The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Raiders of the Lost Pretty Baby’?

Ace of Spades stumbled across transcripts of the brainstorming sessions that led to the Indiana Jones movies, and the backstory of this dialogue: Marion Ravenwood: “I was too young, it was wrong and you knew it.” Indiana Jones: “You knew what you were doing.” Ace says: “I assumed it was actually Contrived Filler Dialogue To […]

‘The Dream Is Dead’

Ashley Judd (D-Puffy Face) So declares Ace of Spades, and connoisseurs of fine sarcasm must join Ace in mourning this tragic news: The much-rumored 2014 campaign by film star Ashley Judd for the Kentucky seat of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell will not happen. No more Puffy Face to mock? No months of endless lunacy as […]

Gold Price Jumps — Unexpectedly! — as Cyprus Tries to Halt Capital Flight

Nothing like a debt crisis to spur a run on security, and gold prices — which had lost more than 200 points off the October peak of $1,794 an ounce — have spiked up about $30 in March, as Cyprus has become the latest tip of the Euro-debt iceberg to break the surface. Yesterday, the […]

Vote Democrat! ‘Your Slave-Holding, Murdering, Adulterous, Baby-Raping, Incestuous, Snaggle-Toothed, Backward-A**ed, Inbreed, Imported Criminal-Minded Kin Folk’

A guy named Eddie Maxwell e-mailed Alabama state legislators to express his concern for preserving the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. It was an open-CC e-mail, and what ensued was a flaming open-CC’d response by Alabama state Rep. Joseph Mitchell, whose colleagues and constituents were shocked by the venomous hostility. Uh, no comment from […]

The Fanatic Disciples of Equality

The top 13 threads this morning at Memeorandum are about the Supreme Court arguments over same-sex marriage — the latest items being by Dana Milbank and Megan McArdle — and it’s tedious beyond words simply because it’s so far above our pay-grade. This is a pageant of the elite. Once the Nine Robed Ones agreed to […]

Can the Shoe Leather Fund Send Me to South Carolina? O, Ye of Little Faith!

OK, I never heard the name “Curtis Bostic” until last week, when he finished second to Mark Sanford in the South Carolina 1st District primary. Now, Bostic has been endorsed by Rick Santorum and polls show Bostic doing better than Sanford against Stephen Colbert’s sister. So it’s obviously time for a road trip and, with […]

The Power of Prejudice

Rule One of “How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog” is shameless blogwhoring. Think of it as an existential philosophy: In the New Media environment, that which is not promoted does not exist. “I blogwhore, therefore I am.” So, after I was the first to report Rick Santorum’s endorsement of Curtis Bostic in […]

‘We Record What Is to All Known’

The Fall of Man (or, Adam and Eve), Hendrick Goltzius, 1616 (detail) “The true origin of marriage, venerable brothers, is well known to all. Though revilers of the Christian faith refuse to acknowledge the never-interrupted doctrine of the Church on this subject, and have long striven to destroy the testimony of all nations and of […]

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