The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Unions Boycott Democrat Convention

Posted on | September 4, 2012 | 4 Comments

Ken Binversie at explains:

North Carolina has a Democratic governor, Bev Perdue, and sent its electoral votes to Barack Obama in 2008, but it’s still a right-to-work state. That means employees in the Tar Heel State are free to choose to join a union — or not. Because of this, North Carolina has the lowest percentage of union membership in the nation, just 2.9 percent as of 2011. . . .
[L]abor looks at the convention — with delegates staying in non-union hotels and dining at non-union restaurants, and Obama accepting his nomination at a football stadium built with non-union workers — as a poke in the eye. As a result, many in labor will boycott the convention outright. The AFL-CIO, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Laborers International Union of North America and others have withheld an estimated $10 million in contributions that would have helped pay for the convention — a radical change from 2008, when unions helped pitch in more than $8 million to help the DNC pay for its national convention in Denver.

Meanwhile, the Romney campaign has put out the word that they raised $100 million in August, but we’ve heard nothing at all about the Obama campaign’s fundraising. Just another data point to support Doug Ross’s “tidal wave” theory.


4 Responses to “Unions Boycott Democrat Convention”

  1. scarymatt
    September 4th, 2012 @ 11:45 am

    Unions boycott DNC. Empty chairs hit hardest.

  2. Charles
    September 4th, 2012 @ 2:21 pm

    Look for the nonunion label!

  3. JeffS
    September 4th, 2012 @ 3:10 pm

    Blue on blue. Works for me.

  4. McGehee
    September 4th, 2012 @ 8:18 pm

    Yet another unlinked musical reference.

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