The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

From the Lone Star to Wasilla, With Love: The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You!

Posted on | May 11, 2010 | 4 Comments

Sarah Palin was featured in the Mother’s Day edition of USA Weekend, which included this photo of Piper Palin on a rocking horse:

This morning, I received an e-mail from Allen Nieschwietz of the Brenham (Texas) Banner-Press, who asked if I could help him verify a bit of local news. Mr. Nieschwietz said that a Brenham resident had seen the photo and come into the Banner-Press office to report that he had built that rocking horse and sent it to the Palin family as a gift.

Nieschwietz wanted to verify this fact and solicited my assistance. Always eager to help a small-town reporter, I forwarded his e-mail to a couple of my sources and one of them quickly replied:

Thanks, Stacy. We got in touch with him to confirm that it’s the same rocking horse.

So residents of Brenham, Texas, will soon be reading about this remarkable local story in the Banner-Press, but I hope Mr. Nieschwietz won’t mind my scoring an online exclusive here first. (Hey, I started at a 6,000-circulation weekly in 1986 and didn’t make it this far by missing out on scoops.)

As for Piper Palin’s rocking horse, let us hope she absorbs some of that courageous Lone Star spirit that earned Texans their famous praise:

“They have fought grandly, nobly,
and we must have more of them.”

(Cross-posted at the Hot Air Green Room.)

UPDATE: Josh Painter at Texas for Palin takes the genetic-determinist view of courage, and I try to avoid arguing with Texans, when possible.


4 Responses to “From the Lone Star to Wasilla, With Love: The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You!”

  1. Mike LaRoche
    May 11th, 2010 @ 9:19 pm

    “They have fought grandly, nobly,
    and we must have more of them.”

    I trust such sentiment will prevail in the Piper Palin administration of the 2050s. 🙂

  2. Mike LaRoche
    May 11th, 2010 @ 4:19 pm

    “They have fought grandly, nobly,
    and we must have more of them.”

    I trust such sentiment will prevail in the Piper Palin administration of the 2050s. 🙂

  3. keyboard jockey
    May 12th, 2010 @ 2:58 pm

    UPDATE: Josh Painter at Texas for Palin takes the genetic-determinist view of courage, and I try to avoid arguing with Texans, when possible.

    Always good advice. I am a Montanan, living in Texas…there is nothing not to like about Texans.

  4. keyboard jockey
    May 12th, 2010 @ 9:58 am

    UPDATE: Josh Painter at Texas for Palin takes the genetic-determinist view of courage, and I try to avoid arguing with Texans, when possible.

    Always good advice. I am a Montanan, living in Texas…there is nothing not to like about Texans.

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