The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

VIDEO: Herman Cain Tells Cavuto He Is ‘Prayerfully Considering’ 2012 Campaign

Posted on | December 11, 2010 | 13 Comments

The multimillionaire former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza was slamming “back-door welfare” in the compromise tax deal when the host — who loves Herman, because everybody loves Herman — asked him about his frequent hints that he’s going to run for president:

“We are looking at doing an exploratory committee real soon,” he says. You could compare Cain’s 2012 campaign to Steve Forbes’ 1996 campaign — which Forbes used to push his limited-government, pro-business, supply-side, flat-tax agenda — with one key difference: Cain is infinitely more charismatic than Forbes.

Having seen Cain speak at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in March, I’m here to tell you that no one — not even Sarah Palin — elicits the kind of enthusiasm from a GOP crowd that Herman gets. Tea Party people love him. If he can put together a solid campaign organization and avoid gaffes or scandals, it’s not hard to see Herman Cain placing in the top three in the Iowa caucus.

Meanwhile, check the latest news from Georgia:

Two African-American Democrats on Thursday announced that they were joining the Republican Party.
Hall County Commissioner Ashley Bell and former state executive committee member Andre Walker said the Democratic Party had grown too liberal and they are finding a new home with the Republicans. . . .
Bell was introduced as a Republican at a news conference Thursday at party headquarters.
“My district is pretty Republican as it is,” Bell told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. “My wife and I have been thinking about this for six months.” . . .
Walker, who runs the political blog Georgia Unfiltered, resigned from the Democratic Party’s state executive committee. Walker was a delegate to the 2004 Democratic National Convention and is a former president of College Democrats of Georgia.
“Since the first Democratic lawmaker bolted to the Republican Party, left-leaning activists have mocked and ridiculed those individuals as being self-serving people only looking for ways to remain in office,” Walker told the AJC. “But I’m not an elected official. I don’t hold public office. I’m not trying to protect my seat. I don’t have a seat to protect. I’m just a regular citizen with a healthy interest in the political process, and I’m joining the GOP because of ideology.”

In ways small and large, this is a list that keep steadily growing: Allen West, Tim Scott, etc., etc. And at some point the cognitive dissonance of the liberal worldview will become so strained that it finally reaches the breaking point.

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