The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Which Ignorance Probably Explains Jim Moran’s Reelections

Posted on | July 8, 2011 | 14 Comments

by Smitty (h/t Lucianne)

It’s time for another episode in my serial apology to the rest of the country for my Congresstool, Jim Moran. Fresh, in the manner of something dropped in a field by a bull, from his 10′ Fairy Sculpture triumph, we have a new museum on offer from “Gentleman” Jim (emphasis mine):

“With 160 museums and monuments along the National Mall, there is no one institution telling the complete narrative of the many, vibrant ethnicities that make up the fabric of the American experience,” Moran said in a press release. “There should always be room for museums in our nation’s capital devoted to all manner of art, cultural and scientific accomplishments.”
The release goes on to explain that Moran’s district, which is near Washington, is “something of a melting pot itself.”

According to the language of the resolution, H. Con. Res. 63, the museum is necessary because Americans are not well enough informed about their history.

Well, Mr. Moran, you’re correct. Insofar as as that ignorance has permitted you to stay in office far longer than an informed electorate would tolerate, that is. However, the frequency of emails from a certain retired Colonel Patrick Murray offers, one hopes, better possibilities for next year.


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