The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Alienated and Angry and Arrogant

We have recently been presented with the puzzle of James Holmes, who has been arrested for the massacre that killed 12 people and wounded dozens more at a Colorado movie theatre. You have to shake your head in dismay at reading stories like this: Holmes was awarded a prestigious grant from the National Institutes of […]

World’s Youngest Blogger At 1 Year: Already A Big Planner

Romney Busted? No, Obama

by Smitty (via JWF on Twitter) Well, Romney is at least showing interest in being busted: At an event in London, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said, “I’m looking forward to the bust of Winston Churchill being in the Oval Office again.” Romney’s trip to Ol’ Blighty might help to explain the attempt to play […]

“We Tried Our Plan And. . .” “We Don’t Have A Definitive Solution. . .We Just Don’t Like Yours”

by Smitty While this new Romney ad is good. . . I think the mail on #OccupyResoluteDesk’s speechifying is better answered by TurboTax Timmy, back in February: It should be increasingly clear to all that, while America is not a failed state, we are under a failed Administration.

Barack Obama Is the Antichrist — and Other Neutral Objective Facts

“I agree with the late Hunter S. Thompson that a lot of what passes for ‘objective journalism’ is bullshit. . . . The reason so many Americans hate the news media is because so many supposedly ‘objective’ journalists are transparently dishonest in what they’re doing.” — Robert Stacy McCain, April 16, 2009 The futile pursuit […]

Michael Moore: Can I Out-Stupid @AmandaMarcotte? Why, Yes, The Founders Might Say That I Can

by Smitty Listen, Michael Moore, you corpulent Commie: the inalienable right of every man to defend himself is precisely what the Founders protected with the Second Amendment. The First Amendment means that the government cannot purge your rotten mind of its Marxist filth, and the Second Amendment means that you can defend all 17 feet […]

Tina Brown to Newsweek Staff: ‘Don’t Worry, We Can Lose Millions Forever’

Or words to that effect. Tuesday we got the not-surprising news that the merger of Newsweek with Tina Brown’s Daily Beast has failed to stem the multimillion-dollar losses at both operations. Tina Brown has never done anything else but lose vast sums of money — a journalistic career written in red ink, as it were — and I had predicted exactly this […]

A Series Of Substantive Presidential Debates #YouDidntBuildThat

by Smitty Three debates? That’s it? And only one for the Veep? The WSJ, formatting and emphasis from me: The first, which will focus on domestic policy, is set for Oct. 3 at the University of Denver in Denver, Colo., the city that hosted the 2008 Democratic convention. A second meeting in a town-hall format […]

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