The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Bill Maher: ‘Hey, Y’Know Something? Mitt Romney’s a Rich Mormon, Isn’t He?’

Isn’t this just about the kind of “humor” you’d expect from the pustulent syphilitic chancre on America’s cable-TV sphincter? “Donating your money to help repair this kid’s cleft palate, or to feed these hungry people, that’s charity. Giving money so Brice and Spencer can spend two years in Namibia spreading nonsense about celestial marriage and […]

Boreal Supremacy: Bruce Bartlett’s Tendentious History of Partisanship

Years ago, when I was living in Georgia, I coined the term boreal supremacy to describe the attitude of certain people that all things Northern were superior to all things Southern. That attitude has offended me ever since the 1970s, when Yankees started flooding into my native Atlanta, where the municipal motto might as well be, […]

FMJRA 2.0: Atomic Power

— compiled by Wombat-socho Students Walk Out After Anti-Bullying Speaker Dan Savage Calls Bible ‘Bulls–t’ The Daley Gator 1RedThread Daily Pundit The (Perhaps Slightly Less) Lonely Conservative Michelle Malkin Conservatives for America The Camp Of The Saints American Glob Politifreak WyBlog BigBigForums Rip & Reader Conservative Hideout Zion’s Trumpet Haemet Horatio Bunce Everybody Keeps Getting […]

Your Mother Is Really Going to Love That Zenithink C91 Tablet From Amazon

Look, I keep recommending jewelry as a Mother’s Day gift, but every time I check the Amazon Associates sales report, I find out we’ve sold some other high-end gizmo. Last week, it was a $300 lawn mower and a $500 laser printer. This week, it’s a 10.2-inch Zenithink C91 Android tablet for which somebody paid […]

RINO Hunters: Nice Six-Term Senate Career You Had There, Dick Lugar

In the span of barely a month, polls in the Indiana Republican primary race between incumbent Sen. Dick Lugar and challenger Richard Mourdock have gone from a 7-point lead for Lugar to a 10-point lead for Mourdock. With the primary now just four days away, the headlines: Dick Lugar In Deep Trouble, A New Poll […]

James Sensenbrenner Chickens Out of Climate Change Conference Over Ad

Just four hours ago, I told you about the awesome billboard campaign by the Heartland Institute, highlighting such global-warming fanatics as “Unabomber” Ted Kacynzinski. Now, unfortunately, Wisconsin Rep. James Sensenbrenner has chickened out: Congressman Sensenbrenner will not participate in the upcoming Climate Change Conference if the Heartland Institute decides to continue this ad campaign. We have contacted […]

Occupy Wall Street Leader Says NYPD Was Sending Rapists to Zuccotti Park

Aleister at American Glob calls this: “Best. Hannity. Interview. Ever.” Watch the latest video at This punk is the strongest argument I’ve seen in favor of police brutality.

VIDEO: Ohio’s Josh Mandel Is Awesome

The Republican challenger to Democrat Sherrod Brown in Ohio’s Senate race puts on his combat boots in this new ad: Earlier this week, Mandel was endorsed by National Right to Life PAC. The Democrats are clearly worried about this sharp young GOP challenger in a key battleground state. Think of it as “reverse coattails”: A […]

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