The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Neal Rauhauser’s Bizarre Suspicions, and Profiling the (Hypothetical) ‘UnSub’

Posted on | June 23, 2012 | 80 Comments

‘Deeply disturbed … narcissism … sociopathic’?

“Please think about your family. This story is not worth it. I can assure you that. . . .
“I am trying to help you, a lot of people are very disappointed that this story has continued.”

Alicia Pain,” June 23, 2011

“Another possible outcome would be a two digit body count from some mosque in Virginia after Aaron goes full tilt Jared Loughner on the congregation. . . .
“I continue to be the sort of guy who can get a counter terror [special agent] in the D.C. area on the phone in short order.”

Neal Rauhauser, Feb. 16, 2012

“In a message posted in the comments of a blog in October 2011, Rauhauser explained that he and someone he describes as ‘a very big dog from the Anonymous pen’ conspired to use Brett Kimberlin’s non-profit Velvet Revolution as a vehicle to exact vengeance on (a) his personal enemies, (b) the security firm HB Gary and (c) ‘Breitbart associates.'”
Robert Stacy McCain, June 15, 2012

SWATting victim Mike Stack accused Brett Kimberlin’s associate Neal Rauhauser of criminal harassment. On May 24, the day he was due to appear at a New Jersey courthouse for a meeting intended to resolve that case, Rauhauser sent an e-mail to Stack that included this:

Given that Doug [Stewart] was in court with us, as well as others who may not have spoke up, I think it’s very dangerous that we should appear together at a known time. You haven’t faced this stuff yet, but Gabbie [Giffords] took a bullet through the back of the head and Gabe Zimmerman died along with five others in Tucson. What McCain & Walker are doing is *way* more intense than the stuff that [led] up to that mass shooting. I am truly worried we could end up caught in the middle of a gunfight between deputies and some extremist group. It’s never been made public, but there were members of Michigan Militia periodically patrolling the Occupy Lansing camp because they got a hint I was there, and before that it was some League of the South guy in South Carolina who got interviewed by FBI hate crimes squad.

These insinuations are either (a) insane or (b) dishonest, or perhaps (c) both insane and dishonest. There is no other possible explanation for Rauhauser’s bizarre claim that Aaron Walker’s defense against Brett Kimberlin’s intimidation tactics — and my reporting on Walker’s plight — were likely to lead to a massacre comparable to Jared Loughner’s criminal rampage in Tucson.

Please note that I reported on Loughner’s crime both on my blog and at The American Spectator. In point of fact, “the stuff that [led] up to that mass shooting” was Loughner’s slow-motion descent into psychosis, a mental deterioration influenced by the atheist 9/11-Truther conspiracy cult “documentary,” Zeitgeist.

What other “stuff” does Neal Rauhauser mean to say caused Loughner’s murder spree? Sarah Palin’s “target” map? “Incivility”? Rauhauser doesn’t say, nor does he acknowledge that Loughner was a paranoid psychotic deluded by left-wing conspiracy theories.

” I am truly worried we could end up caught in the middle of a gunfight between deputies and some extremist group”? What deranged nonsense is this? Who could possibly take Neal seriously?

Only a handful of people knew or cared about the Stack-Rauhauser case. There were some people working behind the scenes trying to get somebody — anybody — in New Jersey or New York media to cover that story, and nobody was interested, even though it involved Mike Stack, who played a key role in exposing the Anthony Weiner cybersex scandal.

Yet here was Rauhauser, the defendant in a criminal harassment case, sending a private e-mail to Stack — the plaintiff in that case — attempting to convince Stack that they were both in danger of dying in a violent attack by an armed gang of right-wing extremists.

The Michigan Militia! The League of the South! All these shadowy menaces, Rauhauser wanted Stack to believe, were such a looming threat to public safety in Somerset County, N.J., that it was dangerous for Stack and Rauhauser to “appear together at a known time.”

And why? Because of Aaron Walker and me!

Rauhauser then went on in his e-mail to Stack to cast a penumbra of suspicion around Patrick “Patterico” Frey who, like Stack, had been targeted for SWATting in the wake of WeinerGate:

If Frey or anyone around him can shift blame to you for anything that has happened they will try that.
The FBI agent in charge of counter-terror for NYC was interested after I told her a bit about what you had been close to, but after some consideration I think it is unwise for you to approach them on your own. I also think you might have some sort of claim against Frey, but it’s not as clear as what Nadia [Naffe] has.
I will write a note introducing you and Jay Leiderman. He is Nadia’s lawyer, he is not mine, so you would be talking to him as if he were going to be your counsel in a civil suit against Frey, and he will advise you on the particulars of talking with the feds after what you have seen. . . .
We’ll look what I have over — you, me, and qritiq, then we’ll share it with Allyn Lynd, the FBI agent who is most known for dealing with stuff like that. I think this is a separate issue from Frey and so forth – we can do this without either of us being exposed to any trouble.

This is such a convoluted wad of misleading lunacy I scarcely know how to begin unraveling it. How is it, for example, that Rauhauser imagines Patrick Frey would want to “shift blame” to Stack?

Blame for what? What crime is Frey alleged to have committed for which he would, according to Rauhauser, want to falsely blame Stack?

How does this relate to Nadia Naffe, nemesis of James O’Keefe? What does Rauhauser claim Frey or O’Keefe (or their unknown accomplices) have done that would be of interest to “The FBI agent in charge of counter-terror for NYC” or “Allyn Lynd, the FBI agent who is most known for dealing with stuff like that”?

Stuff like what? What horrific criminal malfeasance does Rauhauser know of, that would require the intervention of these authorities?

Uh . . . SWATting by a member of a notorious computer hacking gang?

Why was Rauhauser name-checking FBI Agent Allyn Lynd in this private e-mail in May 2012 when, in October 2011, Rauhauser was boasting of his connection with “a very big dog in the Anonymous pen”? How is it that Neal was pushing this disjointed crazytalk at Mike Stack, barely six months after Rauhauser himself was proud to proclaim his association with hackers linked to an international criminal conspiracy?

Can you say, “consciousness of guilt,” boys and girls?

While I hate to put any more crazy ideas into Neal Rauhauser’s demented mind, I wonder if the FBI might soon be reading this blog post.

To put it a bit more plainly, I wonder if some of my sources — who tell me they’ve been talking to the FBI — would e-mail the agents a link to this post, so that the agents could ask the clever folks at the Behavioral Science Unit at Quantico to ponder a few hypotheticals.

Suppose there was a certain person (we’ll call him “UnSub”) who knew himself to be implicated in serious crimes. Suppose that UnSub displayed an obsessive interest in secrecy and deception. Furthermore, suppose that UnSub believed himself to be under investigation.

How would such a person behave? Is it possible — and I’m just throwing this out there, as a hypothetical possibility — that UnSub would attempt to deflect attention from himself by making accusations of wrongdoing against others? Would UnSub try to destroy or conceal potential evidence? Could we, perhaps, expect UnSub to taunt his victims or send veiled threats to potential witnesses against him?

Just kind of thinking out loud here, you understand. Purely a matter of abstract speculation, perhaps of interest to the BSU analysts at Quantico only as an exercise in psychological theory.

Maybe the BSU analysts could factor in some other variables. Say, for instance, if UnSub liked to brag about his connection to law enforcement officials, or exhibited the kind of sadistic personality that would brag about using martial arts to inflict pain on a woman.

Do you think FBI criminal profiling specialists would be interested to learn that UnSub had previously engaged in behavior “disturbing enough to result in a court-ordered psychiatric evaluation“?

What the psychiatrist found was a man who was deeply disturbed, possessed of the worst narcissism he’d ever seen. [UnSub] had reactive attachment disorder. He was sociopathic, and his behavior resulted in [UnSub] facing various difficulties socially and professionally.

Like I said, sort of an abstract hypothetical we’re talking about here, the type of case study that might interest FBI-BSU strictly as the subject for what you might call a “clinical exercise” or something.

Maybe it would come in handy to law enforcement officials who had spent an entire year trying to solve a mysterious crime. Also, I think it might be helpful to FBI agents who were ready to apprehend a deviant “sociopathic” criminal like that: How would UnSub react if he thought he were under surveillance and the feds were about to move in? Would this kind of psychological stress make him a potential threat to himself and others? Shouldn’t law enforcement agents be informed that UnSub had boasted about carrying a concealed handgun?

Glock 19, the 9x19mm compact frame, fits my hand like a glove. When I used to carry this I’d load half a dozen frangibles — Glazer Safety Slugs — which are safer in urban environments. The rest of the stack would be Remington Golden Sabers — the right stuff according to FBI barrier tests.
Today what I have is not so potent, but it’s much more concealable.

The customary phrase, I believe, is “armed and dangerous.”

Robert Stacy McCain, Whereabouts Unknown


80 Responses to “Neal Rauhauser’s Bizarre Suspicions, and Profiling the (Hypothetical) ‘UnSub’”

  1. Offend One And You Offend Them All | Goldfish and Clowns
    June 24th, 2012 @ 2:40 am

    […] this fight, and it warrants mention that Akbar has been quite active in supporting bloggers such as Stacy McCain and Aaron Worthing. That said, it is unfair to view the life of one person involved in this matter […]

  2. Adjoran
    June 24th, 2012 @ 3:34 am

    With Neal doing all the bragging about being in touch with “Anonymous” heavy hitters, it is safe to say if the FBI is talking to him as anything other than a person of interest, it is as an informant on those guys and not that they are paying attention to his raving otherwise.  But if the recent flood of letters from Congress demanding an investigation into Kimberlin and the other incidents have born fruit, LE always likes having a guy in the middle of the perps talking to them, even if he thinks he is smart enough to fool them.

    All these guys live by their supposed “connections” – listen to Edelstein ranting about getting OFA on the phone, or Neal with Anonymous, the FBI, or “counter terror” – it seems very important to them all.

  3. Jake
    June 24th, 2012 @ 3:58 am

    I hope this comment is not (too) inappropriate but that Rauhauser guy has one damn creepy pedosmile.

  4. kryon77
    June 24th, 2012 @ 5:26 am

    Pure speculation, but maybe Kimberlin chose Rauhauser to do some of his dirty work because he would function as a cutout; so apparently crazy that either his actions would be attributable only to himself and/or his testimony against Kimberlin – formal or not – would appear to be just another incredible, grandiose tale.

  5. Yabba Dabba
    June 24th, 2012 @ 5:51 am

    If Deb Frisch and Charles Johnson had a son, he’d look a lot like UnSub…

  6. Beto_Ochoa
    June 24th, 2012 @ 8:32 am

    Stacy, I suspect these guys are being run. They fit the profile.

  7. Placitas
    June 24th, 2012 @ 8:48 am

    What really is at core here is the potential for danger, bodily harm to another in this story.  That’s actionable by both law enforcement and psychiatrists.  It’s notable that NR is very careful to avoid a direct threat to Stacey and others as he understands this.  He tries to cleverly use veiled threats of death and bodily harm with hypothetical proxy assailants.  That behavior is not cognitively disorganized and psychotic.  It’s very rational.  No insanity defense is going to give him a pass.

    Psychiatry is unlikely to have contact with NR in circumstances where he states clear and present homicidal ideation regardless of his diagnosis so no help is coming from there. 

    It would seem to me that first and foremost law enforcement needs to have their feet held to the fire regarding apprehending the perpetrator(s) of the numerous related life threatening SWAT’ing incidents.  Whoever is behind those crossed a line into blatant criminal behavior.  Whoever is protecting that person is engaged in criminal behavior.

    An adage that psych people and cops both adhere to is that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. Violence  people unchecked tend to escalate that behavior.  This behavior isn’t ignorable. Law enforcement needs to speed up their efforts and arrest the perpetrator(s) of the SWAT’ing crimes. Everything else in this horrific mess will unravel after that.

  8. Placitas
    June 24th, 2012 @ 8:54 am

    Ooops, meant “violent people” instead of my typo “violence people”.

  9. Hoplophobes of the World, Unite! | Daily Pundit
    June 24th, 2012 @ 9:33 am

    […] Neal Rauhauser’s Bizarre Suspicions, and Profiling the (Hypothetical) ‘UnSub’ : The Other McCa… Maybe it would come in handy to law enforcement officials who had spent an entire year trying to solve a mysterious crime. Also, I think it might be helpful to FBI agents who were ready to apprehend a deviant “sociopathic” criminal like that: How would UnSub react if he thought he were under surveillance and the feds were about to move in? Would this kind of psychological stress make him a potential threat to himself and others? Shouldn’t law enforcement agents be informed that UnSub had boasted about carrying a concealed handgun? […]

  10. Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove
    June 24th, 2012 @ 10:16 am

    […] The Other McCain has much more on Neal Rauhauser […]

  11. Before It's News
    June 24th, 2012 @ 10:23 am

    […] The Other McCain has much more on Neal Rauhauser […]

  12. JeffS
    June 24th, 2012 @ 11:00 am

    ….it seems very important to them all.

    Maybe it reinforces that fantasy world such people live in, where they are more important than they really are.  It’s an illusion, but an important one to them.

  13. Brian_E
    June 24th, 2012 @ 11:15 am

    Don’t need an ownership permit (were’s not Illinois/Chicago – yet), but if purchased here in Maryland – he’d have had to pass a state police background check.  That is – if he purchased it legally.  Don’t want to be accused of making assumptions here…

  14. Wombat_socho
    June 24th, 2012 @ 12:21 pm

     Thanks for the correction.

  15. DaveO
    June 24th, 2012 @ 12:49 pm

    Maryland is a Shall-Issue state. Rauhauser would have had to meet the criteria for a permit.

    Would his work take him into DC, which isn’t too fond of the Constitution, and annoying SCOTUS interpretations as found in Heller?

  16. DaveO
    June 24th, 2012 @ 12:54 pm

    That takes Rauhauser from the pitiably insane to the patently evil – attracting mentally ill people with skills to form units that do his bidding. Thought that was Kimberlin’s terrortory.

  17. Brian_E
    June 24th, 2012 @ 12:55 pm

    Correction, Dave – 
    Maryland is a ‘May-Issue’ state (i.e. – they ‘may’ issue it to you – if you can prove sufficient cause, and aren’t otherwise prohibited).  
    Virginia is a Shall-Issue state – where unless there is a compelling reason to deny you (i.e. convicted felon, current restraining order AGAINST you, etc) – they HAVE to issue the carry permit to you.

  18. crosspatch
    June 24th, 2012 @ 1:06 pm

     Birds of a feather maybe.  Fits a plausible pattern I’ve seen in political activism I have seen on both extreme left and extreme right.  The extreme fringes seem to collect kooks who tend to rally other kooks and people with just plain lazy intellects who like the notion of some “neat” explanation for things (e.g Weiner was “hacked” and didn’t intentionally send a dickpic).  I also see things like accusing the other side of doing exactly what they are doing in order to cut off criticism.  For example, if you are cheating, you accuse the other side of cheating first.  Then their “no, we’re not cheating, they are!” retort looses some of its impact.  Recent example would be Bill Maher saying “Republicans don’t care about Mexicans” in reference to Fast and Furious where a Democrat program slaughtered hundreds of Mexicans.

  19. crosspatch
    June 24th, 2012 @ 1:24 pm

     I certainly believe their “kook skills” are being taken advantage of by political operators.   Take for example all the stuff over at VR about supposed Republican “dirty tricks” in elections.  Now the claims were so out there that they never got any mainstream traction but there are a lot of people “spring loaded” to believe that stuff when they lose an election.  It is easier to believe the election was “stolen” than it is to believe their position isn’t popular.

    Another hallmark of kooks is that if you disagree with them then you “just don’t understand” because if you “understand”, then you would naturally agree.  That you do fully understand and yet still disagree can get quite an emotional response from kooks.  From my personal experience with the one major kook in my life, this could precipitate a rather over-the-top experience.  Kooks generally like to think of themselves as “misunderstood” rather than mistaken.

    Often kooks will base their decisions on a series of speculations and if the end result seems to “fit” their desired view, that somehow validates all the speculations that reached that point.  So, for example, in order for Weiner’s account to be hacked and for “right wing operatives” to be ready to pounce and spread the stuff quickly across the Internet, they had to make a series of speculations about several individuals.  They had to create a “hacker” they had to create a “ring leader”, etc. in order to make it all “fit” because the truth that Weiner was just a shmuck doesn’t fit their world view.

    But VR’s arm waiving about supposed Republican dirty tricks can act to divert attention away from any Democrat dirty tricks and worse, if even a SINGLE instance is discovered of a single fraudulent Republican vote, it suddenly validates (in their minds) everything that was said and suddenly the entire election was lost because of it and not because their position is unpopular with the people. 

    The thing is, as the old saying says:  The difference between truth and fiction is that fiction needs to make sense.

  20. crosspatch
    June 24th, 2012 @ 1:27 pm

     Wow, I had forgotten all about Frisch.  Now there is a Category 5 kook.

  21. Crawford
    June 24th, 2012 @ 1:43 pm

    “No one ever simply has an opinion: that is a bought-and-paid-for statement, or it’s been manipulated.”

    A near-universal sentiment on the left, sadly.

  22. Adobe_Walls
    June 24th, 2012 @ 3:12 pm
  23. Adobe_Walls
    June 24th, 2012 @ 3:27 pm

    Excellent, I’ll have to “borrow” that.

  24. Adjoran
    June 24th, 2012 @ 4:08 pm

     Don’t even joke about something like that.

  25. Bob Belvedere
    June 24th, 2012 @ 5:47 pm

    Good one, Stogie.

  26. Bob Belvedere
    June 24th, 2012 @ 6:25 pm

    Crosspatch, I took your second paragraph and changed one word:

    Another hallmark of Leftists is that if you disagree with them then you “just don’t understand” because if you “understand”, then you would naturally agree.  That you do fully understand and yet still disagree can get quite an emotional response from Leftists.  From my personal experience with the one major Leftist in my life, this could precipitate a rather over-the-top experience.  Leftists generally like to think of themselves as “misunderstood” rather than mistaken

    Interesting how the changed word fits right in, eh?

  27. bwohlgemuth
    June 24th, 2012 @ 7:07 pm

    A few notes on RAD.  It does appear in adopted children, mostly from a lack of nurturing they received as an infant (even if it’s at an early age, plus there is a suspected genetic component to it).  Very tough to diagnose at an early age (it can be easily misdiagnosed as Bipolar Disorder, ADHD, etc).  Unfortunately there is no treatment for it (other than Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which is intensive, expensive, and requires buy-in from the patient).  

    Meds can help some of the side effects, but in the end the RAD patient is exceptionally stubborn, self centered, and revolves through relationships at a blistering pace.  You can only hope the the patient gets a chance to get their lives together.

    /dad of four adopted kids

  28. I Love This: Kick Neal Rauhauser Where it Hurts! | The Lonely Conservative
    June 25th, 2012 @ 12:48 am

    […] of the Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin. Oh, and he’s a psycho. Read the latest on this guy here and here. The Screed of Momus has been digging into Rauhauser’s  unfortunate past, and […]

  29. Before It's News
    June 25th, 2012 @ 1:03 am

    […] of the Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin. Oh, and he’s a psycho. Read the latest on this guy here and here. The Screed of Momus has been digging into Rauhauser’s  unfortunate past, and […]

  30. Monday Ketch-Up: Victory For Aaron Walker in Maryland! « Nice Deb
    June 25th, 2012 @ 12:57 pm

    […] Neal Rauhauser’s Bizarre Suspicions, and Profiling the (Hypothetical) ‘UnSub’ […]

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