The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

VIDEO: Allen West to Barack Obama: ‘Welcome to the Jungle’

Posted on | September 25, 2010 | 22 Comments

by Smitty

The Shark Tank has 1:48 of pure righteousness:

It sounds like an impromptu Tea Party may break out on 11 October down in Florida. How will the POTUS stand up to a Jungle Tea Party? Promises to be interesting.



22 Responses to “VIDEO: Allen West to Barack Obama: ‘Welcome to the Jungle’”

  1. Allen West Rocks! West to Obama and Pelosi: Welcome to the Jungle! | The Lonely Conservative
    September 25th, 2010 @ 8:56 pm

    […] H/T The Other McCain […]

  2. Oxbay
    September 25th, 2010 @ 9:15 pm

    Isn’t he running for a House seat? Or after winning this year is he already planning to take on that fatuous flake Nelson and you’re letting the cat out of the bag?

  3. daveinboca
    September 26th, 2010 @ 1:28 am

    I’ve met West and he is a no-nonsense fighter who is getting slimed by a 110% sleazeball named Ron Klein, who accuses West of late-filing on tax returns & credit-card problems [West was in Iraq at the time].

    Rather than accusing Klein of being the sheeny lawyer and shady lobbyist making millions in Tallahassee while holding down as State Senate seat, West has taken the high road, merely outling DNC slut Klein’s 90% pro-Pelosi and 100% pro-union thug voting in Congress. Klein’s ads don’t mention zip about his own support for the dead-in-the-water POTUS’s programs, including ObamaCare.

    Klein is aftraid to run on his record and resorts to sewer-rat cheap shots at a retired US army colonel, while Klein is a multi-millionaire from his lobbyist RICO manipulations as a State House & State Senator while his lobbying firm raked in the big simoleons.

  4. John Carey
    September 26th, 2010 @ 2:00 am

    Mr. West is a man of integrity that served his nation honorably. My hope is his integrity and honor will shine the light and illuminate the shallow tactics of Klein and reveal the truth about this parasite and who he is.

  5. Estragon
    September 26th, 2010 @ 2:47 am

    Klein’s definitely a slimeball. West seems like just the sort of man we need in the House. The district starts as a toss-up, with Cook’s rolling average of Presidential election votes showing it D+1.

    It’s an expensive media market, though, so remember any help West gets online could benefit the whole country.

  6. A Tale of Two Campaigns-Democrats and Republicans in 2010 « Blog de KingShamus
    September 26th, 2010 @ 9:17 am

    […] all that with the tone of Allen West in this clip.  Yeah, this is a stump speech, not a campaign ad.  But it still bears […]

  7. KingShamus
    September 26th, 2010 @ 9:25 am

    John’s right. West is a patriot. Klein is a sleaze. There’s your election right there.

  8. Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove
    September 26th, 2010 @ 10:19 am

    […] West tells Pelosi and Obama “Welcome To The Jungle.” The Other McCain has the […]

  9. Kojocaro
    September 26th, 2010 @ 4:08 pm

    yeah estragon but he might have accepted money from those evil wingnut politicians so i’am sure he’ll get thrown under someones bus

  10. Finally Milano Justifies Retweet Abjurations : The Other McCain
    October 2nd, 2010 @ 6:56 pm

    […] Must Be Utterly Rejected?That Mr. GuyIn Defense of Doug HoffmanSI VIS PACEMThe American CatholicVIDEO: Allen West to Barack Obama: ‘Welcome to the Jungle’The Lonely ConservativeBlog de KingShamusPirates CoveCarol’s ClosetEstimate The Head […]
