The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Kate Middleton Upskirt Photo?

Posted on | November 28, 2010 | 12 Comments

Yes, dear reader, there is such a photo. And while I had previously linked to the Left Coast Rebel’s Kate Middleton bikini picture, it had not even occurred to me to try to get Google-bomb traffic for “Kate Middleton upskirt photo.”

The blame for this discovery goes to John Hawkins’ “Linkiest” aggregator, which linked a Coed Magazine gallery of Kate Middleton pictures that included the aforesaid photo.

Would it be wrong to post that photo? Would it undermine the dignity of the woman whom Prince William has chosen as His Royal Consort? Would this weaken the “special relationship” with the United Kingdom, America’s strongest ally in the Global War on Terror? 

Would I be violating the Blogger Code of Ethics?

Ethics, shmethics.

Remember that it’s Holiday Traffic Suckage Season. “Blogger ethics” is a pleasant concept, but it won’t keep the traffic from hitting rock-bottom on those cold winter weekends when everybody’s out shopping.

Why else would Mind-Numbed Robot resort to posting Christina Aguilera photos? Or why would Bob Belvedere post these classic Raquel Welch pinups? Why would William Teach at Pirate’s Cove post video of Tori Black dancing in lingerie? Why is King Shamus giving us hot naked Swedish chicks?

Does the phrase “cry for help” mean anything to you, dear reader?

These bloggers are clearly desperate for traffic, and we must all do what we can to help them, even if it means posting photos of Ye Olde Royal Upskirt as guaranteed Google-bait to help re-direct traffic to them.

By the way, I’m happy to report that “Make My Wife Happy” Day was such a success, I’m extending it for another day. (Hey, if I can make up a holiday out of thin air, all bets are off.) Your continuing support is appreciated during this time of increasing blogger desperation, which is a polite way of saying . . .


UPDATE: I had never heard of Cheryl Cole before . . .

. . . but Donald Douglas claims to have nude video of her, so you probably shouldn’t click that link if you don’t approve of nudity.

UPDATE II: Approved by King B Live and linked in the Sunday Pinup at Pirate’s Cove, which links to some great photos of lovely conservative Angie Harmon, who is not a racist:


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