The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Alyssa Milano Re-Tweeted This, So . . .

Posted on | August 17, 2010 | 36 Comments

. . . I take that as a hint she wants me to blog about it:

Top 10 Reasons I Did Not RT Your DM Request
This article is not meant to offend anyone, but I am sure it will. If you have ever been asked to retweet links for someone, at least I think you can sympathize. I have spent hours defending my right to say no to a retweet request. At some point I realized it’s time to just lay it out for everyone so you know where I am coming from. . . .

The author, Susan Elaine Cooper, then goes on to list ten important reasons why people don’t get re-Tweeted, none of which are, “Because I’m Alyssa Freaking Milano and You’re Just a Creepy Old Blogger.”

Which means there’s still hope.

I’ll have to discuss strategic Twitterology with Dan Collins, who is in charge of the Let’s Get Alyssa to Re-Tweet Stacy Just So He’ll Finally Shut Up About It campaign.

Remember, this all started with Mickey Kaus, back when Alyssa had fewer than 400,000 followers. She’s now closing in on 1 million followers, many of whom are following her in anticipation of the glorious moment when I’ll finally get that coveted RT from . . . 



36 Responses to “Alyssa Milano Re-Tweeted This, So . . .”

  1. richard mcenroe
    August 17th, 2010 @ 8:07 pm

    Luckily, it’s impossible to send a valid restraining order to an e-mail address.

  2. richard mcenroe
    August 17th, 2010 @ 4:07 pm

    Luckily, it’s impossible to send a valid restraining order to an e-mail address.

  3. richard mcenroe
    August 17th, 2010 @ 8:09 pm

    Actually, I take that back. When I tried to impress Ann Coulter with my conservative creds by e-mailing her that video of me dressing out a whitetail buck just like Sarah Palin, there was a server at my door the next day. I suspect my message was misinterpreted.

  4. richard mcenroe
    August 17th, 2010 @ 4:09 pm

    Actually, I take that back. When I tried to impress Ann Coulter with my conservative creds by e-mailing her that video of me dressing out a whitetail buck just like Sarah Palin, there was a server at my door the next day. I suspect my message was misinterpreted.

  5. Red
    August 17th, 2010 @ 8:11 pm


  6. Red
    August 17th, 2010 @ 4:11 pm


  7. KingShamus
    August 17th, 2010 @ 8:23 pm

    People send out RT requests?

    I’m such a twitter noob.

  8. KingShamus
    August 17th, 2010 @ 4:23 pm

    People send out RT requests?

    I’m such a twitter noob.

  9. Jeff
    August 17th, 2010 @ 8:24 pm

    I have to assume the founders of Twitter had a wicked sense of humor.

    From Wikipedia:
    Twit may refer to: Idiot, a mentally deficient or self-defeating person

  10. Jeff
    August 17th, 2010 @ 4:24 pm

    I have to assume the founders of Twitter had a wicked sense of humor.

    From Wikipedia:
    Twit may refer to: Idiot, a mentally deficient or self-defeating person

  11. TR Sterling
    August 17th, 2010 @ 10:21 pm

    RSM, your obsession was cute for about a day.
    Now it just looks like stalking and is stinking up your otherwise decent website. Just because the Webs foster this kind of Jr High School behavior (STALKING), at 50+ yrs old, you should know better.

    Did you know, that Robert Bardo who was convicted of stalking and killing Rebecca Schaeffer was later stabbed 11 times in prison?

    Think about it next time you start in with Alyssa and your obsession. Its not a joke especially after 20 times or so, that you make the play.

  12. TR Sterling
    August 17th, 2010 @ 6:21 pm

    RSM, your obsession was cute for about a day.
    Now it just looks like stalking and is stinking up your otherwise decent website. Just because the Webs foster this kind of Jr High School behavior (STALKING), at 50+ yrs old, you should know better.

    Did you know, that Robert Bardo who was convicted of stalking and killing Rebecca Schaeffer was later stabbed 11 times in prison?

    Think about it next time you start in with Alyssa and your obsession. Its not a joke especially after 20 times or so, that you make the play.

  13. JeffS
    August 17th, 2010 @ 11:13 pm

    Because I’m Alyssa Freaking Milano and You’re Just a Creepy Old Blogger.”

    Heck, Stacy, you’re not creepy!


  14. JeffS
    August 17th, 2010 @ 11:13 pm

    PS to Mr. Sterling:

    Get a sense of humor. And then chill.

  15. JeffS
    August 17th, 2010 @ 7:13 pm

    Because I’m Alyssa Freaking Milano and You’re Just a Creepy Old Blogger.”

    Heck, Stacy, you’re not creepy!


  16. JeffS
    August 17th, 2010 @ 7:13 pm

    PS to Mr. Sterling:

    Get a sense of humor. And then chill.

  17. Bob Belvedere
    August 17th, 2010 @ 11:27 pm

    Advice to Mr. Sterling: Remove pole from arse.

  18. Bob Belvedere
    August 17th, 2010 @ 7:27 pm

    Advice to Mr. Sterling: Remove pole from arse.

  19. wormme
    August 18th, 2010 @ 12:46 am

    I just signed the petition, informing Alyssa that RSM is the “Terminator of blegging”.

    I left out the “no remorse or pity” bit, plus “…and it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you retweet…” but that’s kind of implied, right?

  20. wormme
    August 17th, 2010 @ 8:46 pm

    I just signed the petition, informing Alyssa that RSM is the “Terminator of blegging”.

    I left out the “no remorse or pity” bit, plus “…and it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you retweet…” but that’s kind of implied, right?

  21. richard mcenroe
    August 18th, 2010 @ 12:49 am

    Ya get the feeling Milano’s people might have TR’s pic on the wall at the gatehouse?

    “Leave Alyssa Alone!” on YouTube in 3… 2… 1…

  22. richard mcenroe
    August 17th, 2010 @ 8:49 pm

    Ya get the feeling Milano’s people might have TR’s pic on the wall at the gatehouse?

    “Leave Alyssa Alone!” on YouTube in 3… 2… 1…

  23. FenelonSpoke
    August 18th, 2010 @ 1:26 am

    Alyssa Milano tweets? Could we have less talk of the birds and bees here? ;^)


  24. FenelonSpoke
    August 17th, 2010 @ 9:26 pm

    Alyssa Milano tweets? Could we have less talk of the birds and bees here? ;^)


  25. jefferson101
    August 18th, 2010 @ 1:40 am

    She’ll Re-Tweet Smitty first.

    I am a prophet, and you heard it originally from me.

    How did the Rolling Stones put it?

    “Well you can’t always get what you want.
    But if you try sometimes, you just might find
    You get what you need…..”

    I’m rooting for you, Stacy. But Alyssa has got to do what Alyssa has got to do, too.

    And it’s all good.

  26. jefferson101
    August 17th, 2010 @ 9:40 pm

    She’ll Re-Tweet Smitty first.

    I am a prophet, and you heard it originally from me.

    How did the Rolling Stones put it?

    “Well you can’t always get what you want.
    But if you try sometimes, you just might find
    You get what you need…..”

    I’m rooting for you, Stacy. But Alyssa has got to do what Alyssa has got to do, too.

    And it’s all good.

  27. Smitty
    August 18th, 2010 @ 3:06 am

    Advice to Bob B.: insert p o l e back

  28. Smitty
    August 17th, 2010 @ 11:06 pm

    Advice to Bob B.: insert p o l e back

  29. Smitty
    August 18th, 2010 @ 3:07 am


    The s h * t just keeps on ooooozzzing….

  30. Smitty
    August 17th, 2010 @ 11:07 pm


    The s h * t just keeps on ooooozzzing….

  31. Smitty
    August 18th, 2010 @ 4:27 am

    PS to Mr. Sterling:

    Get a sense of humor. And then chill.

    Sounds like nature has an overwhelming sense of humor to supply humans with the knowledge to brew a powerful poison in order to kill her creatures, instead of providing them with the forgotten knowledge of proper nutrition that is unveiled by observation, contemplation and experimenting / verification.

    No doubt Alyssa Milano too breaks down some contextual barriers of seemingly separated compartments of memory, so a reorganization of events in memory occurs. IOW the condition for inner healing aka reconciliation. Surely this might assist in awakening, when the process can be taken to its end.

    Once it has been acknowledged that the twitternet is a giant memory, it might be clear that the shamans arrived at a recipe to construct a (selective) reader.

    Well FWIW, the mind is a bundle of thoughts about the mind being a bundle of thoughts and so forth.

    I guess we are stuck with it and have to make the most of it somehow. Comes out in all sorts of ways.

    I sometimes reckon it is analogous to the Mandelbrot set. It has a definite beginning and but no way out unless one traces one’s steps backwards like Theseus slaying the minotaur and following the thread backwards to get out of the labyrinth. One sort of has to enter the labyrinth, get to the middle, slay the effing minotaur then find one’s way out. After which one might know something about labyrinths and minotaurs but then has to face ones life.

    When considering the issue that the maximum energy available for mental functioning has to be divided between several tasks, many of which are outside (direct) influence or control, it follows that when the “Ego-Related Trivia Twitter Complex ™” (ERTTC) is eliminated, more energy is available for other tasks. IOW a case of better functioning in “worldly” affairs despite having abandoned them (as a figure of speech).

    My goodness. What a toxic place Twitter can be.
    I had not thought of the nego possibilities.

    I am presuming Milano’s minions are few. What a thing to be doing with one’s precious human incarnation, though i suppose it could be worse.

  32. Smitty
    August 18th, 2010 @ 12:27 am

    PS to Mr. Sterling:

    Get a sense of humor. And then chill.

    Sounds like nature has an overwhelming sense of humor to supply humans with the knowledge to brew a powerful poison in order to kill her creatures, instead of providing them with the forgotten knowledge of proper nutrition that is unveiled by observation, contemplation and experimenting / verification.

    No doubt Alyssa Milano too breaks down some contextual barriers of seemingly separated compartments of memory, so a reorganization of events in memory occurs. IOW the condition for inner healing aka reconciliation. Surely this might assist in awakening, when the process can be taken to its end.

    Once it has been acknowledged that the twitternet is a giant memory, it might be clear that the shamans arrived at a recipe to construct a (selective) reader.

    Well FWIW, the mind is a bundle of thoughts about the mind being a bundle of thoughts and so forth.

    I guess we are stuck with it and have to make the most of it somehow. Comes out in all sorts of ways.

    I sometimes reckon it is analogous to the Mandelbrot set. It has a definite beginning and but no way out unless one traces one’s steps backwards like Theseus slaying the minotaur and following the thread backwards to get out of the labyrinth. One sort of has to enter the labyrinth, get to the middle, slay the effing minotaur then find one’s way out. After which one might know something about labyrinths and minotaurs but then has to face ones life.

    When considering the issue that the maximum energy available for mental functioning has to be divided between several tasks, many of which are outside (direct) influence or control, it follows that when the “Ego-Related Trivia Twitter Complex ™” (ERTTC) is eliminated, more energy is available for other tasks. IOW a case of better functioning in “worldly” affairs despite having abandoned them (as a figure of speech).

    My goodness. What a toxic place Twitter can be.
    I had not thought of the nego possibilities.

    I am presuming Milano’s minions are few. What a thing to be doing with one’s precious human incarnation, though i suppose it could be worse.

  33. News Flash: Politics Is About Elections : The Other McCain
    August 18th, 2010 @ 12:05 pm

    […] or media bias isn’t going to change anything in Washington. I might as well be blogging about Alyssa Milano or Justin Bieber, if all I’m going to do is pontificate about Barack Obama or Sarah Palin […]

  34. Fishersville Mike: Tweeted by Alyssa
    August 19th, 2010 @ 12:14 pm

    […] by Alyssa The Other McCain's quest has to be retweeted by Alyssa Milano. This guy in Great Britain decides to summarize chapters […]

  35. Kojocaro
    August 20th, 2010 @ 6:55 pm

    Alyssa Milano is really a secret alien from planet MSNBC

  36. Kojocaro
    August 20th, 2010 @ 2:55 pm

    Alyssa Milano is really a secret alien from planet MSNBC
