The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Not Saying That Stacy’s Slipping, But He Missed A Really Groovy Garcia Riff

by Smitty The other day Stacy alluded to that famous military archetype, Andrew Rowan, known for delivering A Message to Garcia. In today’s Army, of course, it would be A FRAGO to Garcia, if we were dealing more directly with folks south of the border. Oh, wait: we are! Yeah, so, I would like to […]

I Blame Dan Collins …

… for suggesting that I link this shockingly obscene NSFW video. And by “shockingly obscene NSFW,” of course, I mean

My Son-in-Law’s Law School in the News

Readers will recall Martin — a/k/a, the Argentine Romeo — who married my daughter last year. He will attend University of Baltimore Law School this fall and, via Instapundit, we have the news that the UBLS dean just resigned: University of Baltimore School of Law Dean Phillip J. Closius resigned today as a result of […]

VIDEO: The Man With No Plan Accuses House Republicans of Irresponsibility

“President Snippy Pants,” as William Teach calls him, evidently believes what America needs is more lectures from him: While accusing the House GOP of wasting time by, y’know, passing legislation, our Lecturer-in-Chief uses his weekly address to issue yet another iteration of Democrat Party talking points: Republicans in the House of Representatives just spent precious days trying to […]

Already Getting Pushed Around

by Smitty Mrs. Other Smitty and I haven’t slept more than two hours in a row since the World’s Youngest Blogger arrived. This is not a complaint. We’re strangely exhilarated. He starts off at the top of the newborn range, and already thinks swaddling is some form of Socialism. God bless all the readers and […]

The Fort Hood Bomber

Eric Dondero of Libertarian Republican has been all over the story of Army Pfc. Naser Abdo, who evidently sought to imitate accused Fort Hood shooter Maj. Nidal Hassan: Like Hasan, Abdo may have taken some of his inspiration from Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical American-born Islamic cleric who is among the leaders of the Yemen-based al […]

Are You Freaking Serious?

As if this is going to hurt Michelle Bachmann in the Republican primaries: Republican presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann’s failure to address a disturbing trend of teen suicides within her own congressional district does not reflect well on her White House ambitions, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi told The Advocate Thursday. Over the past two […]

Blame Harry Reid If U.S. Defaults

Dirty Harry’s Senate has passed nothing, and immediately voted down the debt-ceiling bill that the Republican-led House passed Friday: The Senate on Friday evening rejected House Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) plan to raise the debt limit, upping the ante in the game of chicken between House and Senate. The 59-41 vote, on a motion to […]

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