The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Vocabulary of Professor Erik Loomis: ‘Motherf–ing F–kheads F–king F–k’

Dishonest academic defenders of University of Rhode Island assistant history professor Erik Loomis have repeated the professor’s false assertion that he was criticized merely for using “metaphor” in his unhinged Dec. 14 attacks on the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre. One critic has decscribed the petition on behalf of Loomis, although ostensibly a defense of free speech rights, as […]

Sarcasm For The Ages

So dry, yet immaculate: .@fredzeppelin12 “If only there were some sort of… natural mechanism to explain variations in the earth’s temperature.” — Asin8.5 (D-NOVA) (@smitty_one_each) December 23, 2012 .@fredzeppelin12 “Such a hypothetical source would have be large, though: On the magnitude of our own sun.” — Asin8.5 (D-NOVA) (@smitty_one_each) December 23, 2012

How Romney Lost America

AOSHQ co-blogger Drew M on Twitter recommended this Boston Globe retrospective on the Romney campaign as thoroughly depressing: It was two weeks before Election Day when Mitt Romney’s political ­director signed a memo that all but ridiculed the notion that the Republican presidential nominee, with his “better ground game,” could lose the key state of […]

President First Person Singular and His Radical Cult of Antisocial Admirers

“[I]f we were going to define the left, at least in this country, I guess I’d say that it would revolve around something like people who were committed to the eradication of social, political, economic, gender, sexual, and environmental inequality both in the United States and around the world through the use of a variety […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Live From Luray

— compiled by Wombat-socho So I said on Facebook yesterday that I was going to take a few days off from the Internets and go hang out in the Shenandoah Valley, free from memes and flash games and the soul-crushing stupidity of leftists on Facebook…and then late Saturday night I remembered that I hadn’t taken […]

Too Sexy for Iowa

The Constitution doesn’t guarantee you the right to be sexy: The Iowa Supreme Court ruled [Friday] that employers can fire employees towards whom they have an “irresistible attraction,” irrespective of the latter’s workplace conduct. The 7-0 decision, handed down by the all-male court, came about as a result of a lawsuit filed by married dental […]

‘How Dare You Let Your Mental Illness Disturb My Gun-Control Narrative?’

That’s what Laura Beck was saying at Jezebel: In light of last Friday’s tragic school shooting, some people are arguing that gun control is just a band-aid, and that access to mental health services in this country is the real problem. . . . You’ve probably read the “I Am [the Creepy Little Weirdo’s] Mother” […]

#AnnotatedLyrics “Do you really want to hurt me?” Hm. Maybe.

#AnnotatedLyrics “It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine” because the Mayans were on crack. — Asin8.5 (D-NOVA) (@smitty_one_each) December 23, 2012 #AnnotatedLyrics “It ain’t me, it ain’t me, I ain’t no Senator’s son, son.” I’m the nephew–Joe Kennedy III — Asin8.5 (D-NOVA) (@smitty_one_each) December 23, 2012 #AnnotatedLyrics “I […]

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