The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

PJM’s Pollock Publishes First Specific Account of Cain Harassment Charge UPDATE: PJM Makes Corrections

Posted on | November 3, 2011 | 115 Comments

Hat-tip to Ace of Spades and congratulations to Richard Pollock at PJM for finally getting the specifics on the record:

Both sources, one male and one female, worked at the time — mid-1990s — for the governmental affairs department of the National Restaurant Association, as did the woman.
According to both sources, Mr. Cain and the woman had been with a large group for a long evening of food and drink at the Ciao Baby Cucina, a restaurant near NRA headquarters in downtown Washington, D.C. This was a normal routine, as the trade association worked with the food and beverage industry. Afterwards, Mr. Cain allegedly took the woman by taxi to his apartment, where she spent the night and woke up in his bed.
The female source told PJ Media that she witnessed the woman entering a taxi with Herman Cain.
Neither source has direct knowledge of what occurred at Mr. Cain’s residence, but several days after the alleged incident, the male source witnessed the woman returning to her workplace “distraught.” “She was very upset.”

Why did this take so long? What were people afraid of? Now the Cain campaign has something specific that they can deal with.

UPDATE: I have sent text messages and e-mail to the Cain campaign seeking their official response. Meanwhile, I agree with Glenn Reynolds: “I’d still like to see names named, even from people I trust.”

Anonymous accusations, in regard to such a serious matter, are unacceptable. It’s one thing to grant anonymity to sources when what you’re reporting is routine campaign strategy stuff. It’s something else when grievous accusations of sexual misbehavior are being made against the leading candidate for a major party’s nomination for president.

UPDATE II: The commenters are, of  course, free to speculate on the factuality or meaning of the account reported by Pollock. Given that I am expected to report on the Cain campaign, however, I am obligated to resist the speculation temptation.

Nevertheless, it is possible to say — as a neutral objective fact — that this changes the nature of the story.

Whereas we were previously led to believe that this was a matter of mere words, which may have crossed the line into the range of “unwanted advances,” now it seems to be something else entirely. And shame on any reporters, at Politico or anywhere else, who were aware of such specific accusations and failed to report the details.

However this story turns out for the Cain campaign, there will need to be some accountability for journalistic incompetence.

UPDATE III: PJM corrects the Pollock article:

(CORRECTIONS: A previous version of this story mentioned that a source witnessed Cain and the woman entering a taxi together. This was incorrect.
The previous version also mentioned that the woman awoke in Cain’s bed — the source only claimed that the woman awoke in Cain’s apartment.
The previous version incorrectly attributed comments from one source to the other source.)

Can you see me biting my tongue?

UPDATE IV: I put this post online at 1:28 p.m. and had contacted Mark Block and J.D. Gordon via e-mail and text before 2 p.m., seeking a response. When that didn’t work, I called at 2:40 p.m. It’s now 4:15 p.m.

My phone isn’t ringing and there’s no answer in my inbox. If they’re not responding to me — on a day like today — to whom are they responding? Why should I even bother trying to get a response?


115 Responses to “PJM’s Pollock Publishes First Specific Account of Cain Harassment Charge UPDATE: PJM Makes Corrections”

  1. Anonymous
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 3:42 pm

    Yes, I could support him if that happened.  However, if his story evolves in a contradictory and tooth pulling manner, then no.

    I could sort of understand if his initial reticence was due to the nondisclosure agreement that he signed (though if so, he handled it poorly).  If it turns out to be him trying to lay low and dissemble, then no, I probably won’t be able to support him.

    We all like to emphasize his history as a businessman.  The canonical damage control case study that all businessmen are aware of is Tylenol.  They didn’t come out and deny and accuse others for the issue.  They dealt with it head on.  That’s what Cain needs to do.

    Of course, if anonymous sources are being misleading or outright dishonest, that’s going to make his job harder, but he can still put out a consistent story by sticking to the truth.

  2. Doc Clear
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 3:46 pm

    So is there really any reason for this article?  I’m looking for REAL facts, not RIEHL facts.  McTunes, Ace lost me too.  I can’t stomach all his circular firing squad hits.  Same with HotAir.  These guys just can’t help themselves with the over the top lies and distortions.  They’ve taken on the worst of the MSM’s traits in this regard.  I appreciate the mobile TV PJ tv sponsored with the big tea party protest, but it’s time for Glenn and Bill Whittle to take control before it becomes a slightly right Politico.

  3. Adjoran
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 3:55 pm

    Cain’s problem is that he has consistently LIED about it.  Anyone dumb enough to believe his ever-changing story was ever based in truth should have a conservator appointed before they give away their assets to a con artist.

    He had 12 years to come up with his explanation and 10 days to prepare for breaking news, yet he can’t keep his lies straight from hour to hour.

    If he had been honest from the first, MAYBE the facts wouldn’t disqualify him.  But the lying must.

    If you’re okay with lying horn dogs as your candidate, switch parties.  The Democrats have plenty of them.  If your standards are that low, that is where you belong.

  4. Joe
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 3:59 pm


  5. Joe
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 4:02 pm

    Adjoran, I am not sure he consistently lied about it or not.  An everchanging story is sloppy and stupid but it is not necessarily lying.  But you are right, if you know something even remotely like this is out there you have a strategy for dealing with it all mapped out.  Obviously that did not take place here. 

  6. Adjoran
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 4:03 pm

    A quick review of Cain’s LIES in the last few days, most repeated multiple times:

    Story is baseless
    Falsely accused, did nothing wrong
    Was no settlement he knew of
    Didn’t think it was a settlement, just an “agreement” (Bill Clinton likes that one)
    Forgot details
    Settlement not significant, equal to severance pay
    Two-three months salary settlement
    Remembered the only incident was the height of his wife thing
    Accused former aide of leaking, said he was briefed (man denies knowing) in 2004

    That’s off the top of my head.  In the space of a couple of days the man changed his story at least half a dozen time.  Twelve years to practice, ten days warning it would be necessary, and this is how he handles his first crisis?

    Even if he weren’t a liar, I wouldn’t want him in the Situation Room when the stuff hits the fan.  The Chinese won’t give notice when they precipitate some mischief.

  7. Ladd Ehlinger Jr.
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 4:10 pm

    All Herman needs is three or four more women to come out, coupled with some more poor crisis management, and Rick Perry will be done for sure.

  8. Dave
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 4:23 pm

    Roger Waters for President!

  9. Joe
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 4:23 pm  Meanwhile, Mitt is still Mitt.  When Huntsman can mock you effectively, you know how fucked we are.

  10. Dave
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 4:24 pm

    You’d let them out of the kitchen??? Radical!

  11. Anonymous
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 4:25 pm

    So the prize for getting today’s story wrong first goes to who?

  12. Sdk1488
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 4:25 pm

    Actually, doesn’t the story say the woman left his house visibly upset, it says the co-worker saw her several days later, not the day after the event: “… but several days after the alleged incident, the female source witnessed the woman returning to her workplace “distraught.” “She was very upset.” “

  13. Anonymous
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 4:27 pm

    The phrase “I’d still like to see names named, even from people I trust” reminds me of “if your mother tells you she loves you, verify it.”

    I only wish I could remember where I heard that…


  14. Anonymous
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 4:34 pm

    If the story as reported (and corrected) is accurate, it’s so far not anywhere near as bad as it could be.

    Let me construct an absolute best-case scenario here:

    They’re at a restaurant. They drink. She gets drunk.

    Too drunk to make it home by herself.

    Too drunk to coherently explain where she lives so that her boss can make sure she gets there.

    Or possibly even so drunk that he’s concerned she might vomit and choke to death while passed out.

    So he takes her to his place, dumps her on the couch, sits with her until he’s sure she’s okay.

    But, of course, people talk. And she feels like she’s under the gun at work, not from him, but from everyone thinking she’s sleeping with the boss.

    So, she says “look … I can’t work in this environment. It’s not good for me, it’s not good for him, it’s not good for the association. But I can’t afford to just walk out with my last paycheck. Can you help me out here?”

    And all of this pussy-footing around was not Cain protecting himself, but protecting her.

    Next best-case scenario:

    All of the above, only she woke up in his apartment, felt creeped out despite his good intentions, and said “get me out of here, with a cushion, or there will be hell to pay.” And all this pussy-footing around was Cain, embarrassed and knowing that any explanation would make him look bad.

    Worse-case scenario: They drank, they got drunk, they went back to his place, they had consensual sex, she either felt like a hostile environment existed afterward, or said so, to get a settlement.

    Cain doesn’t look really good here (especially to social conservatives, evangelical Christians, and the general “sanctimony of marriage”-honoring public) because he’s a married man, but it’s not inherently criminal (in most states) or tortuous (except possibly with respect to his wife). All of this pussy-footing around was about protecting himself from the consequences of his own bad decisions.

    Worst-case scenario: She got drunk enough that it was clear to non-hostile onlookers that she was in no condition to consent. He took her home and had sex with her anyway. She woke up, made it clear that she considered herself to have been constructively raped, and offered him the choice of orange coveralls and legirons or getting her the hell out of the mutual work environment with what dignity she had left and a little bit of a financial cushion. In which case he is an asshat who deserves nothing but scorn and all this pussy-footing around was self-serving ass-covering and an attempt to weasel out of exposure as such.

    One big problem is that it’s almost impossible to tell which of the above might be the case … unless the two parties agree on what happened, or unless you were in Herman Cain’s apartment that night.

  15. CalMark
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 4:39 pm

    A commendable analysis.

    If your worst-case scenario were true, she would have gotten a whole lot more than $35,000.  And her lawyer would not have handled it with just a few faxes and phone calls.  Especially from an organization whose business is dependent on public goodwill–and does anyone think that Cain would have survived as its president, especially at that time? 

    “At that time” being the 1990s with “Tailhook!” still ringing in everyone’s ears, when even marginal, somewhat shaky sexual harassment claims routinely got 6-figure, even 7-figure settlements. 

  16. Dave C
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 4:56 pm

    Ace is firmly is the lap of Rick Perry..    So much so that anyone who comes along to take the spotlight off of his chosen boy draws his ire.. 

    Ace’s schick is getting a little old..

  17. Joe
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 4:58 pm

    UPDATE IV: I put this post online at 1:28 p.m. and had contacted Mark Block and J.D. Gordon via e-mail and text before 2 p.m., seeking a response. When that didn’t work, I called at 2:40 p.m. It’s now 4:15 p.m.
    My phone isn’t ringing and there’s no answer in my inbox. If they’re not responding to me — on a day like today — to whom are they responding? Why should I even bother trying to get a response?

    How about they suck as campaign managers?  Do they realize you are a friend?  Idiots. 

  18. CalMark
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 5:02 pm

    Joe, just want to clarify since the target of my sarcasm seems unclear.

    My sarcasm is for PJM.  In other words:  “Change all the substantive facts of the bombshell story we reported.  And we can’t even keep our sources straight.”

  19. Adjoran
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 5:02 pm

    12 years to think about it.  Ten days to get ready for it, knowing it was coming.

    And yet he is like a deer in KIA headlights?  Come on . . . the defenses of Cain are getting close to the Clinton defenders from the ’90s. 

  20. If You're Swimming In Muddy Water, Your Eyes Are Probably Closed - The POH Diaries
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 5:02 pm

    […] out to be. That being said, I have no idea how this is going to shake out. There is new information coming to light about the details of one of the alleged events; still, the water is pretty muddy at this point. […]

  21. Adjoran
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 5:07 pm

    The problem is you STILL need plausible scenarios for the two OTHER women from NRA.

    And Steve Deace didn’t chime in because Cain complimented his female staffers.  There are compliments, and there are compliments. 

    And this is but the third full day the story has been public.  In my experience, the fellows who do this sort of thing don’t just stop.  Years ago old age slowed ’em down, but there are pills for everything now.

    AND the biggest plausible explanation you lack is the one that explains Cain’s ever-shifting story.  Can’t wait, ’cause that one is bound to be a spellbinder!

  22. Jim Bummer
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 5:11 pm

    Hey you might wanna give a heads up to AmSpec.

    They’re leaving your piece as is, and I think you’ll agree that the “corrections” are pretty gosh darn significant.

  23. Joe
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 5:13 pm

    I got your sarcasm.  Hence the Judge Smails question. 

  24. Anonymous
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 5:14 pm


    I agree. I personally don’t think anything like the “worst-case” scenario happened, or the settlement would have been much bigger than alleged and/or there would have been more and earlier fallout when he moved into electoral politics.

    I’d like to think that what happened was that first scenario — entirely innocent, but something neither Cain nor the woman would really want to talk about in public if they could avoid it.

    If that’s the case, the Cain would probably be doing himself a favor by going ahead and saying so — “look, people, I was just trying to protect a lady’s reputation both then and now, but you just aren’t going to leave it alone, so here’s the story.”

    Regardless of what happened and how bad it might hurt him, his and his campaign’s response to the whole thing have hurt him, too. A politician never wants to look like he’s spinning and doing damage control, especially when that politician’s schtick along the lines of  “I’m the guy who tells it like it is.”

  25. Anonymous
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 5:33 pm


    “The problem is you STILL need plausible scenarios for the two OTHER women from NRA.”

    I’m at your service. Here’s one plausible scenario that covers both of them:

    “I think X was sleeping with the boss. Now she’s gone, and I just, you know, am always afraid that if I don’t sleep with the boss, I’ll be gone too. This is a hostile work environment — fork over!”

    Or, he could be an asshat. And keep in mind, I fully agree with you on the ever-shifting story thing.

  26. Jim Bummer
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 5:35 pm

    I personally like Cain’s attitude.

    What was he supposed to do ten days previous? He had no idea when, how, or given any specifics.

    The only thing that would make me stop supporting Cain is if he committed something egregious, which to this point he hasn’t.

    None of this really matters, because there are no faces, names, or details. Not even with this new report, apparently, and the more time passes the less likely I’m going to believe any of them.

    I believe that a Cain victory would put a brilliant economic mind in the White House that doesn’t seem to be afraid of doing necessary but unpopular things. Not to mention a complete implosion of the “minority grievance-mongering machine.”

    And I think to say that how his campaign is structured is a portend of what his White House would look like is completely disingenuous. Up until the past week they haven’t had enough money to organize in the way Perry or Romney have. They’re running on a shoestring.

    Short of proof that Cain sexually assaulted someone,  I simply don’t see any reason to remove my support of defense.

  27. mAcChaos
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 5:44 pm

    If he was really lying, ie., it was all a deliberate act set up to cover him, don’t you think he wouldn’t have made statements that would be so easy to prove wrong?

    No, he just forgot a lot of stuff since it was a while ago.

  28. Adjoran
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 6:23 pm

    So you buy his story that he remembered it was a skeleton long enough to brief Curt Anderson on it in 2004, but couldn’t remember what it was about EVEN AFTER being told TEN DAYS in advance the news was coming?

    And all the other contradictions . . . mean nothing to you?

    What flavor is the Kool Aid?  Black Walnut?

  29. Right-wing Web site offers purported details of Cain incident with woman – Applesauce - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 6:32 pm

    […] THIS OTHER GUY says: […]

  30. ThomasD
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 6:58 pm

    Since near baseless speculation is the game in play, perhaps we can conclude that she was a gold-digger seeking to sleep her way to the top, and so posed as ‘too drunk’ in order to maneuver Cain back to his house for the dirty deed, but instead was let down when he behaved like a perfect gentleman.   She became distraught upon reaching the realization that not only had her gambit failed, but that it had also ruined any chances of ‘honest’ career advancement.

    Hey, if were gonna have to listen to fairy tales, why can’t we spin out own?

  31. andycanuck
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 7:00 pm

    And Wicket wept.


  32. What a Shock – Big Three Networks Devote 50 Stories to Herman Cain Scandal in Three Days | The Lonely Conservative
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 7:02 pm

    […] far as Cain is concerned, I’m going to reserve judgment until more facts are in. The Other McCain has the latest if you need to get caught up. Over the past few days plenty of “new” […]

  33. ThomasD
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 7:03 pm

    Yes, other than the total inaccuracy of the allegations the article was otherwise correct, even if void of any actual facts.

    Meet the new media, same as the old media.

  34. Complete Burn-Out Looms: Random Notes on the Road to the American Dream : The Other McCain
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 7:11 pm

    […] response”Frustration eventually overwhelms even my otherwise inexhaustible energy, and being unable to get a return phone call from the Cain campaign has pushed me into the Burn-Out Zone. Two points:It’s not their fault.It’s not about […]

  35. Finrod Felagund
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 7:23 pm

    Check again.  The specifics aren’t so specific any more.

  36. Dave Brillig
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 7:27 pm

    A brilliant economic mind? He has said that there is no reason to audit the Fed because there are no secrets. He doesn’t understand that the idea is not only to audit the fed, but to end the fed.

    The housing bubble was caused by the Fed keeping interest rates too low for too long. I’ve seen youtubes of Bernanke, Geithner, even Alan Greenspan saying so. Price controls never work, interest rates are the price of money.

    Cheap money encourages bad investment and bad business decisions, not only by people buying more house than they could afford, but people buying real estate thinking it would appreciate overnight, and business people leveraging companies 40 to 1, loading up on debt and derivatives.

    Ron Paul studied Austrian economics as opposed to the Keynesian which has gotten us into this mess. He predicted the housing bubble, the subprime housing crisis and the credit crisis starting in 2001 all the way to 2008 when they all happened.

    He’s been calling for an end to the Fed for thirty years, the fed has caused all the boom/bust cycles we’ve ever had, there is even a webpage on the Fed’s website where Bernanke agrees with Milton Friedman that the Fed caused the Great Depression. End the Fed! Ron Paul 2012!

  37. CalMark
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 7:34 pm

    A Paulista!  Who let you on here?

    I just can’t take you seriously:  your FB page has Ron Paul’s picture.  Not your own, or even your DOG, or something, but Ron Paul.

    Can you say “cultist.”

  38. CalMark
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 7:36 pm

    P.S. FACT (I know you Paulistas are allergic to those when it comes to your hero):  Ron Paul has not issued a single subpoena or held a single hearing about the Fed. There’s a lot he could do–he’s a powerful committee chairman–and he’s done NOTHING.  Face it: Your false god is a phony.  He strings you along with great sound bites and a fantastic media machine.

  39. Finrod Felagund
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 7:51 pm

    Just reading ‘tongue’ and ‘severance package’ in the same sentence made me cringe.

  40. Finrod Felagund
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 7:56 pm

     Nah, Waters is a hardcore liberal.  Now, Alice Cooper for President: “Welcome to my nightmare!”

  41. richard mcenroe
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 8:01 pm

    Sorry, that should have been “Jeff” and “Stacy”.  Got Ace on my brain from the post I’m working on.  Frankly, don’t really care if he’s pissed at this point.

  42. Finrod Felagund
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 8:22 pm

    How about I question you about events of over a decade ago that you thought were silly and pointless and stupid, and when you can’t immediately remember All of the Details Right Now you’re a big fat liar?

    You’ve never in your life thought you knew something and later found out you were mistaken?  Congratulations, you’re using the same standards as the BUSH LIED!!!!!111!!!!!eleven!!! people of the hardcore Left.

  43. Tennwriter
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 9:28 pm

    I’m still ok with Bachmann for president.

  44. Tennwriter
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 9:32 pm

    Only if they are bad cooks, then I’d kick them out of the kitchen.

    “Here, honey, go mow the lawn, I’ll cook tonight.”

  45. Ladd Ehlinger Jr.
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 10:26 pm

    You don’t forget someone falsely accusing you of wrongdoing. Sorry. I don’t care how many employees you have. No one forgets injustice.

  46. ThePaganTemple
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 10:39 pm

    And he obviously just took her up to his room for the entire night because he recognized she was so drunk and out of control he was concerned for her well being and wanted to make sure she wasn’t taken advantage of, or maybe hurt or worse in a bad accident.

    There’s an old saying. When you hear hoof beats, think horses, not zebras.

  47. ThePaganTemple
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 10:43 pm

    Good, I was starting to think I was the only one. I just think she’s the only one who’ll show no quarter. I can’t stand the idea of this “positive” campaign bullshit that I know we’ll get from practically anybody else running.

  48. andycanuck
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 10:51 pm

    Comment made to Deace’s female staffer (s?) revealed. NSFW unless you’re British.

  49. CalMark
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 10:59 pm

    Wow.  WOW.

    Hide the children.  Run for the hills.


    /End sarcasm; begin seriousness

    Are you KIDDING me?  Deace objects to THAT? 

    This ex-sailor can’t even bend his mind around how that might be innuendo, let alone dirty…

  50. ThePaganTemple
    November 3rd, 2011 @ 10:59 pm

    This is really starting to move into the Twilight Zone. Either you accept that Cain messed up and you move on to another candidate, or you shrug your shoulders and say Cain messed up and you decide to “forgive” him for making a human mistake. That’s each person’s individual call.

    But there’s no sense in twisting yourself into the shape of a human pretzel trying to justify, explain, and deny. He took a woman up to his hotel room, and they spent the night there. Whatever happened happened, and I don’t give a crap. He’s not my first choice in this thing. But if he was, I still wouldn’t give a crap. I’ll be damned if I am or ever would try to justify it or try to convince myself of some unlikely scenario that I would have no way of knowing to begin with.

    Newsflash, the average person doesn’t care. We are running against the party of Bill Clinton and Teddy Kennedy for pete’s sake.