The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Kristol vs. Krauthammer?

Let’s you and him fight! Our friend Charles Krauthammer began his column last week by asking, “Who doesn’t love a democratic revolution? Who is not moved by the renunciation of fear and the reclamation of dignity in the streets of Cairo and Alexandria?” Some on the right, that’s who. . . . As Krauthammer puts […]

Sarah Palin Quotes Instapundit

First, it was “blood libel,” now she’s using “Army of Davids.” Next thing you know, she’ll borrow his “Heh.” Or maybe, “They told me if I voted for John McCain . . .”

From the Department of Not Exactly News: Chris Matthews Is Very Confused

You can’t make up stuff as funny as this: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy “I feel ashamed about this. I feel ashamed as an American, the way we’re doing this. . . . We’re not handling it as Americans should handle a matter like this. And I don’t […]

Virginia Muslim Institute?

Somebody mentioned this in the comments the other day when I was up to my neck in Egypt blogging, but I just saw it again at 1389 Blog: VMI is celebrating the Muslim invasion and occupation of Spain in 711 AD. And then I read this: The March 23-25 celebration entitled “711-2011: East Meets West” […]

‘The End of Blogging’? No, It Just Proves That Nothing Succeeds Like Success

Elizabeth Spiers is taking over as editor-in-chief of the New York Observer — a minor blip of media news that is rather more significant than it would appear at first glance. Earlier this week, the Observer ran a long article entitled, “The End of Blogging,” a grabby title that misinterprets the changes that are actually […]

‘How Many Girls Have to Die?’

Liberals obviously want this story to go away, but the abortion industry has got too much innocent blood on their hands, and Americans are tired of being taxed to pay for this shameful criminality. Dr. Charmaine Yoest of Americans United for Life: “It is time to hold Planned Parenthood accountable for their seedy business practices,” said […]

Fun With Lizards

There’s all kinds of news I need to be blogging about today, but offline duties intervened and — as much as I know it bores most of you — I just had to call attention to the latest in Johnsonoid craziness. Charles Johnson went on a rant about “stalkers and dimwitted creeps” — a rant thoroughly […]

Smitty and Tammy, Sittin’ in a Tree . . .

You probably know the rest of that playground poem from memory, but Smitty’s a married man and his wife’s not named Tammy. However, Smitty did get a shout-out from Tammy Bruce when she had as a guest on her radio show our good blog-buddy Big Fur Hat from If you lack the patience to […]

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