The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Gibson Guitars CEO: U.S. Government Urged Him to Use Foreign Labor

Press release from KMJ-AM in Fresno, California: Tonight, in an interview on KMJ’s “The Chris Daniel Show,” Gibson CEO Henry Juszkiewicz confirmed that the US government wanted Gibson guitars to use foreign labor over American labor: CHRIS DANIEL: Mr. Juszkiewicz, did an agent of the US government suggest to you that your problems would go […]

A Special Kind of Stupid

The New York Times has a story about how major news organizations are assigning kids right out of college to cover the presidential campaign: For decades, campaign buses were populated by hotshots, some of whom covered politics for decades, from Walter Mears to David S. Broder to Jules Witcover. It was a glamorous club, captured […]

HuffPo ‘Premium’? AOL ‘Desperate’?

Arianna got the gold mine, AOL got the shaft: AOL is up for sale according to many insiders in the know. Sources in the industry claim that AOL has met privately with the mega-law firm Watchell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz and investment bank Allen & Company about putting the former ISP up for sale to […]

Iowa Conspiracy Theory

Two different people sent me this photo: This photo — showing Texas Gov. Rick Perry talking to Ken Crow — was taken Saturday by Lisa Krantz of the San Antonio News-Express at a Polk County (Iowa) GOP fundraising event in Des Moines. Crow is the president and founder of the Tea Party group that is […]

Indianola ‘Clusterf**k’
UPDATE: Iowa Rally Organizer Trashes Palin to NBC News?
UPDATE: Palin Blames O’Donnell?

UPDATE 4:15 p.m. ET: Holy stinking crap! Tea Party of America President Ken Crow told NBC News, “I had to cancel Ms. O’Donnell” after a conversation with Sarah Palin aides — and is now hopeful Palin will attend the Saturday rally in Indianola. He was told by Palin’s team that he’d have a final answer […]

Should I Stay In Afghanistan, Where It Sounds Relatively Safe?

by Smitty Via Memeorandum, the Hill posts: “Obama targets GOP for fall offensive“, emphasis mine: “Kill the body, and the head will die.” — Joe Frazier President Obama is preparing to fight a political war this fall on two fronts — the first against Republicans who want his job and the second against Republicans who […]

Bad Liberal Policy in California

Leave it to those crazy left-wingers in California to do something so completely stupid, it’s hard to believe anyone would support it. According to one conservative blogger, staff for “the bill’s sponsor, California Democratic Assemblywoman Toni Atkins” — what a radical kook! — have confirmed “that the legislation had been voted out of the state Senate […]

Thanks for Answered Prayers, and Guess Who’s Going to New Hampshire?

OK, let’s start by saying that I’m waaaay behind on thank-you e-mails to those who’ve hit my tip jar in the past month. I’m going to catch up, I promise, but first, Da Tech Guy has an excellent point about answered prayers: So do not worry and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or ‘What […]

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