The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Obama Adviser on Solyndra: ‘Ugh’

Posted on | August 2, 2012 | 4 Comments

Congressional investigators got hold of some e-mails between Obama administration officials about the Solyndra deal, and White House adviser Stephanie Cutter’s one-word summary — “Ugh” — gets the headline treatment from Zeke Miller at Buzzfeed.

Y’know what I’m noticing about that e-mail, though? It was CC’d to President Obama’s campaign strategist David Plouffe. Kinda interesting.

Anyway, whereas most of the mainstream media publish “news articles” that are actually more like Obama campaign press releases, I thought I’d try something different: Re-print a Romney campaign press release and actually tell readers that it’s a press release! Enjoy!



“From the President’s senior adviser to his deputy campaign manager, it seems like every member of the Obama inner circle knew President Obama would pay a political price for his decision to sink half a billion taxpayer dollars into Solyndra. But that didn’t stop the Obama Administration – and American taxpayers and the 1,800 unemployed workers are the ones still paying the price.” – Ryan Williams, Romney Campaign Spokesman

 Internal White House Emails Reveal “Concern, Frustration” From President Obama’s Inner Circle On The Solyndra Loan:

Emails Between President Obama’s Senior Advisers “Reveal Concern, Frustration” As Solyndra Headed Toward Bankruptcy. “Emails between White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer and then-Deputy Senior Advisor Stephanie Cutter reveal concern, frustration as former poster-child for clean energy investment failed. The House Energy and Commerce Committee peels back the curtain on Solyndra in a new report.” (Zeke Miller, “White House On Solyndra Failure: ‘Ugh,’” BuzzFeed, 8/2/12)

White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer, On Solyndra’s Impending Bankruptcy: “This Is Going To Be A Real Pain…” PFEIFFER: “This is going to be a real pain, solyndra is about to go under apparently.” (Zeke Miller, “White House On Solyndra Failure: ‘Ugh,’” BuzzFeed, 8/2/12)

  • Pfeiffer: “And There Is An Additional Complication I Will Explain Tomorrow.” (Zeke Miller, “White House On Solyndra Failure: ‘Ugh,’” BuzzFeed, 8/2/12)

Obama Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter: “Ugh.” (Zeke Miller, “White House On Solyndra Failure: ‘Ugh,’” BuzzFeed, 8/2/12)

But Pfeiffer And Cutter Aren’t The Only Obama Insiders Involved – Jacob Lew Ignored Solyndra Warnings And Ultimately Cost Taxpayers Millions:

“White House Chief Of Staff Jack Lew May Have Disregarded Warnings From Lower-Level Budget Employees That The Administration’s Efforts To Prop Up Solyndra Were Unwise And Possibly Illegal…” “White House chief of staff Jack Lew may have disregarded warnings from lower-level budget employees that the administration’s efforts to prop up Solyndra were unwise and possibly illegal, The Washington Post is reporting based on an upcoming House Energy and Commerce Committee report. The Post’s story says the report ‘suggests’ that Lew — in his previous role as director of the Office of Management and Budget — ‘let the refinancing move forward without intervening, even though some OMB analysts thought a refinancing plan that favored private investors might violate the law.’” (Bob King, “Solyndra Report May Implicate Lew, Washington Post Writes,” Politico, 8/2/12)

Lew Let The “Refinancing Move Forward Without Intervening,” Despite Warning From OMB Analysts That The Solyndra Restructuring Plan “Might Violate The Law.” “The House energy committee is expected to release the results of its 18-month investigation into Solyndra this week. Its report, parts of which were obtained by The Washington Post, suggests that then-OMB Director Jack Lew let the refinancing move forward without intervening, even though some OMB analysts thought a refinancing plan that favored private investors might violate the law. Lew is now White House chief of staff.” (Joe Stephens and Carol D. Leonnig, “White House Analyst Warned Saving Solyndra Could Cost More Than Letting It Fail,” The Washington Post, 8/1/12)

Why Were President Obama’s Closest Advisers So Worried? Solyndra’s Bankruptcy Cost Taxpayers Over Half A Billion Dollars And Nearly 2,000 Workers Lost Their Jobs:

“Last Week, Solyndra’s Final Liquidation Plan Estimated That The Government Will Recover Just $24 Million Of The $527 Million That Taxpayers Lent To The Company.” “Even so, senior officials in the White House’s Office of Management and Budget did not discourage the Energy Department from proceeding with its plan to restructure a federal loan to Solyndra — a move that put private investors ahead of taxpayers for repayment if the company closed, the investigation by Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee found. The restructuring went forward, but within months Solyndra failed anyway, leaving federal taxpayers on the hook for much of the half-billion-dollar federal loan. Now, a year after the company’s collapse, debate continues over whether the refinancing plan was legal or a wise investment. Last week, Solyndra’s final liquidation plan estimated that the government will recover just $24 million of the $527 million that taxpayers lent to the company.” (Joe Stephens and Carol Leonnig, “White House Analyst Warned Saving Solyndra Could Cost More Than Letting It Fail,” The Washington Post, 8/1/12)

Solyndra’s Bankruptcy Cost 1,861 Workers Their Jobs. “On the day it closed, Solyndra said it was laying off 1,100 full-time and temporary employees. But 1,861 workers lost their jobs as the solar panel manufacturer shut its doors, according to U.S. Labor Department documents provided to The Bay Citizen under the Freedom of Information Act.” (Aaron Glantz, “Solyndra Layoffs Larger Than Previously Reported,” The Bay Citizen, 6/13/12)

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This Neutral Objective Journalism has been brought to you by the Citizens’ Committee for Vanuatu-American Friendship. IYKWIMAITYD.


4 Responses to “Obama Adviser on Solyndra: ‘Ugh’”

  1. Adobe_Walls
    August 2nd, 2012 @ 6:30 pm

    This is just the tip of the iceberg. They probably won’t even though they should, broaden and expand congressional investigations into all of this regime’s “investments” after the election.

  2. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    August 2nd, 2012 @ 6:42 pm
  3. Mike G.
    August 2nd, 2012 @ 6:55 pm

    Still pining for that Ambassadorship I see. Well, good luck to ya.

  4. Adjoran
    August 2nd, 2012 @ 7:31 pm

    The record also includes some interesting communications between the Solyndra investors concerning lobbying the White House.  The whole deal was about crony capitalism, rewarding a major donor and bundler at taxpayer expense.

    If there were true justice, Lew and Obama would be sharing a cell for the next 20 years.
