The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Hunt for Hayat Boumeddiene

Posted on | January 10, 2015 | 70 Comments

“The Charlie magazine team deserved what they got. Many warnings have been given before, but they were persistent. They had the freedom to use cartoons in their magazine, and we have the freedom to use bullets from our magazines. . . . The lions of Jihad have stood. The followers of Muhammad — peace be upon him — have never forgotten. As Sheikh Anwar Rahimahullah put it: The Dust Will Never Settle Down. Do not look for links or affiliation with Jihadi fronts. It is enough they are Muslims. They are Mujahideen. This is the Jihad of the Ummah.”
Al-Qaeda message reported by the Intercept

Authorities in France continued searching Saturday for Hayat Boumeddiene, 26, the wife of Islamic terrorist Amedy Coulibaly, who was killed by police Friday in Paris. Coulibaly killed four people and took more than a dozen hostages at a kosher market in the Porte de Vincennes neighborhood, one of the city’s main Jewish communities. Coulibaly was an accomplice of brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi, Muslim terrorists who killed a dozen people in the Charlie Hebdo massacre Wednesday.

A report (translation added) from the French magazine Le Point:

Amedy Coulibaly et Hayat Boumediene ont été vus dans Paris ensemble jeudi dans la soirée, la veille de la prise d’otages, a-t-on appris samedi de source proche de l’enquête.

(Amedy Coulibaly and Hayat Boumediene were seen in Paris together Thursday night, the eve of the hostage-taking, a source close to the investigation said Saturday. . . .)

Hayat Boumediene, est recherchée dans l’enquête sur la fusillade mortelle de jeudi matin à Montrouge (Hauts-de-Seine), mais les enquêteurs n’excluent pas qu’elle ait pu “avoir un rôle logistique” dans la fusillade et la prise d’otages près de la Porte de Vincennes, selon cette source.
“Elle ne figure pas parmi les personnes décédées ou blessées lors de la prise d’otages et de l’assaut”, a expliqué une source proche du dossier.

(Hayat Boumediene is sought in the investigation into the fatal shooting [of police officer Clarissa Jean-Philippe] Thursday morning in Montrouge (Hauts-de-Seine), but investigators do not exclude that she could “have a logistical role” in [Coulibaly’s] shooting and hostage taking near the Porte de Vincennes, the source said. “She is not among the dead or injured during the hostage-taking and assault,” explained a source close to the case. . . .)

Des liens “constants et soutenus” existaient au travers de leurs compagnes entre Chérif Kouachi, l’un des auteurs de l’attaque de Charlie Hebdo, et Amedy Coulibaly, le preneur d’otages de Paris, a indiqué vendredi soir le procureur de Paris François Molins. . . .
L’épouse de Chérif Kouachi, Izzana Hamyd, est depuis mercredi en garde à vue. François Molins a révélé vendredi soir que l’examen de la téléphonie des suspects avait permis de déterminer que Mme Hamyd avait “passé plus de 500 appels sur l’année 2014 avec la compagne de Coulibaly”. Un chiffre qui est selon le haut magistrat “de nature à établir des liens constants et soutenus entre les deux couples”.

(There were “constant and sustained” links through their wives between Cherif Kouachi, one of the authors of the attack on Charlie Hebdo, and Amedy Coulibaly, the Paris hostage-taker, the prosecutor of Paris François Molins said Friday. . . . The wife of Cherif Kouachi, Izzana Hamyd, has been in custody since Wednesday. François Molins said Friday evening that a review of the suspects’ telephone records had determined that Ms. Hamyd had “spent more than 500 calls over the year 2014, with the wife of Coulibaly.” [The large number of phone calls] “establish consistent and sustained ties between the two couples.”)

Relatively little is known about Hayat Boumeddiene, who apparently was recruited to radical jihad by her husband:

Boumeddiene is believed to be of Algerian descent but changed her name to make it appear more French and reportedly worked as a cashier before being radicalised.
She and Coulibaly are believed to have married in a religious ceremony in 2009, which is not recognised in French law.
The 26-year-old reportedly lived in his apartment while he was in prison for his part in a plot to help Paris metro bomber Smain Ait Ali Belkacem escape.
During that time, he is believed to have met Cherif Kouachi. Both men and possibly Boumeddiene were avid followers of extremist Djamel Beghal. . . .
Beghal, a convicted terrorist who was once based at London’s Finsbury Park mosque, was jailed for plotting to bomb the American embassy in Paris and mentored Coulibaly and Cherif Kouachi, according to Le Monde. . . .
Boumeddiene was previously interviewed by French anti-terror police in 2010, it was reported, but it was unclear whether any action was taken against her.
During interrogation, she reportedly said she was inspired by her boyfriend and radicals she lived with to “read a lot of books on religion”.
“When I saw the massacre of the innocents in Palestine, in Iraq, in Chechnya, in Afghanistan or anywhere the Americans sent their bombers, all that . . . well, who are the terrorists?” she said, according to the Daily Mail.

You can read the Daily Mail report here. Boumeddiene’s views on U.S. policy were basically the same as any MSNBC viewer or Daily Kos contributor during the “Bush lied, people died” era. There was no fundamental disagreement between her and Keith Olbermann. The liberal Democrats who hate America and the foreign enemies who hate America only quarrel over why America is wrong, bad and evil. In the famous words of Jeanne Kirkpatrick, they always blame America first.





70 Responses to “The Hunt for Hayat Boumeddiene”

  1. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    January 10th, 2015 @ 11:30 am

    May she end up where she belongs, in hell. Inshallah.

  2. Onlywifey
    January 10th, 2015 @ 11:33 am

    She was not his wife. They were never married. She is simply the whore of a dead thug. Not a nice Muslim girl at all. Everything she is or does flies in the face of Islam.

  3. TheOtherAndrewB
    January 10th, 2015 @ 11:47 am

    Interesting–and completely unsurprising–that the first sentence of Al Qaeda’s message is conventional wisdom in our mainstream media. No wonder we can’t make headway in this war. Just imagine if the New York Times had parroted Hitler’s opinion of the D-Day invasion.

  4. robertstacymccain
    January 10th, 2015 @ 11:50 am

    1. They were married in a religious ceremony.
    2. They lived as man and wife.
    3. They did not register their marriage with civil authorities as required by French law.

    So you see that (1) they were married according to Islam, while (2) they were married according to English common law, but (3) their marriage was not legal according to French law.

    I’m not a big fan of French law. I am an American and my own cultural traditions are from Christianity and the English common law. This is why I have no problem describing Coulibaly and Boumeddiene as husband and wife, no matter their status under French law. Your description of Boumeddiene as “Not a nice Muslim girl” and “the whore of a dead thug” … Well, this kind of vituperation is simply unnecessary. People are free to form their own opinions and I think most will share your contempt for Boumedienne without any additional incitement.

  5. Adobe_Walls
    January 10th, 2015 @ 12:07 pm

    We and the other western nations don’t have to be this vulnerable. And we don’t need to surrender our liberties to make ourselves safer. We do however need to make more realistic determinations of who and what the enemy is and then react effectively. This obviously precludes Political Correctness Poisoning of our thinking when making policy.

  6. Laguna Beach Fogey
    January 10th, 2015 @ 12:07 pm

    WWIII has begun.

  7. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    January 10th, 2015 @ 12:09 pm

    She is a “nice” Muslim girl because she went on jihad. You could be a murderous, child molesting monster, but if you go on jihad you are forgiven of everything.

    She and her husband probably thought that same sex marriage was a sign of decadence in the West. Maybe the gay mafia will vilify her for that.

  8. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    January 10th, 2015 @ 12:16 pm

    It began before September 11, 2001. Like the cold war it is going to drag on a while.

  9. Onlywifey
    January 10th, 2015 @ 12:16 pm

    There is no evidence of a religious ceremony having taken place. No mosque has presented a record. If you can provide the record, I will of course recognize a marriage. At present, no one has been able to do so.

  10. Daniel O'Brien
    January 10th, 2015 @ 1:03 pm
  11. Daniel Freeman
    January 10th, 2015 @ 1:09 pm

    I’ve remarked before on feminist projection, and also lefty cannibalization, but I finally put them together and realized why they falsely accuse “father’s rights” groups of being an “abuser’s lobby.” There is a classic DV abuser/enabler pattern in SJWs’ tendency to attack those who are most vulnerable — such as feminist men, who actually care what they think — instead of those who are most deserving, such as fundamentalist Muslims.

    Feminism is an abuser’s lobby.

  12. joethefatman
    January 10th, 2015 @ 1:18 pm

    Being less pious myself, I wish her an eternity of having to watch Bill Maher while being force fed pig entrails while she is in hell.

  13. K-Bob
    January 10th, 2015 @ 2:02 pm

    Well it all has to do with the difference between wanting something to happen and warning that something will happen.

    Warning can be more satisfying, because you appear to avoid the wishful thinking, while it gives you the (probably a venial sin, but hey) smug satisfaction of making their probable final destination quite public.

  14. K-Bob
    January 10th, 2015 @ 2:08 pm

    A lot of conservative comment sections are quite full of understandable reactions to these assertions of violence to come.

    We are also seeing a lot of Glenn-Beck-In-Gandhi-Mode type pleas to tone it down.

    We don’t need to tone it down, but we do need better focus. The samurai tradition of taking care of business without being “mad” at the people to whom they brought justice (or revenge on behalf of their masters – it’s not all good news here, but still) is a good position to occupy.

    Let them blather like rabid dogs. We should simply ask them once to please stop, twice to stop or else, and the third time, annihilate them without emotion. Prejudice, maybe, but no emotion.

    They do not deserve our feelings,

  15. The Hunt for Hayat Boumeddiene : The Other McCain | That Mr. G Guy's Blog
    January 10th, 2015 @ 2:30 pm

    […] The Hunt for Hayat Boumeddiene : The Other McCain. […]

  16. Delaney Coffer
    January 10th, 2015 @ 2:36 pm

    The demon these scum worship is so weak, it needs the “defense” of worthless slackers screaming ALIBABA SNACKBAR. What sickens me is the fact that you can walk into any of the Mosques that spread this Satanic filth, find the head scumbag in charge and they will tell you with pride that these animals are in heaven today, not in spite of what they did, but because of what they did.

    Islam is evil. There is no “moderate” evil.

    Here’s a novel idea. Any mooslim who refuses to profess that Jesus is the incarnate Son of the Living God should be killed. Who could possibly object? And on what grounds? Here’s another one. Any journalist who refers to Jesus without referring to him as Messiah, we simply have them fired for bigotry. Makes total sense to me. After all, I constantly hear some illiterate, child raping, camel humping mass murdering animal referred to as “the prophet”. The very idea of calling the puddle of pig shit named Moohammed a “holy” man makes me want to vomit.

    Allah is Satan. His so called messenger was an evil bag of shit.

  17. joethefatman
    January 10th, 2015 @ 2:38 pm

    I keep waiting for the msm promised backlash. I kind of wish there were some. Not sure just what kind, but something. But overall, I guess the west isn’t into the whole revenge thing. On some levels that seems to be a shame to atavistic little ol’ me.

  18. Art Deco
    January 10th, 2015 @ 2:42 pm

    Pity. She’s handsome. She had lots of other options, without a doubt.
    You see this pattern with the Boston bombers as well. Women with an apparent affection for rough trade appended to men who do not function as husbands at all.
    The novella Bab el Oued presents a thesis about this: that there are various substitutes pursued in lieu of following a proper vocation. The substitutes presented in the volume (which takes place in Algeria) are anomie, homosexuality, crass distortions of bourgeois life, and radical politics. Against that, it presents a contrast of a man following his trade, saying his prayers, and earning a wage in support of his sisters. It presents his boss as well: a man running his shop (a bakery), saying his prayers, and earning a living.
    Ultimately, this is a crisis of manhood.

    I’m impressed you could translate that. Seven years of French and I could just get through it.

  19. robertstacymccain
    January 10th, 2015 @ 3:06 pm

    1. There is no need to let ourselves become excited. We just need to be psychologically ready, and prepared to meet the challenges.

    2. The “tone it down” lectures sometimes bother me (as if I don’t know where the line should be drawn) but then I see some people just funneling their emotions out in a stream of free-association rage and I’m like, “This is not necessary.”

    It’s like dealing with feminism. The smart thing is to be smarter than the feminists, who think they are the smartest people on earth. Make your arguments articulate, based in facts and logic, and occasionally humorous and/or ironic, so that the feminists can’t say, “Oh, look, our critics are all stupid and hateful.”

    Even if the feminist in question is a fat, ugly, Marxist lesbian — as so many of them are — you’re not really scoring points by making rude remarks about their obesity and ugliness. Just post a photo and let people judge for themselves. It is the combination of Marxism and lesbianism (or postmodernism and lesbianism) to which you should call the reader’s attention, and why? Because this points to the nature of the feminist movement as anti-freedom, anti-family, anti-American and anti-Christian. Once you understand feminism’s ultimate objective (i.e., the destruction of Western civilization, including democracy, capitalism, Christianity and the traditional family) everything else about feminism are just details, part of the pattern.

    It is unwise to constantly point out the fact that most feminists are so unattractive that they could never find a man to marry them even if they were heterosexual. (Many lesbian feminists are lesbians by default in this sense.) Why do I say “unwise”? Because some feminists are heterosexual and reasonably attractive, but support the movement because they are bitter, selfish, sadistic, insane and/or Democrats. Meanwhile, there are many women — yes, including fat lesbians — who (a) reject feminism’s radical egalitarian theories, and (b) are offended by insults that target women’s looks.

    We must choose our rhetoric carefully when we are arguing against a bloodthirsty totalitarian belief system like feminism or Islamic jihad. Whether we are arguing against psychotic Marxist baby-killing lesbians or against the savage goat-fuckers who follow the violent fanatical cult of a nomadic pedophile,conservatives should be civil in our discourse.

  20. Adobe_Walls
    January 10th, 2015 @ 3:12 pm

    The people in the west just haven’t been pushed past the breaking point yet. But that time will come and then it will be too late. Lefties and the MSM like to warn us about how tragic that would be and even occasionally will make up a story about how they will courageously ”walk with” someone who may or not be a Muslim. But when push comes to shove and it’s time to actually put themselves at risk they’ll be heard from but not seen.

  21. Hayat Boumeddiene may be in Syria : Fire Andrea Mitchell!
    January 10th, 2015 @ 3:30 pm

    […] question now becomes, how in the hell could Hayat Boumeddiene get to Syria or Turkey so damn quickly after attacking the Jewish Kosher grocery store in PariS? […]

  22. Evi L. Bloggerlady
    January 10th, 2015 @ 3:31 pm
  23. TotallyPeeved
    January 10th, 2015 @ 3:47 pm

    No such thing as a nice muslim girl. And she is following pisslam to the letter.

  24. TotallyPeeved
    January 10th, 2015 @ 3:50 pm

    Who cares? She’s still a murdering pisslamic scrunt.

  25. Art Deco
    January 10th, 2015 @ 4:04 pm
  26. Fail Burton
    January 10th, 2015 @ 4:50 pm

    The more Muslims in the West the more problems. That is too complicated for morons to figure out. Part of the problem is the politically correct are as enthusiastic about talking history as they are ignorant of it. Anytime you hear the word “Crusades” you know you’ve run across someone who’s been sold snake oil by some self-serving Muslim historian. Remember, those historians have successfully memory-holed the taking of something like 12 million African and 5 million European slaves across 12 centuries not to mention setting up the framework that fed the Atlantic trade. They get away scott free simply by lying and claiming they were colonized into by Europeans when in fact Islam is the most successful and blanketing colonial project in that hemisphere’s history.The true story of Islam of more like that of a great group of pirates who went broke when there was nothing left to pirate. That is why they are broken nations today. Imagine America – all of it – having slavery and piracy for 12 centuries and then suddenly having that taken away. That’s quite different from half a country having it for 80 years after a Parliament-ruled system of colonies for a further century plus. It is not our colonialism Islam is recovering from but their own. Something for nothing doesn’t work when it’s institutionalized at that level and they’re still trying to use a Koran which is a blueprint for managing and taxing conquered populations that are no longer there. Sayyid Qutb’s Muslim Brotherhood philosophy as set out in Milestones shows Qutb trying to reconcile that problem but in a predictably self-serving way where he couldn’t figure out what the heck was going on. All he knew was that the gold mine was no longer there. He was simply too stupid to look around and see the slaves and pirate ships and raids were gone. Why are we surprised a supremacist doctrine is really angry at being in last place or blaming it on the first place team? This is the sociopathic reconcilement Islam shares with radical feminism. They are broken and instead choose to say it is the world that is broken. Neither cultivates tools of principle and self-criticism that has been the hallmark of the success of that racist patriarchy and neither has any last place nag that ever ran at Pimlico.

  27. Fail Burton
    January 10th, 2015 @ 5:43 pm

    For those of you who might like to see this from the other side, there are in fact Muslims who don’t like those cartoons but aren’t going to do anything about it outside their own countries, even if they hate them.

    Orthodox Muslims see a battle going on in the Muslim world by 4 main groups today. Although each is different, the one thing they have in common is declaring other Muslims not on board with them to be heretics. They tend to teach a more unadulterated version of the Koran without a modern leavening of hadiths to soften some of the verses and explain one is not to go out cutting off heads.

    Those four groups are the Muslim Brotherhood, Salafis (which are a cross between Wahhabi and MB), Saudi Wahhabism and now the peculiar Ibadi/Kwajerite ISIS.

    This is the same problem we once had where the Pope declared Queen Elizabeth a heretic so good Catholics would rise under her, and also to give the Spaniards the go-ahead to invade England. Europe was torn by this stuff for a very long time from the Albighensian Crusades inside France to passing over 50 Catholic heirs to the English throne to get to the Protestant named King George I.

    The speech El-Sisi gave is directly addressing this problem. The problem for his point of view is one of ignorant and hateful people teaching a wrong and overly supremacist version of Islam. Part of the problem is that this supremacism is baked into the religion.

    But there’s the problem in a nutshell, and even Muslims not on board with these killings don’t quite know what to do about it. On the one hand they’re prisoners of their own ideology, on the other that ideology is killing them too. I don’t know the solution, but it may be to quarantine them until they figure it out, or at the very least identify the worst among them as a kind of Mafia and don’t allow them to stay in the West.

  28. DebbyX
    January 10th, 2015 @ 6:20 pm

    S M I L E!!

  29. Art Deco
    January 10th, 2015 @ 6:42 pm

    to passing over 50 Catholic heirs to the English throne to get to the Protestant named King George I.
    No, passing over 8 heirs, one of whom had been excluded from the succession in 1688 and six of whom were children.

  30. Fail Burton
    January 10th, 2015 @ 7:08 pm

    That is false. Even were it so, the point remains. The Act of Settlement dictated no Catholic could sit on the English throne, and so they went to Germany and gave it to a woman who by marriage gave it to George. That’s a pretty great length to go to to make sure of a Prostestant.

  31. ken_lov
    January 10th, 2015 @ 7:15 pm

    She’s already in Syria via Turkey, according to the latest reports. Left France before the murders.

  32. theoldsargesays
    January 10th, 2015 @ 7:43 pm

    “……She had lots of other options, without a doubt.”

    Not true. She is a Muslim woman. She has no options other than those dictated to her first by her father and brothers then by her husband.

  33. K-Bob
    January 10th, 2015 @ 8:11 pm

    +1 on the Qutb reference. Amazing how we have men and women who have uncovered actual history, and yet the weenies amongst us claim we are in the grip of “phobia.”

    Their fear of the muslim jihadi is so obvious that their cowardice cannot be hidden by their constant claims of phobia whenever someone speaks out..

  34. K-Bob
    January 10th, 2015 @ 8:12 pm

    That’s exactly why I try to keep the ageism and “lookism” to a minimum, Exposing the ugly truth is nasty enough.

  35. From Around the Blogroll | The First Street Journal.
    January 10th, 2015 @ 8:19 pm

    […] Robert Stacey Stacy McCain on The Other McCain: The Hunt for Hayat Boumeddiene […]

  36. toongoon
    January 10th, 2015 @ 8:30 pm

    Why bother?

  37. toongoon
    January 10th, 2015 @ 8:44 pm

    I appreciate your comment about toning down the looks and personal appearance rhetoric. It has always been my opinion that when I write a comment that the target I want to reach is the person who is quiet and just reads the threads as much as the person I might be responding to.
    Why offend somebody who is trying to come to terms with the truth of world events? Let the liberal trolls offend, I prefer to be inviting.

    Very good response to K-Bob, who invited me here. I have never been to your blog before but I will start making daily checks here. Thanks.

  38. Art Deco
    January 10th, 2015 @ 8:47 pm

    She has no options other than those dictated to her first by her father and brothers then by her husband.

    You like to trade in caricatures, don’t you?

    She lives in France, where religious observance is haphazard among Muslims. Her family is Algerian, where arranged marriage is very common but forced marriage is not. A discussion is here

  39. Onlywifey
    January 10th, 2015 @ 8:48 pm

    That one was actually funny 🙂

  40. Art Deco
    January 10th, 2015 @ 9:02 pm

    No, it is not false. In the line of succession ahead of George I were

    1. James III / Viii, son of the deposed James II / Vii and brother of Queen Anne. (excluded 1688)

    2. Anne-Marie d’Orleans of Sardinia, niece of James II / Vii

    her children:

    3. Victor Amadeus, Prince of Piedmont, grand-nephew of James II

    4. Charles Emmanuel of Savoy, grand-nephew of James II

    her grandchildren:

    5. Louis Xv of France, great-grandnephew of James II through Anne-Marie’s oldest

    6. Louis of Spain, great-grandnephew of James II through Anne-Marie’s 3d child

    7. Infant Philip of Spain, [ditto]

    8. Ferdinand of Spain, [ditto]

    That exhausts the descendants of Charles I who were alive at the time of the death of Queen Anne in the summer of 1714. George I was the 1st in the line of succession of the descendants of James I / vi once the line of Charles I was exhausted. Bonnie Prince Charlie was not born until 1720, six years after George I had ascended the throne.

  41. theoldsargesays
    January 10th, 2015 @ 9:36 pm

    Don’t you think that this recent demonstration of hard line fundamentalism is an indication that she and her coconspirators very likely fit my “caricature”?

    I know at least a couple of dozen Muslim men, nice guys on the surface. However every last one of them believes that some day Islam will rule the world. As I said, nice guys on the surface but, with a religion that not only condones but encourages its adherents to deceive, lie to and conquer nonbelievers, who knows what lies beneath the surface?

  42. K-Bob
    January 10th, 2015 @ 10:06 pm

    Stacy writes like no one else.

    He also digs faster and deeper than most journos ever dreamt of. It’s a guilty pleasure to hang out here.

    Also, Smitty posts are hard. They make you think about thinking and stuff.

    Also, also, Wombat keeps the place tidy, and provides brain food for the times we repair to our bunkers to recover from the day’s efforts.

  43. trangbang68
    January 10th, 2015 @ 10:21 pm

    nice place to have a hellfire missile one trip to hell for the little rat

  44. ken_lov
    January 10th, 2015 @ 10:28 pm

    Well it would be nice to have some evidence of guilt first. The 18 year old brother-n-law earlier claimed to be involved in the killings has now turned out to be completely innocent – he was in school at the time.

  45. DeadMessenger
    January 10th, 2015 @ 10:47 pm

    It is perfectly acceptable to call out evil where we see it.

  46. Fail Burton
    January 11th, 2015 @ 1:03 am

    Point stands Mr. Pedant. Geez.

  47. TotallyPeeved
    January 11th, 2015 @ 1:07 am

    Involvement is more than the actual killing.

  48. Fail Burton
    January 11th, 2015 @ 1:13 am

    History is more complex than the PC racists who lie about it will tell you. Edward Said’s Orientalism is another lying sleight-of-hand the PC love. Real history looks more like the East India Company colonized the Mughals who had colonized India. Real history looks more like the British who had colonized the Ottoman Albanian Dynasty in Egypt right after they in turn had been colonizing the Sudan for 65 years and insisted it was their right to run slaves after the British had declared it illegal on the theory Egypt was doing those Sudanese slaves a favor by civilizing them. In other words everyone played the games but now the losers claim they never played, much like the Palestinians claim they never willingly went to war and were colonized by Jews. That’s why these are all payback cultures exploiting PC stupidity.

  49. K-Bob
    January 11th, 2015 @ 2:13 am


    You’re all going to hell.

    Too soon?

  50. Fail Burton
    January 11th, 2015 @ 6:50 am

    It’s hard not to get into name-calling. At least the KKK and neo-Nazis know who they are. You can just say, “Okay, they’re a known quantity and a bunch of jerks.” With the PC, black activists, radical feminists and their “allies” are no different than the KKK but tell us they’re all on an crusade against bigotry. That kind of smug stupidity is hard to take. I mean, the PC actually think Ta-Nehisi Coates is an anti-racist and quote him constantly.