The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Police Took Professor @KevinAllred to Psychiatric Ward After Twitter Rant

Posted on | November 17, 2016 | 1 Comment

Police took Kevin Allred to Bellevue Hospital for a psychiatric evaluation Tuesday night after the Rutgers University instructor ranted on Twitter about shooting “random white people.” Allred, who teaches Women’s and Gender Studies at Rutgers, was released after his evaluation, which was prompted when a student expressed concern to university officials, a Rutgers spokesman told the Newark Star-Ledger:

Kevin Allred, an adjunct professor on the New Brunswick campus, said on Twitter that New York police came to his Brooklyn home Tuesday night and told him Rutgers called them because they were concerned about statements he made on campus and on Twitter. . . .
NYPD officials confirmed Rutgers police asked them for help with Allred, the [New York] Daily News reported.
“We were informed by Rutgers PD that he made threats to kill white people and he was subsequently taken to Bellevue Hospital for evaluation,” the NYPD statement said.
Rutgers officials said a student filed a complaint about Allred, but gave no further details.
“The Rutgers University Police Department responded to a complaint from a student and took all appropriate action. We have no further comment,” Rutgers spokesman E.J. Miranda said.

Incited to hatred by their mentally disturbed professors, college students all across the country are erupting in anti-Trump tantrums:

On the UW–Madison campus last night, student activists obstructed the speech — by conservative political commentator Ben Shapiro — “Dismantling Safe Spaces: Facts Don’t Care About Your Feelings.”
Plus, local talk host Vicki McKenna was mobbed and the University of Wisconsin police did nothing. I hope the Trump Department of Education will work to ensure that people are safe and able to speak freely on college campuses regardless of their race, gender, or political views.

Our nation’s universities are controlled by Marxist radicals who are committed to destroying Christianity, capitalism and the Constitution.


Kevin Allred is part of a taxpayer-funded program at Rutgers whose leaders include notorious lesbian feminist Professor Charlotte Bunch.


In 1971, after divorcing her husband, Bunch formed a lesbian collective that became known as The Furies, and issued a manifesto denouncing “male sexual/political domination,” advocating lesbianism as “central to destroying our sexist, racist, capitalist, imperialist system.”

This anti-heterosexual feminist agenda was further described in a 1975 book, Lesbianism and the Women’s Movement, which compiled writings by Bunch and her comrades from The Furies collective.


Among the contributors to Lesbianism and the Women’s Movement was Margaret Small, whose essay “Lesbians and the Class Position of Women” declared: “In terms of the oppression of women, heterosexuality is the ideology of male supremacy.” Professor Bunch’s employment at Rutgers has helped to “mainstream” this radical anti-male/anti-heterosexual ideology in the feminist movement. In 2013, at a sold-out New York gala for the Global Women’s Fund, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton introduced Professor Bunch, who was the guest of honor at the event.


In her introductory speech, Secretary Clinton praised Professor Bunch as an “activist and organizer” and an “extraordinary leader” whose “tireless work and her brilliant vision” placed this radical lesbian on “the front lines of the struggle” to promote feminism internationally.


Professor Bunch “was one of a small group of women” chosen by Secretary Clinton to direct the State Department’s feminist agenda, she told the audience at the April 2013 gala. While Secretary Clinton did not mention Professor Bunch’s decades-long commitment “to destroying our sexist, racist, capitalist, imperialist system,” certainly her praise for the world-famous lesbian feminist leader could be considered an endorsement of Professor Bunch’s anti-male/anti-heterosexual ideology.


The Women’s and Gender Studies Department at Rutgers, of which Professor Bunch is such an eminent leader, is staffed entirely by Democrats who supported the Clinton presidential campaign. After the election, Kevin Allred began sending out an increasingly bizarre series of messages on his Twitter account:


Publicly proclaiming his “queer” opposition to “Trump’s amerika,” and calling all 60 million Trump voters “racist,” Allred alternated angry expressions of anti-white rage with comments that indicated he was suffering from severe depression. After he sent a message about murdering “random white people,” and concerns for his mental health led to police intervention, Allred’s anger and despair swiftly changed to paranoia about “Trump’s crackdown on free speech.”


The Daily Mail reports:

Kevin Allred — best known for his women and gender’s study class ‘Politicizing Beyonce’ — was at his Brooklyn home when police arrived on Tuesday night.
Police had responded to his home after Rutgers police told NYPD that had Allred made ‘threats to kill white people,’ according to the New York Daily News.
Officers said they were there after several failed attempts to get in touch with him by Rutgers officials, but Allred told the Daily News he has no record of school officials trying to reach him.
Cops then loaded the adjunct professor into an ambulance and took him to Bellevue Hospital where he spent two hours and underwent an evaluation.
When he was released, he tweeted, calling the ordeal a ‘s*** show’ and said it was part of a crackdown on free speech amid Trump’s election. . . .
Allred recounted the whole incident on Twitter and said police told him he was ‘a threat based on political statements’ he made on ‘campus and on Twitter.’ . . .
Allred told the Daily News that during class on Tuesday he had asked students about the presidential election and flag burning as a form of protest.
‘In class, we talked about flag burning generally as a form of protest, and what does the flag mean to different people,’ Allred told the Daily News.
‘Then I made a comment, essentially saying, “Would people feel the same way about being so lenient with the Second Amendment if people went out and got guns to shoot random white people?”‘ . . .
He also tweeted that students should participate in a walk-out to protest Trump’s election that was set to place on the university’s New Brunswick campus.
‘Now more than ever it’s important to fight back, make your voices heard, push for change in WHATEVER way you can. cuz Trump wants us silent,’ he tweeted.
‘And the new regime will go to even greater lengths to silence us. Trump has already proved it true before taking office. let’s not let him.’ . . .
Walkouts were planned at at dozens of schools, including Yale in Connecticut and Rutgers in New Jersey.

Universities employ deranged “queer” Democrat activists like Kevin Allred to indoctrinate students with radical beliefs and expect parents and taxpayers to spent money for this kind of partisan brainwashing.

Who’s crazier: Radical professors, or parents who pay thousands of dollars in tuition so their children can attend universities like Rutgers?




One Response to “Police Took Professor @KevinAllred to Psychiatric Ward After Twitter Rant”

  1. FMJRA 2.0: The Stars And Stripes Forever : The Other McCain
    November 19th, 2016 @ 8:52 pm

    […] Police Took Professor @KevinAllred to Psychiatric Ward After Twitter Rant BattleSwarm Blog EBL@RedState […]
