The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

DNA Tests Identify 817 Serial Rapists in One County: Can You Guess Which One?

Posted on | December 20, 2017 | 2 Comments

Wayne County, Michigan — that’s metro Detroit:

Ten thousand rape kits tested. One hundred twenty-seven convictions won, 1,947 cases investigated, 817 serial rapists identified.
It’s been a long eight years for Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy.
In 2009, 11,341 untested sexual assault kits — the results of an hours-long process that collects evidence from the body of a rape victim — were found during a routine tour of a Detroit police storage warehouse, some dating back to 1984. . . .
A rapist rapes on average seven to 11 times before they’re caught. … Of our set of 817 … over 50 of them have 10 to 15 hits apiece.

That’s more than 500 rapes committed by a few dozen men — in one county — and if you read the whole thing, you’ll find that these Detroit criminals identified by DNA tests have been connected to crime scenes in 39 other states. Something tells me — call it a hunch, if you will — that the predators getting locked up as a result of these investigations probably aren’t the kind of “privileged” Trump-voting Republicans that feminists have in mind when they talk about “rape culture.”

UPDATE: One of Detroit’s serial rapists:


A man who faced nearly three dozen rape and home invasion charges across metro Detroit was sentenced [May 25] to 55-80 years.
Ikeie Smith, 33, was charged for crimes dating back to 2011 in at least five metro Detroit cities, including Allen Park, Dearborn, Garden City and Redford Township.
His trial ended early on May 1 when Smith decided to plead guilty to all the charges, leading to his sentencing Thursday. The prosecution and defense both had opportunities to suggest sentences to Judge Dalton Roberson, then the judge spent a lengthy amount of time reading through his sentences for each of the nearly three dozen charges.
After Roberson was finished and the sentences issued, Smith was taken away — but not before looking at the judge and saying, “f— you.”

Stay classy, serial rapist!

UPDATE II: Another recent Detroit-area case:


Floyd Galloway Jr. told a judge last month he attacked and tried to have sex with a woman in September 2016 while she was jogging at Hines Park in Livonia.
Galloway, 30, was sentenced Friday to 16 to 35 years for the attack and attempted rape. . . .
Galloway is considered a person of interest in the case of Danielle Stislicki, who has been missing for more than a year. He was a security guard at a Southfield building where Stislicki and her mother, Ann Stislicki, worked. That’s the last place the 28-year-old Farmington Hills woman was seen in December.

So, he attacked a woman in a park, and is suspected in the disappearance of a woman from a building where he worked as a security guard. Police believe Stislicki is dead, but her body has not been found.






2 Responses to “DNA Tests Identify 817 Serial Rapists in One County: Can You Guess Which One?”

  1. Violence Against Women Update: Houston Mother Killed, Baby Kidnapped : The Other McCain
    December 24th, 2017 @ 9:24 am

    […] Dec. 20: DNA Tests Identify 817 Serial Rapists in One County: Can You Guess Which One? […]

  2. News of the Week (December 24th, 2017) | The Political Hat
    December 24th, 2017 @ 6:23 pm

    […] DNA Tests Identify 817 Serial Rapists in One County: Can You Guess Which One? Wayne County, Michigan – that’s metro Detroit […]

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