The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

SANTORUM EXPRESS SUNDAY: Conservative Gets Unexpected Endorsement by Tea Party Blogger

Posted on | December 4, 2011 | 23 Comments

Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum unexpectedly got a New Media boost Sunday when a top Tea Party blogger endorsed the former Pennsylvania senator.

“Santorum shines bright enough above the others that I am not shy about picking him as my candidate of choice,” said Peter Ingemi, the blogger and talk radio host known as “Da Tech Guy.”

Long a supporter of Herman Cain, who suspended his campaign Saturday, Da Tech Guy’s endorsement praised Santorum’s determination: “Among the current candidates he is one of the few who have not had a surge of support, nevertheless he has not stopped working hard and campaigning all out.”

Although some pundits have predicted that Cain’s erstwhile supporters would switch their support to Newt Gingrich, the former House Speaker was crossed off the list of many Tea Party activists two years ago, when Gingrich backed liberal Republican Dede Scozzafava against conservative hero Doug Hoffman in a crucial New York special election. Hoffman got a coveted endorsement by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and was also endorsed by former Texas Rep. Dick Armey, whose FreedomWorks organization has been a major supporter of the Tea Party movement. When Gingrich repeatedly appeared on TV to promote Scozzafava — denounced by many grassroots conservatives as a “RINO” (Republican In Name Only) — nationally syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin said: “Newt for 2012? No, thanks.”

Santorum “has been a forceful and unambiguous voice for both social and fiscal conservatism,” said Ingemi, a devout Catholic and outspoken pro-life activist, who noted that his values are shared by the candidate he endorsed: “Even more importantly he has been unafraid to express Catholic truth without concern for MSM’s sensibilities.”

Da Tech Guy’s endorsement, which immediately drew notice from Jazz Shaw at the popular Hot Air blog, was one of several unexpected items of good news for Santorum in recent days. On Thursday, Palin surprised many Fox News viewers when she singled out Santorum for praise during an interview with Sean Hannity. The same day, Santorum was endorsed by one of Iowa’s most prominent evangelical ministers.

Evidence of conservative resistance to Gingrich — including a denunciation of his political leadership by Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn — could mark a turning point in favor of Santorum’s campaign. Less than one month before the Jan. 3  Iowa caucuses, Santorum brings his “Faith, Family and Freedom Tour” to begin a three-day swing through the Hawkeye State today. The only GOP 2012 candidate to have visited all 99 of Iowa’s counties, the married father of seven has strong support among social conservatives, who are viewed as one of the state’s most important Republican constituencies.

The endorsement by Ingemi may add an extra boost for Santorum’s candidacy in New Hampshire. “Da Te Guy on Da Radio” is broadcast every Saturday on WCRN-AM, a 50,000-watt talk-radio station whose signal reaches much of the Granite State, including Manchester.





23 Responses to “SANTORUM EXPRESS SUNDAY: Conservative Gets Unexpected Endorsement by Tea Party Blogger”

  1. Elize Nayden
    December 4th, 2011 @ 3:32 pm

    Crossposting from the previous thread, because I would really like to hear some answers from TP’ers:

    Santorum? Really? How is his endorsement of Arlen Specter any less damaging than Newts endorsement of that Scozzathingy (which was indeed as damaging as it was dumb)? And the Specter did not only endorse a Democrat after dropping out, but became one himself. I would assume that losing the state of Pennsylvania is more important than losing some backwater district in upstate New York.

  2. ThePaganTemple
    December 4th, 2011 @ 3:46 pm

    Santorum will win the Tea Party vote but lose a lot of the independent, moderate, and even conservative Democrat vote that Bachmann could win, especially conservative Democrats. Gingrich could win across the board, including cutting significantly into the Latino vote, which I’m afraid even Michelle would be unable to do, and damn sure Santorum can’t. People need to put their thinking caps on and make sure the batteries are charged. This election is too damned important to let some non-existent perfect be the enemy of the good.

  3. Anonymous
    December 4th, 2011 @ 3:54 pm

    “the former House Speaker was crossed off the list of many Tea Party activists two years ago, when Gingrich backed his party’s nominee instead of a third party spoiler.”

    There, fixed that for ya.

  4. Joe
    December 4th, 2011 @ 4:01 pm

    Most tea partiers voted for John McCain.  You know how I know that, because Bob Barr did so badly.  Yeah some stayed home, but most held their noses and voted for McCain.  They realized Obama was worse.  Far worse. 

    And Newt’s problems are not from endorsing McCain.  Newt does have an endorsement problem, but Dede Scozzafava is just the tip of the iceberg. 

  5. Datechguy's Blog » Blog Archive » Well I guess it’s Santorum » Datechguy's Blog
    December 4th, 2011 @ 4:03 pm

    […] McCain who I informed of my decision last night gives my call a much brighter shine, and next week on the show when I’m hopefully (despite […]

  6. Joe
    December 4th, 2011 @ 4:05 pm

    Jazz Shaw notes the Tech Guy.  Why doesn’t Jazz Shaw note Stacy? 

    No respect.  No respect at all. 

  7. ThePaganTemple
    December 4th, 2011 @ 4:06 pm

    Joe, you’re wrong. I can tell you from my own experience, I didn’t cast my vote for McCain, I voted for Palin. If McCain had not been dissuaded from picking somebody like Meg Whitman, or Liebermann, my ass would have stayed at the house that day.

  8. Anonymous
    December 4th, 2011 @ 4:11 pm

    “Most tea partiers voted for John McCain. You know how I know that, because Bob Barr did so badly.”

    Don’t Blame Me, Etc.

  9. richard mcenroe
    December 4th, 2011 @ 4:27 pm

    As I’ve been saying for the last three years, “Don’t Blame Me, I Voted for Palin (and Whatsisname)!”

  10. Adjoran
    December 4th, 2011 @ 4:29 pm

    Santorum is a man of good character who would be by virtue of that alone a big improvement over the current incumbent.  But he has never run any operation bigger than his Senate staff and not only lost his reelection to the Senate (a relative rarity as Senate incumbents have the highest reelection rate of any national or statewide office) to a man who hadn’t even bothered to show up for his own state job half the time, but lost it by 19% 

    I will support our nominee against Obama as a patriotic duty, but Santorum is not on my short list to be considered for my primary vote.  That could change depending on events in the next seven weeks, but they would need to be pretty big events.

  11. » Post-Cain Stuff - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
    December 4th, 2011 @ 4:51 pm

    […] Santorum seems like a nice guy, someone who is very genuine.  But his train will not be leaving the station.  If Newt’s endorsement of Dede Scozzafava over Doug Hoffman is a disqualifier, why […]

  12. Anonymous
    December 4th, 2011 @ 5:11 pm

    Jazz Shaw = Moe Green.

  13. ThePaganTemple
    December 4th, 2011 @ 6:12 pm

    Be sure you keep your word if Mitt is the nominee, because he’s damn sure going to need your vote and as many others as he can get.

  14. Santorum: Gingrich Puts Social Issues On the Back of the Bus | REPUBLICAN REDEFINED
    December 4th, 2011 @ 7:52 pm

    […] SANTORUM EXPRESS SUNDAY: Conservative Gets Unexpected Endorsement by Tea Party Blogger The Other McCain:  Da Tech Guy’s endorsement, which immediately drew notice from Jazz Shaw at the popular Hot Air blog, was one of several unexpected items of good news for Santorum in recent days. On Thursday, Palin surprised many Fox News viewers when she singled out Santorum for praise during an interview with Sean Hannity. The same day, Santorum was endorsed by one of Iowa’s most prominent evangelical ministers. […]

  15. Adjoran
    December 4th, 2011 @ 9:42 pm

    I don’t see any movement heroes or anyone else who has an easy plan to extract us from the mess we are in – one which was a cooperative venture of both parties over decades of deficit spending, but which hole has been significantly deepened by the election of a Democratic Congress in 2006 and Obama in 2008.  It’s a fiscal crisis, and we all need to be on board for the bumpy ride.

    We must support the nominee because we cannot stand another term of Obama.

  16. ThePaganTemple
    December 4th, 2011 @ 10:08 pm

    You’re preaching to a one man choir. I’ll vote for whoever the nominee is. Nominate a spoiled ham sandwich and I’ll be there. I’m not the problem. I’m just trying to get people to support the best candidate and who I think will be the best president. You don’t and won’t see me getting on here saying I won’t vote for this one or that one, etc. However, I am saying that there are those who will not have popular support across the board, and Mitt is one of them.

  17. Anonymous
    December 4th, 2011 @ 10:10 pm

    You keep believing that…

  18. Thoughts on the End of the Cain Campaign | Race 4 2012
    December 4th, 2011 @ 10:23 pm

    […] Santorum: Stacy McCain’s apparent new favorite as well as another conservative blogger who backed the Cain campaign.  I like Santorum though he […]

  19. Joe
    December 4th, 2011 @ 10:55 pm

    Fair enough.  My point is he at least did that. 

  20. Sirkowski
    December 5th, 2011 @ 1:20 am

    Crack is whack!

  21. Bob Belvedere
    December 5th, 2011 @ 8:29 am

    Moe made his bones when Stacy was bangin’ cheerleaders.

  22. SANTORUM VOWS: ‘NO SURRENDER!’ : The Other McCain
    December 5th, 2011 @ 5:38 pm

    […] Register.RECENTLY:Dec. 4: SANTORUM SUNDAY EXPRESS: Exclusive Video From May 2011 At SFVRCDec. 4: SANTORUM EXPRESS SUNDAY: Conservative Gets Unexpected Endorsement by Tea Party BloggerDec. 4: SANTORUM EXPRESS SUNDAY: Criticizes Newt Gingrich During Appearance on ABC’s ‘This […]

  23. Santorum Iowa Ad: ‘Join the Fight’ : The Other McCain
    December 16th, 2011 @ 9:39 am

    […] 6: Guess Who Says, ‘Santorum’s Time’?Dec. 5: SANTORUM VOWS: ‘NO SURRENDER!’Dec. 4: SANTORUM EXPRESS SUNDAY: Conservative Gets Unexpected Endorsement by Tea Party BloggerDec. 4: SANTORUM EXPRESS SUNDAY: Criticizes Newt Gingrich During Appearance on ABC’s ‘This […]
