The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

A. Single Moms

Posted on | July 30, 2011 | 24 Comments

Q. Who could possibly think it’s harmless
to provide pole-dancing classes for 7-year-olds?

In her brilliant book Guilty, Ann Coulter called attention to how single mothers are celebrated by liberals as emblems of a form of saintly victimhood. (Somehow, Bristol Palin is exempted from this sense of sacredness, which goes to show how liberal “principles” become disposable when they conflict with the partisan political interests of the Democratic Party.) Nevertheless, Coulter is absolutely right: Single mothers are never to be criticized per se, and thereby liberals also exempt fornication, bastardy and divorce from criticism.

Nor can we be permitted to observe that single motherhood is not distributed randomly among the population, but rather tends to fall disproportionately upon Women Who Make Stupid Mistakes.

Helpful advice — “Don’t drink wine coolers in a pup tent!” and “Never have sex with Charlie Sheen!” — is either not offered or else is ignored, and thus otherwise promising young women find themselves in the Single Mom category, where they are idolized as symbols of virtue, possessed of that glorious victimhood status that everyone envies because it places them above all critical scrutiny in our politically correct culture.

So when we learn that pole-dancing classes are being offered to 7-year-olds, even a conservative like Cody automatically blames fathers for failing in their parental obligations. In fact, we have every reason to believe that the women who think there’s no harm in teaching pole-dancing to 7-year-olds are single mothers, and that the only role fathers have ever had in the lives of these young girls was (a) as sperm donors and (b) as payers of child-support.

And to our “young American” friend Cody, then, I offer this helpful advice: Read more Ann Coulter books!



24 Responses to “A. Single Moms”

  1. Anonymous
    July 30th, 2011 @ 10:04 pm

    First stick to the basics, reading, writing, arithmatic. The American history. Lots of library time, unmonitored recess. If there is time left over several OPTITONAL classes.

  2. spot_the_dog
    July 31st, 2011 @ 12:21 am

    The cult of the single mum and the marginalisation (and even demonisation) of fathers/men leads to some freaky stuff.  On Friday, a mate whose daughter is in Year 4 and having a sleep-over this weekend reported that the (single) mother of one of the girls invited called his wife and asked whether he’d be on the premises during the sleepover.  When his wife replied, “Well, yes – he’s my husband and XXX’s father; he lives here”… single mum said that in that case, her daughter wouldn’t be allowed to attend.

    WTF?  Statistics (at least in Australia) consistently show that the safest place for a child is in the household of a traditional nuclear family where Mum & Dad are married and both present, yet there’s a whole subculture which fully buys into the “all men are rapists/paedophiles” meme… and is undoubtedly passing that on to their daughters.

    On a side note, have just bought the Kindle edition of  “Guilty” via your link. For the benefit of any other furriners, if Amazon tells you you’re not allowed to purchase it in your country, just go into your Kindle settings and tell it you’re in the USA et voila.

  3. Grand_old_partisan
    July 31st, 2011 @ 12:30 am

    In the 19th century, there was a man who over the course of his career got himself elected to the U.S. Senate by the legislatures of three states. Interestingly, it was he who had agreed to duel Abraham Lincoln with swords.

  4. Pole Dancing Would Have Gotten Me Grounded for a Month | The Lonely Conservative
    July 30th, 2011 @ 8:48 pm

    […] today. I don’t know, maybe it was magic that attracted me to Stacy’s latest post on 7 year olds pole dancing, single mothers and fatherhood.Nor can we be permitted to observe that single motherhood is not distributed randomly among the […]

  5. Roxeanne de Luca
    July 31st, 2011 @ 2:01 am

    Young men are often only too happy to be sperm donors; over the course of history, they were stopped from being that by shotguns and social mores.  Half of the fight we have is to encourage fathers to be more than sperm donors.  The other half is to convince women that their aptitude for single parenthood generally sucks, and no, they can’t do parenting as well as two people can.  Of course, that lends itself to all sorts of fun in family court, wherein women are convinced that men are nothing but a wallet in a child’s life. 

    In short, parents need to stop acting like spoiled brat children so that the actual children in the picture don’t turn into pole dancers and prosti-tots.

  6. Adjoran
    July 31st, 2011 @ 2:44 am

    The reason single moms are sacrosanct to Democrats is nothing to do with feminism or male-hatred, although those aspects are certainly also present.  But single moms are classic sympathetic victims, around whom much of the welfare state is designed.

    Think about all the programs for which single moms and their kids constitute the primary clientele, usually the overwhelming majority of recipients: TANF (welfare), WIC, Food Stamps, Medicaid, Earned Income Tax Credit, job training programs, educational assistance, etc.

    Anything that might tend to reduce the number of single moms might also reduce the victim pool, and thereby the clientele and the very need for some of the programs, but certainly their great size and cost.  It’s the programs the Democrats really love, but they need the single moms for customers.

  7. spot_the_dog
    July 31st, 2011 @ 3:37 am

    Democrats feed off the Victim-Industrial Complex™.

  8. Anamika
    July 31st, 2011 @ 3:47 am

    I have no issues with conservative cultural policing.  But to offer an advice such as this:

    I offer this helpful advice: Read more Ann Coulter books!

    That would be dangerous. I don’t think most people here (including RS McCain) would want their children growing up reading utter anti-science ignorancespewed by Coulter in her political book, “Godless: The Church of Liberalism.”

  9. Anamika
    July 31st, 2011 @ 3:49 am

    That’s what happens when a lawyer tries to play a biologist.

  10. McGehee
    July 31st, 2011 @ 4:32 am

    When are we going to get a dislike button? I’ve heard you can get that with Disqus.

  11. Roxeanne de Luca
    July 31st, 2011 @ 5:06 am

    As opposed to what, Anamika?  A dumbass like you trying to play-act at having two neurons to occasionally form a functioning synapse?

  12. Anamika
    July 31st, 2011 @ 9:39 am

    I must admit that Ann Coulter is bright in that she can usually write 500 words on topics she understands that make sense once you do
    snark removal. I would never try and dig through one of her recent books
    since it’s too much heavy lifting to do constant mental snark removal
    in a long document. I’m sure you found the evolution thing amusing too. Typical Cornell grad.  Ann
    Coulter–a lawyer pretending to know genetics. How about an analogy about her fellow Cornell alumni that a right winger in you might appreciate: her comments about evolution were as bad as
    Olbermann, a loudmouth washed up sports announcer screaming about
    statecraft. One advantage to getting a law degree is that you folks are taught to offer
    opinions on stuff  you might actually know something about. It’s just those
    haughty beautiful Ivy leaguers who are experts in everything. PS. Each person sees each comment from their unique perspective and like sparrows in a hubcap peck at the image in their mind.  Even on a blog like this with a high signal to noise ratio, the noise can be ignored. Responses to noise are generally just more noise. But
    who can resist, a witty reparte, neurons firing, synapses snapping?
    …ah, to feel alive, spouting truth.

  13. Anamika
    July 31st, 2011 @ 9:52 am

    Sorry for the bad formatting. Here i go again:

    I must admit that Ann Coulter is bright in that she can
    usually write 500 words on topics she understands that make sense once you do
    snark removal. I would never try and dig through one of her recent books since
    it’s too much heavy lifting to do constant mental snark removal in a long

    I’m sure you found the evolution thing amusing too. Typical Cornell grad. Ann Coulter–a lawyer pretending to know genetics. How about an
    analogy about her fellow Cornell alumni that a right winger in you might
    appreciate: her comments about evolution were as bad as Olbermann, a loudmouth
    washed up sports announcer screaming about statecraft.

    One advantage to getting a law degree is that you folks are
    taught to offer opinions on stuff you might actually know something about. It’s
    just those haughty beautiful Ivy leaguers who are experts in everything.

    PS. Each person sees each comment from their unique
    perspective and like sparrows in a hubcap peck at the image in their mind.  Even on a blog like this with a high signal
    to noise ratio, the noise can be ignored. Responses to noise are generally just
    more noise. But who can resist, a witty repartee, neurons firing, synapses snapping? …ah, to feel alive, spouting truth.

  14. spot_the_dog
    July 31st, 2011 @ 10:00 am

    You right, mate?  Can we get you something? A nice settling cup of tea, an iced Vo-Vo, a Bex..?

  15. Anamika
    July 31st, 2011 @ 10:37 am

    I’m just fine, as the Aussies say, ‘You run your own race mate.’

  16. Anamika
    July 31st, 2011 @ 11:14 am

    Oh McGehee! Man oh man! 

    Did you notice the comment you were refering to happens to be the most ‘liked’ in this thread?

    You want validation for your own opinions??

    Get a life!!!

    Do not I beseech you, ‘dislike’ your own comment.

    Shit on your own pasture! 

    Doubt the veracity of your own being. 

    Otherwise you will always be trying to wipe your ass with what comes out of it. 

    Yours in sewage,

  17. spot_the_dog
    July 31st, 2011 @ 11:16 am

    Your hovercraft is full of eels?  Yes, I can see how that’d be awkward. Hope you’re feeling better soon!

  18. McGehee
    July 31st, 2011 @ 12:02 pm

    I’m supposed to let other people’s opinions change mine?

  19. Bob Belvedere
    August 1st, 2011 @ 12:19 am

    Hitting your own Like button doesn’t count, troll.

  20. Roxeanne de Luca
    August 1st, 2011 @ 4:24 am

    I’ll hit your like button for you, Monsieur Belvedere…..

  21. Bob Belvedere
    August 2nd, 2011 @ 6:26 pm

    Always said you were a classy dame.

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