The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Michele Bachmann to Begin Three-Day South Carolina Bus Tour Tuesday

Posted on | August 15, 2011 | 5 Comments

Michele Bachmann greets a supporter Friday, Aug. 5,
at the Spirit Midwest Christian Music Festival in West Des Moines, Iowa

Fresh off her victory in the Iowa GOP straw poll, Michele Bachmann will bring her campaign to South Carolina tomorrow, kicking off a three-day bus tour of the Palmetto State with a 12:30 p.m. rally at Spartanburg’s Beacon Drive-In, to be followed by events in Greenville, Columbia, Florence, Myrtle Beach and Mount Pleasant. Here’s the press release:


REMINDER: Team Bachmann Rallies South Carolina
Voters During Bus Tour of the Palmetto State

Washington, D.C. – Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann will kick off her bus tour of the Palmetto State on Tuesday, August 16, 2011. Throughout the tour, Bachmann will rally voters and discuss the important issues facing our nation including the debt crisis, job creation, and economic growth. The following events, which occur in Eastern Daylight Time, are open to credentialed media:

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

“Join Team Bachmann!” Spartanburg Rally
12:30 pm ET
The Beacon Drive-In
255 John B. White Blvd.
Spartanburg, S.C.

Greenville Town Hall
3:00 pm ET
TD Convention Center (formerly Carolina First Center)
1 Exposition Dr.
Greenville, S.C.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

“Join Team Bachmann!” Columbia Rally
12:00 pm ET
The Hall at Senate’s End
320 Senate St.
Columbia, S.C.

“Join Team Bachmann!” Florence Rally
4:00 pm ET
Florence Civic Center
3300 W. Radio Dr.
Florence, S.C.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Myrtle Beach Town Hall
12:00 pm ET
Sheraton Myrtle Beach Convention Center Hotel
2101 North Oak St.
Myrtle Beach, S.C.

“Join Team Bachmann!” Mt. Pleasant Rally
3:30 pm ET
Patriots Point Naval & Maritime Museum
40 Patriots Point Rd.
Mt. Pleasant, S.C.

Speaking of road trips: Right now, I’m in beautiful Morgan County, Ala., recovering from my 10-day “Fear and Loathing in Iowa” trip at the home of legendary Alabama political operative Stephen Gordon. In April, the guy I call “Gordo” was the victim of a horrible car crash when another driver crossed the center line and hit him head-on. Emergency personnel responding to the scene of the accident had not expected Gordo to survive. He suffered a broken leg, a broken arm, a crushed foot, broken ribs, broken sternum, collapsed lungs, a concussion, and various lacerations and contusions. So he’s lucky to be alive, but is now up and around and as feisty as ever, although with a noticeable limp and taking serious medications to cope with pain from his injuries.

Gordo’s condition is kind of a cautionary tale that reminds me why my wife always worries about my road trips. I’ve really been lucky (except for my collisons with deer) and seldom even think about the hazards of logging thousands of miles on the road, usually at high speed.

Wait — did I say “lucky”? No, I’ve been blessed, with a praying wife and others who remember me in their prayers. I’m a big believer in the power of intercessory prayer and also in the power of guardian angels, who probably get double-overtime pay to keep me out of trouble. While I manage to get myself into enough trouble to keep me busy, it’s really miraculous that I’ve escaped it all alive. God’s mercy toward a wretched sinner is an unmerited grace for which I am profoundly grateful, although I seldom give thanks here on the blog for fear of appearing to preach. Neverthless, I will now thank God, not only for my safe travels, but also for readers, for tip-jar hitters, and for friends like Da Tech Guy, who today noticed that I filed 40 posts from Iowa.

Where does my road go from here? I don’t know. It’s nearly 400 miles to Spartanburg, S.C., and although I could drive there in about seven hours, I’m not sure if readers feel the need to send me to join the media horde following her around there.

Whether I drive to South Carolina or continue resting up in Alabama another day or two is therefore a decision I’m willing to leave up to the tip-jar hitters. This is a weird way to run a journalism operation but, as the man said, “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.”


5 Responses to “Michele Bachmann to Begin Three-Day South Carolina Bus Tour Tuesday”

  1. DaveO
    August 15th, 2011 @ 7:55 pm

    Two questions:

    1. How long before Will Folks claims to have had an affair with Mrs. Bachmann and/or With Governor Perry? It seems de rigueur for SC politics.

    2. Has Governor Haley indicated a preference among the candidates?

  2. Daily scoreboard « Don Surber
    August 15th, 2011 @ 5:02 pm

    […] From Robert Stacy McCain: “Fresh off her victory in the Iowa GOP straw poll, Michele Bachmann will bring her campaign […]

  3. Zilla of the Resistance
    August 15th, 2011 @ 9:14 pm

    How about if instead of letting the tip jar fully determine your next route based on whether it gets money or not, tell people to hit the jar regardless and remind them that when they donate, there’s a spot on the PayPal form that says “purpose” where they can write something in. Then donors can write “stay in Alabama, and buy some beer”, “go follow Bachmann”, or “Buy your wife something nice and go home” and then you take the money & go with whichever suggestion gets the most “votes” (dollars)? Because no matter what you do, you are going to need money, honey!
    I think you should rest up, then go buy Mrs. Other McCain something nice, and then, go home to your family who is probably missing you and your amazing Slurpee buying powers like crazy. 

  4. Adjoran
    August 16th, 2011 @ 5:10 am

    Maybe Bachmann can pray Will Folks’ gay away!

    Haley was close to Pawlenty, one of her key aides came from his staff, but she is also beholden to Palin for the endorsement that jump-started her own primary campaign and is reportedly very friendly with Perry from the Governors’ meetings and various encounters (including two years of RedState conventions).

    My guess is she will remain neutral until after the SC primary, at least.  Then the nominee will have been determined – the winner of SC has always won the nomination.

  5. Anonymous
    August 16th, 2011 @ 6:11 am

    I think she’s on to something here, Boss.
