VIDEO: Yet More Evidence That Frank Schaeffer Is Off His Meds Again
Posted on | February 28, 2010 | 39 Comments
Since being whacked upside the head with the Crazy Stick, Frank Schaeffer has descended into a cartoonish stereotype of prissy self-righteous liberalism.
One symptom of being whacked upside the head with the Crazy Stick is that victims talk in deranged run-on sentences:
“I’ve been looking at this phenomenon of the so-called ‘stalled’ Barack Obama presidency and, of course, we all have our own different views about it, but one thing I’m not hearing enough about, especially from white people — uh, people like me, 57-year-old white guy who used to be a Republican — is to admit and honestly address the fact that racism is a huge factor.”
Got that? Now, in order to save you the trouble of decoding this Crazy Stick gibberish, I’ll slightly edit the following excerpt of Schaeffer’s rant:
“The people running around saying [Obama is] not even American, that he’s the anti-Christ . . . some of them are not stupid, they don’t believe this stuff. . . . [W]hat they really want to be saying is, ‘We don’t want a black guy in the White House . . . We’d rather see the economy go down in flames than work with a black man.’ And since they can’t say that, they spout all this other B.S. But their own audience knows perfectly well what they’re saying, which is what Dick Cheney said at CPAC: ‘We want to make this guy a one-term president.’ He didn’t actually use the N-word, but you look between the lines and it’s there: ‘We don’t want this N in the White House’ . . .”
Dick Cheney is a Republican. Barack Obama is a Democrat. Maybe you don’t understand the nuanced complexities of politics, Frank, but as a general rule, Republicans want to defeat Democrats and vice-versa, without regard to the ethnicity of the partisan contestants.
It’s really that simple, Frank. The novelty of this particular Democratic president’s race may excite the delusions of Crazy Stick victims like yourself, but your paranoid telepathic “between the lines” psychobabble is unnecessary and harmful.
Don’t forget to take your meds, Frank. People are worried about you.
(Cross-posted at Hot Air Green Room.)
UPDATE: CPAC Director Lisa De Pasquale on Twitter:
I can’t believe I’m not in any of @rsmccain‘s photos
To which I replied:
@CPACnews I can’t believe I’m not in any of @rsmccain‘s photos [] You’re not racist enough!
At some point, these jokes start writing themselves.
UPDATE II: Speaking of guys named Frank who’ve been whacked with the Crazy Stick, a certain theater critic persists in the delusion that he’s a political commentator.
39 Responses to “VIDEO: Yet More Evidence That Frank Schaeffer Is Off His Meds Again”
February 28th, 2010 @ 10:07 am
[…] (Cross-posted at The Other McCain.) […]
February 28th, 2010 @ 3:14 pm
I resent being implied or called a racist for opposing the President.
I know this is hard for some to believe, but some of us are really just opposed to the policies he promotes. We would dislike those policies just the same regardless of his race. When John McCain adopts some of them, people don’t like them either. Is the Hayworth campaign driven by race or because conservatives disagree with John McCain?
It is not personnal…its politics.
February 28th, 2010 @ 10:14 am
I resent being implied or called a racist for opposing the President.
I know this is hard for some to believe, but some of us are really just opposed to the policies he promotes. We would dislike those policies just the same regardless of his race. When John McCain adopts some of them, people don’t like them either. Is the Hayworth campaign driven by race or because conservatives disagree with John McCain?
It is not personnal…its politics.
February 28th, 2010 @ 3:31 pm
Playing the racism card again, eh? Lefties ought to know better by now. But they do tend to be very slow learners.
…people like me, 57-year-old white guy who used to be a Republican…
At best, he was a RINO. At worst, a blatant liar.
February 28th, 2010 @ 10:31 am
Playing the racism card again, eh? Lefties ought to know better by now. But they do tend to be very slow learners.
…people like me, 57-year-old white guy who used to be a Republican…
At best, he was a RINO. At worst, a blatant liar.
February 28th, 2010 @ 4:24 pm
What a freakin’ fruitloop.
February 28th, 2010 @ 11:24 am
What a freakin’ fruitloop.
February 28th, 2010 @ 11:51 am
[…] as Stacy McCain reports, the man I tried to help,Frank Schaeffer, has apparently gone off his meds, BIG TIME! Since being whacked upside the head with the Crazy Stick, Frank Schaeffer has descended into a […]
February 28th, 2010 @ 4:55 pm
Racial Obsession Syndrome has taken it’s toll on Franky there it seems. But, Liberals do tend to be far, far more obsessed with skin color. Very sad.
February 28th, 2010 @ 11:55 am
Racial Obsession Syndrome has taken it’s toll on Franky there it seems. But, Liberals do tend to be far, far more obsessed with skin color. Very sad.
February 28th, 2010 @ 12:36 pm
[…] KingShamus on February 28, 2010 Whoever the hell this guy was at one point or has become nowadays, I don’t want to be on his side. […]
February 28th, 2010 @ 6:30 pm
“as a general rule, Republicans want to defeat Democrats and vice-versa, without regard to the ethnicity of the partisan contestants.”
Well, that’s what YOU would want us to believe. But take into consideration the unprecedented use of the filibuster as well as a recent poll showed that Republicans in office think that Bill Clinton was a better President( you know, the same Bill Clinton Repugs were harping about years after he was out of office because, you know, he was a swell guy) and Schaeffer’s claims begin to make sense.
Conservative sensitivity to the POTUS’ race issue can be seen as an indicator that there is some truth to the accusation. That you can sit there and deny ANY issues concerning his race is comical. At the end of the day history will show that Republican opposition to this particular POTUS, even when this POTUS has adopted ideas from the previous Republican administration, is not based in policy disagreements but in something more personal.
Nice try though. Conservatism is unhinged in its unabashed hatred for this President because many cannot handle the shift in what they perceive as the proper order of societal standards. Obama is the Jackie Robinson of Presidential history. Anyone around here remember what he had to go through? Yeah, the guys who spit at him didn’t think it was racism either….
February 28th, 2010 @ 1:30 pm
“as a general rule, Republicans want to defeat Democrats and vice-versa, without regard to the ethnicity of the partisan contestants.”
Well, that’s what YOU would want us to believe. But take into consideration the unprecedented use of the filibuster as well as a recent poll showed that Republicans in office think that Bill Clinton was a better President( you know, the same Bill Clinton Repugs were harping about years after he was out of office because, you know, he was a swell guy) and Schaeffer’s claims begin to make sense.
Conservative sensitivity to the POTUS’ race issue can be seen as an indicator that there is some truth to the accusation. That you can sit there and deny ANY issues concerning his race is comical. At the end of the day history will show that Republican opposition to this particular POTUS, even when this POTUS has adopted ideas from the previous Republican administration, is not based in policy disagreements but in something more personal.
Nice try though. Conservatism is unhinged in its unabashed hatred for this President because many cannot handle the shift in what they perceive as the proper order of societal standards. Obama is the Jackie Robinson of Presidential history. Anyone around here remember what he had to go through? Yeah, the guys who spit at him didn’t think it was racism either….
February 28th, 2010 @ 6:42 pm
It’s an awkward position to have, because it really just shows how much of a thick-headed moron you are for not realizing that the most radical presidential agenda ever would be fought harder than ever before.
I, for one, am curious what an actually racist Republican agenda would look like. A House Bill declaring that no one will be forced to eat Fried Chicken and Collared greens if they don’t want to? The Republicans submitting a Progressive bill because they don’t like the one the “colored” came up with? The Republican counterpoint to the SOTU done in blackface?
But, really, I’m still mad at the Republicans over this lunacy more than the hard-to-think idiots. If they hadn’t been so “We get a turn, you get a turn” when they were in office, then maybe there’d be less morons that honestly think Racism has anything to do with rejecting Statist policy.
February 28th, 2010 @ 1:42 pm
It’s an awkward position to have, because it really just shows how much of a thick-headed moron you are for not realizing that the most radical presidential agenda ever would be fought harder than ever before.
I, for one, am curious what an actually racist Republican agenda would look like. A House Bill declaring that no one will be forced to eat Fried Chicken and Collared greens if they don’t want to? The Republicans submitting a Progressive bill because they don’t like the one the “colored” came up with? The Republican counterpoint to the SOTU done in blackface?
But, really, I’m still mad at the Republicans over this lunacy more than the hard-to-think idiots. If they hadn’t been so “We get a turn, you get a turn” when they were in office, then maybe there’d be less morons that honestly think Racism has anything to do with rejecting Statist policy.
February 28th, 2010 @ 6:53 pm
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times: If Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas or Janice Rogers Brown were POTUS, conservatives would drop to their knees and thank God every day.
False accusations of racism (which does a disservice to actual instances of racism) is all they have left, since everything they do fails so spectacularly.
young4eyes, it’s your filthy collectivist ideology, stupid!
February 28th, 2010 @ 1:53 pm
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times: If Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas or Janice Rogers Brown were POTUS, conservatives would drop to their knees and thank God every day.
False accusations of racism (which does a disservice to actual instances of racism) is all they have left, since everything they do fails so spectacularly.
young4eyes, it’s your filthy collectivist ideology, stupid!
February 28th, 2010 @ 7:50 pm
This is the son of Francis Schaeffer? The man who understood and articulated the decline of Western Civilization better than any other scholar I know of? Unreal.
February 28th, 2010 @ 2:50 pm
This is the son of Francis Schaeffer? The man who understood and articulated the decline of Western Civilization better than any other scholar I know of? Unreal.
February 28th, 2010 @ 7:59 pm
Frank Schaeffer is a blot on the memory of his father. He manipulated his father into political activism because of Roe v Wade. Then he became a Republican only because there was no way the Democrats would carry his anti-abortion torch.
February 28th, 2010 @ 2:59 pm
Frank Schaeffer is a blot on the memory of his father. He manipulated his father into political activism because of Roe v Wade. Then he became a Republican only because there was no way the Democrats would carry his anti-abortion torch.
February 28th, 2010 @ 3:00 pm
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February 28th, 2010 @ 9:06 pm
There’s so much wrong in that video, it’s like, why bother responding.
Somebody paid this moron to write a book?
ATTN: Publishers!
I’m a lot smarter than this Frank chap, and I’m cheap!
February 28th, 2010 @ 4:06 pm
There’s so much wrong in that video, it’s like, why bother responding.
Somebody paid this moron to write a book?
ATTN: Publishers!
I’m a lot smarter than this Frank chap, and I’m cheap!
February 28th, 2010 @ 9:56 pm
Well, that’s what YOU would want us to believe. But take into consideration the unprecedented use of the filibuster as well as a recent poll showed that Republicans in office think that Bill Clinton was a better President( you know, the same Bill Clinton Repugs were harping about years after he was out of office because, you know, he was a swell guy) and Schaeffer’s claims begin to make sense.
Clearly, young4eyes, you know not of why there is a filibuster……and how the supermajority works to override it (i.e., cloture). Hint: read up on “the history of the filibuster“, and ponder this: the Dhimmicrats effectively had a supermajority in BOTH houses for nearly a year, and they STILL couldn’t ram this crap sandwich through.
As other pundits have noted, that’s not “obstructionism”, that’s a lack of unity and incompetence. On the part of the majority party in Congress, not the Republicans.
But, hey, feel free to ignore the screw ups of your party leaders. It makes our job of stopping the socialists a whole lot easier.
And, yes, Bill “I loves me a good cigar holder” Clinton WAS a better president than Obama. But Clinton was still a crappy president, in large part because many of his priorities were his personal priorities, not what the country needed (e.g., shooting camels in the butt with cruise missiles in a lame attempt to pander to everyone at once). Not to mention his personal life tended to intrude on his duties. In a public fashion.
All of which just means that Obama is not as good as Clinton was. And nothing more.
But, hey, feel free to whack yourself with the Crazy Stick as much you like. It’s your head, after all.
February 28th, 2010 @ 4:56 pm
Well, that’s what YOU would want us to believe. But take into consideration the unprecedented use of the filibuster as well as a recent poll showed that Republicans in office think that Bill Clinton was a better President( you know, the same Bill Clinton Repugs were harping about years after he was out of office because, you know, he was a swell guy) and Schaeffer’s claims begin to make sense.
Clearly, young4eyes, you know not of why there is a filibuster……and how the supermajority works to override it (i.e., cloture). Hint: read up on “the history of the filibuster“, and ponder this: the Dhimmicrats effectively had a supermajority in BOTH houses for nearly a year, and they STILL couldn’t ram this crap sandwich through.
As other pundits have noted, that’s not “obstructionism”, that’s a lack of unity and incompetence. On the part of the majority party in Congress, not the Republicans.
But, hey, feel free to ignore the screw ups of your party leaders. It makes our job of stopping the socialists a whole lot easier.
And, yes, Bill “I loves me a good cigar holder” Clinton WAS a better president than Obama. But Clinton was still a crappy president, in large part because many of his priorities were his personal priorities, not what the country needed (e.g., shooting camels in the butt with cruise missiles in a lame attempt to pander to everyone at once). Not to mention his personal life tended to intrude on his duties. In a public fashion.
All of which just means that Obama is not as good as Clinton was. And nothing more.
But, hey, feel free to whack yourself with the Crazy Stick as much you like. It’s your head, after all.
February 28th, 2010 @ 11:01 pm
Frank Schaeffer went from being a hate-filled right-winger to being a hate-filled left-winger. He went from being a fundamentalist on the right, damning the unbelievers, to being a fundamentalist on the left, still damning the unbelievers. All of it in the name of Jesus.
He may, in some marginal fashion, be a Christian. However, Jesus told us to love our enemies, our friends, our brothers, our neighbors. Everyone falls into one of those categories. Biblically, I do not see how anyone can intimately know Jesus, as Savior and God, and still operate in such hate and condemnation.
February 28th, 2010 @ 6:01 pm
Frank Schaeffer went from being a hate-filled right-winger to being a hate-filled left-winger. He went from being a fundamentalist on the right, damning the unbelievers, to being a fundamentalist on the left, still damning the unbelievers. All of it in the name of Jesus.
He may, in some marginal fashion, be a Christian. However, Jesus told us to love our enemies, our friends, our brothers, our neighbors. Everyone falls into one of those categories. Biblically, I do not see how anyone can intimately know Jesus, as Savior and God, and still operate in such hate and condemnation.
March 1st, 2010 @ 12:55 am
Who knew the word “nigger” had so many synonyms? Professor, One Term President, Arrogant, Socialist, etc..
Hell, do the Thesaurus people know about this change in the lexicon? My copy is apparently useless now.
Racist Americans are so damn dumb they voted for a darkie even though they hate “those people”. What a bunch of dumbasses. I hate us so much.
February 28th, 2010 @ 7:55 pm
Who knew the word “nigger” had so many synonyms? Professor, One Term President, Arrogant, Socialist, etc..
Hell, do the Thesaurus people know about this change in the lexicon? My copy is apparently useless now.
Racist Americans are so damn dumb they voted for a darkie even though they hate “those people”. What a bunch of dumbasses. I hate us so much.
March 1st, 2010 @ 1:22 am
I hate us so much.
That’s the one true statement you made in your entire, spittle filled post, ccoffer.
February 28th, 2010 @ 8:22 pm
I hate us so much.
That’s the one true statement you made in your entire, spittle filled post, ccoffer.
March 1st, 2010 @ 6:57 am
I think he’s having a mid-life crisis. I knew Frank a little ‘back in the day’ and previously he didn’t speak like this at all.
And I agree with Steve above (#12): Frank is increasingly a blot on the memory of his father.
Racial Obsession Syndrome is perfectly descriptive in this case, sadly.
March 1st, 2010 @ 1:57 am
I think he’s having a mid-life crisis. I knew Frank a little ‘back in the day’ and previously he didn’t speak like this at all.
And I agree with Steve above (#12): Frank is increasingly a blot on the memory of his father.
Racial Obsession Syndrome is perfectly descriptive in this case, sadly.
March 1st, 2010 @ 1:42 pm
Analogy Time-
Francis Schaeffer:Frank Schaeffer
Ronald Reagan:Ronny Reagan
March 1st, 2010 @ 8:42 am
Analogy Time-
Francis Schaeffer:Frank Schaeffer
Ronald Reagan:Ronny Reagan
March 1st, 2010 @ 10:06 am
[…] VIDEO: Yet More Evidence That Frank Schaeffer Is Off His Meds Again! […]
March 2nd, 2010 @ 2:24 am
Never heard of the cocksucker until he became an “ex-conservative.” Hmmm, I think there may be a reason for that . . .
March 1st, 2010 @ 9:24 pm
Never heard of the cocksucker until he became an “ex-conservative.” Hmmm, I think there may be a reason for that . . .