The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Nintendo Fires @AlisonRapp, Who Hates #GamerGate and Supports Pedophiles

Posted on | March 30, 2016 | 101 Comments


Last month, I wrote this:

Irony much? @AlisonRapp is an advocate of perversion who hates #GamerGate. She is an enthusiastic promoter of Japanese anime videogames that have been criticized as fantasy fodder for pedophiles and, in fact, Ms. Rapp has denounced as “censorship” the criminalization of child pornography. Twisted freaks like Ms. Rapp are welcome on Twitter’s platform, whereas criticism of self-described pedophiles like Nicholas “Sarah” Nyberg will get your account suspended in the name of “Trust and Safety.” Making cunnilingus jokes about teenage anime characters? That’s OK with Twitter. Calling Anita Sarkeesian a totalitarian ideologue, however, could be construed as “targeted abuse.” . . .
The methods by which progressive Thought Police silence dissent involve blatant double-standards, raising all kinds of questions about what the world will look like once the forces of “social justice” have destroyed every possible source of opposition to the weird agenda that @AlisonRapp and @srhbutts are permitted to promote on Twitter.

Alison Rapp was employed in public relations for videogame maker Nintendo. This became controversial when it was discovered that in 2012, Rapp wrote a thesis entitled “Speech We Hate: An Argument for the Cessation of International Pressure on Japan to Strengthen Its Anti-Child Pornography Laws.” This was featured on her LinkedIn page, which also lists a conference proposal in which Rapp wrote:

At the University of Minnesota, I conducted work on a variety of intersectional topics related to gender, sex, queerness, and new media . . .
Prior to my work at the University of Minnesota, I conducted research at Augsburg College in Minneapolis, Minnesota on bisexuality in Tokugawa Japan, representations of women in Nintendo’s popular Legend of Zelda series, depictions of gay and lesbian relationships in yaoi and yuri (two genres of manga written by and for heterosexual women but about MSM and WSW), and on how the West and Japan regulate real and fictional child pornography.
I have a continued interest in LGBT/queerness and technology, including the internet and tech, but also other media such as manga, comics, television, and pornography.

Quite simply, Rapp is a defender of child pornography, particularly as it relates to her “continued interest in LGBT/queerness.” This may be tolerated at Augsburg College and the University of Minnesota, but is it what Nintendo wants in its public relations department?

For some reason — and I don’t even pretend to understand the background — Rapp was associated with the anti-#GamerGate forces, and #GamerGate activists exposed Rapp’s pro-pedophile activism, much as they had previously exposed Nicholas “Sarah” Nyberg’s pedophilia.

The claim that Rapp is a victim of “harassment” — which some of her supporters call a “witch hunt” — requires us to ignore the history of what it was that led to #GamerGate. A group of feminists, including Anita Sarkeesian, had begun accusing the videogame industry of sexism. These so-called SJWs (“social justice warriors”) were very interested in blackmailing the industry into hiring their friends and firing their enemies. Basically, they wanted to punish game makers from hiring heterosexual males, and also to punish these companies for producing games that heterosexual males enjoyed playing. Everything in the multi-billion-dollar videogame industry, from its employment policies to its products and marketing, was targeted by this feminist bullying campaign.

#GamerGate was a grassroots rebellion against these forces of political correctness, to prevent the industry from being taken over by SJWs. That someone like Alison Rapp, a promoter and defender of genuinely vile perversions, should have been considered fit to hold a public relations position at a major company like Nintendo, shows just how deeply into the crazy vortex of “social justice” the industry has descended.

The irony, of course, is that Sarkeesian and her feminist allies had made “objectification” of women in videogames a target of their criticism — proof, they said, that the industry was run by sexists. Yet what is “objectification,” in this context, except the depiction of women in ways that appeal to heterosexual men? In other words, feminist criticism of “objectification” is really a way of saying that men’s entirely normal interest in women is wrong. But while Sarkeesian does not want men ever to see a good-looking woman in videogames, she is perfectly willing to support Alison Rapp, the pro-pedophile advocate of “LGBT/queerness” in “manga, comics, television, and pornography.”

Seriously, go examine the case against Alison Rapp. She has never disavowed any of her controversial views, never apologized or said she was mistaken in defending child pornography.

“The Queering of Feminism” means that students like Alison Rapp are indoctrinated in an anti-male/anti-heterosexual ideology which no one on campus is permitted to criticize. Subjected to cult mind-control methods, young feminists graduate college with the fanatical conviction that the only wrong kind of sexual behavior is normal sexual behavior.

Japanese “manga” pornography depicting lesbian schoolgirls? Perfectly acceptable to a Third Wave feminist like Alison Rapp, and acceptable also to Anita Sarkeesian, a Commissar of the Feminist Thought Police who will accuse you of “vile harassment tactics” and “gendered abuse” if you disagree with her opinions. Trying to get men fired from their jobs in the videogame industry? That’s not “vile,” that’s social justice.

Speaking of social justice, remember that SJWs Always Lie. In fact, what got Alison Rapp fired had nothing to do with #GamerGate:

Nintendo of America provided the below statement to Mashable.
Alison Rapp was terminated due to violation of an internal company policy involving holding a second job in conflict with Nintendo’s corporate culture. Though Ms. Rapp’s termination follows her being the subject of criticism from certain groups via social media several weeks ago, the two are absolutely not related. Nintendo is a company committed to fostering inclusion and diversity in both our company and the broader video game industry and we firmly reject the harassment of individuals based on gender, race or personal beliefs. We wish Ms. Rapp well in her future endeavors.

What kind of “second job” do you suppose Ms. Rapp was working that was “in conflict with Nintendo’s corporate culture”?

Oh, the irony! It burns! It burns!

Reader support is essential to the Sex Trouble project‘s research into radical feminism. Please buy my book, help promote it to others and don’t forget the Five Most Important Words in the English Language:





101 Responses to “Nintendo Fires @AlisonRapp, Who Hates #GamerGate and Supports Pedophiles”

  1. RS
    March 31st, 2016 @ 1:42 pm

    Not once, have we regretted our decision to send our children to Missouri Synod schools. They provided the highest quality education–both spiritually and temporally. We were never treated as “second class,” because we were not Lutheran. I cannot recommend Missouri Synod education more highly.

  2. Steve Skubinna
    March 31st, 2016 @ 1:55 pm

    I strongly caution anyone against deciding he (or she) Understands The Japanese.

    I have spent, in aggregate, years there since 1982. They are different from us. Make no mistake, I like the Japanese and am glad that they are on our side now, but the same people who brought us the Rape of Nanking and the Bataan Death March are also responsible for Hello Kitty and Sailor Moon.

    They are just… different.

  3. Steve Skubinna
    March 31st, 2016 @ 1:56 pm

    So, ummmmm…

    About this idea of yours…

  4. Steve Skubinna
    March 31st, 2016 @ 2:02 pm

    As I note above, “intersectionality” is a buzz word used to claim expertise in areas the person is unqualified to expound upon. You don’t have to actually know anything about economics, but you study and explain the bits around the edges where it interacts with, oh heck, Byzantine iconography. Which you also know nothing about.

    I swear I have had it to here (he said, indicating a spot level with his chin) with this idiotic BS spouted by second rate mediocrities in academia. Lucky for them (and for me, I suppose) that we never mix. Never inclined to suffer fools gladly, arrogant loudmouthed bullying fools are right out.

  5. M. Thompson
    March 31st, 2016 @ 2:10 pm


  6. Wombat_socho
    March 31st, 2016 @ 2:17 pm

    As the meme on Mike Williamson’s Facebook page goes, “Nuked too hard, or not enough?”

  7. Daniel Freeman
    March 31st, 2016 @ 2:33 pm

    It’s even crazier to go into debt to study game dev than social work, since you just need to demonstrate skills.

  8. Daniel Freeman
    March 31st, 2016 @ 2:42 pm

    Intersectionalism is a way to extend the feminist brand by branching out into other grievance industries, and expanding their conspiracy theory from the Patriarchy to the Kyriarchy, so that rich white girls can make money from being indignant on behalf of poor black men.

  9. Isn’t It Really All About Michelle Fields? | Regular Right Guy
    March 31st, 2016 @ 2:42 pm

    […] Nintendo Fires @AlisonRapp, Who Hates #GamerGate and Supports Pedophiles […]

  10. NRPax
    March 31st, 2016 @ 2:46 pm

    What? Lesbians in manga are unrealistic! Damn you life, for lying to me again!

  11. Daniel Freeman
    March 31st, 2016 @ 2:51 pm

    It also violates Natural Law, because of the Impossibility of Social Justice Convergence, so it’s a double-whammy.

  12. White Knight Leo
    March 31st, 2016 @ 2:55 pm

    Not as unrealistic in Japan as here; obesity isn’t a big thing among Japanese girls.

  13. petetheelder
    March 31st, 2016 @ 3:19 pm

    Japan actually has stricter laws against porn than the US does in some ways. You can’t legally show penetration, but you can show almost anything else you can think of especially if animated or drawn in a manga.

    They have really weird laws about prostitution too where actual PIV prostitution is very illegal and they will jail you for it, but almost anything else you can pay for in a massage parlor is tolerated.

  14. Fail Burton
    March 31st, 2016 @ 3:20 pm

    It’s somewhat different than that. Not only is intersectionalism a reference to a person with multiple intersecting vectors of oppression, e.g., being black and gay at the same time, but is a post-structuralist idea that the more lacking in power one is, the more clearly one can see the truth, because one is untainted by the cultural compulsion of conformity.

    In short, it’s a snow job.

  15. NRPax
    March 31st, 2016 @ 3:25 pm

    True. But if we tried to solve that problem here, we’d be “fat shaming.”

  16. Fail Burton
    March 31st, 2016 @ 3:49 pm

    Rapp is part of the source of this entire problem. Just as in sci-fi, moronic Third Wave Feminist ideologues like her entered gaming calling white men sexists, misogynists and racists and part of a rape culture.

    Gamergate and the Puppies were the pushback movements created. The reward was to be called the same thing they’d been called in the first place. Even now one of Rapp’s supporters referred to Gamergate “neo-Nazis” as having gotten her fired. It never occurs to people like Rapp that Nintendo is not a Kickstarter that runs on the goodwill of feminists. It runs on the goodwill of its neo-Nazi rape culture customers.

  17. Fail Burton
    March 31st, 2016 @ 3:52 pm

    That’s not what it is at all.

  18. Fail Burton
    March 31st, 2016 @ 4:34 pm

    In 2009 the queen of lesbian feminism Judith Butler wrote “There is no bona fide feminism… that is not also anti-racist.” Stacy and Butler herself have already shown us that this “feminism” is lesbianism. Butler’s comment coincides with the year of the mass entrance of that fusion of lesbianism and racial “intersectionalism” and also represents her concession to the new found power of the racial aspect she didn’t even mention in her 1990 book Gender Trouble.

    You cannot understand gay feminism today without understanding its commitment to intersectionalism nor what intersectionalism is, an oppression multiplication table. Just as the gay aspect is a hatred of men and heterosexuality, intersectionalism is nothing more than a hopped up con game to cover up a hatred of whites employing the same game of demonization theories radical lesbianism does. It’s where micro aggressions, white privilege, the colonial gaze and cultural appropriation come from, all meant to attack “whiteness.”

    The concept of intersectionalism has been baked into radical feminism almost since the beginning but didn’t successfully hijack the movement until several years ago. Gay and racial feminism are now completely fused into a single comprehensive ideology. In order to confirm their muscle, you will often see black feminists attack white ones in order to keep them in line, but rarely the reverse.

  19. Jeanette Victoria
    March 31st, 2016 @ 5:10 pm

    Oh Oh then I’m oppressed I’m part Taino Indian but the US Government by fiat declared Taino Indian don’t exist (DNA has proved them wrong).

  20. Jeanette Victoria
    March 31st, 2016 @ 5:16 pm
  21. Steve Skubinna
    March 31st, 2016 @ 8:15 pm

    I have seen it used the way you describe. But I have also seen it used, for example, as “Professor Putzi-Hanfstangel is especially interested in the intersection of mechanical engineering and video game design.” She is competent to discuss neither, but by claiming she’s working in the crevices she’s insulated from criticism from both engineers and game designers and gets to say whatever she wants without being held to the standards of either discipline. She can claim to be blazing new trails in research while making things up.

    They way you define it is just another word for the Victim Poker they play, as in “All right, I’ll see your minority transgendered and raise you one physical disability.” You maintain a running tally of victim cards and the biggest victim is the winner, or at least the one claiming the greater shard of moral authority.

    So it could simply be one more word that means whatever the user intends it to mean at any given time. In any event, like all claimed “study” performed by SJWs it is a snow job. They make up their own terms and invent their definitions on the fly, and if anybody does take issue with their fantastic inventions it’s time to bring out the microaggression and oppression cudgels.

  22. Matt_SE
    March 31st, 2016 @ 9:09 pm

    First fantasizing about perversion, then carrying in out by steps.
    Isn’t that also the life path of serial killers?

  23. Matt_SE
    March 31st, 2016 @ 9:10 pm

    So, it’s the Grand Unified Theory of Oppression?
    I’ll bet the search doesn’t end in a Big Bang, though.

  24. Matt_SE
    March 31st, 2016 @ 9:13 pm

    It’s long past time that the academy is destroyed.

  25. Matt_SE
    March 31st, 2016 @ 9:16 pm

    The only reason Alison Rapp makes money is because of rapey patriarchy.

  26. Matt_SE
    March 31st, 2016 @ 9:20 pm

    I’m so glad I’m Catholic.

  27. Yoh Gah
    March 31st, 2016 @ 9:26 pm

    Great article; has a good write-up on this as well.

  28. Steve Skubinna
    March 31st, 2016 @ 10:49 pm

    First, it would be useful if we rendered them irrelevant.

    Oh, wait… actually I think they are assiduously working to destroy themselves. At least they are working to isolate themselves from Greater America. Eventually, as the uselessness of a degree from their precious credentialling facilities becomes more obvious, the rest of America will go about their business, ignoring the unqualified and incapable nincompoops their Special Snowflake Academies churn out. As more and more graduates of Emery and Harvard and Yale and… heck, keep adding to the list as you see fit…

    Anyway, normal people will note the university or major listed on the resume and politely say “Thank you for your time. We will be getting back to you” and consigning these useless drones to part time work as baristas and plenty of time to spend with their cats and Tumblr accounts.

    As for myself, I would consider requesting University of California to purge me from their list of alumni, save that I have already managed to complete a career and retire unburdened by the shame of association with that enclave of mediocraties and buffoons.

  29. Steve Skubinna
    March 31st, 2016 @ 10:53 pm

    As Andrew Dice Clay asked back in the eighties “We dropped two bombs on them back in World War Two… what was in them, fertilizer?”

  30. Steve Skubinna
    March 31st, 2016 @ 10:53 pm

    … walks into a bar and…

  31. Steve Skubinna
    March 31st, 2016 @ 10:55 pm

    Besides, it’s busy spying on Iran and North Korea and Cuba.

    It’s the IRS surveillance ferret you have to worry about.

  32. Matt_SE
    March 31st, 2016 @ 10:56 pm

    Education is still worth saving. If we’re going to just wait for the current system to collapse, we may be waiting a long time. In the meantime, all those generations of students will be lost.

  33. Steve Skubinna
    March 31st, 2016 @ 10:56 pm

    Just tell your computer to remember the password for this account.

    No, wait a minute… I have a better idea. E-mail me all your passwords and account info, and I’ll keep them safe for you. You can trust me!

  34. Steve Skubinna
    March 31st, 2016 @ 10:59 pm

    I suspect that what is already happening is that the intelligent people are migrating to other, less traditional venues. For one thing, online degree programs, for another, vocational programs that cost much less and render greater value, and finally the actual quality of a degree from a decent state school is just as good as one from an Ivy. And one in STEM is even better, and much less expensive.

  35. DeadMessenger
    March 31st, 2016 @ 11:17 pm

    Especially in her second job.

  36. DeadMessenger
    March 31st, 2016 @ 11:19 pm

    Need to know basis only…

  37. DeadMessenger
    March 31st, 2016 @ 11:20 pm

    “But here and now, if they are too young to consent to a contract they are too young for sex.”

    Excellent argument.

  38. Daniel Freeman
    April 1st, 2016 @ 12:08 am

    Women are sex objects, men are success objects.

  39. Fail Burton
    April 1st, 2016 @ 4:47 am

    You are wrong. The first definition has nothing to do with the feminist concept of intersectionalism. Kimberle Crenshaw is usually given credit for coining the term in 1989 and that year is generally considered the beginning of the Third Wave because of it. Feminists use it with a very specific meaning. The New Republic listed Crenshaw and Simone de Beauvoir as the 2 most influential feminists of the 20th century. The concept is actually embedded in lesbian feminism almost from the beginning, especially by way of the black Audre Lorde, but there was no specific term for it until Crenshaw. It is the opposite side of the coin from the “multiplicatively privileged” such as the white, male, thin, Christian, financially secure, Western, etc.

  40. Fail Burton
    April 1st, 2016 @ 4:52 am

    There’s a reason the joke about the fat, black, lesbian, Mexican has been around for decades now. Even when the mainstream had little idea of where that came from it was being mainstreamed. Back then it was just called “political correctness.”

  41. NeoWayland
    April 1st, 2016 @ 8:21 am

    Thank you.

    Lately I have found it to be extremely effective.

  42. @ImaCarNow
    April 1st, 2016 @ 8:36 am

    Intersectionalism is a way to facilitate marginalized transmogrification along medial distortion resonance fractions and merge hypothetically disenfranchised zones of accretion that otherwise have no voice in the static “archic” view of domination. Pretending that you don’t appreciate the interface of bilateral dominance in the suppression of multilateral thought is the toxic explanatorial notion that “white” means anything other than fraudulent autocrat. Che is the ideal intersectionalized male figtotem in that xe embodies the true intersectional female desire to smash patriarchy by ending the fabric of territorially exclusionary biological manifestations. Everyone instinctively knows this, but millennia of white thought have repressed it into the zone of multiconscious dream projections…and kitteh videos. Admit it Daniel, you knew that all along, didn’t you?

  43. The Radical Theology of Feminism : The Other McCain
    April 1st, 2016 @ 9:45 am

    […] the institution has become in the 21st century. The fate of Augsburg alumna Alison Rapp — the defender of child pornography who was fired from her public relations job at Nintendo Wednesday — makes this a “teachable moment,” we might say, for anyone concerned […]

  44. Daniel Freeman
    April 1st, 2016 @ 11:24 am

    CHS answers your question:

  45. The Radical Theology of Feminism | Living in Anglo-America
    April 1st, 2016 @ 11:35 am

    […] the institution has become in the 21st century. The fate of Augsburg alumna Alison Rapp — the defender of child pornography who was fired from her public relations job at Nintendo Wednesday — makes this a “teachable moment,” we might say, for anyone concerned by […]

  46. DeadMessenger
    April 1st, 2016 @ 3:19 pm

    Honestly, I couldn’t stand to listen to the whole thing, but she does seem to explain it well.

    I personally don’t think that intersectionalism is s thing…I think “get over yourself” is s thing.

  47. Steve Skubinna
    April 1st, 2016 @ 5:31 pm

    I have only one question:

    Did you actually write all of that yourself, or use a buzzword generator?

  48. The Osprey
    April 1st, 2016 @ 5:43 pm

    If she thinks Heinlein was bad, I wonder what she thinks of H. Beam Piper. Who by the way, bears a passing resemblance to our host.

  49. The Osprey
    April 1st, 2016 @ 5:50 pm

    Anime? Must be a Trump supporter!
    /Rick Wilson

  50. News of the Week (April 3rd, 2016) | The Political Hat
    April 3rd, 2016 @ 4:38 pm

    […] Nintendo Fires @AlisonRapp, Who Hates #GamerGate and Supports Pedophiles Alison Rapp was employed in public relations for videogame maker Nintendo. This became controversial when it was discovered that in 2012, Rapp wrote a thesis entitled “Speech We Hate: An Argument for the Cessation of International Pressure on Japan to Strengthen Its Anti-Child Pornography Laws.” […]