The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘The Greater Good’: Heretical Facts vs. the Myth of St. Trayvon of the Blessed Hoodie

Posted on | July 16, 2013 | 151 Comments

Trayvon Martin: ‘And by this sign shall ye know me …’

Pete Da Tech Guy on how the system failed Trayvon Martin:

After all what’s the life of a single black man, the safety of individuals, the policing of schools  or doing your job compared to the greater good of appearing politically correct, getting the right stats, financing the grievance industry or electing Democrats?

Well — “How dare you?”

The Politics of Indignation practiced by Democrats requires quite a great deal of narrative management, and relies on the cowardly unwillingness of Americans to speak the blunt truth. We are offered an iconic martyr — St. Trayvon of the Blessed Hoodie — by the High Priests of the Temple Cult and if we fail to mimic their superstitious ritual, if we do not reverently genuflect before this sacred symbol of innocence  . . .

“How dare you?”

Our Moral Superiors have become so accustomed to preaching such sermons to their worshipful congregations that the slightest expression of skeptical impiety seems to shock them.

Only within their sanctuaries of belief, where none but the voices of the faithful are heard, is it possible for Edward Wyckoff Williams to expect to be taken seriously when he writes nonsense like this:

If there is no justice, there can be no peace. But in the American South it seems white folks suddenly believe that decorum and charm are a proper response to unspeakable acts of violence and unconscionable injustice.
The day before a jury delivered an acquittal in the murder trial of George Zimmerman, Seminole County Sheriff Don Eslinger and Sanford Police Chief Cecil Smith gave a national press conference to appeal for a peaceful reaction to the verdict — regardless of its outcome.
Eslinger, who is white, said, “We will not tolerate anyone who uses this verdict as an excuse to violate the law.”
The veiled threat of an aggressive police response to imaginary civil unrest belies the very logic that led to Trayvon Martin’s death to begin with. For, you see, African-Americans are never protected or served by the law enforcement apparatus — yet they are always subject to its military might.
Sanford police coyly “tolerated” the actual killing of an unarmed black child, but yet refuse to “tolerate” any anger expressed for the acquittal of his murderer.
This is the new Jim Crow realized. . . .

(It’s 1963 and Sanford, Florida, is rural Mississippi.)

President Barack Obama is not immune — as he’s become the target of incessant “white rage”: race-baiting attacks, prejudice and bias even prior to his election. The Republican Party and its neo-Confederate Tea Party wing has been committed to invalidating his political and legislative legacy as much as the Zimmerman jury invalidated the civil rights of Trayvon.

The counterfactual conflation of distinct phenomena and the deliberate misuse of grossly inappropriate historical analogies are errors of rhetoric and logic that we are not supposed to notice, much less to point out and refute. Facts and logic are unwelcome within the Temple of St. Trayvon of the Blessed Hoodie, and common sense is heresy.

Trayvon Martin, a lanky 6-foot-tall 17-year-old dopehead, is miraculously transformed into “an unarmed black child,” and the testimony and evidence indicating that Trayvon deliberately waylaid the neighborhood watch captain must be disregarded.

Similarly, we are expected not to notice how little Seminole County, Florida, resembles “the American South” that Williams invokes.

Sanford is a 30-minute drive from downtown Orlando, and 45 minutes from Daytona Beach. Seminole County has a population of more than 400,000 residents, the vast majority of whom were not born there, but are transplants from elsewhere, including retirees from up North as well as many immigrants (11.5% of the county’s population were not born in the United States). The median home value in Seminole County is $225,500 and the median household income is nearly $60,000. This prosperous suburban community, however, Edward Wyckoff Williams offers us as emblematic of “the American South” (newsreel footage of Klansmen burning crosses) as though he were discussing some backward poverty-stricken redneck crossroads town in Appalachia.

Edward Wyckoff Williams does not tell you any facts about Seminole County, nor does he mention that Sanford Police Chief Cecil Smith was hired from Elgin, Illinois. And Sheriff Eslinger — “who is white,” Williams points out — is scarcely an ignorant hillbilly:

Sheriff Eslinger has 33 years of service with the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office. His career began in 1978 as a Radio Dispatcher and he advanced through the ranks as a Patrol Deputy, Criminal Investigator, Special Operations Investigator, Watch Commander, Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team leader, two tours with the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as a Task Force Agent; and returning as Commander of the City/County Investigative Bureau.  At the time of his appointment, Sheriff Eslinger held the position of major, third in command of the Sheriff’s Office.
Sheriff Eslinger earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Behavioral Sciences from National Louis University and is a graduate of the Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy in Quantico, Virginia.  He also attended the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Chief Executive Institute in Tallahassee, Florida and the National Academy of Corrections – U.S. Department of Justice.

Neither of the two law enforcement officials whom Williams offers as symbolic of “unconscionable injustice” would seem to fit the profile. But the martyrdom myth of St. Trayvon of the Blessed Hoodie is crafted entirely of such shoddy fabrics, and if the reality of Seminole County doesn’t match the myth, well,  damn those pesky facts!

Democrat Rep. Luis Gutierrez wants the House Judiciary Committee to hold a hearing on the Trayvon Martin shooting, which would be an excellent idea, seeing as how the House of Representatives is one of the few major institutions in America controlled by the Republican Party.

Trayvon’s parents cry in front of the cameras, and we are supposed to ignore the fact that they got divorced when Trayvon was 4 years old, and that Trayvon’s mother kicked her son out of her house because he was so impossibly unruly. Most of all, nobody can mention that Trayvon wasn’t even from Sanford, that he was only in Sanford because (a) his father was dating a woman who lived there and (b) Trayvon had been suspended from his high school 240 miles away in Miami-Dade County.

All these facts we might ignore — for “the greater good,” as Pete says — were it not for the fact that liberal lies inspire fools to action:

Witness claims youths yelled
‘this is for Trayvon’ in beating

A half-Peruvian neighborhood watch captain in Sanford, Florida, shoots a teenage dopehead from Miami and, because Our Moral Superiors insist that this is a matter of national importance, some innocent guy in Baltimore gets beaten up by a gang of thugs?

Yeah. That makes perfect sense — it’s the New Normal.

No Justice. No Peace. No Facts. No Logic.




151 Responses to “‘The Greater Good’: Heretical Facts vs. the Myth of St. Trayvon of the Blessed Hoodie”

  1. Stogie Chomper
    July 23rd, 2013 @ 1:05 am

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