The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Define ‘Hate Group’

Posted on | March 16, 2011 | 16 Comments

Also, define “secretly funneled,” because I’m having a little trouble with Josh Dorner’s Think Progress headline:

Newt Gingrich Secretly Funneled $350,000
To Anti-Gay Hate Groups Last Year

Except, of course, that there wasn’t anything “secret” about the “funneling”: It was duly reported as required by law and, as Think Progress itself notes, Gingrich was outspoken in his support of the effort “to oust three of the nine Iowa Supreme Court justices” who had voted to mandate same-sex marriage in that state.

Is it “hate” to oppose same-sex marriage?

Then welcome to the Hater Majority, Newt!


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