The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 04.20.17

Posted on | April 20, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.20.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Smoke ’em if you got ’em.

EBL: Egg McMuffin – In Debt, But Still Out There
Twitchy: Kirsten Gillibrand Gets Destroyed For #Time100 Writeup Of Linda Sarsour
Louder With Crowder: NYT Gets Called Out For Fake News By…The New England Patriots

Adam Piggott: Nation Is Not a Dirty Word
American Power: “It’s Alabama, You’ll Discover The Police Behave Differently Than They Do In Berkeley”
American Thinker: Shattered – A New Fairy Tale About How Hillary “Forgot” White Voters
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily CCW News
Bring The HEAT: Joe Dunford, Warrior
Da Tech Guy: JD Rucker – Will An Amended AHCA Be Any Better?
Don Surber: Guess What, Media – Illegal Aliens Lie
Dustbury: Pastorized For Your Protection
Fred On Everything: First Transgender President – Trump Becomes Hillary
The Geller Report: Muslim Migrants Storm French Town Hall To Protest Immigration Laws, 14 Injured
Hogewash: RICO Remnant LOLSuit News
Jammie Wearing Fools: Honeymoon From Hell – The Liberal Media v. President Trump
Joe For America: Utah Rep Chaffetz Announces He’s Not Running For Re-Election
JustOneMinute: What Does China Want With North Korea?
Power Line: Today’s University Epic Fail
Shark Tank: Artiles Apologizes For Racial Slurs, Rejects Calls For Resignation
Shot In The Dark: “Gun Violence Prevention” And Its Inevitable Consequences
STUMP: Distance Makes It Clearer – Pension Protests In Brazil
The Jawa Report: Sandcrawler PSA – The Horse Is Out Of The Barn, also, Bad News/Good News
The Political Hat: The Ochlocracy – Censorship, Bullying, And Rebellion
This Ain’t Hell: Trump Signs Bill To Expand Veterans Choice Program
War Is Boring: North Korea’s Navy – More Nuisance Than Menace
Weasel Zippers: Ellison Blames Obama For Being Lousy Party Leader, Democratic Failures, also, Judicial Watch Sues State Dept., USAID Over Millions They Gave To Soros
Megan McArdle: Why The Tide Finally Turned Against Bill O’Reilly
Mark Steyn: Tourists In The Heart Of Darkness, also, The Look Of Love

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Tad Cummins Arrested in California, Elizabeth Thomas Recovered Safely

Posted on | April 20, 2017 | Comments Off on Tad Cummins Arrested in California, Elizabeth Thomas Recovered Safely

Police say Elizabeth Thomas (left) ran away with her teacher Tad Cummins (right).

Breaking news today:

A man accused of running away with a former student has been found and arrested.
According to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations, Tad Cummins and Elizabeth Thomas were located in Northern California.
The 50-year-old man and 15-year-old girl were reported missing March 13 from Columbia, Tenn. . . .
Siskiyou County Sheriff’s Office PIO Kelly Giordano says the capture of Cummins and rescue of Thomas came thanks to a tip called into the department on Wednesday night.
Giordano says an officer responded to a tip Cummins’ Nissan Rogue was spotted. The responding officer found the vehicle, which had no license plates. The officer ran the VIN number, which came back as Cummins’ vehicle. The SCSO they mobilized their Special Response Team (SRT) this morning to Cecilville, where the vehicle was found. SRT officers found Cummins and Thomas at a residence located near a commune in Cecilville.
Cummins did not resist arrest and was taken into custody just after 9 a.m. Thursday morning. . . . Cummins will be held on charges of sexual conduct with a minor and aggravated kidnapping.

We covered this story last month.


Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Posted on | April 20, 2017 | Comments Off on Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and we are doing our part by covering cases that feminists never seem to notice for some reason:

Victor Estrada-Rosas was arrested in Texas.

Victor Estrada-Rosas, 30, was arrested April 14 after Texas police say DNA proved he was the father of a baby born to a 13-year-old girl. The girl gave birth in February. Estrada-Rosas is an illegal alien from Mexico and federal officials have issued an immigration detainer on him, Breitbart News reported.

Jennifer Frechette was arrested in Connecticut.

Jennifer Frechette, 44, was arrested last week and charged with sexual assault after police in New Haven, Connecticut, say the high-school drama teacher had sex with a 15-year-old student. The investigation began in January when security officers at Wilbur Cross High School “found the student and Frechette together in a dressing room used for school plays,” WVIT-TV reported. At the time, both Frechette and the student denied that any sexual activity occurred, but police “reviewed the victim’s cell phone and found explicit messages,” according to WTNH-TV, and the boy told police Frechette had performed a sexual act on him.

Keith Pruiett (left) and Antwan Lay (right) were arrested in Louisiana.

Six people were arrested this month in Bossier City, Louisiana, after police busted a human trafficking operation that transported teenage girls in a rented U-Haul truck from Arkansas. Undercover agents were conducting a sting operation when “a 19-year-old female agreed to exchange sex for money . . . at a local one-bedroom apartment,” the Shreveport Times reported. At the apartment, Narcotics Task Force agents found four other teenage girls who “told the undercover agents they were forced to be there and hadn’t eaten in 24 hours.” Police arrested four men from Little Rock — Gary Jackson, 23, Keith A. Pruiett, 21, Zaccheaeus Butler, 27, and Fletcher L. Berkley, 24 — as well as local resident Antwan D. Lay, 18, and a 19-year-old female, Bailey C. Gibbs.

Daniel Sanchez (left) and Ronald Dumas (right) were arrested in California.

Eighteen people were arrested April 14 in Manteca, California, where an investigation by multiple law enforcement agencies targeted human trafficking. “The primary goals of the operation were to rescue victims of human trafficking and arrest sexual predators involving minors,” police Sgt. Michael Aguilar told the Stockton Record. Among those arrested, according to the Manteca Bulletin, were three men charged with assisting prostitution: Ronald William Dumas, 28, Daniel Epifanio Sanchez, 20, and Jaqwan Kyreece Anthony Johnson, 21.

None of these crimes have been mentioned by feminists during Sexual Assault Awareness Month, however. It’s as if there’s a pattern . . .


Rule Five Wednesday: Double-Dip Easter Edition

Posted on | April 20, 2017 | 2 Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I guess I could have done something tax day related, but after the last week or so of an especially aggravating tax season, I’d prefer to just close the door on it and move on. Besides, I promised an Easter Rule 5, and by George, we’re going to have an Easter Rule 5. Here we have a pinup gal contemplating her eggs.
As usual, many of the following links are to pictures which can be considered NSFW, and the management is not responsible for any negative consequences stemming from your failure to click at an appropriate time and place.

Preparing her eggs for Easter

Ninety Miles From Tyranny kicks off with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Oops I Dropped My Keys, and Girls With Guns, and a second helping of Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls With Guns. Animal Magnetism went the extra mile with Rule Five EPA Racket Friday, Rule Five Judicial Extra Friday, the Saturday Gingermageddon, Rule Five Free Speech Friday, and a second shot of the Saturday Gingermageddon. Goodstuff had High Maintenance Lingerie Chicks and Barbara Bouchet because it’s Songkran in Thailand!

EBL has the Big Little Lies finale, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Lifesaver, Dorothy Provine, Edie Adams, Badger Friday, Princess Grace, Sophia Loren, and Frank, Venus De Milo, Sienna Miller from The Lost City Of Z, Rebecca Ferguson from The White Queen, Lady Graham, Melania and the Daily Mail, Fly The Friendly Skies Rule 5, Vintage Hollywood Easter, and Martha Hunt.

A View from the Beach brings us Bianca BaltiWrestling Star Wins Apology From Airport“Tico Tico”That’ll Buy A Little Nice JewelryMorning Wake Up from BrazilHi Ho Silvio, Away!Yahoo! Mountain Dew!A Marvelous PostReason #5507-5510 That Trump Was ElectedIndian Monkey Girl Under Scrutiny and That’s Enough to Give You Gray Hair.

Proof Positive’s Friday Night Babes are Hope Dworaczyk and Rachelle Leah, his Vintage Babes were Audrey Young and Rochelle Hudson, and Sex in Advertising was covered by Victoria’s Secret and Agent Provocateur. At Dustbury, the Easter Parade included Jenny Owen Youngs, Anushka Sharma, Uee, and Claudia Cardinale.

Thanks to everyone for their linkagery!

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Typical Democrat Voter

Posted on | April 19, 2017 | Comments Off on Typical Democrat Voter


Say hello to Jair Nilton Cardoso. The 30-year-old Brooklyn resident is a Democrat who has an obsession with Barack Obama’s oldest daughter, Malia. Last week, Cardoso went to “the fourth floor of the Manhattan building where 18-year-old Malia is currently interning, held up a sign, and starting shouting that she should marry him.” Secret Service agents quickly escorted him out of the building, but two days later, Cardoso “followed her out of her other interning job, in the West Village.” As a result, agents searched Cardoso’s apartment and he was “detained and taken to a Brooklyn hospital for a psychiatric evaluation.”

All Democrat voters are crazy, but some are more crazy than others.


‘Anti-Fascist’ Louise Rosealma’s Real Name Is Emily Nauert and … Wow

Posted on | April 19, 2017 | Comments Off on ‘Anti-Fascist’ Louise Rosealma’s Real Name Is Emily Nauert and … Wow


Last weekend, supporters of President Trump held a rally in Berkeley, California, and were attacked by self-described “anti-fascist” protesters, resulting in a wild street fight during which a Trump supporter, identified as Nathan Damigo, punched a woman in the face.


The target of the punch identified herself in media interviews as “Louise Rosealma,” but online researchers quickly discovered that she is, in fact, Emily Rose Nauert (or Emily Marshall, using her mother’s surname). She is 20 years old and lives in the prosperous Thousand Oaks community. She used to be cute, but in the past couple of years, she got involved with anarchist scum and has performed in porn videos using the screen name “Venus Rosales.” Here she is at an earlier protest event:


Her parents divorced when she was 12, and she may have serious psychiatric problems. Last year, she was reportedly charged with petty theft, and prior to her trip to Berkeley last weekend, Emily boasted that she hoped to “bring back at least 100 Nazi scalps.” Furthermore, photos and videos of the riot at Berkeley indicate that Emily may have been throwing glass bottles at the Trump supporters. All of these revelations have undermined sympathy for the victim of the viral-video punch.

Nevertheless, was that punch necessary? Megan Fox wonders:

Does anyone see the irony in the social justice warriors complaining that a guy hit a girl? A girl who wants equality with men showed up at a Trump rally wearing weighted gloves, tried to punch a guy in the throat, and got laid out with one punch. For as long as I can remember, the feminists have told us they’re exactly the same, if not better than men. So why are we supposed to be outraged that one of them got hit in the face by a man? Isn’t that exactly what she wanted when she jumped into the fray and started swinging? . . .
This girl knew exactly what she was doing joining Antifa at the Berkeley rally. She was there to fight “nazis.” She said so. . . .
This is what feminists have asked for and I’ll be damned if I let them complain about it.

If you go looking for a fight, you can’t complain when people fight back. Believing yourself to be “on the right side of history” will not magically protect you from harm. Two words of advice: Grow up.


Regime Change

Posted on | April 19, 2017 | 1 Comment

At Fox News, Bill O’Reilly is out, and Tucker Carlson is in at the 8 p.m. slot. Meanwhile, in Venezuela, the socialist dictator Nicolas Maduro — who is more unpopular than Bill O’Reilly — is arming his supporters after having disarmed the rest of the civilian population.

Speaking of socialist regimes, the University of California at Berkeley has canceled a speech by Ann Coulter, citing security concerns. And speaking of security concerns, police at Auburn University showed how to deal with anarchist scum, when they unmasked so-called “anti-fascist” protesters at a Richard Spencer speech. And speaking of Richard Spencer, the SPLC is suing a neo-Nazi blogger who allegedly encouraged harassment of a woman who allegedly harassed Spencer’s mother.

Meanwhile, continuing our coverage of Sexual Assault Awareness Month:

Luis Arnold Lopez-Lara, a 25-year-old illegal immigrant, and 23-year-old Helmer Alexander Erazo allegedly kidnapped the 22-year-old woman with autism after she left her residence after being upset, according to Ozarks First.
The woman was reportedly walking past a mobile home when Lopez-Lara and Erazo offered the woman alcohol and told her to come inside. A third man told warned the girl not to listen to the two men.
The woman was held against her will for three days, according to the victim, where Lopez-Lara repeatedly sexually assaulted and raped her.

And I don’t know how to describe this story:

Jennifer, who is transgender and still has her male genitalia, claimed defendant. Sylvia hired her to sleep with her husband, Miguel, on his 60th birthday. But while she was having sex with him, Miguel had a heart attack and died. Jennifer sued Sylvia for £16,000, claiming Miguel broke her penis when he died She said that she was still inside of Miguel when he collapsed and died.

Ace tried to make some jokes, but the story itself defies parody.


In The Mailbox: 04.19.17

Posted on | April 19, 2017 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 04.19.17

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Hope everybody didn’t get bent over too badly by the IRS and/or their state revenooers. A belated Rule 5 Easter Double-Dip Wednesday should be up later today.

First Street Journal: Why Are Feminists Silent On Silicon Valley Domestic Abuse When It Involves An Immigrant?
EBL: Killing O’Reilly
Michelle Malkin: Chelsea Clinton’s Cheerleading Cult
Twitchy: Auburn Takes Berkeley To School As Antifas Unmasked Outside Richard B. Spencer Speech
Louder With Crowder: President Trump Increases Deportations Of Once Protected Dreamers

Adam Piggott: The Millennial Shit Sandwich
American Power: British PM Theresa May Calls General Election
American Thinker: Could North Korea Destroy The U.S.?
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Hump Day News
BLACKFIVE: Ed Henry, 42 Faith
Bring The HEAT: Happy Birthday To The Grumman A-6 Intruder
Da Tech Guy: Baldilocks – The Hard Way
Don Surber: Those Coal Jobs Ain’t Coming Back?
Dustbury: What Happened Yesterday
The Geller Report: Almost 5000 Somalis To Be Deported
Hogewash: As I Expected…
Jammie Wearing Fools: Hmmm…Andrew Cuomo Rakes In $783,000 In Royalties On Books That Sold 3200 Copies In 2016
Joe For America: Alyssa Milano Wants “Compassion” For ISIS
Power Line: Raise The Minimum Wage, Kill Companies And Jobs
Shark Tank: Florida Looms Large In The Ongoing Health Care Debate
Shot In The Dark: Only Complete Subjugation Will Do
STUMP: Illinois Finances – Budget? We Don’t Need No Steenking Budget!
The Jawa Report: Terrorist Attacks Catholic Church In Fresno, Kills Three
The Political Hat: All Your Healthcare Are Belong To California, also, The Gramscian March And The Suiciding Of The West
This Ain’t Hell: Congress Plans To Charge Vets For GI Bill
War Is Boring: The Paraguayan War – The Dumbest, Costliest War The Americas Ever Experienced
Weasel Zippers: Maxine Waters Officially Insane, Claims She Never Called For Trump’s Impeachment, also, Fox News Lets Bill O’Reilly Go
Megan McArdle: “Blame United”, “Blame Deregulation”, And Other Fantasies
Mark Steyn: Facing Up To It, also, May Seizes The Moment

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