The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

On My To-Do List For R&R:
The Undefeated

Posted on | July 13, 2011 | 13 Comments

by Smitty

I’m within about 36 hours of starting the trip home. Travel within Afghanistan is simply not a fun thing for anyone. And there are more important things, like greeting the World’s Youngest Blogger on the plate. Still, there are other things on the to-do list.
Nice Deb posts a review of The Undefeated. Yeah, I’ll be busy massaging my wife’s feet. But you gotta do what you gotta do. Maybe Stacy McCain and I can get together for the show.

The movie is not really about Sarah Palin. The movie is about a distinctly American conservative spirit that will not die.

Oh, bring it. The point of American exceptionalism is that our country is modeled on the individual, not the state. “Progress” has been about destroying the individual, while claiming to save that person. It’s a godfosaken lie, and I hope the attendance recordes on this movie pummel that lie into dust.


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