The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Sarah Palin Mobbed in Daytona

Posted on | February 15, 2010 | 27 Comments

She’s more popular than Danica Patrick!

When NASCAR president Mike Helton acknowledged her as a special guest, she got the largest ovation from the room, packed from the front to the back with drivers, team members, support personnel and onlookers.
After sitting through the meeting, Palin could not get out the door. Fans mobbed her, asking for pictures and autographs. Her 12-person entourage, comprised of track security, a policeman, friends and spokespeople, tried to get her to the door and to her next appearance. But Palin could not help herself, and kept signing and posing for pictures.

Remember this, next time someone tells you Palin is a political liability for Republicans.

Speaking of hot chicks in Daytona, you should make plans to attend Bike Week Freedom Rally, organized by my friend Rhonda Welsch. It’s Feb. 27-28 at the Volusia County Fairgrounds. Lt. Col. Allen West will speak and “Take Our Country Back” singer Chris Cassone will perform.

A Tea Party rally in Daytona during Bike Week? Don’t you think I should be there for that?


27 Responses to “Sarah Palin Mobbed in Daytona”

  1. unseen
    February 15th, 2010 @ 7:54 pm

    Remember this, next time someone tells you Palin is a political liability for Republicans.

    Depends what you mean by liability. she represents a direct threat to the rule of elites. she will destroy their fiefdoms

  2. unseen
    February 15th, 2010 @ 2:54 pm

    Remember this, next time someone tells you Palin is a political liability for Republicans.

    Depends what you mean by liability. she represents a direct threat to the rule of elites. she will destroy their fiefdoms

  3. uberVU - social comments
    February 15th, 2010 @ 3:25 pm

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  4. Isaac
    February 15th, 2010 @ 8:53 pm

    Palin is all symbolism, no substance (anti-substance, even). She is the most explicit example of why I and many others have walked away from and will continue to walk even further from what the Republican party has been offering or pretending to offer for almost the past 20 years. Despite the hardening of the minds to alternative ways of thinking among those of all political persuasions, there remain those of us who are not stupid. Mark my words: Palin is a fleeting idol. She will vanish as soon as either one of two things catches up with her: her age, or the truth. Actually, the truth has already caught up with her, but many are so caught up in the mood of the moment that they refuse to see it — and she is capitalizing on every bit of it, dollar by dollar.

  5. Isaac
    February 15th, 2010 @ 8:53 pm

    Palin is all symbolism, no substance (anti-substance, even). She is the most explicit example of why I and many others have walked away from and will continue to walk even further from what the Republican party has been offering or pretending to offer for almost the past 20 years. Despite the hardening of the minds to alternative ways of thinking among those of all political persuasions, there remain those of us who are not stupid. Mark my words: Palin is a fleeting idol. She will vanish as soon as either one of two things catches up with her: her age, or the truth. Actually, the truth has already caught up with her, but many are so caught up in the mood of the moment that they refuse to see it — and she is capitalizing on every bit of it, dollar by dollar.

  6. Isaac
    February 15th, 2010 @ 3:53 pm

    Palin is all symbolism, no substance (anti-substance, even). She is the most explicit example of why I and many others have walked away from and will continue to walk even further from what the Republican party has been offering or pretending to offer for almost the past 20 years. Despite the hardening of the minds to alternative ways of thinking among those of all political persuasions, there remain those of us who are not stupid. Mark my words: Palin is a fleeting idol. She will vanish as soon as either one of two things catches up with her: her age, or the truth. Actually, the truth has already caught up with her, but many are so caught up in the mood of the moment that they refuse to see it — and she is capitalizing on every bit of it, dollar by dollar.

  7. Grimcargo
    February 15th, 2010 @ 9:05 pm

    I feel your pain. Cry me a river.Why shouldn’t se capitalize and why shouldn’t she make money? You would if you could. But you can’t and don’t let the door hit you in the arse as you run from the party.

  8. Grimcargo
    February 15th, 2010 @ 4:05 pm

    I feel your pain. Cry me a river.Why shouldn’t se capitalize and why shouldn’t she make money? You would if you could. But you can’t and don’t let the door hit you in the arse as you run from the party.

  9. unseen
    February 15th, 2010 @ 9:16 pm

    Palin is symbolism the same way the consitution is symbolism. She has more time tested substance behind her thinking then most liberals can grasp. She understands government that governs less governs best because she understands human nature. Liberals always aviod the thought of human nature on government policy, they do not want to look in the mirror.

  10. unseen
    February 15th, 2010 @ 4:16 pm

    Palin is symbolism the same way the consitution is symbolism. She has more time tested substance behind her thinking then most liberals can grasp. She understands government that governs less governs best because she understands human nature. Liberals always aviod the thought of human nature on government policy, they do not want to look in the mirror.

  11. keyboard jockey
    February 15th, 2010 @ 9:39 pm

    Drudge looks to be promoting Hayworth over McCain and Palin is set to campaign for McCain in Arizona.

  12. keyboard jockey
    February 15th, 2010 @ 9:39 pm

    Drudge looks to be promoting Hayworth over McCain and Palin is set to campaign for McCain in Arizona.

  13. keyboard jockey
    February 15th, 2010 @ 4:39 pm

    Drudge looks to be promoting Hayworth over McCain and Palin is set to campaign for McCain in Arizona.

  14. William
    February 15th, 2010 @ 9:48 pm

    Even if I agreed with you 100%, we just elected a symbol President, so your argument is actually strong.

    In fact, many could argue that the Executive branch is 90% symbol, 10% power as the Founding Fathers envisioned.

    So enjoy your pity party that your personal ideological clone isn’t in the running.

  15. William
    February 15th, 2010 @ 9:48 pm

    Even if I agreed with you 100%, we just elected a symbol President, so your argument is actually strong.

    In fact, many could argue that the Executive branch is 90% symbol, 10% power as the Founding Fathers envisioned.

    So enjoy your pity party that your personal ideological clone isn’t in the running.

  16. William
    February 15th, 2010 @ 4:48 pm

    Even if I agreed with you 100%, we just elected a symbol President, so your argument is actually strong.

    In fact, many could argue that the Executive branch is 90% symbol, 10% power as the Founding Fathers envisioned.

    So enjoy your pity party that your personal ideological clone isn’t in the running.

  17. gahanson
    February 15th, 2010 @ 11:22 pm

    Everywhere Palin goes, she gets record breaking crowds. All anyone has to do is look at the Salina KS Chamber of Commerce event on Feb 5th, 6,000 showed up, not only a record for Salina CofC, but a record nationwide. Tonight, that record will be broken by her appearing at the Daytona Beach Chamber of Commerce. When she campaigned with Rick Perry in Houston, about 10,000 people showed up, on Super Bowl Sunday. The last Perry rally drew about 200 by comparison. Also, today she drew 900 to a book signing event in Daytona Beach.

    These are things we see with out own eyes. The bogus polls would have you believe that she is losing support, but she is, in fact, gaining ground.

  18. gahanson
    February 15th, 2010 @ 11:22 pm

    Everywhere Palin goes, she gets record breaking crowds. All anyone has to do is look at the Salina KS Chamber of Commerce event on Feb 5th, 6,000 showed up, not only a record for Salina CofC, but a record nationwide. Tonight, that record will be broken by her appearing at the Daytona Beach Chamber of Commerce. When she campaigned with Rick Perry in Houston, about 10,000 people showed up, on Super Bowl Sunday. The last Perry rally drew about 200 by comparison. Also, today she drew 900 to a book signing event in Daytona Beach.

    These are things we see with out own eyes. The bogus polls would have you believe that she is losing support, but she is, in fact, gaining ground.

  19. gahanson
    February 15th, 2010 @ 6:22 pm

    Everywhere Palin goes, she gets record breaking crowds. All anyone has to do is look at the Salina KS Chamber of Commerce event on Feb 5th, 6,000 showed up, not only a record for Salina CofC, but a record nationwide. Tonight, that record will be broken by her appearing at the Daytona Beach Chamber of Commerce. When she campaigned with Rick Perry in Houston, about 10,000 people showed up, on Super Bowl Sunday. The last Perry rally drew about 200 by comparison. Also, today she drew 900 to a book signing event in Daytona Beach.

    These are things we see with out own eyes. The bogus polls would have you believe that she is losing support, but she is, in fact, gaining ground.

  20. Chuck Cross
    February 15th, 2010 @ 11:30 pm

    I agree with Sarah Palin on about 90% of issues. That is pretty good for any politician with me. I am glad she is in the party, and cares about the nation’s issues.

  21. Chuck Cross
    February 15th, 2010 @ 11:30 pm

    I agree with Sarah Palin on about 90% of issues. That is pretty good for any politician with me. I am glad she is in the party, and cares about the nation’s issues.

  22. Chuck Cross
    February 15th, 2010 @ 6:30 pm

    I agree with Sarah Palin on about 90% of issues. That is pretty good for any politician with me. I am glad she is in the party, and cares about the nation’s issues.

  23. Joe
    February 16th, 2010 @ 2:35 am

    I like Sarah Palin, but doubt she is going to run this time around. She would make a hell of a RNC chair (sorry Mike, but she would smoke you).

    And what is with the track in Daytona? You would think it was Alaska with all the pot holes.

  24. Joe
    February 16th, 2010 @ 2:35 am

    I like Sarah Palin, but doubt she is going to run this time around. She would make a hell of a RNC chair (sorry Mike, but she would smoke you).

    And what is with the track in Daytona? You would think it was Alaska with all the pot holes.

  25. Joe
    February 15th, 2010 @ 9:35 pm

    I like Sarah Palin, but doubt she is going to run this time around. She would make a hell of a RNC chair (sorry Mike, but she would smoke you).

    And what is with the track in Daytona? You would think it was Alaska with all the pot holes.

  26. DEO
    February 17th, 2010 @ 3:53 am

    Well, if anyone got close to her they better check their pockets for their wallet!

  27. DEO
    February 16th, 2010 @ 10:53 pm

    Well, if anyone got close to her they better check their pockets for their wallet!

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