In The Mailbox: 05.16.17

Posted on | May 16, 2017 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

BattleSwarm: Scenes From The Continuing Liberal Freakout
EBL: Was The DNC Hacked By Someone Inside The DNC?
Twitchy: The Root Decries Miss USA’s “Problematic As Hell” Comments
Louder With Crowder: Facebook shuts Down Ex-Muslims’ Page For “Disrespecting Islam”

Adam Piggott: The Male Feminist
American Power: Fantasy Of Impeachment
American Thinker: The Media/Democratic Party Suicide Pact
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Unfunded Liabilities News
Bring The HEAT: I’ll Just Leave This Here…
Da Tech Guy: Christopher Harper – Loosening The Belt In China
Don Surber: New Meme, Same Failure For The Media
Dustbury: She Will Never Overcharge You
The Geller Report: DNC Staffer Seth Rich Contacted Wikileaks Before He Was Murdered
Hogewash: Meanwhile, Back In Westminster…
Joe For America: Marvel Shuts Down #BlackLivesMatter-Themed Black Panther
Power Line: It’s Official – On Trump’s Travel Ban, The Left Is Bonkers
Shark Tank: Medical Marijuana Special Session In Limbo
Shot In The Dark: Prediction And Opportunity
STUMP: Testing Pensions To Death – Which Pensions Are Cash Flow Vulnerable?
The Jawa Report: Jawa Lost And Found – One Leg!, also, New & Improved Hijab & Shoulders 2.1
The Political Hat: Venezuela Slides Ever Faster Toward More Oppressive Dictatorship
This Ain’t Hell: Col. Michael Shawn Garrett Arrested, also, The USS Stark Incident
Weasel Zippers: McMaster Says WaPo Story About Trump Sharing Classified Info With Russians Is False, also, Obama Holdover Ambassador To Qatar Tweets Disdain For Serving America Under Trump
Mark Steyn: Presenting…Tales For Our Time, also, The Appropriations Committee Has Passed Sentence

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A Cautionary Point About 2018

Posted on | May 15, 2017 | 2 Comments

by Smitty

The Z Blog has some of the most thought-provoking posts going these days. A post today about a French province trying to counter the Revolution is quite instructive:

The revolt in the Vendée region, on the west coast of France, began with the March 1793 conscription requiring Vendeans to fill their quota of 300,000 men for the army. The enraged populace took up arms and quickly formed a Catholic Army. What started as a demand for reopening the churches and getting their priests back, turned into a Royalist counter rebellion against the Republic. Initially, the Republicans were caught off-guard and the rebels enjoyed some success, even though their army was ill-equipped.

The Republic got its bearings and sent a 45,000 man army to suppress the rebellion and by the fall of that year the rebel army was defeated. The Committee for Public Safety decided that beating the army was not enough and opted for pacification. Whether or not the word “genocide” is appropriate is debatable.

Do read he whole thing.

The Democrats and the media urchins have been shamed. “Don’t think we’re not keeping score,” as Obama noted.
I’m not saying to view the Republicans uncritically. However, I daresay that the IRS harassment of the Tea Parties shall have seemed like hugs and cupcakes compared to the peevish, punitive, discriminatory crap that the Deep State would inflict on Trump voters in general, and red states in particular, given another chance.
So maybe we don’t want to let them have that chance.

In The Mailbox: 05.15.17

Posted on | May 15, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.15.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

EBL: I’m Okay With President Trump Inflaming His Critics
Twitchy: WaPo Reports Trump Shared “Highly Classified” Intel With Russians…Or Did He?
Louder With Crowder: Planned Parenthood Head Cecile Richards Has A Mother’s Day Message

Adam Piggott: Australia’s Immigration Is Twice The Level of The U.S. And U.K.
American Power: Mother’s Day Brings Out The Worst
American Thinker: Russian Hacking & Collusion – Put The Cards On The Table
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Bring The HEAT: Tombstone, Deadwood Actor Powers Boothe Dies, 68
Da Tech Guy: The Fake Split In The Catholic Church
Don Surber: Trump Busts A Billionaire’s Monopoly
Dustbury: Strange Search Engine Queries, also, A Place To Drill, Baby
Fred On Everything:
The Geller Report: Condo Tower With Islamic Museum, Mosque To Rise At Proposed Ground Zero Mosque Site
Hogewash: Yours Truly, Johnny Atsign, also, Team Kimberlin Post of The Day
Jammie Wearing Fools: Scientist Of Color Wins Miss USA Pageant; left Freaks When She Calls Healthcare A “Privilege”
Joe For America: ABC Cancels Conservative Tim Allen’s Last Man Standing Despite Strong Ratings
JustOneMinute: Moving Toward The Exits
Power Line: Dilbert On Climate “Science”
Shark Tank: Rubio Rips Miami Herald For Printing “Fake News”
Shot In The Dark: Calling All Davids
STUMP: How About Turning Around Hartford?
The Jawa Report: Islamic State Of Losers Surrenders Tabqa, also, James Leaker On Comey’s Meeting With Trump
The Political Hat: Mandatory Trans
This Ain’t Hell: Manning To Stay In Army After Release From Prison, also, Last Tailgunner Retires
Weasel Zippers: DNC Chair Admits Dems Have No Ideas But To Trash Trump, also, Trump Orders White House Lit In Blue For National Peace Officer Memorial Day
Megan McArdle: Megan Is Returning From Europe, And She Is Not Pleased
Mark Steyn: Big Picture, Small Pleasures, also, Austin Powers, International Man Of Mystery

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From Happy Hippies to Angry Dykes

Posted on | May 15, 2017 | Comments Off on From Happy Hippies to Angry Dykes


“Does anybody remember laughter?”

Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant asks that question in the live version of “Stairway to Heaven” in the documentary The Song Remains the Same. By 1973, when that concert was recorded, much of the youthful exuberance of the hippie counterculture was gone. The utopian dreams of peaceful harmony — “All You Need Is Love” in the “Age of Aquarius” — had been destroyed by drug overdoses, sexually transmitted diseases and other sordid bummers. Much of this disillusionment was inevitable. The teenager who dropped out of college and went to San Francisco for the 1967 Summer of Love (“be sure to wear flowers in your hair”) was by 1973 a young adult who had to find some way to pay the bills. No more allowance from Mommy and Daddy? Bummer, man. Having to work for a living wasn’t something they’d taken into account when they “tuned in, turned on and dropped out.”

Perhaps even worse than having to go to work, however, the hippies discovered that all that talk of “free love” was a cruel deception. By the early 1970s, human debris from the wreckage of the Sexual Revolution was visible to anyone who paid attention to the rising tide of divorce, abortion and other evils. Radical feminism — what its founders called the Women’s Liberation Movement — was in large measure a reaction against the predatory hedonism of the Sexual Revolution, as Sheila Jeffreys argued in her 1990 book Anticlimax. Nothing could be more false than to believe that the 1960s were totally groovy for all those chicks getting passed around from one hairy hippie dude to the next, like a doobie at a Grateful Dead concert. Alas, those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it, as we have recently seen:

Liberal feminist rhetoric about women’s sexual “empowerment” — mimicking a predatory stereotype of male sexuality — has been repeatedly demonstrated to be flawed in practice, as women who pursue “liberated” sex suffer emotional and physical harm. The so-called “pro-sex” feminism of the Third Wave has predictably produced a radical feminist backlash, with a revival of anti-male/anti-heterosexual ideas first articulated in the 1970s by lesbian separatists like Charlotte Bunch and Marilyn Frye.
What is best for women is lifelong monogamous pair-bonding, and every decent and thoughtful woman understands this. No wise mother would raise her son to be a selfish hedonist, racking up “scores” as a pickup artist, nor would any wise father wish his daughter to be a pawn in such a game.
Feminists, however, reject the marriage-based family that is (or at least, should be) the safe harbor protecting women from insult and injury. The feminist movement’s War Against Human Nature, manifested in a hostility toward the “patriarchal institution” of marriage, has produced the very evils which today’s young feminists protest. . . .

Read the rest at Medium.


Rule 5 Sunday: Down Home At Stoney’s

Posted on | May 14, 2017 | 3 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I’m not much for bars these days, what with the diabetes and all, but since I have a passing interest in country music, I’m occasionally tempted to check out Stoney’s, located off the Strip in a hifalutin’ shopping center that also features a Victoria’s Secret and a Whole PaycheckFoods, among other pricey joints. Aside from the obligatory mechanical bull, Stoney’s offers free dance lessons and reasonable drink prices, at least in comparison to clubs on the Strip. This week’s appetizer is one of the bartenders.
As usual, many of the following links are to pics generally considered NSFW. The management is not responsible for any trouble you may get up to through failure to exercise discretion in your clicking.

Nice chaps, ma’am.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny leads off with Hot Pick Of The Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns, followed by Goodstuff with Stevie Nicks,  Animal Magnetism with Rule 5 Third Annual Commencement Speech Friday and the Saturday Gingermageddon, and A View From The beach with Rule 5 Italiano Pubblicita and The Girls Who Sell Gelato.

EBL has Stacy Washington, V-E Day, Amy Coney Barrett, Gillian Anderson, Women of Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Elise Stefanik, Dirty Dem Sluts, Rule 5 Oysters, Lesley-Anne Down, and Nancy Kwan.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babe is Rashida Jones, his Vintage Babe is Joyce Compton, plus there’s a bonus link to Flowing Curves of Beauty. At Dustbury, it’s Stephanie Roche and Julie London.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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