The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Philip Klein: An Elitist RINO Who
Doesn’t Understand Sarah Palin’s
Appeal to Real Americans

Just thought I’d be first in line to make that accusation against my American Spectator colleague, who reacts to news of Palin’s Fox News deal with several predictions including: Any conservative commentators who disagree with anything Palin says on Fox will be branded elitist RINOs who don’t understand her appeal to real Americans. Hot Air’s […]

I Wonder If Gergen Realizes That Was The Election

by Smitty (h/t American Glob) Brown was obviously laying in wait for Gergen to serve that up so he could crush it like so many dynastic dreams: Of course, we’re talking about Massachusetts, so they could still vote Democrat. Vote Brown, you chowderheads. For Sam Adams, and the thought of why this country was founded. […]

Bloggers Boldly Blazing
Beyond Benighted Browsers!

Baldilocks is a recent addition to the hardcopy club. She told me on the phone that she’d be a CPAC, which is where one goes to score ink from those favorite authors. Dan Collins missed being a stocking stuffer, but it’s not likely that you’re sufficiently into stocking abuse. Support your local blogger and buy the

Good News, Bad News

Guy goes to see a psychiatrist and says, “Doctor, you’ve got to help me. I think I’m losing my mind. I’m consumed with jealous rage. I’ve got this insane paranoid fear that my wife is cheating on me.” Doctor says, “Well, the good news is, you’re not crazy . . .” Which is to say, […]

Allen West on Harry Reid: A Black Republican on ‘Negro Talk’

The war-hero Florida congressional candidate speaks out: The revelation of Senator Harry Reid’s comments referencing “negro talk” is just indicative of the true sentiment elitist liberals, and indeed the Democratic party, have toward black Americans. . . . One can only imagine the insanity and media outrage if Reid’s quote had come from a member […]

Republican John Colbert on ‘Congressional Terrorism’ in California

The GOP candidate challenging Rep. Adam Schiff in CA29 is profiled in my latest article for The American Spectator: “If it was politics as usual right now, Adam Schiff would be untouchable,” Colbert said in a brief interview after Saturday’s event. Schiff is vulnerable because of his unstinting support of the Democratic leadership’s policy agenda. […]

Some Stranger in San Francisco Now Has Tucker Carlson’s Cell-Phone Number

Also, the personal numbers of Tom Wolfe, Bob Barr and Hunter S. Thompson’s widow, Anita, which were in the phone I accidentally left in the SF international airport Saturday during a long layover en route home from California. So if any of my good friends receive harassing phone calls in the next few days, please […]

We Were Nearly Tied For Top Spot!

by Smitty Around these parts, when we talk about “the VP,” we don’t mean Joe Biden. We mean the Vodka Pundit. At his The Week in Blogs show on PJTV (which see, subscribe, enjoy) Stacy was featured in the number two slot. Green, wisely, kept my face out of the clip. Looking forward to seeing […]

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