The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Herman Cain Scheduled to Win Another GOP Debate Tonight in Manchester, N.H.

Posted on | June 13, 2011 | 30 Comments

He started out the campaign as “Herman Who?” but has more recently described himself as “the black guy who keeps winning stuff.” Before last month’s debate in Greenville, S.C., my headline was:

Herman Cain Set to Win S.C. Debate

And when the post-debate Frank Luntz focus group showed that, indeed, Cain had scored a big win, I looked like a prophetic genius. So I’m sticking with a winner and predicting that tonight Cain stomps the other candidates like Godzilla stomped Tokyo.

ABC News says: “Mitt Romney is the man to beat.” OK, then tomorrow’s big headline should be:

Herman Cain Beats ‘The Man to Beat’

The media won’t actually write that headline, of course, but that’s what will actually happen tonight.

I just got off the phone with Da Tech Guy, who drove to Manchester for tonight’s debate, so we’ll have an eyewitness on the scene at St. Anselm College. “It’s a nice Catholic college, so I should have no trouble finding a priest for confession,” says Pete.


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