The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘The Best Week Since Spring Break’

Yeah, it was pretty good (h/t: Jim Rose):

Youth Movement

You know who loves babies? Kids love babies. From St. Blogustine at Friday’s March for Life.

Allahpundit Demands a Recount!
2009 ‘Beta Male of the Year’ Award

I’m sure the name of the winner at Roissy in DC is merely a coincidence: Conor, the facsimile of a man who allowed a woman to walk all over him, bought a place for her and him, paid all her bills, and upon discovering her cheating responded in the only way an unrepentant beta could: […]

Self-Righteousness, Guilt and Liberalism

One of the books I most often recommend is Thomas Sowell’s The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy, which I consider the best analysis of the psychology of liberalism. What Sowell explains is that liberals make policy on the basis of how it makes them feel, regardless of whether the […]

Ellie Light Is a Nasty Slut

Ellie Light has never hit my tip jar and doesn’t have a blog. Nor does she have a cute butt. She isn’t divorcing Brad Pitt and she’s not one of Tiger Woods‘ mistresses. She is therefore not the sort of woman who would normally be featured on this blog. However, she’s been making lots of news […]

Video of the day: No Rules For Radicals

by Smitty (h/t Bluegrass Pundit) This is just an excellent production from beginning to end, and promises to go

A Word About the Blog-O-Bucks

Patrick at Political Byline points out that the blogging life isn’t exactly the fast way to wealth for 99% of the people who do it. Back when I worked for The Washington Times, I was somewhat naive about the online revenue model. In 2007, I got together in California with several bloggers — including Ace of Spades, […]

Stop Guitar Steroid Abuse!

by Smitty (h/t Proof Positive) Nothing like coming across a fresh genius

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