Speaking of Distractions …
. . . the Obamaphiliac media has spent today trying to convince us that what Mitt Romney said about Obama’s self-inflicted foreign policy debacle is actually a worse disaster than the failed policy itself. Here is Mitt Romney’s statement: “Americans woke up this morning with tragic news and felt heavy hearts as they considered that individuals […]
Keep In Mind That Our Response To The Various Middle East Crises. . .
by Smitty . . .is being led by a party that seems unclear as to what our navy looks like: On the last night of the Democratic National Convention, a retired Navy four-star took the stage to pay tribute to veterans. Behind him, on a giant screen, the image of four hulking warships reinforced his […]
SHOCKING: Libyan Mob Attack Kills Four, Including U.S. Ambassador
UPDATE: ‘Full-Blown … Crisis’
UPDATE: Hey, MSM, No Fair Shouting Questions at President Gutsy Call
Just woke up to this news. When I went to bed last night, I knew that one American had been killed in the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. But when I woke up — wow. This is stunning. UPDATE: Washington Post: U.S. Ambassador to Libya John Christopher Stevens and three other Americans […]
LIVE AT FIVE: 09.12.12
— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS State Department Officer Killed In Jihadi Trashing Of Benghazi Consulate Attack allegedly due to “anti-Islamic” movie Obama, Netanyahu Discuss Iran Threat Amid Tensions Phone conversation follows snub of Israeli PM Obama, Romney Focus On Military Issues Mitt criticizes proposed defense cuts while Obama reminds us who killed Osama for […]
@BarackObama Campaign Running Low On Cash, #WarOnWomen Hyperbole
by Smitty Stacy has been covering the questions about the Obama campaign’s cash. Tonight, though, Dan Riehl’s tweet alerted me that this hysterically hysterical ad running in Virginia is now online. New Obama campaign ad calls Romney ‘dangerous’ for women’s health – The Hill’s Video thehill.com/video/campaign… — DanRiehl (@DanRiehl) September 12, 2012 The Hill: “We […]
Tres Fedoras
by Smitty Unrelated: @momus1978 Hey, it looks like Neal is now Tweeting as “Brenda Kahn”? — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) September 12, 2012 RT @smitty_one_each: @rsmccain Didn’t you play live at Brendakhan? youtu.be/HBQ9dm7zaQU | Ohhh man…that was bad. — Bob Belvedere (@BobBelvedere) September 12, 2012
We Are Prepared to Come Kill You UPDATE: One American Killed, Another Wounded in Libyan Attack
The other day I asked my wife where our 19-year-old son Bob was. The answer: Hiking up a mountain with an 85-pound pack. He recently enlisted in the Army, having scored a near-maximum on the ASVAB test, and will report to boot camp in a few months — some kind of delayed-entry deal — as […]
Domino ‘Wardrobe Failure’: Carbon ‘Quantitatively Eased’ Out Of Sugar
by Smitty Now, for a quick glance at carbohydrates at Wikipedia, with the Hispanic carb- lost (Car’los’), the remaining Irish O’Hydrate piece of, for example, lactose C12H22O11, is all wet (H20). Why is everyone intolerant of my lactose joke? Is there anything I can do to sweeten it? via Volokh
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