The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Brutal: New Rick Santorum TV Ad Compares Mitt Romney to Barack Obama

Posted on | April 2, 2012 | 27 Comments

According to Politico, this new TV ad is now running in Wisconsin and will soon be running in Pennsylvania:

UPDATE: This ad appears to be part of a general effort by the Santorum campaign to put the focus squarely on health care, as the candidate also publishes an op-ed column in USA Today:

As the Supreme Court considers the constitutionality of the individual mandate in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, we Americans need to remember that we have the freedom to make choices for ourselves. We, not our government, choose the food to eat, the clothes to wear, the ideas to believe. “ObamaCare” is the opposite of freedom. Under ObamaCare, the government, not the individual, has freedom. We can do better.
Just ask the Congressional Budget Office. It forecast that as many as 20 million Americans could lose their employer-provided health insurance under ObamaCare, and that premium costs will rise over the next decade.
ObamaCare – based on RomneyCare, the plan Massachusetts adopted when Mitt Romney was governor – tells insurance companies which benefits their policies must offer and what range of prices they could charge. It requires that individuals buy conforming policies, and cuts $500 billion from Medicare. The Independent Payment Advisory Board will limit what treatments doctors can prescribe. . . .

Read the rest.



27 Responses to “Brutal: New Rick Santorum TV Ad Compares Mitt Romney to Barack Obama”

  1. McGehee
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 11:43 am

    As true as it may be, I’m not sure this tack is going to get much traction at this point.

  2. Lisa Graas
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 12:05 pm

    McGehee thinks Republicans in Wisconsin don’t care much about $50 tax-funded abortions, Obamacare, etc? Wow.

  3. Weston1279
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 12:10 pm

    Santorum is exactly right. Romney will be destroyed by Obama because of his record. Santorum can use all of Obama’s biggest weaknesses, and Romney can use none of them.

  4. rrpjr
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 12:19 pm

    Good for Rick. But why weren’t these ads running months ago? I sense of a fog of delusion and denial about Romney settling down now over the Republican body.

    We’re such losers.

  5. Mrsrock220
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 12:29 pm

    Rick Santorum for President 2012!!!!!

  6. Shelleys Playtime
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 12:33 pm

    Great ad! 

    I have a great urge to pull a Cher on Romney voters ~SLAP, snap out of it!~ 

  7. Brad Swarm
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 1:31 pm

    So why did Santorum endorse Romney for President in 2008 after all of these “terrible” things Governor Romney put in place? 

    If Romney really did put in policy all the lies this ad has said, doesn’t that mean Santorum approves of $50 abortions and hundreds of millions in tax increases? 

    Santorum should be looking for a graceful exit at this point, the primary is over and we now have a delusional kamikaze candidate that’s only hurting our chances against Obama.

  8. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 1:33 pm
  9. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 1:35 pm

    I also linked you guys.  

  10. Shelleys Playtime
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 1:47 pm

    So Brad…are you wanting to take away my right to vote, because I have not voted yet…does that matter to you? Also, I do not know where you learned Math, but 566 (and that is a loose #) does not equal 1144…

  11. Barb
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 1:54 pm

    Good ad! I hope it’s enough to wake some people up. Romney is trying to buy his way into being our nominee. The media is trying to call it game over for Rick. Romney supporter (Ann Coulter) said today that Rick should drop out like Romney did in 2008, when it looked like McCain was inevitable in Feb. LOL, I can’t believe she said that. Is she saying it’s Romney’s fault we got McCain, and then Obama? Rick needs to stay in so everyone has a chance to vote. It’s not Game Over, It’s Game On!

  12. rosalie
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 1:55 pm

    IMO Romney’s hurting our chances against O.   If Romney’s going to be our candidate, he better learn how to defend himself because he’s going to get everything plus the kitchen sink thrown at him from the other side. 

  13. McGehee
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 2:00 pm

    I think Romneyrrhoids are prepared to double down in the Etch-A-Sketch’s corner no matter what anybody says.

    Abject panic tends to have that effect.

  14. A Stephens
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 2:12 pm

     Really?  You can’t answer that for yourself?
    Obtuse much?

    For what seems like the 1,oooth time in reply to sycophantic Romneybots,

    A. There was NO ObamaCare based in large part on RomneyCare in 2008.  Changes Everything!

    B. Since 08, we’ve had the historic 010 midterm elections in which conservatives helped Republicans pick up over 600 legislative seats nationally, wholly as a result of a push-back on the ObamaCare crap sandwich.
    Santorum was paying attention.

    Again, it’s not that difficult!

  15. Adjoran
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 2:16 pm

    There’s a lot to like in Santorum’s health care proposals.  Market-based reforms are certainly the way to go, and it’s not as if we can do nothing:  the spiraling costs will soon bankrupt Medicare and force steep cuts in Medicaid.

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t go far enough.  Costs in the overall system will NEVER be controlled as long as a substantial proportion of people have no direct economic interest in controlling them.  To wit, we must end the tax-favored nature of employer-provided health care AND federal or retirement health benefits for those over the poverty line. 

    That’s not going to be popular with those currently subsidized, but what makes them so special that self-employed and uninsured workers have to help pay for their insurance?  Everyone should be on a equal tax basis.

  16. richard mcenroe
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 3:26 pm

     Brad, every time you recycle this tired crap I’ll recycle mine: In 2008 YES Romney was a better choice for conservatives than McCain who going around actively attacking us while tell old ladies they didn’t have to fear Obama.

    Now ROMNEY is going around attacking us while telling little old ladies they don’t have to fear Obama.

    S*** changes.  Actually, the s*** never changes, just the orifice.

  17. Cleta
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 3:53 pm

     I completely agree – just wish people would wake up & quit listening to what the media wants them to believe!!

  18. ThePaganTemple
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 4:31 pm

     No, but check your math and you’ll see its just a few votes shy of halfway there, and twice as much as Santorum has. And then check the upcoming states. It’s over.

  19. Brad Swarm
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 5:19 pm

    So because John McCain was the nominee in 2008, $50 taxpayer funded abortions were okay?

    I didn’t know our principles were so fungible depending on the election cycle.

    That’s my point, if Romney was considered a true conservative in 2008, but not in 2012 (even though nothing has changed) that says a lot more about Rick Santorum than it says about Romney.

  20. Shelleys Playtime
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 7:00 pm

     You remind of my sons 1st grade math teacher. She was so persnickety about neatness that she would mark answers wrong, not because they were mathematically in error, but because they did not fit into her narrow definition of neatness. (the children actually started questioning whether or not 2 + 2 did = 4) Needless to say the on 1st parent-teacher night the room OVERFLOWED with angry parents.Kind of like Santorum supporters…

  21. SDN
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 9:18 pm

    Go back to sleep, Brad van Winkle, since “nothing has changed”.

  22. Tennwriter
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 9:44 pm

    Oh, so now you want me to be ‘stick to my principles’ guy, and not vote for a Romney.  Glad we got that cleared up!

  23. ThePaganTemple
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 10:21 pm

     Yeah, but Shelley, in this case you’re the one that’s not adding two and two together correctly. As of tomorrow night, more than likely Romney is going to have to close to an extra hundred delegates. Almost 600 or maybe a little more, somewhere thereabouts. At what point do you finally accept that its over? Not until Romney is standing at convention delivering his acceptance speech?

  24. Shelleys Playtime
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 10:56 pm

     You like having the last word even if you are wrong don’t you?  lol

  25. Adobe_Walls
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 11:05 pm


  26. Adobe_Walls
    April 2nd, 2012 @ 11:17 pm

    I submit that in 08 Romney was considered by many to be the most conservative not a true conservative. So the 08 field was even sadder than this cycle’s. To be fair after eight years of GWB it wasn’t that hard to seem like a conservative. This Republican party thingy really sucks.

  27. Jonas MacFarquhar
    April 3rd, 2012 @ 1:01 pm

    Santorum prefers Obama to Romney because Obama was raised by a Catholic
    grandmother. Vatican Osservatore Romano editor Vian said on May 18th
    that Obama “is not a pro-abortion president” – proves stand to encourage
    Catholics to breed and to encourage non-Catholics to abort out of
    spite. The Vatican likes the abortion status quo in the USA for this
    reason. Their purpose is only conquest, not faith. Carolignian
    Brzezinski spawned Zia al Haq, Khomeini, and bin Laden – breaks up
    superpowers via Aztlan and Kosovo as per Joel Garreau’s Nine Nations.
    Brzezinski, Buckley and Buchanan winked anti-Semitic votes for Obama,
    delivered USA to Pope’s feudal basket of Bamana Republics. Michael
    Pfleger and Joe Biden prove Obama is the Pope’s boy. Obama is half a
    Kearney from County Offaly in Ireland. Talal got Pontifical medal as
    Fatima mandates Catholic-Muslim union against Jews (Francis Johnson,
    Great Sign, 1979, p. 126), Catholic Roger Taney wrote Dred Scott
    decision. John Wilkes Booth, Tammany Hall and Joe McCarthy were
    Catholics. Now Catholic majority Supreme Court. Catholics Palmisano,
    Grasso, Damato, Langone, Mozilo, Ranieri, Dioguardi, Palmieri destroyed
    American industry with their casuistrous ethics. Subprime construction
    mobsters had hookers deliver mortgages to banks. McCain’s Keeting
    started it all.  Brzezinski set up Arab Spring and Zia, so why surprised
    bin Laden was in Sineurabia code? Pakistanis descend from weasels who
    sold their Hindu brothers into hundreds of years of islamic slavery.
    That is why FIAT supplied Iran and every Catholic is like a Manchurian
    Candidate programmed to kill their best friend of they felt the “Holy
    Father” required it. They find American cars too advanced to use or
    their mechanics to fix. Ellis Island Popecrawlers brought in FDR. Since
    Pio Nino banned voting they consider our Constitution and laws immoral
    and illegitimate and think nothing of violating them or passing
    legislation that undermine them. They believe that they can not be fully
    loyal to their superiors if they do not go the extra stretch and break
    the law intentionally. Their slovenly, anti-intellectual work ethic
    produces vacuous, casuistrous blather and a tangle of hypocritical,
    contradictory regulations. Their clubhouse purges provided praetorian
    training for corporate misgovernance. They sided with the enemy in both
    World Wars and now, too.  Every American boom has been caused by an
    Evangelical Revival and every major Depression by the domination of new
    Catholic immigrants. NYC top drop outs: Hispanic 32%, Black 25%, Italian
    20%. NYC top illegals: Ecuadorean, Italian, Polish. Ate glis-glis but
    blamed plague on others, now lettuce coli. Their bigotry most encouraged
    terror yet they reap most security funds. View this life as casuistry
    training to survive purgatory. Rabbi circumcises lower, Pope upper
    brain. Tort explosion by glib casuistry. Hollywood Joe Kennedy had Bing
    Crosby proselytize. Bazelya 1992 case proves PLO-IRA-KLA links. Our
    enemy is the Bru666elles Sineurabia feudal Axis and the only answer is
    alliance with Israel and India. They killed six million Jews, a million
    Serbs, half a million freemasons, a quarter million Gypsies, they guided
    the slaughter of Assyrians and Armenians, and promoted the art of
    genocide throughout the world now they are relentless in their year to
    canonize nazi pope. 9/11 was Yugo Crimean blowback: Napoleon started the
    crusade against the Photius Heresy to avenge his uncle, Clinton wanted
    to cover Pacelli’s war crimes. They had no qualms hijacking American
    policy in Vietnam or Balkans to papal ends, but when American interests
    opposed those of the papacy in Iraq and Iran, they showed their true
    fangs (Frum, Unpatriotic Conservatives). 

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