Get Stuffed, Alan Colmes
Posted on | May 11, 2010 | 42 Comments
by Smitty
The biggest problem with waxing poetic about our beloved founders and the great love of country that conservatives think is lost on “the liberals” is that they’re nostalgic for a myth.
No, Alan, you’re the myth-head: there was indeed a time before the Progressives, when the country was not on a debt-slavery course.
Things like math, history, and economic may hurt your feelings, but they matter. Utopia is unavailable at any price, no matter how many unrepresented generations are taxed before their grandparents are conceived.
The common-sense demand for a Federal government and sober management is common sense, not a ‘Constitutional fetish’. Your quasi-religious belief in Progress, coupled with a systematic refusal to admit the utter failure of the Left’s ideas, renders your pronouncements laughable, where not sad.
No, the necessary course correction for the country is the Constitutional one. The bulk of the major problems besetting the country can be traced to the departure from the principles in the document. The Federal government wants to do State and local things, except where votes may not be delivered, e.g. Tennessee.
It’s going to be a long, painful, expensive ride recovering from your nonsense, Alan.
Thanks for less than nothing.
42 Responses to “Get Stuffed, Alan Colmes”
May 12th, 2010 @ 3:19 am
Smitty, good discussion over at Belmont Club regarding fixes and the 17th Amendment. I mentioned your steadfast attention to the problem.
May 11th, 2010 @ 10:19 pm
Smitty, good discussion over at Belmont Club regarding fixes and the 17th Amendment. I mentioned your steadfast attention to the problem.
May 12th, 2010 @ 3:27 am
Superb, Smitty, superb!
May 11th, 2010 @ 10:27 pm
Superb, Smitty, superb!
May 12th, 2010 @ 3:53 am
Lame.This whole post reads as an object lesson in projection:
“Your quasi-religious belief in Progress, coupled with a systematic refusal to admit the utter failure of the Left’s ideas, renders your pronouncements laughable, where not sad.”
–says the Conservative whose beliefs have been proven defunct, null and void based on the eight years his party was at the helm and angry tea-bagging Cons were asleep.
Colmes is right, Cons feed on the nostalgia of a myth that never was. Listen to Cons long enough and you get the impression that their America jumped off of the frames of a Norman Rockwell painting.The country was not on a debt-slavery course until your precious Reagan put us on that course in pursuit of the pink ghost of Communism.
Talk of quasi-religious beliefs!
No my friend, no one is buying into your “Constitutional” solution in light of the fact that it seems to mean vote Republican. You can rebrand it all you want, but the proof is in the teabaggery.
May 11th, 2010 @ 10:53 pm
Lame.This whole post reads as an object lesson in projection:
“Your quasi-religious belief in Progress, coupled with a systematic refusal to admit the utter failure of the Left’s ideas, renders your pronouncements laughable, where not sad.”
–says the Conservative whose beliefs have been proven defunct, null and void based on the eight years his party was at the helm and angry tea-bagging Cons were asleep.
Colmes is right, Cons feed on the nostalgia of a myth that never was. Listen to Cons long enough and you get the impression that their America jumped off of the frames of a Norman Rockwell painting.The country was not on a debt-slavery course until your precious Reagan put us on that course in pursuit of the pink ghost of Communism.
Talk of quasi-religious beliefs!
No my friend, no one is buying into your “Constitutional” solution in light of the fact that it seems to mean vote Republican. You can rebrand it all you want, but the proof is in the teabaggery.
May 12th, 2010 @ 4:16 am
I’m fairly sure that the post header says it all…
May 11th, 2010 @ 11:16 pm
I’m fairly sure that the post header says it all…
May 12th, 2010 @ 4:31 am
Our side believe in the Constitution and the founding fathers while your side believes in Alan Colmes and B.O. Your side is in trouble.
May 11th, 2010 @ 11:31 pm
Our side believe in the Constitution and the founding fathers while your side believes in Alan Colmes and B.O. Your side is in trouble.
May 12th, 2010 @ 4:32 am
Young4eyes, your repeated use of “tea-bagging” is an object lesson in projection.
May 11th, 2010 @ 11:32 pm
Young4eyes, your repeated use of “tea-bagging” is an object lesson in projection.
May 12th, 2010 @ 5:12 am
Clearly, Young4Eyes is both too myopic and too “short in the tooth” to remember the hallowed Carter Presidency and the misery index. Callow youth that; talk about projection.
Try paying off a 10.5% first mortgage and a 16% second, old son, fearing if you will keep your job, and being chastised by a limp, ineffectual chief executive advising you to shrug off your malaise and bend to the common good.
We’re even worse off now with this Chief Pantload and your lovely, responsive democrats in congress spending like there’s no tomorrow. And,the way the money’s getting thrown around, there will be no tomorrow.
It’s not long before pitchforks-and torches time, you (D)ouchebagger.
May 12th, 2010 @ 12:12 am
Clearly, Young4Eyes is both too myopic and too “short in the tooth” to remember the hallowed Carter Presidency and the misery index. Callow youth that; talk about projection.
Try paying off a 10.5% first mortgage and a 16% second, old son, fearing if you will keep your job, and being chastised by a limp, ineffectual chief executive advising you to shrug off your malaise and bend to the common good.
We’re even worse off now with this Chief Pantload and your lovely, responsive democrats in congress spending like there’s no tomorrow. And,the way the money’s getting thrown around, there will be no tomorrow.
It’s not long before pitchforks-and torches time, you (D)ouchebagger.
May 12th, 2010 @ 6:39 am
Young4eyes, you don’t even know what you’re talking about. Neocons and Tea Party’s do not mix. They are as mad at the neocons as they are at the Dems. Both Party’s brought us to the brink of destruction(soon to come). Both Party’s are corrupt and in bed with thieves and liars. If you don’t know that, then you’re being played for a fool. Now I know why Dems chose that symbol, they’re jackass’s like you.
May 12th, 2010 @ 1:39 am
Young4eyes, you don’t even know what you’re talking about. Neocons and Tea Party’s do not mix. They are as mad at the neocons as they are at the Dems. Both Party’s brought us to the brink of destruction(soon to come). Both Party’s are corrupt and in bed with thieves and liars. If you don’t know that, then you’re being played for a fool. Now I know why Dems chose that symbol, they’re jackass’s like you.
May 12th, 2010 @ 11:19 am
Once again that notorious word theif, Paco, has stolen my thoughts! I will not rest until he is brought to the Bar of Justice…or at least to some bar…where I will make him pick up the tab!
Anyway: well put, Smitty. Mr. Colm-Over is the ultimate crapweasely jerk. He’s the type of kid we, the nerds and geeks, looked down on in high school.
May 12th, 2010 @ 6:19 am
Once again that notorious word theif, Paco, has stolen my thoughts! I will not rest until he is brought to the Bar of Justice…or at least to some bar…where I will make him pick up the tab!
Anyway: well put, Smitty. Mr. Colm-Over is the ultimate crapweasely jerk. He’s the type of kid we, the nerds and geeks, looked down on in high school.
May 12th, 2010 @ 7:39 am
[…] Get Stuffed, Alan Colmes […]
May 12th, 2010 @ 1:35 pm
We Tennesseeans don’t want the Federal government’s “help”.
It bothered me when JaNo did a quick tour of Nashville a few days ago preaching her big government/nanny state sermon.
The Federal government is the cause – not the solution – with respect to most of our country’s problems.
May 12th, 2010 @ 8:35 am
We Tennesseeans don’t want the Federal government’s “help”.
It bothered me when JaNo did a quick tour of Nashville a few days ago preaching her big government/nanny state sermon.
The Federal government is the cause – not the solution – with respect to most of our country’s problems.
May 12th, 2010 @ 2:51 pm
Smitty, “Things like math, history, and economics may hurt your feelings, but they matter. Utopia is unavailable at any price, no matter how many unrepresented generations are taxed before their grandparents are conceived.”
This is excellent, thanks for not posting a photo of Alan Colmes
I have railed upon those who do not want to hear – that the U.S.A. is a country, not the mythical Utopia, Shangri-La, Paradise, Nirvana etc….
However the progressives do seem bent on turning it into the 9 levels of hell Dante’ illustrated.
The pathway to hell is paved with good intentions….and some really ill thought out actions.
May 12th, 2010 @ 9:51 am
Smitty, “Things like math, history, and economics may hurt your feelings, but they matter. Utopia is unavailable at any price, no matter how many unrepresented generations are taxed before their grandparents are conceived.”
This is excellent, thanks for not posting a photo of Alan Colmes
I have railed upon those who do not want to hear – that the U.S.A. is a country, not the mythical Utopia, Shangri-La, Paradise, Nirvana etc….
However the progressives do seem bent on turning it into the 9 levels of hell Dante’ illustrated.
The pathway to hell is paved with good intentions….and some really ill thought out actions.
May 12th, 2010 @ 5:25 pm
Have you noticed.The closer it gets to Nov.2 the more hysterical and ridiculous the braindead liberals are getting. As they cling to their own myth and close their eyes to it’s failure and it’s socialistic purpose. Keep that term tea bagger in your head because it will be your death knell on Nov.2 when we neuter your President Urkle. Then the village can reclaim their idiot once and for all in 2012.
(Did Alan C. used to be a woman? I heard that somewhere)
May 12th, 2010 @ 12:25 pm
Have you noticed.The closer it gets to Nov.2 the more hysterical and ridiculous the braindead liberals are getting. As they cling to their own myth and close their eyes to it’s failure and it’s socialistic purpose. Keep that term tea bagger in your head because it will be your death knell on Nov.2 when we neuter your President Urkle. Then the village can reclaim their idiot once and for all in 2012.
(Did Alan C. used to be a woman? I heard that somewhere)
May 12th, 2010 @ 6:02 pm
Stacy you can only wax nostalgic over great thinkers and doers like the Rosenbergs, Margaret Sanger, Eugene Debs, the Wobblies, etc.
But not the founding father of the United States. That is way too patriarchy and racist!
May 12th, 2010 @ 1:02 pm
Stacy you can only wax nostalgic over great thinkers and doers like the Rosenbergs, Margaret Sanger, Eugene Debs, the Wobblies, etc.
But not the founding father of the United States. That is way too patriarchy and racist!
May 12th, 2010 @ 10:32 pm
Great post, Smitty. Colmes, how pathetic. Obviously, he would prefer the left’s remorseless rewriting of our founding documents into a Greek Tragedy. He desires our government be re-formed into something more … useful.
No way, pal.
May 12th, 2010 @ 5:32 pm
Great post, Smitty. Colmes, how pathetic. Obviously, he would prefer the left’s remorseless rewriting of our founding documents into a Greek Tragedy. He desires our government be re-formed into something more … useful.
No way, pal.
May 13th, 2010 @ 12:08 am
May 12th, 2010 @ 7:08 pm
May 13th, 2010 @ 5:52 am
Good job ignoring this part of Colmes’ article, then demonstrating its central point:
“There is something upsetting about how eager folks on the right have been to say it’s all been downhill since the 1780s. Sure, if called on it, as in the Marshall-Kagan business, they’ll backtrack and say that they obviously think emancipation and women’s suffrage were good things. But they appear mainly unperturbed about the fact that in 1792, the percentage of the population with full citizenship was probably less than one-fourth. It’s an afterthought.”
Exactly. Most conservative pleas for a return to strict constitutional government ignore the fact that relatively few “Americans” got to participate in anything remotely resembling a free market at the nation’s founding.
The idea that America is somehow less free today, when all 100% of adults are enfranchised but taxed at one of the lowest rates in modern world history, than it was at its founding, when being born with the wrong skin color or genitalia consigned you to lifelong second-class status, but there was no income tax, is ludicrous on its face.
The rest of your post is a festival of straw men. (Who, for example, on the Left doesn’t believe in “sober management”? Seems like the last time the budget was balanced, a Democrat was in office. Check the deficit records of the Presidents who came out of the modern conservative movement, especially Reagan, for a clear picture of irresponsible financial management.)
May 13th, 2010 @ 12:52 am
Good job ignoring this part of Colmes’ article, then demonstrating its central point:
“There is something upsetting about how eager folks on the right have been to say it’s all been downhill since the 1780s. Sure, if called on it, as in the Marshall-Kagan business, they’ll backtrack and say that they obviously think emancipation and women’s suffrage were good things. But they appear mainly unperturbed about the fact that in 1792, the percentage of the population with full citizenship was probably less than one-fourth. It’s an afterthought.”
Exactly. Most conservative pleas for a return to strict constitutional government ignore the fact that relatively few “Americans” got to participate in anything remotely resembling a free market at the nation’s founding.
The idea that America is somehow less free today, when all 100% of adults are enfranchised but taxed at one of the lowest rates in modern world history, than it was at its founding, when being born with the wrong skin color or genitalia consigned you to lifelong second-class status, but there was no income tax, is ludicrous on its face.
The rest of your post is a festival of straw men. (Who, for example, on the Left doesn’t believe in “sober management”? Seems like the last time the budget was balanced, a Democrat was in office. Check the deficit records of the Presidents who came out of the modern conservative movement, especially Reagan, for a clear picture of irresponsible financial management.)
May 13th, 2010 @ 6:55 am
“The failed policies of the last 8 years?” Really. That’s the A.D.D. generations breaking point? An 8 year bad run, compared to centuries of economic excellence, has the “hot pocket” kid growing weary?
The country with the highest standard of living the world has ever known is supposed to change economic philosophy and model itself after centuries old failures because “Mr. Wool Hat Civics Major” has a crush on Professor Pony-Tail.
I think not, numbskull.
May 13th, 2010 @ 1:55 am
“The failed policies of the last 8 years?” Really. That’s the A.D.D. generations breaking point? An 8 year bad run, compared to centuries of economic excellence, has the “hot pocket” kid growing weary?
The country with the highest standard of living the world has ever known is supposed to change economic philosophy and model itself after centuries old failures because “Mr. Wool Hat Civics Major” has a crush on Professor Pony-Tail.
I think not, numbskull.
May 13th, 2010 @ 10:40 am
Your rebuttal could be summarized as “shoot the messenger”.
History is unalterable, which is why the Left ignores and airbrushes it.
“The idea that America is somehow less free today”
Today and the Founding are equivalent insofar as DC has hearing roughly equivalent to that of Parliament.
May 13th, 2010 @ 5:40 am
Your rebuttal could be summarized as “shoot the messenger”.
History is unalterable, which is why the Left ignores and airbrushes it.
“The idea that America is somehow less free today”
Today and the Founding are equivalent insofar as DC has hearing roughly equivalent to that of Parliament.
May 13th, 2010 @ 4:29 pm
Well, I tried. Did I “shoot the messenger”? No, I responded to your artful eliding of what seemed to me to be a valid point.
“History is unalterable…” I agree, which is why I wrote the above comment, the substance of which you declined to address.
“…which is why the Left ignores and airbrushes it.” My entire argument is based on matters of historical record. How have I “airbrushed” anything?
Also: I realize that it’s pretty much standard fare in web disputes to respond to a charge (in this case: “you’re ignoring the historical case against your position”) with some variant of “I know you are but what am I?” (in this case: “the Left ignores and airbrushes [history].”) But really, is it that difficult to respond to a substantive critique with a specific rebuttal?
Unless you don’t have one, that is. If that’s the case, by all means continue slandering liberals in general for saying things you don’t have an answer for.
May 13th, 2010 @ 11:29 am
Well, I tried. Did I “shoot the messenger”? No, I responded to your artful eliding of what seemed to me to be a valid point.
“History is unalterable…” I agree, which is why I wrote the above comment, the substance of which you declined to address.
“…which is why the Left ignores and airbrushes it.” My entire argument is based on matters of historical record. How have I “airbrushed” anything?
Also: I realize that it’s pretty much standard fare in web disputes to respond to a charge (in this case: “you’re ignoring the historical case against your position”) with some variant of “I know you are but what am I?” (in this case: “the Left ignores and airbrushes [history].”) But really, is it that difficult to respond to a substantive critique with a specific rebuttal?
Unless you don’t have one, that is. If that’s the case, by all means continue slandering liberals in general for saying things you don’t have an answer for.
May 13th, 2010 @ 8:59 pm
[…] on | May 13, 2010 | No Commentsby SmittyCommenter wallamaarif offers comments #17 and #20 on Get Stuffed, Alan Colmes that merit examination.Before delving into details, let’s note that the overwhelming bulk of […]
May 14th, 2010 @ 11:54 am
They can never tell us just what these disastrous policies were, except for the Iraq War, and that is, somehow, much less disastrous now that Barry the Communist is following the same policies, wimpified.
As for economics, no details are forthcoming from the kids on the Left. They can repeat the party line about “tax cuts for the rich,” but their eyes glaze over when you start explaining that the tax burden moved UP the income scale, not down. I think that there is a bit of magical thinking going on, a kind of fairy-tale logic, that seeks villains and victims, but can not understand how pressure groups help push policy one way or another. One group, mostly Republican, tried to push us into a reform of Social Security, from which I would have been too old to benefit, but young McCain and my own dear son and daughter would one day come out to the cemetery to thank me. Another group opposed such a reform. One group or coalition proposed to audit Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which most people could sense were insolvent. Another group opposed them, calling the plan, to do math, racist.
May 14th, 2010 @ 6:54 am
They can never tell us just what these disastrous policies were, except for the Iraq War, and that is, somehow, much less disastrous now that Barry the Communist is following the same policies, wimpified.
As for economics, no details are forthcoming from the kids on the Left. They can repeat the party line about “tax cuts for the rich,” but their eyes glaze over when you start explaining that the tax burden moved UP the income scale, not down. I think that there is a bit of magical thinking going on, a kind of fairy-tale logic, that seeks villains and victims, but can not understand how pressure groups help push policy one way or another. One group, mostly Republican, tried to push us into a reform of Social Security, from which I would have been too old to benefit, but young McCain and my own dear son and daughter would one day come out to the cemetery to thank me. Another group opposed such a reform. One group or coalition proposed to audit Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which most people could sense were insolvent. Another group opposed them, calling the plan, to do math, racist.