The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Fabulous Massachusetts Juggernaut Rides Again

Posted on | April 17, 2010 | 3 Comments

by Smitty

Fishersville Mike suggests we honor of Da Tech Guy, whose irrepressible enthusiasm found him making a rather unplanned conquest of the South. He hasn’t yet blogged about the response from Da Tech Wife, but the fact he’s still capable of blogging is, itself, encouraging.

The Lads Doth Not Protest Enough, Methinks

How Stacy managed to drive ~1,500 miles round trip and still have anything left for Smittypalooza and the Tax Day Tea Parties (we hit two, trying to be like Donald Douglas) I’m not really sure. Stacy did get rather testy when, at the secret headquarters, I pointed out that configuring Barbara Espinosa with TweetDeck would put Barbara ahead of Stacy on the technical competence curve. Because you can’t have being a knuckle-dragging Luddite as part of your shtick without suffering frequent, public abuse.

Da Tech Guy And The Travelling Fedora Show

Smittypalooza III Is Underway

Smittypalooza III Was Jolly Good Fun

Tea Party Express III: Tax Day Rally at Freedom Plaza

Victoria Jackson Says ‘Thanks’

Washington Monument Tax Day Tea Party Protest

The American Spectator: ‘Tea Time Again’. Also, Tee Time For Crist

Joan Walsh: The Smoker She Drinks, The Player She Gets

Exclusive Video: Andrew Breitbart Responding To Joan Walsh
OK, so no one has linked it yet, but everyone certainly should.

Everybody Was Tea-Fu Fighting

BSS also has a spiffy YouTube video of making something useful out of IRS forms:

Stacy Registers Lengthy Columns (SRLC)

As alluded above, Stacy has really put on the miles since the trip out to Searchlight, Nevada. He’s likely to be comatose most of the weekend as he tries to recover. The last week saw him at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference and then back home for Smittypalooza and the Tax Day Tea Party.

Stacy McCain Is A Herman Cain Fanatic
Cain/West in 2012? Why not? They’re both spot-on Americans.

Two Shot Dead in New Orleans; UPDATE: Seven Wounded; Who Will Sully Blame?

His Fedora Still Travels

Breitbart Party Voodoo

The Rest Of The Story

Speaking Of ‘Based On Belief’
Mr. Black and I are having a lengthy, relatively cordial discussion of abortion in the comments here, which those passionate about life may find interesting. Those on the unmentionable side of the discussion might also be interested in my hopefully challenging, yet non-standard style.

Romney Could Emerge Smelling Of Roses
As with anything pro-Ron Paul, this blog is more concerned with the policy in question than who brings it.

SCOTUS Pick? BFD, Says Biden
This bit of farce was just too much fun.

Support A Good Guv

A Samuel Adams Quotation

‘Say, Do You Know a Guy . . .’

Liberal Loves Paying Taxes

You Might Be a Media Douchebag If. . .

Other FMJRA Roundups

Miscellaneous Shouts

  • Dad29 beats the Wolverines! drum.

And that’s your FMJRA. Please keep linking us, so that we can keep linking you.


3 Responses to “Fabulous Massachusetts Juggernaut Rides Again”

  1. Saturday linky love! « The Daley Gator
    April 17th, 2010 @ 11:32 am

    […] at work. Call it the recovering bartender link-a-round. And whatever you do, do not take a look at The Other McCain’s FMJRA! Way too extreme! And Wyblog’s? No way! Too […]

  2. Dell
    April 17th, 2010 @ 6:33 pm

    We’re proud to share the linky love at….but VERY concerned that Da Tech Guy may be the LATE Tech Guy! Sometimes Wimmins just don’t understand. Bludgeoned to death by his own keyboard, you say? DANG!

  3. Dell
    April 17th, 2010 @ 1:33 pm

    We’re proud to share the linky love at….but VERY concerned that Da Tech Guy may be the LATE Tech Guy! Sometimes Wimmins just don’t understand. Bludgeoned to death by his own keyboard, you say? DANG!

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